No /tmp/secret/api.login present. This is not an HCP or ROSA cluster. Continue using $KUBECONFIG env path. Cloning into '/tmp/otel-tests'... Switched to a new branch 'rhosdt-3-4-downstream' branch 'rhosdt-3-4-downstream' set up to track 'origin/rhosdt-3-4-downstream'. Warning: resource configmaps/cluster-monitoring-config is missing the annotation which is required by oc apply. oc apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either oc create --save-config or oc apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically. configmap/cluster-monitoring-config configured node/ labeled node/ labeled node/ labeled Version: 0.2.12 No configuration provided but found default file: .chainsaw.yaml Loading config (.chainsaw.yaml)... - Using test file: chainsaw-test - TestDirs [tests/e2e tests/e2e-autoscale tests/e2e-openshift tests/e2e-prometheuscr tests/e2e-instrumentation tests/e2e-pdb tests/e2e-otel tests/e2e-multi-instrumentation tests/e2e-targetallocator] - SkipDelete false - FailFast false - ReportFormat 'XML' - ReportName 'junit_otel_e2e' - ReportPath '/logs/artifacts' - Namespace '' - FullName false - IncludeTestRegex '' - ExcludeTestRegex '' - ApplyTimeout 15s - AssertTimeout 6m0s - CleanupTimeout 5m0s - DeleteTimeout 5m0s - ErrorTimeout 5m0s - ExecTimeout 15s - DeletionPropagationPolicy Background - Parallel 4 - Template true - NoCluster false - PauseOnFailure false Loading tests... - autoscale (tests/e2e-autoscale/autoscale) - instrumentation-apache-httpd (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-apache-httpd) - instrumentation-apache-multicontainer (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer) - instrumentation-dotnet (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-dotnet) - instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer) - instrumentation-dotnet-musl (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-dotnet-musl) - instrumentation-go (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-go) - instrumentation-java (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-java) - instrumentation-java-multicontainer (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-java-multicontainer) - instrumentation-java-other-ns (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-java-other-ns) - instrumentation-java-tls (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-java-tls) - instrumentation-nginx (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-nginx) - instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx) - instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer) - instrumentation-nodejs (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-nodejs) - instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer) - instrumentation-nodejs-volume (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-nodejs-volume) - instrumentation-python (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-python) - instrumentation-python-multicontainer (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-python-multicontainer) - instrumentation-python-musl (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-python-musl) - instrumentation-sdk (tests/e2e-instrumentation/instrumentation-sdk) - instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go (tests/e2e-multi-instrumentation/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go) - instrumentation-multi-no-containers (tests/e2e-multi-instrumentation/instrumentation-multi-no-containers) - instrumentation-single-instr-first-container (tests/e2e-multi-instrumentation/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container) - kafka (tests/e2e-openshift/kafka) - monitoring (tests/e2e-openshift/monitoring) - multi-cluster (tests/e2e-openshift/multi-cluster) - must-gather (tests/e2e-openshift/must-gather) - otlp-metrics-traces (tests/e2e-openshift/otlp-metrics-traces) - route (tests/e2e-openshift/route) - scrape-in-cluster-monitoring (tests/e2e-openshift/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring) - pdb (tests/e2e-pdb/pdb) - target-allocator (tests/e2e-pdb/target-allocator) - create-pm-prometheus-exporters (tests/e2e-prometheuscr/create-pm-prometheus-exporters) - create-sm-prometheus-exporters (tests/e2e-prometheuscr/create-sm-prometheus-exporters) - targetallocator-kubernetessd (tests/e2e-targetallocator/targetallocator-kubernetessd) - targetallocator-prometheuscr (tests/e2e-targetallocator/targetallocator-prometheuscr) - additional-containers-collector (tests/e2e/additional-containers-collector) - affinity-collector (tests/e2e/affinity-collector) - annotation-change-collector (tests/e2e/annotation-change-collector) - args-collector (tests/e2e/args-collector) - daemonset-features (tests/e2e/daemonset-features) - env-vars (tests/e2e/env-vars) - ingress (tests/e2e/ingress) - ingress-subdomains (tests/e2e/ingress-subdomains) - label-change-collector (tests/e2e/label-change-collector) - managed-reconcile (tests/e2e/managed-reconcile) - multiple-configmaps (tests/e2e/multiple-configmaps) - node-selector-collector (tests/e2e/node-selector-collector) - operator-restart (tests/e2e/operator-restart) - prometheus-config-validation (tests/e2e/prometheus-config-validation) - smoke-daemonset (tests/e2e/smoke-daemonset) - smoke-pod-dns-config (tests/e2e/smoke-dns-config) - smoke-init-containers (tests/e2e/smoke-init-containers) - smoke-pod-annotations (tests/e2e/smoke-pod-annotations) - smoke-pod-labels (tests/e2e/smoke-pod-labels) - smoke-ports (tests/e2e/smoke-ports) - smoke-restarting-deployment (tests/e2e/smoke-restarting-deployment) - smoke-shareprocessnamespace (tests/e2e/smoke-shareprocessnamespace) - smoke-sidecar (tests/e2e/smoke-sidecar) - smoke-sidecar-other-namespace (tests/e2e/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace) - smoke-simplest (tests/e2e/smoke-simplest) - smoke-simplest-v1beta1 (tests/e2e/smoke-simplest-v1beta1) - smoke-statefulset (tests/e2e/smoke-statefulset) - smoke-targetallocator (tests/e2e/smoke-targetallocator) - statefulset-features (tests/e2e/statefulset-features) - env-vars (tests/e2e/use-labels-for-resource-attributes) - versioned-configmaps (tests/e2e/versioned-configmaps) - persistent-volume-claim-label (tests/e2e/volume-claim-label) Loading values... Running tests... === RUN chainsaw === PAUSE chainsaw === CONT chainsaw === RUN chainsaw/autoscale === PAUSE chainsaw/autoscale === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-httpd === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-httpd === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-musl === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-musl === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-go === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-go === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-java === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-java === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-python === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-python === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-python-multicontainer === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-python-multicontainer === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-python-musl === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-python-musl === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-sdk === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-sdk === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers === RUN chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container === PAUSE chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container === RUN chainsaw/kafka === PAUSE chainsaw/kafka === RUN chainsaw/monitoring l.go:52: | 06:59:50 | monitoring | @chainsaw  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug l.go:52: | 06:59:50 | monitoring | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 06:59:50 | monitoring | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ openshift-monitoring/cluster-monitoring-config l.go:52: | 06:59:50 | monitoring | step-00  | PATCH | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ openshift-monitoring/cluster-monitoring-config l.go:52: | 06:59:50 | monitoring | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ openshift-monitoring/cluster-monitoring-config l.go:52: | 06:59:50 | monitoring | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-operator l.go:52: | 06:59:53 | monitoring | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-operator l.go:52: | 06:59:53 | monitoring | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-user-workload l.go:52: | 06:59:55 | monitoring | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-user-workload l.go:52: | 06:59:55 | monitoring | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/thanos-ruler-user-workload l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/thanos-ruler-user-workload l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/oc get pods -A -l control-plane=controller-manager -l -o jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.namespace} l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT openshift-opentelemetry-operator l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/oc label namespace openshift-opentelemetry-operator l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/openshift-opentelemetry-operator not labeled l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | Enable OpenShift platform monitoring on the OpenTelemetry operator namespace | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 06:59:56 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:00:02 | monitoring | step-03  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-03  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT No metric 'otelcol_process_uptime' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'otelcol_process_uptime' with value present. Retrying... Metric 'otelcol_process_uptime' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_runtime_total_sys_memory_bytes' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_memory_rss' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_exporter_sent_spans' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_cpu_seconds' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_memory_rss' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_runtime_heap_alloc_bytes' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_runtime_total_alloc_bytes' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_runtime_total_sys_memory_bytes' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_process_uptime' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_receiver_accepted_spans' with value is present. Metric 'otelcol_receiver_refused_spans' with value is present. No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... No metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value present. Retrying... Metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value is present. Metric 'controller_runtime_reconcile_total{controller="opentelemetrycollector",result="success"}' with value is present. Metric 'workqueue_work_duration_seconds_count{controller="opentelemetrycollector",name="opentelemetrycollector"}' with value is present. === STDERR % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 134 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 133 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 23 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 23 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 12 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 12 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 8 0:00:03 0:00:03 --:--:-- 8 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 6 0:00:04 0:00:04 --:--:-- 6 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 5 0:00:05 0:00:05 --:--:-- 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 4 0:00:07 0:00:06 0:00:01 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 3 0:00:09 0:00:07 0:00:02 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 3 0:00:09 0:00:08 0:00:01 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 3 0:00:09 0:00:09 --:--:-- 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 2 0:00:14 0:00:10 0:00:04 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 2 0:00:14 0:00:11 0:00:03 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 2 0:00:14 0:00:12 0:00:02 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 2 0:00:14 0:00:13 0:00:01 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 1 0:00:28 0:00:14 0:00:14 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 1 0:00:28 0:00:15 0:00:13 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 1 0:00:28 0:00:16 0:00:12 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 1 0:00:28 0:00:17 0:00:11 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 1 0:00:28 0:00:18 0:00:10 0 100 28 0 0 100 28 0 1 0:00:28 0:00:19 0:00:09 0 100 2531 0 2503 100 28 124 1 0:00:28 0:00:20 0:00:08 516 parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 7 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 105 100 77 100 28 1302 473 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1779 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 645 100 617 100 28 11522 522 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12169 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 689 100 637 100 52 12161 992 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13250 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 649 100 617 100 32 9933 515 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10467 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 664 100 631 100 33 12745 666 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13551 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 647 100 614 100 33 11511 618 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12207 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 649 100 617 100 32 11939 619 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12725 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 677 100 631 100 46 11307 824 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12309 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 679 100 632 100 47 12306 915 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13313 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 689 100 637 100 52 13609 1110 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 14978 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 645 100 617 100 28 11650 528 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12403 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 690 100 653 100 37 13467 763 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 14375 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 687 100 651 100 36 12990 718 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13740 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1683 2186 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3933 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1594 2070 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3687 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1523 1978 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1568 2036 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3612 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1582 2055 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3687 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1470 1909 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3403 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1526 1981 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1424 1849 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3339 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1527 1983 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1464 1902 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3403 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1580 2052 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3687 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 177 100 77 100 100 1501 1949 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3403 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 1156 0 1056 100 100 19229 1820 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 21407 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 1180 0 1068 100 112 21371 2241 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24081 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 1228 0 1100 100 128 21230 2470 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24078 l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-03  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector2 l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector2 l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector2 l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector2-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector2-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:35 | monitoring | step-04  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-04  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector2 l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-04  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-03  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-monitoring-metrics-api l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-03  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-02  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:36 | monitoring | @chainsaw  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-stunning-stinkbug l.go:52: | 07:01:42 | monitoring | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | END | === RUN chainsaw/multi-cluster === PAUSE chainsaw/multi-cluster === RUN chainsaw/must-gather === PAUSE chainsaw/must-gather === RUN chainsaw/otlp-metrics-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:43 | otlp-metrics-traces | @chainsaw  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics l.go:52: | 07:01:43 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:43 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:01:43 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:01:43 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:01:43 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ openshift-monitoring/cluster-monitoring-config l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | PATCH | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ openshift-monitoring/cluster-monitoring-config l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ openshift-monitoring/cluster-monitoring-config l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-operator l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-operator l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-user-workload l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/prometheus-user-workload l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/thanos-ruler-user-workload l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ openshift-user-workload-monitoring/thanos-ruler-user-workload l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/* l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/* l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:51 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector-collector l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-metrics l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-metrics l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-metrics l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:01:52 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-metrics l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-metrics l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/* l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/* l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-04  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-04  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-04  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT Traces for telemetrygen exist in Jaeger. l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-04  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-04  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-05  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:01:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-05  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-05  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT No telemetrygen metrics count with value present. 