2024/06/03 17:24:40 main : Starting main test 2024/06/03 17:24:40 main : Debug detail 2024/06/03 17:24:40 main : Get Kubeconfig settings 2024/06/03 17:24:40 main : Kubeconfig for public namespace = /tmp/kubeconfig-3052597081 2024/06/03 17:24:40 main : Kubeconfig for private namespace = /tmp/kubeconfig-3052597081 === RUN TestSkupperOCPSmoke 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Starting Setup 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Creating namespaces 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Creating namespace pub-test-ns 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Namespace pub-test-ns DOES NOT exists. Creating 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Namespace pub-test-ns created 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Creating namespace priv-test-ns 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Namespace priv-test-ns DOES NOT exists. Creating 2024/06/03 17:24:40 setup : Namespace priv-test-ns created main_test.go:8: Test failed - setup : unable to find Skupper Operator ( skupper-operator ). Please ensure that it is available on redhat-operators catalog --- FAIL: TestSkupperOCPSmoke (0.18s) FAIL main_test.go:8: Test failed - setup : unable to find Skupper Operator ( skupper-operator ). Please ensure that it is available on redhat-operators catalog