WARNING: Using insecure TLS client config. Setting this option is not supported! Login successful. You have access to 72 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects' Using project "releasetest-z7fwr". Running gauge specs gauge run specs/clustertasks/clustertask-s2i.spec log-level : [debug] tags : [sanity & !tls] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Compatible version of plugin go not found. Installing plugin go... Gathering metadata for go Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go/releases/download/v0.4.0/gauge-go-0.4.0-linux.x86_64.zip ....................... Running plugin hook command => [go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest] go: downloading github.com/go-delve/delve v1.22.1 go: downloading github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.3 go: downloading github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 go: downloading github.com/spf13/cobra v1.7.0 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.20 go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 go: downloading github.com/cosiner/argv v0.1.0 go: downloading github.com/derekparker/trie v0.0.0-20230829180723-39f4de51ef7d go: downloading github.com/google/go-dap v0.11.0 go: downloading github.com/go-delve/liner v1.2.3-0.20231231155935-4726ab1d7f62 go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v1.0.2 go: downloading golang.org/x/arch v0.6.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 go: downloading go.starlark.net v0.0.0-20231101134539-556fd59b42f6 go: downloading github.com/cilium/ebpf v0.11.0 go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 go: downloading github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2 v2.0.2 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.13 go: downloading github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2 v2.1.0 go: downloading github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.2.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230224173230-c95f2b4c22f2 Running plugin hook command => [go install github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go@latest] go: downloading github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go v0.4.0 go: downloading github.com/getgauge/common v0.0.0-20211105093448-e0aee1ccb217 go: downloading github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 go: downloading github.com/dmotylev/goproperties v0.0.0-20140630191356-7cbffbaada47 go: downloading google.golang.org/protobuf v1.31.0 Installing plugin go 0.4.0 Successfully installed plugin 'go' version 0.4.0 Compatible version of plugin html-report not found. Installing plugin html-report... Gathering metadata for html-report Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://github.com/getgauge/html-report/releases/download/v4.3.1/html-report-4.3.1-linux.x86_64.zip ....................... Installing plugin html-report 4.3.1 Successfully installed plugin 'html-report' version 4.3.1 Compatible version of plugin xml-report not found. Installing plugin xml-report... Gathering metadata for xml-report Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://github.com/getgauge/xml-report/releases/download/v0.5.1/xml-report-0.5.1-linux.x86_64.zip ........................ Installing plugin xml-report 0.5.1 Successfully installed plugin 'xml-report' version 0.5.1 Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 1 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity & !tls The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/clustertasks/clustertask-s2i.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 go: downloading github.com/openshift/client-go v0.0.0-20230503144108-75015d2347cb go: downloading github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager v0.22.0 go: downloading gotest.tools/v3 v3.5.1 go: downloading github.com/tektoncd/operator v0.70.2 go: downloading github.com/tektoncd/pipeline v0.56.1 go: downloading github.com/tektoncd/triggers v0.26.1 go: downloading k8s.io/apimachinery v0.26.8 go: downloading k8s.io/client-go v0.26.8 go: downloading github.com/openshift/api v0.0.0-20230503133300-8bbcb7ca7183 go: downloading github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.18.0 go: downloading github.com/prometheus/common v0.45.0 go: downloading k8s.io/api v0.26.8 go: downloading github.com/operator-framework/api v0.16.0 go: downloading github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 go: downloading github.com/tektoncd/cli v0.35.2 go: downloading knative.dev/pkg v0.0.0-20231103161548-f5b42e8dea44 go: downloading github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0 go: downloading github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 go: downloading k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.110.1 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.4.1 go: downloading github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.20.0 go: downloading k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20230726121419-3b25d923346b go: downloading github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.16 go: downloading golang.org/x/term v0.16.0 go: downloading github.com/google/gofuzz v1.2.0 go: downloading go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 go: downloading github.com/google/cel-go v0.19.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa go: downloading k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20230525220651-2546d827e515 go: downloading github.com/google/gnostic v0.7.0 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd go: downloading go.uber.org/zap v1.26.0 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0 go: downloading github.com/manifestival/manifestival v0.7.2 go: downloading github.com/openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code v0.24.3 go: downloading github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.2-0.20180830191138-d8f796af33cc go: downloading golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.16.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/time v0.5.0 go: downloading github.com/go-logr/logr v1.3.0 go: downloading github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd go: downloading github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 go: downloading gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1 go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.16.0 go: downloading github.com/blang/semver/v4 v4.0.0 go: downloading github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da go: downloading golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20231012003039-104605ab7028 go: downloading knative.dev/eventing v0.39.0 go: downloading github.com/cloudevents/sdk-go/v2 v2.14.0 go: downloading github.com/tidwall/sjson v1.2.4 go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20240122161410-6c6643bf1457 go: downloading google.golang.org/protobuf v1.32.0 go: downloading github.com/fatih/color v1.16.0 go: downloading github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.0 go: downloading go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0 go: downloading github.com/jonboulle/clockwork v0.4.0 go: downloading k8s.io/cli-runtime v0.26.13 go: downloading github.com/AlecAivazis/survey/v2 v2.3.7 go: downloading github.com/ktr0731/go-fuzzyfinder v0.8.0 go: downloading github.com/google/go-containerregistry v0.19.0 go: downloading github.com/openshift/apiserver-library-go v0.0.0-20230503174907-d9b2bf6185e9 go: downloading github.com/evanphx/json-patch/v5 v5.7.0 go: downloading github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.9-0.20230804172637-c7be7c783f49 go: downloading google.golang.org/grpc v1.61.0 go: downloading k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.26.8 go: downloading github.com/google/uuid v1.5.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.6.0 go: downloading github.com/blendle/zapdriver v1.3.1 go: downloading contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/ocagent v0.7.1-0.20200907061046-05415f1de66d go: downloading contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/prometheus v0.4.2 go: downloading go.uber.org/atomic v1.11.0 go: downloading github.com/evanphx/json-patch v5.7.0+incompatible go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 go: downloading github.com/stoewer/go-strcase v1.3.0 go: downloading github.com/antlr4-go/antlr/v4 v4.13.0 go: downloading github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 v3.11.0 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference v0.20.2 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.22.4 go: downloading github.com/tidwall/gjson v1.12.1 go: downloading github.com/hako/durafmt v0.0.0-20210608085754-5c1018a4e16b go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.13 go: downloading github.com/kballard/go-shellquote v0.0.0-20180428030007-95032a82bc51 go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 go: downloading github.com/munnerz/goautoneg v0.0.0-20191010083416-a7dc8b61c822 go: downloading github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2 v2.6.0 go: downloading github.com/ktr0731/go-ansisgr v0.1.0 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.15 go: downloading github.com/nsf/termbox-go v1.1.1 go: downloading gomodules.xyz/jsonpatch/v2 v2.4.0 go: downloading github.com/kelseyhightower/envconfig v1.4.0 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime v0.14.6 go: downloading github.com/prometheus/statsd_exporter v0.25.0 go: downloading github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.4.1 go: downloading google.golang.org/api v0.157.0 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.20.0 go: downloading github.com/mgutz/ansi v0.0.0-20200706080929-d51e80ef957d go: downloading github.com/tidwall/match v1.1.1 go: downloading github.com/tidwall/pretty v1.2.0 go: downloading github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 go: downloading github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 go: downloading github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 go: downloading github.com/liggitt/tabwriter v0.0.0-20181228230101-89fcab3d43de go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.12.1 go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml v0.13.9 go: downloading github.com/gregjones/httpcache v0.0.0-20190611155906-901d90724c79 go: downloading github.com/peterbourgon/diskv v2.0.1+incompatible go: downloading github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 go: downloading github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0 go: downloading github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.5.0 go: downloading github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.12.0 go: downloading github.com/gdamore/encoding v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/lucasb-eyer/go-colorful v1.2.0 go: downloading github.com/go-kit/log v0.2.1 go: downloading github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2 v2.18.1 go: downloading github.com/josharian/intern v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/google/btree v1.1.2 go: downloading github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/v2 v2.0.0 go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20240116215550-a9fa1716bcac go: downloading github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 go: downloading github.com/go-errors/errors v1.4.2 go: downloading github.com/monochromegane/go-gitignore v0.0.0-20200626010858-205db1a8cc00 go: downloading github.com/xlab/treeprint v1.2.0 go: downloading go.starlark.net v0.0.0-20200306205701-8dd3e2ee1dd5 go: downloading github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.6.0 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 40679 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 40679 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 36753 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 36753 Initialising suite data store. # Verify Clustertasks E2E spec  ## S2I nodejs pipelinerun: PIPELINES-14-TC01 2024/05/20 06:50:27 output: Now using project "releasetest-q97hb" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 06:50:27 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 06:50:27 Operator is up  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:50:27 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-q97hb"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:50:33 output: imagestream.image.openshift.io/nodejs-ex-git created deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/nodejs-ex-git created pipeline.tekton.dev/nodejs-ex-git created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/nodejs-ex-git-pr created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|--------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1beta1/pipelinerun/s2i-nodejs-pipelinerun.