nbdkit --foreground --readonly --exit-with-parent -U /tmp/nbd.sock --pidfile /tmp/nbd.pid --filter=retry --filter=cacheextents vddk libdir=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib server=vcenter.captive.lab user=administrator@vsphere.local thumbprint=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 vm=moref=vm-15 snapshot=snapshot-16 --verbose -D nbdkit.backend.controlpath=0 -D nbdkit.backend.datapath=0 file='[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk' password='*****'; rm /tmp/nbd.sock nbdkit: debug: nbdkit 1.38.3 (nbdkit-1.38.3-1.fc40) nbdkit: debug: TLS disabled: could not load TLS certificates nbdkit: debug: service mode: unix socket nbdkit: debug: NBD URI: nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock nbdkit: debug: registering plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-vddk-plugin.so nbdkit: debug: registered plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-vddk-plugin.so (name vddk) nbdkit: debug: vddk: load nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cacheextents-filter.so nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cacheextents-filter.so (name cacheextents) nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: load nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-retry-filter.so nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-retry-filter.so (name retry) nbdkit: debug: retry: load nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=libdir, value=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=libdir, value=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=libdir, value=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=server, value=vcenter.captive.lab nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=server, value=vcenter.captive.lab nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=server, value=vcenter.captive.lab nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=user, value=administrator@vsphere.local nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=user, value=administrator@vsphere.local nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=user, value=administrator@vsphere.local nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=thumbprint, value=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=thumbprint, value=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=thumbprint, value=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=vm, value=moref=vm-15 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=vm, value=moref=vm-15 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=vm, value=moref=vm-15 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=snapshot, value=snapshot-16 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=snapshot, value=snapshot-16 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=snapshot, value=snapshot-16 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=file, value=[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=file, value=[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=file, value=[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=password, value=***** nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=password, value=***** nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=password, value=***** nbdkit: debug: retry: config_complete nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config_complete nbdkit: debug: vddk: config_complete nbdkit: debug: using thread model: serialize_requests nbdkit: debug: vddk: get_ready nbdkit: debug: original command line occupies 539 bytes nbdkit: debug: adding reexeced_= nbdkit: debug: re-executing with updated LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib/lib64 nbdkit: debug: nbdkit 1.38.3 (nbdkit-1.38.3-1.fc40) nbdkit: debug: TLS disabled: could not load TLS certificates nbdkit: debug: service mode: unix socket nbdkit: debug: NBD URI: nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock nbdkit: debug: registering plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-vddk-plugin.so nbdkit: debug: registered plugin /usr/lib64/nbdkit/plugins/nbdkit-vddk-plugin.so (name vddk) nbdkit: debug: vddk: load nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cacheextents-filter.so nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-cacheextents-filter.so (name cacheextents) nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: load nbdkit: debug: registering filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-retry-filter.so nbdkit: debug: registered filter /usr/lib64/nbdkit/filters/nbdkit-retry-filter.so (name retry) nbdkit: debug: retry: load nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=libdir, value=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=libdir, value=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=libdir, value=./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=server, value=vcenter.captive.lab nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=server, value=vcenter.captive.lab nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=server, value=vcenter.captive.lab nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=user, value=administrator@vsphere.local nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=user, value=administrator@vsphere.local nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=user, value=administrator@vsphere.local nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=thumbprint, value=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=thumbprint, value=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=thumbprint, value=AD:9D:9F:C3:0A:60:BE:07:96:A5:FE:7F:E5:7A:D6:BB:CF:D1:7E:69 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=vm, value=moref=vm-15 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=vm, value=moref=vm-15 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=vm, value=moref=vm-15 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=snapshot, value=snapshot-16 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=snapshot, value=snapshot-16 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=snapshot, value=snapshot-16 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=file, value=[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=file, value=[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=file, value=[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=password, value=-3 nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=password, value=-3 nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=password, value=-3 nbdkit: debug: retry: config key=reexeced_, value= nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config key=reexeced_, value= nbdkit: debug: vddk: config key=reexeced_, value= nbdkit: debug: retry: config_complete nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: config_complete nbdkit: debug: vddk: config_complete nbdkit: debug: cleaning up after re-exec nbdkit: debug: using thread model: serialize_requests nbdkit: debug: vddk: get_ready nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: get_ready thread_model=2 nbdkit: debug: retry: get_ready thread_model=2 nbdkit: debug: bound to unix socket /tmp/nbd.sock nbdkit: debug: written pidfile /tmp/nbd.pid nbdkit: debug: vddk: after_fork nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_InitEx (6, 5, &debug_fn, &error_fn, &error_fn, ./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib, NULL) nbdkit: debug: OBJLIB-LIB: Objlib initialized. nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: Attempting to locate advanced transport module in "./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib". nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: Advanced transport plugin ./VMware-vix-disklib-8.0.2-23124249.x86_64/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib/lib64/libdiskLibPlugin.so was successfully loaded into vixDiskLib. nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: Enabling advanced transport modes. nbdkit: debug: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/etc/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/etc/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /etc/vmware/config. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/settings. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/config. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /home/marnold/.vmware/config. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /home/marnold/.vmware/preferences. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: OpenSSL using default provider nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: Client usage nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: protocol min 0x303 max 0x303 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x36000000) nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: cipher list ECDHE+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:ECDHE+AES:RSA+AES nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: cipher suites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: curves list prime256v1:secp384r1:secp521r1 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: Server usage nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: protocol min 0x303 max 0x303 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x36000000) nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: cipher list ECDHE+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:ECDHE+AES:RSA+AES nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: cipher suites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 nbdkit: debug: lib/ssl: curves list prime256v1:secp384r1:secp521r1 nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: Initialize transport modes. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC connection accept timeout: 180000 milliseconds nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC request timeout: 180000 milliseconds nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC read timeout: 60000 milliseconds nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC write timeout: 600000 milliseconds nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC fssrvr request timeout: 0 milliseconds nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC fssrvr write timeout: 0 milliseconds nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC VERBOSE]NFC max recv retries: 1 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/etc/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/etc/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.154-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] PREF Optional preferences file not found at /etc/vmware/config. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/settings. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/config. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/config": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] PREF Optional preferences file not found at /home/marnold/.vmware/config. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/home/marnold/.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] PREF Optional preferences file not found at /home/marnold/.vmware/preferences. Using default values. nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: OpenSSL using default provider nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: Client usage nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: protocol min 0x303 max 0x303 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x36000000) nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: cipher list ECDHE+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:ECDHE+AES:RSA+AES nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: cipher suites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: curves list prime256v1:secp384r1:secp521r1 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: Server usage nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: protocol min 0x303 max 0x303 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: protocol list tls1.2 (openssl flags 0x36000000) nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: cipher list ECDHE+AESGCM:RSA+AESGCM:ECDHE+AES:RSA+AES nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: cipher suites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.155-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] lib/ssl: curves list prime256v1:secp384r1:secp521r1 nbdkit: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:55.341-04:00 info -[1026926] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs] [NFC INFO]Nfc_Init: Poll not initialized. nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: Available transport modes: file:san:hotadd:nbdssl:nbd. nbdkit: debug: VMware VixDiskLib (8.0.2) Release build-23124249 nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: PhoneHome is disabled. nbdkit: debug: cacheextents: after_fork nbdkit: debug: retry: after_fork nbdkit: debug: accepted connection nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: retry: preconnect nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: cacheextents: preconnect nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: vddk: preconnect nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: flags: global 0x3 nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: client flags: 0x3 nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: replying to unknown (0xb) with unknown (0x80000001) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0x8): client requested structured replies nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: replying to unknown (0x8) with unknown (0x1) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0xa): client requested export '' nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0xa): set count: 1 nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0xa): set base:allocation nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0xa): replying with base:allocation id 1 nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: replying to unknown (0xa) with unknown (0x1) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0xa): reply complete nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: unknown (0x7): client requested export '' nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_AllocateConnectParams () nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_ConnectEx (h->params, 1, snapshot-16, NULL, &connection) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_ConnectEx: Establish connection using (null). nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLibConnectInt: Establish connection. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: Resolve host. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: 2024-08-12T21:14:57.375-04:00 error -[1026948] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Cannot use advanced transport modes for Cannot create directory /tmp/vmware-marnold/42073be3-6b55-bb89-e5ce-6b438d87c72e-vm-15. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_ConnectEx: Advanced transport modes not available for opening moref=vm-15. (Cannot use advanced transport modes for Cannot create directory /tmp/vmware-marnold/42073be3-6b55-bb89-e5ce-6b438d87c72e-vm-15.) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_Open (connection, [datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk, 4, &handle) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_OpenEx: Open a disk. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: NBD_ClientOpen: attempting to create connection to vpxa-nfc://[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk@drome.captive.lab:902 nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: NfcAioOpenSession: the socket options client snd buffer size 87040, rcv buffer size 131072. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: NfcAioOpenSession: the socket options server snd buffer size 293058, rcv buffer size 293058. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: Opening file [datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk (vpxa-nfc://[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk@drome.captive.lab:902) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: Nbd_ClientSetCallback: Set callback on '[datastore1] win19/win19-000002.vmdk' with type 0. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_GetTransportMode (handle) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_GetTransportMode: Retrieve transport mode. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: transport mode: nbd nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_GetInfo (handle, info) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_GetInfo: Retrieve disk info. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeInfo (info) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_FreeInfo: Clean up VixDiskLib. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 0, 128 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: newstyle negotiation: flags: export 0x87 nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_GetInfo (handle, info) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_GetInfo: Retrieve disk info. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeInfo (info) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_FreeInfo: Clean up VixDiskLib. nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: replying to unknown (0x7) with unknown (0x1) nbdkit: vddk[1]: debug: handshake complete, processing requests serially nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_ReadAsync (handle, 0 sectors, 1 sectors, buffer, callback, 3) nbdkit: debug: command 3 completed nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 0 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 4194304 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 8388608 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 12582912 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 16777216 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 20971520 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 25165824 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 29360128 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 33554432 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 37748736 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 41943040 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 46137344 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 50331648 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 54525952 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 58720256 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 62914560 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 67108864 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 71303168 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 75497472 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 79691776 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 83886080 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 88080384 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 92274688 sectors, 2097152 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks (handle, 0 sectors, 4194304 sectors, 128 sectors) nbdkit: debug: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks: Query allocated blocks. nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_FreeBlockList (block_list) nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_ReadAsync (handle, 0 sectors, 4096 sectors, buffer, callback, 28) nbdkit: debug: command 28 completed nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_ReadAsync (handle, 4096 sectors, 4096 sectors, buffer, callback, 29) nbdkit: debug: command 29 completed nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_ReadAsync (handle, 8192 sectors, 4096 sectors, buffer, callback, 30) nbdkit: debug: command 30 completed nbdkit: debug: VDDK call: VixDiskLib_ReadAsync (handle, 12288 sectors, 4096 sectors, buffer, callback, 31) nbdkit: debug: command 31 completed