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% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1672 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1610 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1623 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1666 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1604 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- 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Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1653 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1692 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1610 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1716 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1750 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1640 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1579 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1566 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1666 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1594 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1576 0 --:--:-- 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% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1641 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1616 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1546 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1624 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1618 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- 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100 77 0 0 1628 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1686 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1562 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1698 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1628 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left 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% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1678 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1651 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1569 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1597 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 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Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1644 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1683 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1595 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1611 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1594 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average 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% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1483 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1480 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1646 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1662 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1556 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 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Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1625 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1682 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1566 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1628 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1681 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1693 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1631 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1593 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1662 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1587 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1668 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1667 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1674 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1477 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1480 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1709 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 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--:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1686 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1643 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1592 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1580 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1591 0 --:--:-- 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--:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1622 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1577 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1629 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1571 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1662 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1626 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1613 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1693 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1656 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1622 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1574 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1579 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1663 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1686 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1625 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1367 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1375 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1531 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1407 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1400 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1568 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1282 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1305 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1354 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1375 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1222 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1241 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1650 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1664 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1676 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1668 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1573 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1628 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1667 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1588 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1516 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1683 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1546 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1636 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 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Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1566 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1574 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1534 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1597 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1698 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1609 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1666 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1678 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1709 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1750 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1560 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % 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% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1642 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1620 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1693 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1663 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1671 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- 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Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1595 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1402 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1425 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1697 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1602 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1682 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1591 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1566 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1647 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1657 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1675 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- 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--:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1660 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1723 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1750 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1649 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1637 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1647 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1664 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1662 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1579 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1588 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1683 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1657 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1680 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1594 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1672 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left 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Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1637 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1614 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1691 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1591 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1584 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average 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Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1596 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1670 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 100 77 100 77 0 0 1668 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1623 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1648 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1640 0 --:--:-- 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--:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1685 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1685 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1636 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1679 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1704 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1619 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1707 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1699 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1641 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 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Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1646 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1664 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1312 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1327 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1637 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1605 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1663 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1642 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1674 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1643 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1726 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1750 % Total % 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% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1719 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1750 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1684 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1683 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1692 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1691 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- 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Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1663 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1701 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1544 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1573 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1647 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 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Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1510 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1647 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1691 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1693 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1549 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1605 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1652 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1624 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1700 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1676 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1689 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1610 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 100 77 100 77 0 0 1607 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1586 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1649 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1572 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1512 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1540 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1544 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1713 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1750 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1633 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1661 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1686 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1654 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1650 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1573 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1697 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1688 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1673 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1673 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1572 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1634 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1684 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1655 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1676 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1441 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1452 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1605 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1483 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1509 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1702 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1691 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1651 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1651 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1673 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1589 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1600 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1604 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1605 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1638 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1561 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1571 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 77 100 77 0 0 1674 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1711 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 471 100 471 0 0 9646 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9812 l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-05  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-05  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/oc get pods -A -l control-plane=controller-manager -l -o jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.namespace} l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT openshift-opentelemetry-operator l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:02:44 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:45.046101024Z Using must-gather plug-in image: When opening a support case, bugzilla, or issue please include the following summary data along with any other requested information: ClusterID: a6777c5e-5bf4-4f80-8de4-826cb63ad19a ClientVersion: 4.18.3 ClusterVersion: Stable at "4.19.0-0.nightly-2025-03-09-063419" ClusterOperators: All healthy and stable [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:45.147367928Z namespace/openshift-must-gather-k22pl created [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:45.172118525Z created [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:45.285354304Z pod for plug-in image created [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.188068523Z volume percentage checker started..... [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.196652308Z volume usage percentage 0 [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.420967652Z 2025/03/10 07:02:48 OpenTelemetryCollectors found: 1 [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.420967652Z 2025/03/10 07:02:48 Processing OpenTelemetryCollector chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541655958Z panic: interface conversion: **v1.ServiceMonitor is not client.Object: missing method DeepCopyObject [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541655958Z [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541655958Z goroutine 1 [running]: [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541655958Z*Cluster).getOwnerResources(0xc0003058e0, {0x1d7ab08, 0xc000252d20}, {0x1a7fc60, 0xc000638008}) [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541690799Z /home/runner/work/opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator/cmd/gather/cluster/cluster.go:346 +0x375 [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541690799Z*Cluster).processResourceType(0x300000002?, {0x1d7ab08?, 0xc000252d20?}, {0x1a7fc60?, 0xc000638008?}, {0xc000848140, 0x3f}) [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541690799Z /home/runner/work/opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator/cmd/gather/cluster/cluster.go:356 +0x3b [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541702319Z*Cluster).processOwnedResources(0xc0003058e0, {0x1a7fc60, 0xc000638008}, {0xc000848140, 0x3f}) [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541709219Z /home/runner/work/opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator/cmd/gather/cluster/cluster.go:324 +0x605 [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541715020Z*Cluster).processOTELCollector(0xc0003058e0, 0xc000638008) [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541720410Z /home/runner/work/opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator/cmd/gather/cluster/cluster.go:290 +0x152 [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541725670Z*Cluster).GetOpenTelemetryCollectors(0xc0003058e0) [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541725670Z /home/runner/work/opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator/cmd/gather/cluster/cluster.go:238 +0x208 [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541731320Z main.main() [must-gather-vl54f] POD 2025-03-10T07:02:48.541736880Z /home/runner/work/opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator/cmd/gather/main.go:67 +0x292 [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.342121962Z waiting for gather to complete [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.358163931Z downloading gather output [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.618239247Z ./opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-85fb8d6f44-xkjtg [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.618422921Z ./deployment-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.618637556Z ./olm/operator-amq-streams-openshift-operators.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.618776218Z ./olm/operator-jaeger-product-openshift-distributed-tracing.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.618924321Z ./olm/operator-opentelemetry-product-openshift-opentelemetry-operator.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.619123056Z ./olm/operator-tempo-product-openshift-tempo-operator.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.619286889Z ./olm/operatorgroup-openshift-opentelemetry-operator.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.619435132Z ./olm/subscription-opentelemetry-product.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.619571285Z ./olm/installplan-install-vchh7.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.619727798Z ./olm/clusterserviceversion-opentelemetry-operator-v0-113-0-2.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.620191727Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/opentelemetrycollector-cluster-collector.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.62033033Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/deployment-cluster-collector-collector.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.620471123Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/configmap-cluster-collector-collector-57b76c99.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.620607966Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/service-cluster-collector-collector.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.62078285Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/service-cluster-collector-collector-headless.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.620914312Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/service-cluster-collector-collector-monitoring.