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:50:33 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 06:53:08 pipelineRun: nodejs-ex-git-pr is successful under namespace : releasetest-q97hb  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name|status |check_lable_propagation| |----|-----------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |nodejs-ex-git-pr |successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:53:23 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-q97hb" deleted  ## S2I java pipelinerun: PIPELINES-14-TC04 2024/05/20 06:53:23 output: Now using project "releasetest-vxbd7" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:53:23 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-vxbd7"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:53:28 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/s2i-java-pipeline created 2024/05/20 06:53:28 output: persistentvolumeclaim/shared-pvc created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1beta1/clustertask/pipelines/s2i-java.yaml| |2 |testdata/pvc/pvc.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:53:28 Getting imagestream from the namespace openshift  * Get tags of the imagestream "java" from namespace "openshift" and store to variable "java-tags" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 06:53:28 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=11 2024/05/20 06:53:28 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-9w4gm started 2024/05/20 06:53:28 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 06:55:23 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-9w4gm is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7 2024/05/20 06:55:23 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=8 2024/05/20 06:55:23 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-ljcwm started 2024/05/20 06:55:23 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 06:57:23 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-ljcwm is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7 2024/05/20 06:57:23 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=openjdk-11-el7 2024/05/20 06:57:24 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-vft45 started 2024/05/20 06:57:24 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 06:59:19 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-vft45 is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7 2024/05/20 06:59:19 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=openjdk-11-ubi8 2024/05/20 06:59:19 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-hg9xm started 2024/05/20 06:59:19 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:00:44 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-hg9xm is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7 2024/05/20 07:00:44 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=openjdk-17-ubi8 2024/05/20 07:00:44 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-rwxv2 started 2024/05/20 07:00:44 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:02:04 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-rwxv2 is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7 2024/05/20 07:02:04 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=openjdk-8-el7 2024/05/20 07:02:04 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-fvrp8 started 2024/05/20 07:02:04 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:04:14 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-fvrp8 is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7 2024/05/20 07:04:14 Starting pipeline s2i-java-pipeline with param VERSION=openjdk-8-ubi8 2024/05/20 07:04:14 Pipelinerun s2i-java-pipeline-run-cf2tn started 2024/05/20 07:04:14 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:05:39 pipelineRun: s2i-java-pipeline-run-cf2tn is successful under namespace : releasetest-vxbd7  * Start and verify pipeline "s2i-java-pipeline" with param "VERSION" with values stored in variable "java-tags" with workspace "name=source,claimName=shared-pvc" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:05:54 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-vxbd7" deleted Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.05.54/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.05.54 Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 926.734s Runner with PID:4214 has exited Specifications: 1 executed 1 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 2 executed 2 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 15m26.628s gauge run specs/clustertasks/clustertask.spec log-level : [debug] tags : [sanity & !tls] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Plugin go is already installed. Plugin html-report is already installed. Plugin xml-report is already installed. Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. 1 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity & !tls The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/clustertasks/clustertask.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Setting MaxRecvMsgSize = 1024 MB Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 45799 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 45799 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 36277 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 36277 Initialising suite data store. # Verify Clustertasks E2E spec  ## buildah pipelinerun: PIPELINES-16-TC01 2024/05/20 07:05:58 output: Now using project "releasetest-l4ln8" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:05:58 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:05:58 Operator is up  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:05:58 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-l4ln8"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:05:58 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/buildah-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:05:58 output: persistentvolumeclaim/shared-pvc created 2024/05/20 07:05:58 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/buildah-run created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1/clustertask/pipelines/buildah.yaml | |2 |testdata/pvc/pvc.yaml | |3 |testdata/v1/clustertask/pipelineruns/buildah.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:05:58 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:06:53 pipelineRun: buildah-run is successful under namespace : releasetest-l4ln8  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name|status |check_label_propagation| |----|-----------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |buildah-run |successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:06 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-l4ln8" deleted  ## git-clone read private repo taskrun PIPELINES-16-TC12 2024/05/20 07:07:06 output: Now using project "releasetest-rdj6z" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:06 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-rdj6z"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:12 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/git-clone-read-private-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:07:12 output: persistentvolumeclaim/shared-pvc created 2024/05/20 07:07:12 output: secret/ssh-key created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1/clustertask/pipelines/git-clone-read-private.yaml| |2 |testdata/pvc/pvc.yaml | |3 |testdata/v1/clustertask/secrets/ssh-key.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:12 output:  * Link secret "ssh-key" to service account "pipeline" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:12 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/git-clone-read-private-pipeline-run created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1/clustertask/pipelineruns/git-clone-read-private.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:12 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:07:22 pipelineRun: git-clone-read-private-pipeline-run is successful under namespace : releasetest-rdj6z  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|-----------------------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |git-clone-read-private-pipeline-run|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:34 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-rdj6z" deleted Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.07.34/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.07.34 Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 96.715s Runner with PID:25769 has exited Specifications: 1 executed 1 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 2 executed 2 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 1m36.65s gauge run specs/pipelines/ log-level : [debug] tags : [sanity & !tls] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Plugin go is already installed. Plugin html-report is already installed. Plugin xml-report is already installed. Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. 6 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity & !tls The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/pipelines/bundles-resolver.spec specs/pipelines/cluster-resolvers.spec specs/pipelines/fail.spec specs/pipelines/git-resolvers.spec specs/pipelines/hub-resolvers.spec specs/pipelines/run.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Setting MaxRecvMsgSize = 1024 MB Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 35623 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 35623 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 33723 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 33723 Initialising suite data store. # Bundles resolver spec  ## Test the functionality of bundles resolver with parameter: PIPELINES-25-TC02 2024/05/20 07:07:39 output: Now using project "releasetest-vbtlh" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:07:39 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:07:39 Operator is up  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:39 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-vbtlh"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:44 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/bundles-resolver-pipelinerun-param created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/resolvers/pipelineruns/bundles-resolver-pipelinerun-param.