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  1. Automation Analytics
  2. AA-1844

[Testing] HUB - Evaluate feasibility of test automation


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • aa-latest
    • aa-latest
    • QE
    • None
    • True
    • Hide

      Waiting for the team to include post-installation steps to yolo


      So we can include the tests in the pipeline

      Waiting for the team to include post-installation steps to yolo   So we can include the tests in the pipeline
    • False
    • ANSTRAT-137 - Insights reports for Partners (metric collection)

      After creating tests for checking the data format exported by hub and the data received in S3 we will need to evaluate if it's possible to include those tests into an automated pipeline.

            rhn-support-orhochma Or Hochmann
            rhn-support-isena Ingrid Sena
            Ingrid Sena
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