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.621075326Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/serviceaccount-cluster-collector-collector.yaml [must-gather-vl54f] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.621218388Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/poddisruptionbudget-cluster-collector-collector.yaml [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:02:55.641458713Z namespace/openshift-must-gather-k22pl deleted Reprinting Cluster State: When opening a support case, bugzilla, or issue please include the following summary data along with any other requested information: ClusterID: a6777c5e-5bf4-4f80-8de4-826cb63ad19a ClientVersion: 4.18.3 ClusterVersion: Stable at "4.19.0-0.nightly-2025-03-09-063419" ClusterOperators: All healthy and stable Found: event-filter.html Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/clusterserviceversion-opentelemetry-operator-*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/*opentelemetry-operator*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/installplan-install-*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/subscription-opentelemetry-*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/service-cluster-collector-collector-headless.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/deployment-cluster-collector-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/service-cluster-collector-collector-monitoring.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/opentelemetrycollector-cluster-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/configmap-cluster-collector-collector-57b76c99.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/serviceaccount-cluster-collector-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/service-cluster-collector-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector/poddisruptionbudget-cluster-collector-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-* Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/deployment-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager.yaml Found: timestamp === STDERR Warning: spec.nodeSelector[]: use "" instead WARNING: rsync command not found in path. Please use your package manager to install it. Ignoring the following flags because they only apply to rsync: -z l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | Run the must-gather and verify the contents | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-metrics l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/telemetrygen-traces l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics-traces-api l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-03  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/cluster-collector l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:02:55 | otlp-metrics-traces | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:02:56 | otlp-metrics-traces | @chainsaw  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-otlp-metrics l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | otlp-metrics-traces | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | END | === RUN chainsaw/route === PAUSE chainsaw/route === RUN chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring === PAUSE chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring === RUN chainsaw/pdb === PAUSE chainsaw/pdb === RUN chainsaw/target-allocator === PAUSE chainsaw/target-allocator === RUN chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters === PAUSE chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters === RUN chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters === PAUSE chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters === RUN chainsaw/targetallocator-kubernetessd === PAUSE chainsaw/targetallocator-kubernetessd === RUN chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr === PAUSE chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr === RUN chainsaw/additional-containers-collector === PAUSE chainsaw/additional-containers-collector === RUN chainsaw/affinity-collector === PAUSE chainsaw/affinity-collector === RUN chainsaw/annotation-change-collector === PAUSE chainsaw/annotation-change-collector === RUN chainsaw/args-collector === PAUSE chainsaw/args-collector === RUN chainsaw/daemonset-features === PAUSE chainsaw/daemonset-features === RUN chainsaw/env-vars === PAUSE chainsaw/env-vars === RUN chainsaw/ingress === PAUSE chainsaw/ingress === RUN chainsaw/ingress-subdomains === PAUSE chainsaw/ingress-subdomains === RUN chainsaw/label-change-collector === PAUSE chainsaw/label-change-collector === RUN chainsaw/managed-reconcile === PAUSE chainsaw/managed-reconcile === RUN chainsaw/multiple-configmaps === PAUSE chainsaw/multiple-configmaps === RUN chainsaw/node-selector-collector === PAUSE chainsaw/node-selector-collector === RUN chainsaw/operator-restart l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | @chainsaw  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-caring-quetzal l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl get pods -A -l control-plane=controller-manager -l -o jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.namespace} l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT openshift-opentelemetry-operator l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | DELETE | RUN | v1/Pod @ openshift-opentelemetry-operator/* l.go:52: | 07:03:03 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | DELETE | OK | v1/Pod @ openshift-opentelemetry-operator/opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-85fb8d6f44-xkjtg l.go:52: | 07:03:05 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | DELETE | DONE | v1/Pod @ openshift-opentelemetry-operator/* l.go:52: | 07:03:05 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | SLEEP | RUN | l.go:52: | 07:03:15 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | SLEEP | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:03:15 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ openshift-opentelemetry-operator/* l.go:52: | 07:03:16 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ openshift-opentelemetry-operator/* l.go:52: | 07:03:16 | operator-restart | Delete operator pod | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:16 | operator-restart | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:16 | operator-restart | @chainsaw  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-caring-quetzal l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | operator-restart | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | END | === RUN chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation === PAUSE chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation === RUN chainsaw/smoke-daemonset === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-daemonset === RUN chainsaw/smoke-pod-dns-config === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-pod-dns-config === RUN chainsaw/smoke-init-containers === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-init-containers === RUN chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations === RUN chainsaw/smoke-pod-labels === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-pod-labels === RUN chainsaw/smoke-ports === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-ports === RUN chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment === RUN chainsaw/smoke-shareprocessnamespace === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-shareprocessnamespace === RUN chainsaw/smoke-sidecar === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-sidecar === RUN chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace === RUN chainsaw/smoke-simplest === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-simplest === RUN chainsaw/smoke-simplest-v1beta1 === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-simplest-v1beta1 === RUN chainsaw/smoke-statefulset === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-statefulset === RUN chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator === RUN chainsaw/statefulset-features === PAUSE chainsaw/statefulset-features === RUN chainsaw/env-vars#01 === PAUSE chainsaw/env-vars#01 === RUN chainsaw/versioned-configmaps === PAUSE chainsaw/versioned-configmaps === RUN chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label === PAUSE chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label === CONT chainsaw/autoscale === CONT chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label === CONT chainsaw/env-vars#01 === CONT chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | @chainsaw  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-sweet-deer l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | persistent-volume-claim-label | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-genuine-puma l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/ta === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sidecar === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/ta l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/ta l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ smoke-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sidecar === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sdk-only === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ default-view-chainsaw-sweet-deer === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/my-deploy === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ default-view-chainsaw-sweet-deer l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ default-view-chainsaw-sweet-deer l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:03:22 | env-vars | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/* === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/* l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:03:23 | env-vars | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | env-vars | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | env-vars | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | env-vars | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-adapting-titmouse === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:24 | autoscale | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-03  | DELETE | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-03  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-03  | DELETE | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | autoscale | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:25 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:26 | autoscale | step-04  | ERROR | RUN | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-04  | ERROR | DONE | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-04  | ERROR | RUN | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-04  | ERROR | DONE | autoscaling/v2/HorizontalPodAutoscaler @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-04  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-02  | DELETE | WARN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/telemetrygen-set-utilization === ERROR jobs.batch "telemetrygen-set-utilization" not found l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest-set-utilization l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:27 | autoscale | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-moved-cheetah === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-collector-7a42612e l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-collector-7a42612e l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | assert-data-propagates | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | assert-data-propagates | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | assert-data-propagates | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | assert-data-propagates | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:30 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | smoke-targetallocator | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/env-vars#01 l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | env-vars | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | statefulset-features | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | statefulset-features | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | statefulset-features | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | statefulset-features | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | statefulset-features | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:31 | statefulset-features | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/autoscale l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | autoscale | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | versioned-configmaps | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:34 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/stateful === NAME chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector-de9b8847 l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector-de9b8847 l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:35 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ default-view-chainsaw-sweet-deer l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ smoke-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector-3f453d89 === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-sweet-deer/ta === NAME chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector-3f453d89 === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | smoke-targetallocator | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | smoke-targetallocator | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector-de9b8847 === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | smoke-targetallocator | @chainsaw  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-sweet-deer === NAME chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple-collector-de9b8847 l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:36 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | PATCH | WARN | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple === ERROR Operation cannot be fulfilled on "simple": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | ERROR | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simplest-collector-ea71c537 l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | ERROR | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simplest-collector-ea71c537 l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster/simple l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:37 | versioned-configmaps | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-pleasant-oyster === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | PATCH | WARN | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful === ERROR Operation cannot be fulfilled on "stateful": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:40 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:42 | statefulset-features | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/versioned-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:03:44 | versioned-configmaps | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:03:44 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-gorgeous-hedgehog l.go:52: | 07:03:44 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:44 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ create-pm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ create-pm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ create-pm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-pm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ create-pm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-pm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ create-pm-prometheus/app-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ create-pm-prometheus/app-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ create-pm-prometheus/app-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:03:45 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ create-pm-prometheus/* === NAME chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-targetallocator | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-statefulset l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-statefulset | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal/stateful l.go:52: | 07:03:46 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ create-pm-prometheus/* l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-pm-prometheus/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-statefulset l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal/stateful-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal/stateful === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-pm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-statefulset l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ create-pm-prometheus/app-with-sidecar === NAME chainsaw/smoke-statefulset l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | smoke-statefulset | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-innocent-jackal === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ create-pm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:48 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ create-pm-prometheus === NAME chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin/stateful === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-genuine-puma/stateful === NAME chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | persistent-volume-claim-label | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | persistent-volume-claim-label | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:03:52 | statefulset-features | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-relevant-javelin === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:03:53 | persistent-volume-claim-label | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-genuine-puma === NAME chainsaw/smoke-statefulset l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-statefulset | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-simplest-v1beta1 l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:56 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp/simplest l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:03:57 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:03:58 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-premium-shrimp l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest-v1beta1 | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:04 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:05 | smoke-simplest | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-hopeful-bird === NAME chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | persistent-volume-claim-label | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-charmed-pug l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:07 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/* === NAME chainsaw/statefulset-features l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | statefulset-features | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-ready-zebra l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:08 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/* l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/* l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-ready-zebra/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:09 | smoke-sidecar | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-ready-zebra === NAME chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/* l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/my-deployment-with-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace/sidecar-for-my-app l.go:52: | 07:04:10 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ kuttl-otel-sidecar-other-namespace === NAME chainsaw/smoke-simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-simplest | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-shareprocessnamespace l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound/test-shareprocns l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound/test-shareprocns l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound/test-shareprocns l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound/test-shareprocns-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound/test-shareprocns-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound/test-shareprocns l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:12 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-positive-foxhound l.go:52: | 07:04:19 | smoke-shareprocessnamespace | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:21 | smoke-restarting-deployment | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-usable-drake l.go:52: | 07:04:21 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:21 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:21 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:21 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:21 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:24 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:24 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-usable-drake/* l.go:52: | 07:04:24 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-usable-drake/* l.go:52: | 07:04:24 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:24 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:24 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ERROR | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | ERROR | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-usable-drake/* === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-gorgeous-hedgehog === NAME chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-usable-drake/* l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-usable-drake/restarting l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:25 | smoke-restarting-deployment | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-usable-drake === NAME chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:04:31 | create-pm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-ports