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:07:44 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:08:04 pipelineRun: bundles-resolver-pipelinerun-param is successful under namespace : releasetest-vbtlh  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|----------------------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |bundles-resolver-pipelinerun-param|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:17 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-vbtlh" deleted # Cluster resolvers spec  ## Checking the functionality of cluster resolvers#1: PIPELINES-23-TC01 2024/05/20 07:08:17 output: Now using project "releasetest-fw6bv" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:08:17 Check if project releasetest-tasks already exists 2024/05/20 07:08:17 Creating project releasetest-tasks 2024/05/20 07:08:17 output: Now using project "releasetest-tasks" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Create project "releasetest-tasks" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:17 output: task.tekton.dev/resolver-task2 created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|--------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/resolvers/tasks/resolver-task2.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:17 Check if project releasetest-pipelines already exists 2024/05/20 07:08:18 Creating project releasetest-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:08:18 output: Now using project "releasetest-pipelines" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Create project "releasetest-pipelines" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:18 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/resolver-pipeline created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|---------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/resolvers/pipelines/resolver-pipeline.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:18 Check if project releasetest-pipelineruns already exists 2024/05/20 07:08:18 Creating project releasetest-pipelineruns 2024/05/20 07:08:18 output: Now using project "releasetest-pipelineruns" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Create project "releasetest-pipelineruns" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:18 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-pipelineruns"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:23 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/resolver-pipelinerun created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|---------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/resolvers/pipelineruns/resolver-pipelinerun.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:23 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:08:33 pipelineRun: resolver-pipelinerun is successful under namespace : releasetest-pipelineruns  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|--------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |resolver-pipelinerun|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:33 Deleting project releasetest-tasks 2024/05/20 07:08:39 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-tasks" deleted  * Delete project "releasetest-tasks" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:39 Deleting project releasetest-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:08:46 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-pipelines" deleted  * Delete project "releasetest-pipelines" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:08:46 Deleting project releasetest-pipelineruns 2024/05/20 07:08:58 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-pipelineruns" deleted  * Delete project "releasetest-pipelineruns" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:05 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-fw6bv" deleted # Verify Pipeline Failures  ## Run Pipeline with a non-existent ServiceAccount: PIPELINES-02-TC01 2024/05/20 07:09:05 output: Now using project "releasetest-jmgbg" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:05 Verify SA "foobar" is absent in namespace "releasetest-jmgbg"  * Verify ServiceAccount "foobar" does not exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:05 output: task.tekton.dev/create-file-vb created task.tekton.dev/check-stuff-file-exists-vb created pipeline.tekton.dev/output-pipeline-vb created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/output-pipeline-run-vb created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/negative/v1beta1/pipelinerun.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:05 validating pipeline run for failure state... 2024/05/20 07:09:05 Waiting for PipelineRun in namespace releasetest-jmgbg to fail  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|----------------------|-------|-----------------------| |1 |output-pipeline-run-vb|Failure|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:23 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-jmgbg" deleted # Git resolvers spec  ## Test the functionality of git resolvers: PIPELINES-24-TC01 2024/05/20 07:09:23 output: Now using project "releasetest-fhgwg" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:23 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-fhgwg"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:29 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/git-resolver-pipelinerun created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/resolvers/pipelineruns/git-resolver-pipelinerun.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:29 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:09:39 pipelineRun: git-resolver-pipelinerun is successful under namespace : releasetest-fhgwg  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|------------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |git-resolver-pipelinerun|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:51 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-fhgwg" deleted # HUB resolvers spec  ## Test the functionality of hub resolvers 2024/05/20 07:09:51 output: Now using project "releasetest-hm4rw" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:51 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-hm4rw"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:09:58 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/hub-git-cli-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:10:01 output: persistentvolumeclaim/shared-pvc created 2024/05/20 07:10:01 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/hub-git-cli-run created  * Apply |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/resolvers/pipelines/git-cli-hub.yaml | |2 |testdata/pvc/pvc.yaml | |3 |testdata/resolvers/pipelineruns/git-cli-hub.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:10:01 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:10:41 pipelineRun: hub-git-cli-run is successful under namespace : releasetest-hm4rw  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name|status |check_label_propagation| |----|-----------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |hub-git-cli-run |successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:10:54 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-hm4rw" deleted # Verify Pipeline E2E spec  ## Pipelinerun Timeout failure Test: PIPELINES-03-TC04 2024/05/20 07:10:54 output: Now using project "releasetest-8878d" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:10:54 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-8878d"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:10:59 output: task.tekton.dev/banana created pipeline.tekton.dev/tomatoes created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/pear created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1beta1/pipelinerun/pipelineruntimeout.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:10:59 validating pipeline run timeout... 2024/05/20 07:10:59 Waiting for Pipelinerun pear in namespace releasetest-8878d to be started 2024/05/20 07:11:04 Waiting for TaskRuns from PipelineRun pear in namespace releasetest-8878d to be running 2024/05/20 07:11:04 Waiting for PipelineRun pear in namespace releasetest-8878d to be timed out 2024/05/20 07:11:10 Waiting for TaskRuns from PipelineRun pear in namespace releasetest-8878d to be cancelled  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name|status |check_label_propagation| |----|-----------------|-------|-----------------------| |1 |pear |timeout|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:21 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-8878d" deleted  ## Configure execution results at the Task level Test: PIPELINES-03-TC05 2024/05/20 07:11:22 output: Now using project "releasetest-btgdv" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:22 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-btgdv"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:27 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/sum-and-multiply-pipeline created task.tekton.dev/sum created task.tekton.dev/multiply created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/task-level-results created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1beta1/pipelinerun/task_results_example.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:27 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:11:37 pipelineRun: task-level-results is successful under namespace : releasetest-btgdv  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |task-level-results|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:49 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-btgdv" deleted  ## Cancel pipelinerun Test: PIPELINES-03-TC06 2024/05/20 07:11:49 output: Now using project "releasetest-wwv9x" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:49 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-wwv9x"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:55 output: persistentvolumeclaim/shared-pvc created 2024/05/20 07:11:55 output: task.tekton.dev/create-file-v1b1 created task.tekton.dev/check-file-exists-v1b1 created pipeline.tekton.dev/output-pipeline-v1b1 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/output-pipeline-run-v1b1 created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|---------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pvc/pvc.yaml | |2 |testdata/v1beta1/pipelinerun/pipelinerun.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:11:55 validating pipeline run timeout... 2024/05/20 07:11:55 Waiting for Pipelinerun output-pipeline-run-v1b1 in namespace releasetest-wwv9x to be started 2024/05/20 07:12:00 Canceling pipeline run: PipelineRun cancelled: output-pipeline-run-v1b1 2024/05/20 07:12:05 Waiting for TaskRuns in PipelineRun output-pipeline-run-v1b1 in namespace releasetest-wwv9x to be cancelled  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|------------------------|---------|-----------------------| |1 |output-pipeline-run-v1b1|cancelled|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:17 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-wwv9x" deleted  ## Pipelinerun with large result: PIPELINES-03-TC08 2024/05/20 07:12:17 output: Now using project "releasetest-gc6tt" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:17 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-gc6tt"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:22 output: task.tekton.dev/print-result created task.tekton.dev/generate-result created pipeline.tekton.dev/result-test created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/result-test-run created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|---------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/v1beta1/pipelinerun/pipelinerun-with-large-result.