go test -v -p=1 -timeout=20m -race -count=1 -coverprofile=coverage.out ./tests/e2e # github.com/argoproj-labs/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-openshift/tests/e2e.test ld: warning: '/private/var/folders/5x/bbpqxxbn50d013cwldtj8hbm0000gn/T/go-link-3068197230/000014.o' has malformed LC_DYSYMTAB, expected 98 undefined symbols to start at index 1626, found 95 undefined symbols starting at index 1626 === RUN TestPlugin Running Suite: Plugin e2e Tests Suite - /Users/trdoyle/3naworkspace_gitops/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-openshift/tests/e2e ============================================================================================================================ Random Seed: 1719412162 Will run 3 of 3 specs service/rollouts-demo-stable created service/rollouts-demo-canary created route.route.openshift.io/rollouts-demo created rollout.argoproj.io/rollouts-demo created Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy W0626 15:29:41.214459 14419 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.template.metadata.creationTimestamp" Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy •service/rollouts-demo-stable created service/rollouts-demo-canary created route.route.openshift.io/rollouts-demo-prod created route.route.openshift.io/rollouts-demo-stage created rollout.argoproj.io/rollouts-demo created Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy W0626 15:30:12.050820 14419 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.template.metadata.creationTimestamp" Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Canary weight mismatch: got 100, want 0 •service/rollouts-demo-stable created service/rollouts-demo-canary created route.route.openshift.io/rollouts-demo created analysistemplate.argoproj.io/sample-template created rollout.argoproj.io/rollouts-demo created Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy W0626 15:30:36.898854 14419 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.template.metadata.creationTimestamp" Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Paused Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy Rollout phase mismatch, got Progressing, want Healthy • Ran 3 of 3 Specs in 87.235 seconds SUCCESS! -- 3 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped --- PASS: TestPlugin (87.24s) PASS coverage: [no statements] ok github.com/argoproj-labs/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-openshift/tests/e2e 89.146s coverage: [no statements]