l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-excited-roughy l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-excited-roughy/smoke-ports l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-ports | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-excited-roughy === NAME chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:32 | smoke-restarting-deployment | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-pod-labels l.go:52: | 07:04:33 | smoke-pod-labels | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk l.go:52: | 07:04:33 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:33 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk/testlabel l.go:52: | 07:04:33 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk/testlabel l.go:52: | 07:04:33 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk/testlabel l.go:52: | 07:04:33 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk/testlabel-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk/testlabel-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk/testlabel l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:36 | smoke-pod-labels | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-harmless-basilisk === NAME chainsaw/smoke-ports l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-ports | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-humble-stag l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-humble-stag/pa l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-humble-stag/pa l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-humble-stag/pa l.go:52: | 07:04:38 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humble-stag/pa-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:39 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humble-stag/pa-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:39 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:39 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:39 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-humble-stag/pa l.go:52: | 07:04:39 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:39 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:40 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-humble-stag === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-labels l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-pod-labels | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-init-containers l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-init-containers | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:43 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-sidecar l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-sidecar | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-pod-dns-config l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-pod-dns-config | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-touched-weasel l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-touched-weasel/poddnsconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-touched-weasel/poddnsconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-touched-weasel/poddnsconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:45 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-touched-weasel/poddnsconfig-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:46 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-touched-weasel/poddnsconfig-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:46 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:46 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:46 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-touched-weasel/poddnsconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-pod-dns-config | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-pod-dns-config | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-pod-dns-config | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-touched-weasel === NAME chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-charmed-pug === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/smoke-daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-daemonset | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-pure-jay l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:47 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pure-jay/daemonset-test l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-pure-jay/daemonset-test l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pure-jay/daemonset-test l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-pure-jay/daemonset-test-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-pure-jay/daemonset-test-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-pure-jay/daemonset-test l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:48 | smoke-daemonset | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-pure-jay === NAME chainsaw/smoke-init-containers l.go:52: | 07:04:51 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:51 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:04:51 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:04:51 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge/simplest l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:52 | smoke-init-containers | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-unbiased-sponge === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-dns-config l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | smoke-pod-dns-config | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-pleased-serval l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/ta l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/ta l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/ta l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ default-view-chainsaw-pleased-serval l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ default-view-chainsaw-pleased-serval l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ default-view-chainsaw-pleased-serval l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | smoke-sidecar-other-namespace | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | node-selector-collector | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:54 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:55 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/labeldrop === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/labeldrop l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/labeldrop l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra === NAME chainsaw/smoke-daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | smoke-daemonset | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/multiple-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | multiple-configmaps | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-emerging-cat l.go:52: | 07:04:56 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test1 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test1 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test1 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test2 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test2 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test2 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/simplest-with-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/simplest-with-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/simplest-with-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test1 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test1 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test2 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test2 l.go:52: | 07:04:57 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/simplest-with-configmaps-collector === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra-collector === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | node-selector-collector | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:04:58 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:04:59 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* === NAME chainsaw/smoke-init-containers l.go:52: | 07:05:00 | smoke-init-containers | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/managed-reconcile l.go:52: | 07:05:00 | managed-reconcile | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle l.go:52: | 07:05:00 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:00 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/multiple-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/simplest-with-configmaps-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:01 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/simplest-with-configmaps === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/* l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | node-selector-collector | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/multiple-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test2 l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-emerging-cat/mount-test1 === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig === NAME chainsaw/multiple-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | multiple-configmaps | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | multiple-configmaps | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig-collector === NAME chainsaw/multiple-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | multiple-configmaps | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-emerging-cat === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:02 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/managed-reconcile l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:05:03 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound/deployment === NAME chainsaw/managed-reconcile l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | node-selector-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | node-selector-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | node-selector-collector | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-funny-foxhound === NAME chainsaw/managed-reconcile l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-aec5aa11 l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector-aec5aa11 l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:04 | managed-reconcile | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-evident-barnacle === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:05 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:05 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:05 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:05 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:05 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:05 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-nopromconfig l.go:52: | 07:05:06 | prometheus-config-validation | step-03  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:06 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:08 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig-extra === NAME chainsaw/multiple-configmaps l.go:52: | 07:05:08 | multiple-configmaps | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/label-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:08 | label-change-collector | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-warm-joey l.go:52: | 07:05:08 | label-change-collector | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:08 | label-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | prometheus-config-validation | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/label-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:09 | label-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:10 | label-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset-collector === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/labeldrop === NAME chainsaw/label-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-warm-joey/* l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:11 | label-change-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | label-change-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | label-change-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | label-change-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-warm-joey/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | label-change-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | label-change-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | label-change-collector | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-warm-joey === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ default-view-chainsaw-pleased-serval l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ promreceiver-allocatorconfig l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-pleased-serval/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:12 | prometheus-config-validation | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-pleased-serval === NAME chainsaw/node-selector-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | node-selector-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress-subdomains | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-civil-hyena l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/managed-reconcile l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | managed-reconcile | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/ingress === NAME chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest === NAME chainsaw/ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest === NAME chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:14 | ingress | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:16 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:16 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest-ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:16 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest-ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:16 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:16 | ingress-subdomains | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:16 | ingress-subdomains | step-01  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c #!/bin/bash set -ex # Export empty payload and check of collector accepted it with 2xx status code for i in {1..40}; do curl --fail -ivX POST --resolve 'otlp-http.test.otel:80:' http://otlp-http.test.otel:80/v1/traces -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' && break || sleep 1; done === NAME chainsaw/ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest-ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest-ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | PATCH | RUN | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest === NAME chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | step-01  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDERR + curl --fail -ivX POST --resolve otlp-http.test.otel:80: http://otlp-http.test.otel:80/v1/traces -H Content-Type: application/json -d {} Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Added otlp-http.test.otel:80: to DNS cache * Hostname otlp-http.test.otel was found in DNS cache % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Trying * connect to port 80 failed: Connection refused * Failed to connect to otlp-http.test.otel port 80 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 * Closing connection 0 curl: (7) Failed to connect to otlp-http.test.otel port 80 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server + sleep 1 l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | step-01  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-civil-hyena/simplest === NAME chainsaw/ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | PATCH | WARN | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest === ERROR Operation cannot be fulfilled on "otel-simplest": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again === NAME chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress-subdomains | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-civil-hyena === NAME chainsaw/ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | PATCH | DONE | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | ERROR | RUN | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest-ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | ERROR | DONE | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest-ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye/otel-simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:17 | ingress | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-wondrous-walleye === NAME chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | prometheus-config-validation | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/env-vars l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-cool-griffon l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sidecar === NAME chainsaw/label-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | label-change-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/daemonset-features l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | daemonset-features | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | daemonset-features | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | daemonset-features | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/env-vars l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:20 | env-vars | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/* l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/* l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/CronJob @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-cron-job l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/CronJob @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-cron-job l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/CronJob @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-cron-job l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl -n chainsaw-cool-griffon create job --from cronjob/my-cron-job my-cron-job-exec l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT job.batch/my-cron-job-exec created l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/* === NAME chainsaw/daemonset-features l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-00  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT Running the test against an OpenShift Cluster Creating an Service Account Creating a Security Context Constrain Setting the Service Account for the Daemonset Adding the new policy to the Service Account created serviceaccount/otel-collector-daemonset created added: "otel-collector-daemonset" l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-00  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/env-vars l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/* l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-job === NAME chainsaw/daemonset-features l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/daemonset-collector === NAME chainsaw/env-vars l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-job l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-job l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/* l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/* l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-job === NAME chainsaw/daemonset-features l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | daemonset-features | step-03  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/env-vars l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-03  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/CronJob @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-cron-job l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/my-deploy l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:05:21 | env-vars | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-cool-griffon/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:05:22 | env-vars | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:22 | env-vars | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:22 | env-vars | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-cool-griffon === NAME chainsaw/daemonset-features l.go:52: | 07:05:22 | daemonset-features | step-03  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT Adding service account to the OpenTelemetry Collector patched === STDERR Warning: Collector config spec.config has null objects: exporters.debug:. For compatibility with other tooling, such as kustomize and kubectl edit, it is recommended to use empty objects e.g. batch: {}. l.go:52: | 07:05:22 | daemonset-features | step-03  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:05:22 | daemonset-features | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/* l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/* l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:23 | daemonset-features | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-deep-ostrich === NAME chainsaw/ingress l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | ingress | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-social-koala l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:24 | args-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/ingress-subdomains l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | ingress-subdomains | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/annotation-change-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | args-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:25 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | args-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:26 