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:22 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:12:32 pipelineRun: result-test-run is successful under namespace : releasetest-gc6tt  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name|status |check_label_propagation| |----|-----------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |result-test-run |successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:45 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-gc6tt" deleted Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.12.45/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.12.45 Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 306.866s Runner with PID:26478 has exited Specifications: 6 executed 6 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 9 executed 9 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 5m6.789s gauge run specs/triggers/ log-level : [debug] tags : [sanity & !tls] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Plugin go is already installed. Plugin html-report is already installed. Plugin xml-report is already installed. Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. 4 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity & !tls The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/triggers/cron.spec specs/triggers/eventlistener.spec specs/triggers/triggerbinding.spec specs/triggers/tutorial.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Setting MaxRecvMsgSize = 1024 MB Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 46003 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 46003 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 43345 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 43345 Initialising suite data store. # Verify Triggers with cronjob  ## Create Triggers using k8s cronJob: PIPELINES-04-TC01 2024/05/20 07:12:50 output: Now using project "releasetest-9ngvr" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:12:50 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:12:50 Operator is up  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:51 output: task.tekton.dev/say-hello created task.tekton.dev/say-message created task.tekton.dev/say-bye created pipeline.tekton.dev/simple-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:12:51 output: triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/cron-binding created 2024/05/20 07:12:51 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-template created 2024/05/20 07:12:51 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/cron-listener created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|--------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/cron/example-pipeline.yaml| |2 |testdata/triggers/cron/triggerbinding.yaml | |3 |testdata/triggers/cron/triggertemplate.yaml | |4 |testdata/triggers/cron/eventlistener.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:12:51 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:12:56 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:12:51 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasUnavailable Message:Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:12:51 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:12:51 +0000 UTC} Reason:ReplicaSetUpdated Message:ReplicaSet "el-cron-listener-784fddb4fd" is progressing.} {Type:Ready Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:12:51 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Condition Available has status: False with message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:12:51 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000722b40 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-cron-listener}} 2024/05/20 07:13:01 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:13:00 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:13:00 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:13:00 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-cron-listener-784fddb4fd" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:13:00 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:13:00 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000722d20 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-cron-listener}} 2024/05/20 07:13:01 sinkpod name: el-cron-listener-784fddb4fd-8hvkn 2024/05/20 07:13:01 Route url: 'http://el-cron-listener-releasetest-9ngvr.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "cron-listener" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:13:06 Verify that image stream "golang" exists in namespace "openshift"  * Verify that image stream "golang" exists ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:13:06 Cronjob: hello created in namespace: releasetest-9ngvr  * Create cron job with schedule "*/1 * * * *" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:14:01 pipeline run : simple-pipeline-run-hw84t 2024/05/20 07:15:01 pipeline run : simple-pipeline-run-9lxw4 2024/05/20 07:16:01 pipeline run : simple-pipeline-run-rndls 2024/05/20 07:17:01 pipeline run : simple-pipeline-run-rs2gk 2024/05/20 07:18:01 pipeline run : simple-pipeline-run-gjqpk  * Watch for pipelinerun resources ...[PASS]  * Delete cron job ...[PASS]  * Assert no new pipelineruns created ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:06 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:19:11 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:19:11 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:19:11 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:26 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-9ngvr" deleted # Verify eventlisteners spec  ## Create Eventlistener embedded TriggersBindings specs: PIPELINES-05-TC08 2024/05/20 07:19:27 output: Now using project "releasetest-l8r6n" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:27 output: task.tekton.dev/say-hello created task.tekton.dev/say-message created task.tekton.dev/say-bye created pipeline.tekton.dev/simple-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:19:27 output: triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-binding created 2024/05/20 07:19:27 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-template created 2024/05/20 07:19:27 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/listener-embed-binding created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/sample-pipeline.yaml | |2 |testdata/triggers/triggerbindings/triggerbinding.yaml | |3 |testdata/triggers/triggertemplate/triggertemplate.yaml | |4 |testdata/triggers/eventlisteners/eventlistener-embeded-binding.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:27 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:19:32 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:19:29 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:19:29 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:19:29 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-embed-binding-67d4484d5c" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:19:29 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:19:29 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000b86a50 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-embed-binding}} 2024/05/20 07:19:32 sinkpod name: el-listener-embed-binding-67d4484d5c-gpdbl 2024/05/20 07:19:32 Route url: 'http://el-listener-embed-binding-releasetest-l8r6n.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "listener-embed-binding" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:38 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:38 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:19:48 pipelineRun: simple-pipeline-run is successful under namespace : releasetest-l8r6n  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|-------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |simple-pipeline-run|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:19:48 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:19:53 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:19:53 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:19:53 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:08 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-l8r6n" deleted  ## Create embedded TriggersTemplate: PIPELINES-05-TC09 2024/05/20 07:20:08 output: Now using project "releasetest-wppjr" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:08 output: triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-binding created 2024/05/20 07:20:08 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-template created 2024/05/20 07:20:08 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/listener-embed-binding created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/triggerbindings/triggerbinding.yaml | |2 |testdata/triggers/triggertemplate/embed-triggertemplate.yaml | |3 |testdata/triggers/eventlisteners/eventlistener-embeded-binding.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:08 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:20:13 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:10 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:10 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:10 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-embed-binding-6d9685cc97" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:10 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:10 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000b7e630 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-embed-binding}} 2024/05/20 07:20:13 sinkpod name: el-listener-embed-binding-6d9685cc97-tgrzv 2024/05/20 07:20:14 Route url: 'http://el-listener-embed-binding-releasetest-wppjr.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "listener-embed-binding" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:19 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:19 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:20:24 pipelineRun: pipelinerun-with-taskspec-to-echo-message is successful under namespace : releasetest-wppjr  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|-----------------------------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |pipelinerun-with-taskspec-to-echo-message|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:24 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:20:29 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:20:29 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:20:29 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:44 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-wppjr" deleted  ## Verify Github push event with Embbeded TriggerTemplate using Github-CTB: PIPELINES-05-TC12 2024/05/20 07:20:44 output: Now using project "releasetest-td5pq" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:44 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-template-git-push created 2024/05/20 07:20:44 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/listener-ctb-github-push created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/github-ctb/Embeddedtriggertemplate-git-push.yaml| |2 |testdata/triggers/github-ctb/eventlistener-ctb-git-push.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:44 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-td5pq"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:45 output: secret/github-secret created 2024/05/20 07:20:45 output:  * Create & Link secret "github-secret" to service account "pipeline" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:45 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:45 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasUnavailable Message:Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:45 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:45 +0000 UTC} Reason:ReplicaSetUpdated Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-ctb-github-push-f5757c76d" is progressing.} {Type:Ready Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:45 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Condition Available has status: False with message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:45 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000512900 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-ctb-github-push}} 2024/05/20 07:20:50 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:47 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:47 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:47 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-ctb-github-push-f5757c76d" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:47 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:20:47 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000cdfb60 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-ctb-github-push}} 2024/05/20 07:20:50 sinkpod name: el-listener-ctb-github-push-f5757c76d-48pwv 2024/05/20 07:20:50 Route url: 'http://el-listener-ctb-github-push-releasetest-td5pq.