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  1. Undertow
  2. UNDERTOW-2130

Classes with annotation RunWith are triggered as TestCase.


      Classes ForceDrainServlet, EarlyCloseServlet and EarlyCloseClientServlet have annotation @RunWith. This annotation cause surefire engine take those classes as TestCase and expecting some test method. After the PR#1344 where is changed default value of failIfNoTests to true and this cause fail of the build because that classes don't have a test method.

      The problem only happens when those classes are directly invoked like in the reproducing steps. Doing mvn clean test or mvn clean install no issue is reported because the surefire plugin only includes classes with Test , Tests or TestCase patterns . QA team is running the tests using -Dtest=!WebSocketClient13TestCase and therefore those Servlets are tried as tests.

      That annotation seems to be an oversight on those Servlets so better get rid of them.

            rhn-support-rmartinc Ricardo Martin Camarero
            rhn-support-kstekovi Krystof Stekovic
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