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | args-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:27 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | WARN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector === ERROR Operation cannot be fulfilled on daemonsets.apps "daemonset-collector": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-social-koala/* l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | args-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:28 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | args-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-social-koala/deployment === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog/deployment === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | args-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | args-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | args-collector | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-social-koala === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | annotation-change-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | annotation-change-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:29 | annotation-change-collector | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-unified-bullfrog === NAME chainsaw/daemonset-features l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | daemonset-features | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/affinity-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-willing-eft l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:32 | affinity-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:33 | affinity-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-willing-eft/* l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:34 | affinity-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:35 | affinity-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:35 | affinity-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-willing-eft/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:35 | affinity-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:35 | affinity-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:35 | affinity-collector | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-willing-eft === NAME chainsaw/annotation-change-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | annotation-change-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-dominant-squid l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* === NAME chainsaw/args-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | args-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:05:38 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/ta === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/collector === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ targetallocator-prometheuscr === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ collector-prometheuscr === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ collector-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ collector-prometheuscr === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ ta-chainsaw-noted-katydid === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ ta-chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ ta-chainsaw-noted-katydid === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ collector-chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ collector-chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ collector-chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-collector === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:39 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:40 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:41 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | RUN | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | UPDATE | DONE | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/* l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/statefulset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/daemonset l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-dominant-squid/deployment l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:42 | additional-containers-collector | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-dominant-squid === NAME chainsaw/affinity-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | affinity-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/collector l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/collector l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/collector l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ collector-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ collector-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ collector-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ ta-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ ta-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ ta-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ collector-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ collector-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ collector-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:05:44 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:46 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:46 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:46 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:46 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-collector-9c184e3a l.go:52: | 07:05:46 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-collector-9c184e3a l.go:52: | 07:05:46 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:05:48 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-metrics === NAME chainsaw/additional-containers-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | additional-containers-collector | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-certain-bunny l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:50 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | PATCH | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | PATCH | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:51 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | PATCH | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | PATCH | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-04  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | PATCH | WARN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector === ERROR "simplest-monitoring-collector" not found l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | CREATE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | CREATE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | PATCH | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | PATCH | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-06  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | DELETE | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | DELETE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | DELETE | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | ERROR | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | ERROR | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-07  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ create-sm-prometheus/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ create-sm-prometheus/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ create-sm-prometheus/ta l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CREATE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:53 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | RUN | @ simplest-targetallocator-create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CREATE | OK | @ simplest-targetallocator-create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | DONE | @ simplest-targetallocator-create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CREATE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ create-sm-prometheus/check-ta-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ create-sm-prometheus/check-ta-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ create-sm-prometheus/check-ta-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:54 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | ASSERT | RUN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:55 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | ASSERT | DONE | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:55 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ create-sm-prometheus/check-ta-metrics === NAME chainsaw/env-vars l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | env-vars | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-closing-sawfish --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-closing-sawfish annotated l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-closing-sawfish --overwrite === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-collector l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-closing-sawfish annotated l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CMD | DONE | === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/sidecar === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-collector-19c94a81 === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/nodejs === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr-collector-19c94a81 l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/my-nodejs === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-metrics === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/* === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:05:58 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:05:59 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:05:59 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:05:59 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-metrics === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/* l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:19 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-closing-sawfish === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:06:37 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:06:37 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-jobs === NAME chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:06:43 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ create-sm-prometheus/check-ta-metrics l.go:52: | 07:06:43 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:43 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:43 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ create-sm-prometheus/check-ta-metrics l.go:52: | 07:06:43 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | DELETE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:06:44 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:06:44 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-scrape-configs === NAME chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:06:44 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | DELETE | OK | @ simplest-targetallocator-create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:06:44 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | DELETE | OK | @ create-sm-prometheus l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ create-sm-prometheus/ta l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-08  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | DELETE | WARN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-collector === ERROR "simplest-collector" not found l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | DELETE | WARN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest-monitoring-collector === ERROR "simplest-monitoring-collector" not found l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-05  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | DELETE | WARN | @ create-sm-prometheus/simplest === ERROR "simplest" not found l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:45 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ create-sm-prometheus === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:06:46 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:06:46 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:46 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:46 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:06:46 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:06:47 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:06:47 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr l.go:52: | 07:06:47 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:47 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:47 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/prometheus-cr l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ collector-chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ ta-chainsaw-noted-katydid l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ collector-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/collector l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-noted-katydid/ta l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:48 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-noted-katydid === NAME chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-certain-bunny === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:06:52 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-scrape-configs l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-ta-jobs l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/check-metrics l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/prometheus-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ collector-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ ta-chainsaw-profound-chipmunk l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ collector-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/collector l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk/ta l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:53 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-profound-chipmunk === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | instrumentation-nodejs-volume | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/target-allocator l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | target-allocator | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-funky-herring l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | target-allocator | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | target-allocator | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-funky-herring/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | target-allocator | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-funky-herring/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | target-allocator | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-funky-herring/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:55 | target-allocator | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget @ chainsaw-funky-herring/pdb-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | targetallocator-prometheuscr | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | pdb | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-immortal-egret l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | pdb | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | pdb | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | pdb | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | pdb | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb === NAME chainsaw/target-allocator l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | target-allocator | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget @ chainsaw-funky-herring/pdb-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | target-allocator | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | target-allocator | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:56 | pdb | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb-collector l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb-collector l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb-collector l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb-collector l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-immortal-egret/pdb l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:06:57 | pdb | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-immortal-egret === NAME chainsaw/target-allocator l.go:52: | 07:06:59 | target-allocator | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-funky-herring/pdb === NAME chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | create-sm-prometheus-exporters | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | @chainsaw  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring-binding l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring-binding l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring-binding l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/cabundle l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/cabundle l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/cabundle l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring-binding l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring-binding l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/cabundle === NAME chainsaw/target-allocator l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | target-allocator | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | target-allocator | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/cabundle l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel === NAME chainsaw/target-allocator l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | target-allocator | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-funky-herring === NAME chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel l.go:52: | 07:07:00 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel-collector === NAME chainsaw/targetallocator-kubernetessd l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | targetallocator-kubernetessd | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/route l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | route | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-driving-redfish l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | route | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | route | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/simplest l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | route | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/simplest l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | route | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/simplest l.go:52: | 07:07:01 | route | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/simplest-collector === NAME chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:02 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:02 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:02 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:02 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:02 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Wait for the metrics to be collected  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:02 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Wait for the metrics to be collected  | SLEEP | RUN | === NAME chainsaw/route l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/simplest-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/otlp-grpc-simplest-route l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/otlp-grpc-simplest-route l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/otlp-http-simplest-route l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/otlp-http-simplest-route l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:03 | route | step-01  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c #!