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "listener-ctb-github-push" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:55 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/triggers/github-ctb/push.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:20:55 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:21:00 pipelineRun: pipelinerun-git-push-ctb is successful under namespace : releasetest-td5pq  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|------------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |pipelinerun-git-push-ctb|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:00 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:21:05 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:21:05 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:21:05 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:20 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-td5pq" deleted  ## Verify Github pull_request event with Embbeded TriggerTemplate using Github-CTB: PIPELINES-05-TC13 2024/05/20 07:21:20 output: Now using project "releasetest-96wq4" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:20 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-template-git-pr created 2024/05/20 07:21:21 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/github-ctb/Embeddedtriggertemplate-git-pr.yaml| |2 |testdata/triggers/github-ctb/eventlistener-ctb-git-pr.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:21 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-96wq4"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:21 output: secret/github-secret created 2024/05/20 07:21:21 output:  * Create & Link secret "github-secret" to service account "pipeline" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:21 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:21 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasUnavailable Message:Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:21 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:21 +0000 UTC} Reason:ReplicaSetUpdated Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr-587474cb58" is progressing.} {Type:Ready Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:21 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Condition Available has status: False with message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:21 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc0008710b0 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr}} 2024/05/20 07:21:26 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:24 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:24 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:24 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr-587474cb58" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:24 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:21:24 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000871260 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr}} 2024/05/20 07:21:26 sinkpod name: el-listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr-587474cb58-xmghg 2024/05/20 07:21:26 Route url: 'http://el-listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr-releasetest-96wq4.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "listener-clustertriggerbinding-github-pr" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:31 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "pull_request", payload "testdata/triggers/github-ctb/pr.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:32 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:21:42 pipelineRun: pipelinerun-git-pr-ctb is successful under namespace : releasetest-96wq4  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|----------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |pipelinerun-git-pr-ctb|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:21:42 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:21:47 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:21:47 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:21:47 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-96wq4" deleted  ## Create TriggersCRD resource with CEL interceptors (overlays): PIPELINES-05-TC15 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: Now using project "releasetest-jnd9v" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/listener-triggerref created 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: trigger.triggers.tekton.dev/trigger created 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/github-pr-binding created 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/github-template created 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/parallel-pipeline created task.tekton.dev/persist-param created task.tekton.dev/to-upper created task.tekton.dev/to-lower created task.tekton.dev/result-reporter created task.tekton.dev/validator created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/triggersCRD/eventlistener-triggerref.yaml| |2 |testdata/triggers/triggersCRD/trigger.yaml | |3 |testdata/triggers/triggersCRD/triggerbindings.yaml | |4 |testdata/triggers/triggersCRD/triggertemplate.yaml | |5 |testdata/triggers/triggersCRD/pipeline.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:02 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-jnd9v"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:02 output: secret/github-secret created 2024/05/20 07:22:03 output:  * Create & Link secret "github-secret" to service account "pipeline" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:03 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:02 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasUnavailable Message:Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:02 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:02 +0000 UTC} Reason:ReplicaSetUpdated Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-triggerref-7f7c79466f" is progressing.} {Type:Ready Status:False Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:02 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Condition Available has status: False with message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:02 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000f86210 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-triggerref}} 2024/05/20 07:22:08 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:04 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:04 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:04 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-triggerref-7f7c79466f" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:04 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:22:04 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000dc7e90 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-triggerref}} 2024/05/20 07:22:08 sinkpod name: el-listener-triggerref-7f7c79466f-vxd84 2024/05/20 07:22:08 Route url: 'http://el-listener-triggerref-releasetest-jnd9v.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "listener-triggerref" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:13 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "pull_request", payload "testdata/triggers/triggersCRD/pull-request.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:13 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:22:53 pipelineRun: parallel-pipelinerun is successful under namespace : releasetest-jnd9v  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|--------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |parallel-pipelinerun|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:22:53 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:22:58 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:22:58 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:22:58 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:13 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-jnd9v" deleted  ## Create Eventlistener with github interceptor And verify Kuberenetes Events: PIPELINES-05-TC17 2024/05/20 07:23:13 output: Now using project "releasetest-mbwxv" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:13 output: task.tekton.dev/say-hello created task.tekton.dev/say-message created task.tekton.dev/say-bye created pipeline.tekton.dev/simple-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:23:14 output: triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-binding created 2024/05/20 07:23:14 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/pipeline-template created 2024/05/20 07:23:14 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/listener-embed-binding created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/sample-pipeline.yaml | |2 |testdata/triggers/triggerbindings/triggerbinding.yaml | |3 |testdata/triggers/triggertemplate/triggertemplate.yaml | |4 |testdata/triggers/eventlisteners/eventlistener-embeded-binding.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:14 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:23:19 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:15 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:15 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:15 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-listener-embed-binding-9d97df64f" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:15 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:15 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc0008d16e0 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-listener-embed-binding}} 2024/05/20 07:23:19 sinkpod name: el-listener-embed-binding-9d97df64f-mn4lj 2024/05/20 07:23:19 Route url: 'http://el-listener-embed-binding-releasetest-mbwxv.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "listener-embed-binding" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:24 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS]  * Verify kubernetes events for eventlistener ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:24 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:23:34 pipelineRun: simple-pipeline-run is successful under namespace : releasetest-mbwxv  * Verify pipelinerun |S.NO|pipeline_run_name |status |check_label_propagation| |----|-------------------|----------|-----------------------| |1 |simple-pipeline-run|successful|no | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:34 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:23:39 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:23:39 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:23:39 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:54 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-mbwxv" deleted # Verify triggerbindings spec  ## Verify CEL marshaljson function Test: PIPELINES-10-TC01 2024/05/20 07:23:55 output: Now using project "releasetest-pdn4z" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:55 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/cel-marshaljson created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/triggerbindings/cel-marshalJson.