Resolution: Done
Download counts
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Estimate: ~6 weeks (pending follow up convos)
- Collections
- Set collection download setting to track count of collection downloads
- Expose collection download count in api and UI to now be user-facing
- Legacy Roles
- Replicate simple download count in api and UI
- Update pre-switchover sync from g.a.c to beta-g.a.c to include current legacy role download counts
open questions (need to look at code to see existing API bits and what we could expose and then do with UI):
- The right way to sync collection download counts from v2 to v3
- The other is how we expose the download collection counts when it comes to repos
Acceptance Criteria:
- When browsing through beta UI to specific content (collection or legacy role), able to see how many times it's been downloaded
- it matches what was synced from legacy galaxy
- downloading again increments the count
- verify number hasn't been zeroed out between 2 systems
- split to
AAH-1898 galaxy.ansible.com support Ansible Analytics collecting metrics
- Closed