/bin/bash set -ex # Export empty payload and check of collector accepted it with 2xx status code otlp_http_host=$(kubectl get route otlp-http-simplest-route -n $NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{}') for i in {1..40}; do curl --fail -ivX POST http://${otlp_http_host}:80/v1/traces -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' && break || sleep 1; done === NAME chainsaw/pdb l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | pdb | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-promoted-bobcat --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-promoted-bobcat annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-promoted-bobcat --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-promoted-bobcat annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/go l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/go l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/go l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/route l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | route | step-01  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable pragma: no-cache cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store content-type: text/html === STDERR + kubectl get route otlp-http-simplest-route -n chainsaw-driving-redfish -o jsonpath={} + + curl --fail -ivX POST -H Content-Type: application/json -d {} Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Trying * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > POST /v1/traces HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.88.1 > Accept: */* > Content-Type: application/json > Content-Length: 2 > } [2 bytes data] * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body < HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable < pragma: no-cache < cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store < content-type: text/html * The requested URL returned error: 503 100 2 0 0 100 2 0 58 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 58 * Closing connection 0 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 503 + sleep 1 l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | route | step-01  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | route | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | route | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:04 | route | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-driving-redfish/simplest l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | route | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | route | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | route | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-driving-redfish === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT created added: "otel-instrumentation-go" l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/my-golang-multiinst l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/my-golang-multiinst l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/my-golang-multiinst l.go:52: | 07:07:05 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/* === NAME chainsaw/target-allocator l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | target-allocator | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-sdk l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-humane-bee l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-humane-bee --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-humane-bee annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-humane-bee --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-humane-bee annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:07 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humane-bee/my-sdk l.go:52: | 07:07:08 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humane-bee/my-sdk l.go:52: | 07:07:08 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humane-bee/my-sdk l.go:52: | 07:07:08 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-humane-bee/* l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-humane-bee/* l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humane-bee/my-sdk l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sdk-only l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-humane-bee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:09 | instrumentation-sdk | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-humane-bee === NAME chainsaw/route l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | route | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-humorous-heron l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-humorous-heron --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-humorous-heron annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-humorous-heron --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-humorous-heron annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:11 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/my-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/my-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/my-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/* === NAME chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Wait for the metrics to be collected  | SLEEP | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Wait for the metrics to be collected  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Check the presence of metrics in the OTEL collector  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:12 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Check the presence of metrics in the OTEL collector  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Check the presence of metrics in the OTEL collector  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT "-> container" found in otel-collector-f6dd69847-xdrpt "-> label_pod_security_kubernetes_io_audit: Str(restricted)" found in otel-collector-f6dd69847-xdrpt "-> label_pod_security_kubernetes_io_enforce: Str(privileged)" found in otel-collector-f6dd69847-xdrpt "-> label_kubernetes_io_metadata_name:" found in otel-collector-f6dd69847-xdrpt "-> namespace:" found in otel-collector-f6dd69847-xdrpt Found the matched metrics in collector l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Check the presence of metrics in the OTEL collector  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Check the presence of metrics in the OTEL collector  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/otel l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring/cabundle l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring-binding l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | Create OTEL collector with Prometheus receiver to scrape in-cluster metrics | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:13 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | @chainsaw  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-scrape-in-cluster-monitoring === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/* l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/my-golang-multiinst l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/go l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:14 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-promoted-bobcat === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:16 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/* l.go:52: | 07:07:16 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:16 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:16 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/my-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-humorous-heron/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:17 | instrumentation-python-musl | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-humorous-heron === NAME chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | scrape-in-cluster-monitoring | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-python-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-climbing-monster l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-climbing-monster --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-climbing-monster annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-climbing-monster --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-climbing-monster annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/java l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/java l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/java l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:20 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:21 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:21 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:21 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-python l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-profound-cardinal --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-profound-cardinal annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-profound-cardinal --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-profound-cardinal annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/python l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/python l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/python l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:22 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/my-python l.go:52: | 07:07:23 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/my-python l.go:52: | 07:07:23 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/my-python l.go:52: | 07:07:23 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/* l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/* l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/my-python l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/python l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:25 | instrumentation-python | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-profound-cardinal === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-python-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/* l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:28 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/* l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/* l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/my-python-multi l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/java l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-climbing-monster/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:34 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-climbing-monster === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-sdk l.go:52: | 07:07:43 | instrumentation-sdk | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:43 | multi-cluster | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-relevant-vulture l.go:52: | 07:07:43 | multi-cluster | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:43 | multi-cluster | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:44 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone-query l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone-query l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:50 | multi-cluster | step-02  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-python-musl l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | instrumentation-python-musl | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | @chainsaw  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-must-gather/ta l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-must-gather/ta l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-must-gather/ta l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | RUN | @ smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | CREATE | OK | @ smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | DONE | @ smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | RUN | @ default-view-chainsaw-must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | CREATE | OK | @ default-view-chainsaw-must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | DONE | @ default-view-chainsaw-must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-collector === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | multi-cluster | step-02  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT Certificates generated successfully in /tmp/chainsaw-certs directory. configmap/chainsaw-certs created configmap/chainsaw-certs created === STDERR ....+..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*......+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*.........+..................+.....+............+......+....+..................+...+...+..+...+....+..+...+..........+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ..+......+...+.....+.+........+...+..........+.....+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*....+.+..+.......+......+.........+...+............+.....+....+...........+.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*...+...............+..+....+.....+......+......+....+........+...+..........+..+......+.+........+.+.....+...............+......+...+......+.+......+.....+..........+..+.+.........+............+......+..+.+.....+.......+..+.......+.....+..........+.....+...+...+....+...+......+..........................+..........+......+..+......+....+.....+.......+......+.........+..............+......+.+........+.......+.........+.....+...+.+..+...+............+.......+......+.....+..........+.....+...............+....+..+.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Certificate request self-signature ok subject=C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = My Organization, CN = opentelemetry Error from server (NotFound): configmaps "chainsaw-certs" not found Error from server (NotFound): configmaps "chainsaw-certs" not found l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | multi-cluster | step-02  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | multi-cluster | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | multi-cluster | step-02  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | multi-cluster | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver l.go:52: | 07:07:51 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/StatefulSet @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-grpc-otlp-receiver-route l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-grpc-otlp-receiver-route l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-http-otlp-receiver-route l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-http-otlp-receiver-route l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-03  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-collector-2729987d l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-collector-2729987d l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-targetallocator === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-03  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT created === STDERR Warning: OpenTelemetryCollector v1alpha1 is deprecated. Migrate to v1beta1. Warning: Collector config spec.config has null objects: processors.batch:. For compatibility with other tooling, such as kustomize and kubectl edit, it is recommended to use empty objects e.g. batch: {}. l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-03  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | multi-cluster | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/chainsaw-multi-cluster === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:53 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-must-gather --overwrite === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-must-gather annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-must-gather --overwrite === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-must-gather annotated l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-must-gather/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-must-gather/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-must-gather/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Install app  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Install app  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-must-gather/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Install app  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-must-gather/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Install app  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-must-gather/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:07:54 | must-gather | Install app  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-must-gather/* === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector-headless l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Service @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender-collector-monitoring l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-http l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-http l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-http l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | APPLY | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-grpc l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | CREATE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-grpc l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | APPLY | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-grpc l.go:52: | 07:07:55 | multi-cluster | step-04  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-http === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Install app  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-must-gather/* l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Install app  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/oc get pods -A -l control-plane=controller-manager -l -o jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.namespace} l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT openshift-opentelemetry-operator l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:57 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-http l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | ASSERT | RUN | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-grpc l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | ASSERT | DONE | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-grpc l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-05  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-05  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-05  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT Traces for telemetrygen-http exist in Jaeger. Traces for telemetrygen-grpc exist in Jaeger. Traces exist for all service names. l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-05  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-05  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-grpc l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | DELETE | OK | batch/v1/Job @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/generate-traces-http l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-04  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-03  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-03  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-03  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/chainsaw-multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-03  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-02  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/jaeger-allinone l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:07:59 | multi-cluster | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-python l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | instrumentation-python | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | PATCH | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-kafka/my-cluster l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-kafka/my-cluster l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-kafka/my-cluster l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:08:00 | kafka | step-00  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-kafka/my-cluster-entity-operator === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:07:57.907488268Z Using must-gather plug-in image: When opening a support case, bugzilla, or issue please include the following summary data along with any other requested information: ClusterID: a6777c5e-5bf4-4f80-8de4-826cb63ad19a ClientVersion: 4.18.3 ClusterVersion: Stable at "4.19.0-0.nightly-2025-03-09-063419" ClusterOperators: All healthy and stable [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:07:58.016704652Z namespace/openshift-must-gather-qb2br created [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:07:58.043063874Z created [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:07:58.15090908Z pod for plug-in image created [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:58.966519285Z volume percentage checker started..... [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:58.974152847Z volume usage percentage 0 [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:59.171404510Z 2025/03/10 07:07:59 OpenTelemetryCollectors found: 4 [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:59.171404510Z 2025/03/10 07:07:59 Processing OpenTelemetryCollector chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:59.304926523Z 2025/03/10 07:07:59 Processing OpenTelemetryCollector chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:59.393885226Z 2025/03/10 07:07:59 Processing OpenTelemetryCollector chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:59.475522916Z 2025/03/10 07:07:59 Processing OpenTelemetryCollector chainsaw-must-gather/stateful [must-gather-f54xn] POD 2025-03-10T07:07:59.572094411Z 2025/03/10 07:07:59 Instrumentations found: 1 [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.20898793Z waiting for gather to complete [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.225920479Z downloading gather output [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.506346394Z ./opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-85fb8d6f44-fm5zq [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.506666601Z ./deployment-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.507056578Z ./olm/operator-amq-streams-openshift-operators.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.507208842Z ./olm/operator-jaeger-product-openshift-distributed-tracing.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.507369885Z ./olm/operator-opentelemetry-product-openshift-opentelemetry-operator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.507560699Z ./olm/operator-tempo-product-openshift-tempo-operator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.507705792Z ./olm/operatorgroup-openshift-opentelemetry-operator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.507841005Z ./olm/subscription-opentelemetry-product.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.508002588Z ./olm/installplan-install-vchh7.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.508193862Z ./olm/clusterserviceversion-opentelemetry-operator-v0-113-0-2.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.50856816Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/opentelemetrycollector-otlp-receiver.