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:23:55 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:24:00 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:56 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:56 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:56 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-cel-marshaljson-5769864bc6" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:56 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:23:56 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000a22180 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-cel-marshaljson}} 2024/05/20 07:24:00 sinkpod name: el-cel-marshaljson-5769864bc6-lm6nv 2024/05/20 07:24:00 Route url: 'http://el-cel-marshaljson-releasetest-pdn4z.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "cel-marshaljson" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:05 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:05 Waiting for TaskRun cel-trig-marshaljson in namespace releasetest-pdn4z to succeed  * Verify taskrun |S.NO|task_run_name |status | |----|--------------------|-------| |1 |cel-trig-marshaljson|Success| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:10 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:24:15 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:24:15 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:24:15 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:30 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-pdn4z" deleted  ## Verify event message body parsing with old annotation Test: PIPELINES-10-TC02 2024/05/20 07:24:30 output: Now using project "releasetest-2x27m" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:30 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/taskrun-with-annotation created eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/parse-json-body-with-annotation created  * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/triggers/triggerbindings/parse-json-body-with-annotation.yaml| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:30 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:24:35 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:24:32 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:24:32 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:24:32 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-parse-json-body-with-annotation-6d6cdf9bf5" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:24:32 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:24:32 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000cdf500 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-parse-json-body-with-annotation}} 2024/05/20 07:24:35 sinkpod name: el-parse-json-body-with-annotation-6d6cdf9bf5-nvblw 2024/05/20 07:24:36 Route url: 'http://el-parse-json-body-with-annotation-releasetest-2x27m.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "parse-json-body-with-annotation" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:41 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:41 Waiting for TaskRun trig-parse-json-body-with-annotation in namespace releasetest-2x27m to succeed  * Verify taskrun |S.NO|task_run_name |status | |----|------------------------------------|-------| |1 |trig-parse-json-body-with-annotation|Success| ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:24:51 Deleted EventListener 2024/05/20 07:24:56 EventListener's Deployment was deleted 2024/05/20 07:24:56 EventListener's Service was deleted 2024/05/20 07:24:56 EventListener's Route got deleted successfully...  * Cleanup Triggers ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:25:11 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-2x27m" deleted # Verify triggers tutorial  ## Run pipelines tutorial using triggers: PIPELINES-06-TC02 2024/05/20 07:25:11 output: Now using project "releasetest-2jwqf" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:25:11 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-2jwqf"  * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:25:16 output: task.tekton.dev/apply-manifests created 2024/05/20 07:25:17 output: task.tekton.dev/update-deployment created 2024/05/20 07:25:17 output: persistentvolumeclaim/source-pvc created 2024/05/20 07:25:17 output: pipeline.tekton.dev/build-and-deploy created 2024/05/20 07:25:17 output: triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/vote-app created 2024/05/20 07:25:17 output: triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/vote-app created 2024/05/20 07:25:18 output: trigger.triggers.tekton.dev/vote-trigger created secret/github-secret created 2024/05/20 07:25:18 output: eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/vote-app created  * Create remote |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/01_pipeline/01_apply_manifest_task.yaml | |2 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/01_pipeline/02_update_deployment_task.yaml | |3 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/01_pipeline/03_persistent_volume_claim.yaml| |4 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/01_pipeline/04_pipeline.yaml | |5 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/03_triggers/01_binding.yaml | |6 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/03_triggers/02_template.yaml | |7 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/03_triggers/03_trigger.yaml | |8 |https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/{OSP_TUTORIAL_BRANCH}/03_triggers/04_event_listener.yaml | ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:25:18 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address: Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:}} 2024/05/20 07:25:23 EventListenerStatus: {Status:{ObservedGeneration:0 Conditions:[{Type:Available Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:25:20 +0000 UTC} Reason:MinimumReplicasAvailable Message:Deployment has minimum availability.} {Type:Deployment Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:25:20 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Deployment exists} {Type:Progressing Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:25:20 +0000 UTC} Reason:NewReplicaSetAvailable Message:ReplicaSet "el-vote-app-6987877755" has successfully progressed.} {Type:Ready Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:25:20 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:EventListener is ready} {Type:Service Status:True Severity: LastTransitionTime:{Inner:2024-05-20 07:25:20 +0000 UTC} Reason: Message:Service exists}] Annotations:map[]} AddressStatus:{Address:0xc000870c60 Addresses:[]} Configuration:{GeneratedResourceName:el-vote-app}} 2024/05/20 07:25:23 sinkpod name: el-vote-app-6987877755-mpnmc 2024/05/20 07:25:23 Route url: 'http://el-vote-app-releasetest-2jwqf.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Expose Event listener "vote-app" ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:25:28 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push-vote-api.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:25:28 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:27:33 pipelineRun: build-deploy-pipelines-vote-api-gdpm9 is successful under namespace : releasetest-2jwqf  * Verify the latest pipelinerun for "successful" state ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:27:33 Building headers for github interceptor..  * Mock post event to "github" interceptor with event-type "push", payload "testdata/push-vote-ui.json", with TLS "false" ...[PASS]  * Assert eventlistener response ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:27:33 validating pipeline run for success state... 2024/05/20 07:29:23 pipelineRun: build-deploy-pipelines-vote-ui-rjw8p is successful under namespace : releasetest-2jwqf  * Verify the latest pipelinerun for "successful" state ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:29:23 Route url: 'http://pipelines-vote-ui-releasetest-2jwqf.apps.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com'  * Get route url of the route "pipelines-vote-ui" ...[PASS]  * Wait for pipelines-vote-ui deployment ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:29:33 Cat 🐺 vs Dog 🐶! (a) Cat 🐺 (b) Dog 🐶 (Tip: you can change your vote) Processed by container ID pipelines-vote-ui-7cfcd97dd-b7w2c  * Validate route url for pipelines tutorial ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:29:48 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-2jwqf" deleted Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.29.49/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.29.49 Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 1018.573s Runner with PID:27790 has exited Specifications: 4 executed 4 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 10 executed 10 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 16m58.481s gauge run specs/metrics/ log-level : [debug] tags : [sanity & !tls] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Plugin go is already installed. Plugin html-report is already installed. Plugin xml-report is already installed. Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. 1 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity & !tls The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/metrics/metrics.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Setting MaxRecvMsgSize = 1024 MB Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 38597 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 38597 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 36563 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 36563 Initialising suite data store. # Verify openshift pipelines monitoring  ## Openshift pipelines metrics acceptance tests: PIPELINES-01-TC01 2024/05/20 07:29:52 output: Now using project "releasetest-t4nvr" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:29:52 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:29:52 Operator is up  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS]  * Verify job health status metrics |S.NO|Job_name |Expected_value| |----|---------------------------|--------------| |1 |node-exporter |1 | |2 |kube-state-metrics |1 | |3 |prometheus-k8s |1 | |4 |prometheus-operator |1 | |5 |alertmanager-main |1 | |6 |tekton-pipelines-controller|1 | ...[FAIL]  Failed Step: Verify job health status metrics Specification: specs/metrics/metrics.spec:17 Error Message: token secret with prefix "prometheus-k8s" service account not found Stacktrace: /alabama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go@v0.4.0/testsuit/testing.go:46 github.com/openshift-pipelines/release-tests/steps/metrics.glob..func1(0x0?) /tmp/release-tests/steps/metrics/metrics.go:16 +0x125 reflect.Value.call({0x30639e0?, 0x374f160?, 0x7efd101b48f8?}, {0x35f8e78, 0x4}, {0xc00067f7b8, 0x1, 0x0?}) /usr/lib/golang/src/reflect/value.go:596 +0xce7 reflect.Value.Call({0x30639e0?, 0x374f160?, 0x12b39cf?}, {0xc00067f7b8?, 0x31881e0?, 0x7efd5890b101?}) /usr/lib/golang/src/reflect/value.go:380 +0xb9 github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go/testsuit.executeFunc({0x30639e0?, 0x374f160?, 0xc00067f6f8?}, {0xc00036ba20, 0x1, 0xc00067f788?}) /alabama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go@v0.4.0/testsuit/funcExecutor.go:47 +0x238 github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go/testsuit.(*Step).Execute(0xc0000efbc0?, {0xc00036ba20?, 0x23?, 0x13e?}) /alabama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go@v0.4.0/testsuit/step.go:17 +0x8b github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go/messageprocessors.