Results for "GraalVM" in "rhbq-quarkus/*.adoc" /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/asciidoc/_attributes.adoc: 11: :graalvm-version: for JDK 21 12: :graalvm-flavor: jdk-21 /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/asciidoc/datasource.adoc: 796: Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) integrations are disabled as they are incompatible with GraalVM native images. /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/common/attributes.adoc: 65: image, which is based on link:[Mandrel] and distributed by Red Hat. 67: executables]. Building native executables by using Oracle GraalVM Community Edition (CE), Mandrel community edition, 67: Mandrel community edition, or any other distributions of GraalVM is not supported for {ProductLongName}. /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/con_difference-between-jvm-and-native-mode.adoc: 4: Machine (JVM) application or compile a native application with Mandrel or GraalVM's `native-image` tool. 31: Mandrel is a specialized distribution of GraalVM for {ProductLongName} and also the preferred approach 49: * *Using GraalVM* 51: Mandrel does not support macOS, you can use Oracle GraalVM to build native executables on this operating system. 53: also build native executables by using Oracle GraalVM directly on bare metal Linux or Windows distributions. 55: how to build a native executable by using Oracle GraalVM, see link:{URL_NATIVE_EXECUTABLE_QUARKUS}[Compiling /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/asciidoc/_includes/prerequisites.adoc: 24: ifndef::prerequisites-no-graalvm[] 25: ifndef::prerequisites-graalvm-mandatory[] 26: * Optionally Mandrel or GraalVM installed and link:{quarkusio-guides}/building-native-image#configuring-graalvm[configured 26: {quarkusio-guides}/building-native-image#configuring-graalvm[configured appropriately] if you want to build a 28: ifdef::prerequisites-graalvm-mandatory[] 29: * Mandrel or GraalVM installed and link:{quarkusio-guides}/building-native-image#configuring-graalvm[configured 29: installed and link:{quarkusio-guides}/building-native-image#configuring-graalvm[configured appropriately] /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/rn/ref_rn-qdocs-751-graalvm-sdk-update.adoc: 1: [id="ref_rn-qdocs-751-graalvm-sdk-update_{context}"] 2: = GraalVM SDK updates 4: {ProductLongName} {ProductVersion} updates the GraalVM SDK dependencies to version 23.1.2. 5: This update corrects an earlier oversight and ensures compatibility with the latest GraalVM features. 7: if you are developing extensions that contain GraalVM substitutions, replace the `org.graalvm.sdk:graal-sdk` 7: contain GraalVM substitutions, replace the `org.graalvm.sdk:graal-sdk` dependency with `org.graalvm.sdk 7: substitutions, replace the `org.graalvm.sdk:graal-sdk` dependency with `org.graalvm.sdk:nativeimage`. 13: are using the JavaScript polyglot features of GraalVM, Replace the `org.graalvm.js:js` with the appropriate 13: polyglot features of GraalVM, Replace the `org.graalvm.js:js` with the appropriate dependency based on 13: GraalVM, Replace the `org.graalvm.js:js` with the appropriate dependency based on your GraalVM edition: 15: - Use `org.graalvm.polyglot:js-community` if you use the Community Edition of GraalVM. 15: - Use `org.graalvm.polyglot:js-community` if you use the Community Edition of GraalVM. 16: - Use `org.graalvm.polyglot:js` if you use the Enterprise Edition of GraalVM. 16: - Use `org.graalvm.polyglot:js` if you use the Enterprise Edition of GraalVM. 18: NOTE: This second update must be done manually because it depends on your specific GraalVM distribution. 20: IMPORTANT: GraalVM SDK 23.1.2 requires a minimum of JDK 17 at runtime. /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/.vale/fixtures/RedHat/CaseSensitiveTerms/testinvalid.adoc: 173: Graalvm 174: graalVM /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/.vale/fixtures/RedHat/CaseSensitiveTerms/testvalid.adoc: 102: GraalVM /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/.vale/fixtures/RedHat/PascalCamelCase/testvalid.adoc: 51: GraalVM /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/.vale/fixtures/RedHat/Spelling/testvalid.adoc: 189: GraalVM /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/proc_packaging-and-running-in-native-mode.adoc: 18: * You have downloaded and installed a community or enterprise edition of GraalVM. 19: install a community or an enterprise edition of GraalVM, refer to the official link: 19: GraalVM, refer to the official link:[Getting Started 19: link:[Getting Started with GraalVM] documentation. 20:[sdkman], link:[homebrew], or link: 24: While you can use the community edition of GraalVM to complete all of the procedures in the Getting Started 24: Getting Started guide, the community edition of GraalVM is not supported in a {ProductLongName} production 30: Configure the runtime environment by setting the `GRAALVM_HOME` environment variable to the GraalVM installation 30: environment by setting the `GRAALVM_HOME` environment variable to the GraalVM installation directory. 35: export GRAALVM_HOME=$HOME/Development/graalvm/ 35: export GRAALVM_HOME=$HOME/Development/graalvm/ 42: export GRAALVM_HOME=$HOME/Development/graalvm/Contents/Home/ 42: export GRAALVM_HOME=$HOME/Development/graalvm/Contents/Home/ 51: ${GRAALVM_HOME}/bin/gu install native-image 54: . Set the `JAVA_HOME` environment variable to the GraalVM installation directory: 58: export JAVA_HOME=${GRAALVM_HOME} 61: . Add the GraalVM `bin` directory to the path: 65: export PATH=${GRAALVM_HOME}/bin:$PATH /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/proc_producing-native-executable.adoc: 40: | GraalVM does not need to be set up locally, which makes your link: 43: | A local installation of GraalVM or Mandrel 53: builder] image, which is a productized distribution of link:[Mandrel]. 56: * Building native executables by using Oracle GraalVM Community Edition (CE), Mandrel community edition, 56: Mandrel community edition, or any other distributions of GraalVM is not supported for {ProductLongName}. 161: * A local installation of Mandrel or GraalVm, correctly configured according to the {ProductName} link 163: ** Additionally, for a GraalVM installation, `native-image` must also be installed. 167: . For GraalVM or Mandrel, build a native executable by using one of the following methods: /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/proc_quarkus-creating-proj.adoc: 90: Mandrel does not support macOS, you can use Oracle GraalVM to build native executables on this operating system. 92: also build native executables by using Oracle GraalVM directly on bare metal Linux or Windows distributions. 93: For more information about this process, see the Oracle GraalVM README and release notes. /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/proc_testing-native-executable.adoc: 10: following example shows how to test a native executable with a local installation of GraalVM or Mandrel. 81: GraalVM Native Image: Generating 'getting-started-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner' (executable)... /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/ref_changes-that-affect-backward-compatibility.adoc: 31: include::rn/ref_rn-qdocs-751-graalvm-sdk-update.adoc[leveloffset=+2] /home/rdlugyhe/gitlab/rhbq-quarkus/modules/ref_native-config-properties.adoc: 56: | `quarkus.native.graalvm-home` 57: | Contains the path of the GraalVM distribution. 59: | `${GRAALVM_HOME:}` 73: This is an advanced option for those familiar with GraalVM internals.