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.508724453Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/deployment-otlp-receiver-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.508866346Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/configmap-otlp-receiver-collector-36456ae5.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509022799Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/service-otlp-receiver-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509203503Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/service-otlp-receiver-collector-headless.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509368796Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/service-otlp-receiver-collector-monitoring.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509504179Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/serviceaccount-otlp-receiver-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509638742Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/poddisruptionbudget-otlp-receiver-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509764904Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/route-otlp-grpc-otlp-receiver-route.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.509919948Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-receive/otlp-receiver/route-otlp-http-otlp-receiver-route.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.510244614Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/opentelemetrycollector-otel-sender.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.510370607Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/deployment-otel-sender-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.51054508Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/configmap-otel-sender-collector-57a4b30b.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.510698144Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/service-otel-sender-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.510890668Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/service-otel-sender-collector-headless.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.51101781Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/service-otel-sender-collector-monitoring.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.511158743Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-multi-cluster-send/otel-sender/poddisruptionbudget-otel-sender-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.511461859Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/opentelemetrycollector-sidecar.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.511607102Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/configmap-sidecar-collector-3826c0e7.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.511734275Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/service-sidecar-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.511878218Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/service-sidecar-collector-headless.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.512002631Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/service-sidecar-collector-monitoring.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.512169424Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/serviceaccount-sidecar-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.512401969Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/opentelemetrycollector-stateful.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.512526111Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/deployment-stateful-targetallocator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.512656894Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/statefulset-stateful-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.512812327Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/configmap-stateful-collector-2729987d.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.51296691Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/configmap-stateful-targetallocator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.513171015Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.513327898Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-collector-headless.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.513481941Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-collector-monitoring.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.513610464Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-targetallocator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.513766617Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/serviceaccount-stateful-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.51390043Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/poddisruptionbudget-stateful-collector.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.514042842Z ./namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/poddisruptionbudget-stateful-targetallocator.yaml [must-gather-f54xn] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.514297668Z ./chainsaw-must-gather/instrumentation-nodejs.yaml [must-gather ] OUT 2025-03-10T07:08:08.535129828Z namespace/openshift-must-gather-qb2br deleted Reprinting Cluster State: When opening a support case, bugzilla, or issue please include the following summary data along with any other requested information: ClusterID: a6777c5e-5bf4-4f80-8de4-826cb63ad19a ClientVersion: 4.18.3 ClusterVersion: Stable at "4.19.0-0.nightly-2025-03-09-063419" ClusterOperators: All healthy and stable Found: event-filter.html Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/*opentelemetry-operato*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/clusterserviceversion-opentelemetry-operator-v*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/installplan-install-*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/olm/subscription-opentelemetry-*.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-collector-headless.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/deployment-stateful-targetallocator.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-collector-monitoring.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/poddisruptionbudget-stateful-targetallocator.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/poddisruptionbudget-stateful-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/service-stateful-targetallocator.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/configmap-stateful-collector-2729987d.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/configmap-stateful-targetallocator.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/statefulset-stateful-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/opentelemetrycollector-stateful.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/stateful/serviceaccount-stateful-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/service-sidecar-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/opentelemetrycollector-sidecar.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/service-sidecar-collector-monitoring.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/configmap-sidecar-collector-3826c0e7.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/serviceaccount-sidecar-collector.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/namespaces/chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar/service-sidecar-collector-headless.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/chainsaw-must-gather/instrumentation-nodejs.yaml Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-* Found: ghcr-io-open-telemetry-opentelemetry-operator-must-gather-sha256-*/deployment-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager.yaml Found: timestamp === STDERR Warning: spec.nodeSelector[]: use "" instead WARNING: rsync command not found in path. Please use your package manager to install it. Ignoring the following flags because they only apply to rsync: -z l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Run the must-gather and verify the contents  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install app  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install app  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-must-gather/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install app  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-must-gather/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-must-gather/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Create instrumentation CR and sidecar collector instance | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-must-gather/stateful l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | DELETE | OK | @ default-view-chainsaw-must-gather l.go:52: | 07:08:08 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | DELETE | OK | @ smoke-targetallocator l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-must-gather/ta l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | must-gather | Install Target Allocator  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | must-gather | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | must-gather | @chainsaw  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-must-gather === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-python-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-python-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-profound-manatee l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-profound-manatee --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-profound-manatee annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-profound-manatee --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-profound-manatee annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:09 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/java l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/java l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/java l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:10 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/* === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:08:12 | multi-cluster | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-multi-cluster-send === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/* l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:16 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:08:20 | multi-cluster | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:20 | multi-cluster | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:20 | multi-cluster | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-relevant-vulture === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/* l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/* l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/my-java-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:22 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:23 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/java l.go:52: | 07:08:23 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-profound-manatee/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:23 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:23 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:23 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-profound-manatee === NAME chainsaw/multi-cluster l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | multi-cluster | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-evident-ape l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-evident-ape --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-evident-ape annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-evident-ape --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-evident-ape annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/java l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/java l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/java l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:27 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-evident-ape/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-java-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-excited-crab l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-excited-crab --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-excited-crab annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-excited-crab --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-excited-crab annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-excited-crab/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-excited-crab/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-excited-crab/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:30 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-excited-crab/* l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-excited-crab/* l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-excited-crab/my-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/nodejs l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-excited-crab/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:33 | instrumentation-nodejs | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-excited-crab === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-evident-ape/* l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:34 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi === NAME chainsaw/must-gather l.go:52: | 07:08:40 | must-gather | @chainsaw  | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:40 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy l.go:52: | 07:08:40 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:40 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-sweet-anchovy --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-sweet-anchovy annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-sweet-anchovy --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-sweet-anchovy annotated l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:08:41 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-evident-ape/* l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-evident-ape/* l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-ape/my-nodejs-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/java l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-ape/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:45 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-evident-ape === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:08:51 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/* l.go:52: | 07:08:51 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:08:51 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:08:51 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:52 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:52 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:08:52 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:08:52 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | PATCH | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:08:52 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:08:52 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/* l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/* l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/my-nginx-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:01 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-sweet-anchovy l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-lenient-bass l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-lenient-bass --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-lenient-bass annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-lenient-bass --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-lenient-bass annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/my-nginx-contnr-secctx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/my-nginx-contnr-secctx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/my-nginx-contnr-secctx l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:08 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/* l.go:52: | 07:09:12 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/* l.go:52: | 07:09:12 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:12 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/my-nginx-contnr-secctx l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-lenient-bass/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:13 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-lenient-bass l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-teaching-flea l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-teaching-flea --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-teaching-flea annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-teaching-flea --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-teaching-flea annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-crucial-foal l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-crucial-foal --overwrite === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/my-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/my-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/my-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx-conf === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-crucial-foal annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-crucial-foal --overwrite === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-crucial-foal annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:20 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/ca l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/ca l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/ca l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/client-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/client-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/client-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/server-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CREATE | OK | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/server-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/server-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/simplest l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/simplest l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/simplest l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/java l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/java l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/java l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/my-java l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/my-java l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/my-java l.go:52: | 07:09:21 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs l.go:52: | 07:09:22 | instrumentation-nodejs | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:22 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm l.go:52: | 07:09:22 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:22 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | DELETE | RUN | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | DELETE | DONE | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | @ my-other-ns/java l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | CREATE | OK | @ my-other-ns/java l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | @ my-other-ns/java l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/my-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/my-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/my-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:23 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/* l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/my-java l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/java l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/simplest l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/server-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/Secret @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/client-certs l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-crucial-foal/ca l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:24 | instrumentation-java-tls | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-crucial-foal === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/* l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx-conf l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/my-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-teaching-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:25 | instrumentation-nginx | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-teaching-flea === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:26 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/* l.go:52: | 07:09:26 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:26 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-04  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:26 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-04  | DELETE | RUN | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:26 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-04  | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-java-tls | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-ultimate-flea --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-ultimate-flea annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-ultimate-flea --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-ultimate-flea annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/multi