(*ExecuteStepProcessor).Process(0x323ee40?, 0xc0006f45a0, 0xc000000007?) /alabama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go@v0.4.0/messageprocessors/ExecuteStepProcessor.go:20 +0xa6 github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go/gauge.Run() /alabama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/getgauge-contrib/gauge-go@v0.4.0/gauge/runner.go:219 +0x21f command-line-arguments.init.0() /tmp/gauge_temp1716190189588200673/gauge_test.go:32 +0xf 2024/05/20 07:29:52 Skipping deletion of the namespace 'releasetest-t4nvr' as the test got failed Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.29.52/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.29.52 Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 0.486s Runner with PID:30123 has exited Specifications: 1 executed 0 passed 1 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 1 executed 0 passed 1 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 427ms gauge run specs/operator/addon.spec specs/operator/auto-prune.spec log-level : [debug] parallel : [true] tags : [sanity & !tls] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Plugin xml-report is already installed. Plugin go is already installed. Plugin html-report is already installed. Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. 2 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity & !tls The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/operator/addon.spec specs/operator/auto-prune.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Setting MaxRecvMsgSize = 1024 MB Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 37165 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 37165 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 43071 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 43071 Executing in 2 parallel streams. Starting go runner Established connection to runner. Initialising suite data store. Initialising suite data store. [runner: 2] # Verify Addon E2E spec [runner: 1] # Verify auto-prune E2E [runner: 2] ## Disable/Enable community clustertasks: PIPELINES-15-TC01 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: Now using project "releasetest-lj2m7" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 2] * Validate Operator should be installed 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: Now using project "releasetest-b2tsg" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:30:00 Annotating the namespaces with 'operator.tekton.dev/prune.skip=true' so that the pipelineruns should not get deleted 2024/05/20 07:30:00 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:30:00 Operator is up [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: namespace/openshift annotated 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * "community" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:30:00 Checking if clustertasks jib-maven,helm-upgrade-from-source,helm-upgrade-from-repo,trigger-jenkins-job,git-cli,pull-request,kubeconfig-creator,argocd-task-sync-and-wait is/are present 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: namespace/releasetest-2jwqf annotated 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: namespace/releasetest-b2tsg annotated 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: namespace/releasetest-lj2m7 annotated 2024/05/20 07:30:00 output: namespace/releasetest-t4nvr annotated 2024/05/20 07:30:01 output: namespace/releasetest-z7fwr annotated [runner: 1] ## Verify auto prune for taskrun: PIPELINES-12-TC01 2024/05/20 07:30:01 output: Now using project "releasetest-68jwt" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Validate Operator should be installed 2024/05/20 07:30:01 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:30:01 Waiting for config cr InstalledStatus Actual: [False] Expected: [True] 2024/05/20 07:30:05 Verifying if the clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:30:05 Clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:30:06 Operator is up [runner: 1] * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist 2024/05/20 07:30:06 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-68jwt" [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:30:06 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipeline-for-pruner.yaml | |2 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipelinerun-for-pruner.yaml| |3 |testdata/pruner/task/task-for-pruner.yaml | |4 |testdata/pruner/task/taskrun-for-pruner.yaml | 2024/05/20 07:30:06 output: task.tekton.dev/echo-task-pipeline created pipeline.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:30:07 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-p7ndz created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-g6b96 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-q772x created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-mwd2j created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-fd8h2 created 2024/05/20 07:30:07 output: task.tekton.dev/echo-task created 2024/05/20 07:30:07 output: taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-b4d7c created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-hs54d created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-db8mh created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-n5j8l created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-qwbdm created [runner: 1] * Update pruner config "with" keep "2" schedule "*/1 * * * *" resources "taskrun" and "without" keep-since "" 2024/05/20 07:30:07 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:30:07 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:30:10 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:30:10 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:30:12 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:30:12 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * "2" taskrun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:30:12 Verifying if 2 number of taskruns are present 2024/05/20 07:30:15 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:30:15 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:30:20 Verifying if the clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:30:20 Clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:30:25 Verifying if the clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:30:25 Clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:30:30 Verifying if the clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:30:30 Clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:30:35 Verifying if the clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:30:35 Clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:30:40 Verifying if the clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present 2024/05/20 07:30:40 Clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present [runner: 2] * "tkn,openshift-client" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:30:40 Checking if clustertasks tkn,openshift-client is/are present 2024/05/20 07:30:45 Verifying if the clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:30:45 Clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:30:50 Verifying if the clustertask openshift-client is present 2024/05/20 07:30:50 Clustertask openshift-client is present [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "false" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:30:50 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * "community" clustertasks are "not present" 2024/05/20 07:30:50 Checking if clustertasks jib-maven,helm-upgrade-from-source,helm-upgrade-from-repo,trigger-jenkins-job,git-cli,pull-request,kubeconfig-creator,argocd-task-sync-and-wait is/are not present 2024/05/20 07:30:55 Verifying if the clustertask jib-maven is not present 2024/05/20 07:30:55 Clustertask jib-maven is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:00 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:00 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:05 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:05 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:10 Verifying if the clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:10 Clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is not present [runner: 1] * "5" pipelinerun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:31:12 Verifying if 5 number of pipelinerun are present 2024/05/20 07:31:15 Verifying if the clustertask git-cli is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:15 Clustertask git-cli is not present [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:31:17 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "not present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:31:17 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is not present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:31:20 Verifying if the clustertask pull-request is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:20 Clustertask pull-request is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:22 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:31:22 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:31:25 Verifying if the clustertask kubeconfig-creator is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:25 Clustertask kubeconfig-creator is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:30 Verifying if the clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is not present 2024/05/20 07:31:30 Clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is not present [runner: 2] * "tkn,openshift-client" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:31:30 Checking if clustertasks tkn,openshift-client is/are present 2024/05/20 07:31:35 Verifying if the clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:31:35 Clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:31:36 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-68jwt" deleted [runner: 1] ## Verify auto prune with keep-since: PIPELINES-12-TC04 2024/05/20 07:31:36 output: Now using project "releasetest-qrgn8" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 1] * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist 2024/05/20 07:31:36 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-qrgn8" 2024/05/20 07:31:40 Verifying if the clustertask openshift-client is present 2024/05/20 07:31:40 Clustertask openshift-client is present [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:31:40 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * "community" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:31:40 Checking if clustertasks jib-maven,helm-upgrade-from-source,helm-upgrade-from-repo,trigger-jenkins-job,git-cli,pull-request,kubeconfig-creator,argocd-task-sync-and-wait is/are present [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:31:41 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipeline-for-pruner.yaml | |2 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipelinerun-for-pruner.yaml| |3 |testdata/pruner/task/task-for-pruner.yaml | |4 |testdata/pruner/task/taskrun-for-pruner.yaml | 2024/05/20 07:31:41 output: task.tekton.dev/echo-task-pipeline created pipeline.