l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/multi l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/multi l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/dep-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/dep-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/dep-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:31 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-nginx | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-meet-cicada l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-meet-cicada --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-meet-cicada annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:32 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-meet-cicada --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-meet-cicada annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/multi l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/multi l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/multi l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/dep-multi-instr-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/dep-multi-instr-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/dep-multi-instr-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-04  | DELETE | DONE | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-04  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/my-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-03  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | DELETE | WARN | @ my-other-ns/java === ERROR "java" not found l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | DELETE | WARN | v1/Namespace @ my-other-ns === ERROR namespaces "my-other-ns" not found l.go:52: | 07:09:33 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:34 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:34 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:34 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-sweeping-hookworm === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/* l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/dep-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/* l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/multi === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/dep-multi-instr-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/multi === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-ultimate-flea === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-meet-cicada/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:35 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-meet-cicada === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-java-other-ns | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-viable-amoeba --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-viable-amoeba annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-viable-amoeba --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-viable-amoeba annotated l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:40 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:41 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/* l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/* l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:47 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/* l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/* l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/my-dotnet-multi l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:09:53 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-viable-amoeba l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-java l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-evident-werewolf --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-evident-werewolf annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-evident-werewolf --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-evident-werewolf annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:00 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/config-java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/config-java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/config-java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/my-java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/my-java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/my-java l.go:52: | 07:10:01 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/* l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/* l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/my-java l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ConfigMap @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/config-java l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/java l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:03 | instrumentation-java | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-evident-werewolf === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-multi-no-containers | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-brief-mongrel --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-brief-mongrel annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-brief-mongrel --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-brief-mongrel annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:09 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-java l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-java | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-casual-mite l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-casual-mite --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-casual-mite annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-casual-mite --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-casual-mite annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:10 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/go l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/go l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/go l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/bin/sh -c ./ === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-single-instr-first-container | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-hip-dassie l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-hip-dassie --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-hip-dassie annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-hip-dassie --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-hip-dassie annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/my-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/my-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/my-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:11 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/* l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/* l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | SCRIPT | LOG | === STDOUT unchanged added: "otel-instrumentation-go" l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | SCRIPT | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-casual-mite/otel-instrumentation-go === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/my-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/dotnet === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | CREATE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-casual-mite/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-casual-mite/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-hip-dassie/sidecar === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-casual-mite/my-golang === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-dotnet | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-hip-dassie === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-casual-mite/my-golang l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-casual-mite/my-golang l.go:52: | 07:10:14 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-casual-mite/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/* l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | PATCH | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:16 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-casual-mite/* l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-casual-mite/my-golang l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | DELETE | OK | v1/ServiceAccount @ chainsaw-casual-mite/otel-instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/go l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-casual-mite/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:18 | instrumentation-go | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-casual-mite === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/* l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/* l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-03  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/my-apache-multi l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-02  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:20 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-brief-mongrel === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-musl l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-ethical-bedbug --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-ethical-bedbug annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-ethical-bedbug --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-ethical-bedbug annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:21 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/my-dotnet-musl l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/my-dotnet-musl l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/my-dotnet-musl l.go:52: | 07:10:22 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/* l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/* l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/my-dotnet-musl l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/dotnet l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:24 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-ethical-bedbug === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-go l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-go | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === CONT chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-httpd l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-intimate-kingfish --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-intimate-kingfish annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CMD | RUN | === COMMAND /usr/local/bin/kubectl annotate namespace chainsaw-intimate-kingfish --overwrite l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CMD | LOG | === STDOUT namespace/chainsaw-intimate-kingfish annotated l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CMD | DONE | l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:25 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | APPLY | RUN | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/my-apache l.go:52: | 07:10:26 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | CREATE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/my-apache l.go:52: | 07:10:26 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | APPLY | DONE | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/my-apache l.go:52: | 07:10:26 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | ASSERT | RUN | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/* === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer l.go:52: | 07:10:28 | instrumentation-apache-multicontainer | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-httpd l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | ASSERT | DONE | v1/Pod @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/* l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | DELETE | OK | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/my-apache l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-01  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/apache l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish/sidecar l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:10:29 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-intimate-kingfish === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-musl l.go:52: | 07:10:30 | instrumentation-dotnet-musl | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === NAME chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-httpd l.go:52: | 07:10:36 | instrumentation-apache-httpd | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === NAME chainsaw/kafka l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | step-00  | ASSERT | ERROR | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-kafka/my-cluster-entity-operator === ERROR actual resource not found l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-kafka/my-cluster l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:14:00 | kafka | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-kafka l.go:52: | 07:14:06 | kafka | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | --- FAIL: chainsaw (211.75s) --- PASS: chainsaw/monitoring (112.19s) --- PASS: chainsaw/otlp-metrics-traces (80.51s) --- PASS: chainsaw/operator-restart (19.04s) --- PASS: chainsaw/env-vars#01 (8.93s) --- PASS: chainsaw/autoscale (11.82s) --- PASS: chainsaw/versioned-configmaps (10.53s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-targetallocator (23.49s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-statefulset (10.08s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-simplest-v1beta1 (8.16s) --- PASS: chainsaw/persistent-volume-claim-label (44.79s) --- PASS: chainsaw/statefulset-features (36.80s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-simplest (8.25s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-shareprocessnamespace (7.34s) --- PASS: chainsaw/create-pm-prometheus-exporters (47.07s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-restarting-deployment (13.13s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-ports (6.67s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-pod-labels (10.64s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-sidecar (37.34s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations (9.23s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-pod-dns-config (8.62s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-sidecar-other-namespace (47.40s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-daemonset (9.07s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-init-containers (17.24s) --- PASS: chainsaw/multiple-configmaps (11.97s) --- PASS: chainsaw/node-selector-collector (19.48s) --- PASS: chainsaw/managed-reconcile (13.41s) --- PASS: chainsaw/prometheus-config-validation (26.42s) --- PASS: chainsaw/label-change-collector (11.82s) --- PASS: chainsaw/ingress (10.38s) --- PASS: chainsaw/ingress-subdomains (11.33s) --- PASS: chainsaw/daemonset-features (11.30s) --- PASS: chainsaw/annotation-change-collector (12.90s) --- PASS: chainsaw/args-collector (14.29s) --- PASS: chainsaw/affinity-collector (12.18s) --- PASS: chainsaw/additional-containers-collector (12.17s) --- PASS: chainsaw/env-vars (37.44s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-volume (56.97s) --- PASS: chainsaw/targetallocator-prometheuscr (77.62s) --- PASS: chainsaw/create-sm-prometheus-exporters (69.73s) --- PASS: chainsaw/targetallocator-kubernetessd (77.23s) --- PASS: chainsaw/pdb (7.69s) --- PASS: chainsaw/target-allocator (12.33s) --- PASS: chainsaw/route (9.97s) --- PASS: chainsaw/scrape-in-cluster-monitoring (19.99s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-multicontainer-go (18.14s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-sdk (36.46s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-python-musl (39.83s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-python (37.85s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-python-multicontainer (49.21s) --- PASS: chainsaw/multi-cluster (43.39s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-java-multicontainer (20.56s) --- PASS: chainsaw/must-gather (49.69s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-multicontainer (27.16s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx-contnr-secctx (11.94s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs-multicontainer (53.37s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-nodejs (52.81s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-java-tls (10.42s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-nginx (12.75s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-java-other-ns (17.70s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-multicontainer (19.84s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-multi-no-containers (36.83s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-java (10.11s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-single-instr-first-container (40.19s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet (10.18s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-go (14.81s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-multicontainer (18.61s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-dotnet-musl (9.49s) --- PASS: chainsaw/instrumentation-apache-httpd (10.83s) --- FAIL: chainsaw/kafka (366.76s) FAIL Tests Summary... - Passed tests 68 - Failed tests 1 - Skipped tests 0 Done with failures. Error: some tests failed patched CSV updated successfully, continuing script execution... Version: 0.2.12 No configuration provided but found default file: .chainsaw.yaml Loading config (.chainsaw.yaml)... - Using test file: chainsaw-test - TestDirs [tests/e2e-metadata-filters] - SkipDelete false - FailFast false - ReportFormat 'XML' - ReportName 'junit_otel_metadata_filters' - ReportPath '/logs/artifacts' - Namespace '' - FullName false - IncludeTestRegex '' - ExcludeTestRegex '' - ApplyTimeout 15s - AssertTimeout 6m0s - CleanupTimeout 5m0s - DeleteTimeout 5m0s - ErrorTimeout 5m0s - ExecTimeout 15s - DeletionPropagationPolicy Background - Parallel 4 - Template true - NoCluster false - PauseOnFailure false Loading tests... - smoke-pod-annotations (tests/e2e-metadata-filters/annotations) - smoke-pod-annotations (tests/e2e-metadata-filters/labels) Loading values... Running tests... === RUN chainsaw === PAUSE chainsaw === CONT chainsaw === RUN chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations === RUN chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 === PAUSE chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 === CONT chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations === CONT chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-central-seahorse l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CREATE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | APPLY | RUN | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CREATE | OK | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | APPLY | DONE | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | ERROR | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | ERROR | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-annotations-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | ERROR | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations-collector l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | ERROR | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-annotations-collector l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | TRY | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | PATCH | RUN | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:07 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | PATCH | RUN | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | PATCH | DONE | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | PATCH | OK | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | PATCH | DONE | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | ERROR | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-annotations-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | ERROR | RUN | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations-collector === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | ERROR | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-annotations-collector l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | ERROR | DONE | apps/v1/DaemonSet @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations-collector l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-01  | TRY | END | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin/test-annotations === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | DELETE | OK | @ chainsaw-central-seahorse/test-labels l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-central-seahorse === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | step-00  | CLEANUP | END | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | BEGIN | l.go:52: | 07:15:08 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | DELETE | OK | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-faithful-dolphin === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 l.go:52: | 07:15:15 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | === NAME chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations l.go:52: | 07:15:15 | smoke-pod-annotations | @chainsaw | CLEANUP | END | --- PASS: chainsaw (0.00s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations#01 (7.48s) --- PASS: chainsaw/smoke-pod-annotations (7.95s) PASS Tests Summary... - Passed tests 2 - Failed tests 0 - Skipped tests 0 Done. Tests failed, check the logs for more details.