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:31:41 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-hq66z created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-kt8r8 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-phz8j created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-c2bd4 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-5mgbw created 2024/05/20 07:31:41 output: task.tekton.dev/echo-task created 2024/05/20 07:31:41 output: taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-cv9l8 created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-csrrl created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-mkt77 created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-48gs5 created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-wxjsl created [runner: 1] * Sleep for "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:31:41 Sleeping for 120 seconds 2024/05/20 07:31:45 Verifying if the clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:31:45 Clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:31:50 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:31:50 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:31:55 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:31:55 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:32:00 Verifying if the clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:32:00 Clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:32:05 Verifying if the clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:32:05 Clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:32:10 Verifying if the clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:32:10 Clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:32:15 Verifying if the clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:32:15 Clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:32:20 Verifying if the clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present 2024/05/20 07:32:20 Clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present [runner: 2] * "tkn,openshift-client" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:32:20 Checking if clustertasks tkn,openshift-client is/are present 2024/05/20 07:32:25 Verifying if the clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:32:25 Clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:32:30 Verifying if the clustertask openshift-client is present 2024/05/20 07:32:30 Clustertask openshift-client is present 2024/05/20 07:32:37 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-lj2m7" deleted [runner: 2] ## Disable/Enable clustertasks: PIPELINES-15-TC02 2024/05/20 07:32:37 output: Now using project "releasetest-j2cbn" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 2] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:32:37 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched (no change) [runner: 2] * "community" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:32:37 Checking if clustertasks jib-maven,helm-upgrade-from-source,helm-upgrade-from-repo,trigger-jenkins-job,git-cli,pull-request,kubeconfig-creator,argocd-task-sync-and-wait is/are present 2024/05/20 07:32:42 Verifying if the clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:32:42 Clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:32:47 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:32:47 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:32:52 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:32:52 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:32:57 Verifying if the clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:32:57 Clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:33:02 Verifying if the clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:33:02 Clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:33:07 Verifying if the clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:33:07 Clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:33:12 Verifying if the clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:33:12 Clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:33:17 Verifying if the clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present 2024/05/20 07:33:17 Clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present [runner: 2] * "tkn,openshift-client" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:33:17 Checking if clustertasks tkn,openshift-client is/are present 2024/05/20 07:33:22 Verifying if the clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:33:22 Clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:33:27 Verifying if the clustertask openshift-client is present 2024/05/20 07:33:27 Clustertask openshift-client is present [runner: 2] * Assert pipelines are "present" in "openshift" namespace 2024/05/20 07:33:32 Verifying that 27 pipelines are present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:33:32 Pipelines are present in namespace openshift [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "false" communityClustertasks as "false" and pipelineTemplates as "false" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:33:32 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * "community" clustertasks are "not present" 2024/05/20 07:33:32 Checking if clustertasks jib-maven,helm-upgrade-from-source,helm-upgrade-from-repo,trigger-jenkins-job,git-cli,pull-request,kubeconfig-creator,argocd-task-sync-and-wait is/are not present 2024/05/20 07:33:37 Verifying if the clustertask jib-maven is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:37 Clustertask jib-maven is not present [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipelinerun-for-pruner.yaml| |2 |testdata/pruner/task/taskrun-for-pruner.yaml | 2024/05/20 07:33:42 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-ptssz created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-dvbwl created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-k8kgr created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-9r429 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-l5jkl created 2024/05/20 07:33:42 output: taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-g8kj7 created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-5k6fs created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-8vbbj created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-vndnl created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-8zk6d created [runner: 1] * Update pruner config "without" keep "" schedule "*/1 * * * *" resources "pipelinerun,taskrun" and "with" keep-since "2" 2024/05/20 07:33:42 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:33:42 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:33:42 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:42 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:47 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:33:47 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * "5" pipelinerun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:33:47 Verifying if 5 number of pipelinerun are present 2024/05/20 07:33:47 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:47 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:52 Verifying if the clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:52 Clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:57 Verifying if the clustertask git-cli is not present 2024/05/20 07:33:57 Clustertask git-cli is not present [runner: 1] * "10" taskrun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:34:02 Verifying if 10 number of taskruns are present 2024/05/20 07:34:02 Verifying if the clustertask pull-request is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:02 Clustertask pull-request is not present [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:34:07 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "not present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:34:07 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is not present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:34:07 Verifying if the clustertask kubeconfig-creator is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:07 Clustertask kubeconfig-creator is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:12 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:34:12 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:34:12 Verifying if the clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:12 Clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is not present [runner: 2] * "tkn,openshift-client" clustertasks are "not present" 2024/05/20 07:34:12 Checking if clustertasks tkn,openshift-client is/are not present 2024/05/20 07:34:17 Verifying if the clustertask tkn is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:17 Clustertask tkn is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:22 Verifying if the clustertask openshift-client is not present 2024/05/20 07:34:22 Clustertask openshift-client is not present [runner: 2] * Assert pipelines are "not present" in "openshift" namespace 2024/05/20 07:34:27 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-qrgn8" deleted [runner: 1] ## Verify auto prune add resources taskrun and pipelinerun per namespace with annotation: PIPELINES-12-TC07 2024/05/20 07:34:27 Verifying if 0 pipelines are not present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:34:27 Pipelines are present in namespace openshift [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:34:27 output: Now using project "releasetest-2djvj" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 1] * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist 2024/05/20 07:34:27 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-2djvj" 2024/05/20 07:34:27 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * "community" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:34:27 Checking if clustertasks jib-maven,helm-upgrade-from-source,helm-upgrade-from-repo,trigger-jenkins-job,git-cli,pull-request,kubeconfig-creator,argocd-task-sync-and-wait is/are present 2024/05/20 07:34:32 Verifying if the clustertask jib-maven is present 2024/05/20 07:34:32 Clustertask jib-maven is present [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:34:32 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipeline-for-pruner.yaml | |2 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipelinerun-for-pruner.yaml| |3 |testdata/pruner/task/task-for-pruner.yaml | |4 |testdata/pruner/task/taskrun-for-pruner.yaml | 2024/05/20 07:34:33 output: task.tekton.dev/echo-task-pipeline created pipeline.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline created 2024/05/20 07:34:33 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-8px79 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-x8ptm created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-tbwc8 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-lhpfr created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-qcj86 created 2024/05/20 07:34:33 output: task.tekton.dev/echo-task created 2024/05/20 07:34:33 output: taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-fw88r created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-xm4xq created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-88vql created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-nckwl created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-7whr5 created [runner: 1] * Annotate namespace with "operator.tekton.dev/prune.resources=pipelinerun,taskrun" 2024/05/20 07:34:33 Annotating namespace releasetest-2djvj with operator.tekton.dev/prune.resources=pipelinerun,taskrun 2024/05/20 07:34:33 output: namespace/releasetest-2djvj annotated [runner: 1] * Update pruner config "with" keep "2" schedule "*/1 * * * *" resources "taskrun" and "without" keep-since "" 2024/05/20 07:34:33 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:34:33 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:34:37 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:34:37 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-source is present 2024/05/20 07:34:38 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:34:38 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * "2" pipelinerun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:34:38 Verifying if 2 number of pipelinerun are present 2024/05/20 07:34:42 Verifying if the clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:34:42 Clustertask helm-upgrade-from-repo is present 2024/05/20 07:34:47 Verifying if the clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:34:47 Clustertask trigger-jenkins-job is present 2024/05/20 07:34:52 Verifying if the clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:34:53 Clustertask git-cli is present 2024/05/20 07:34:58 Verifying if the clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:34:58 Clustertask pull-request is present 2024/05/20 07:35:03 Verifying if the clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present 2024/05/20 07:35:03 Clustertask kubeconfig-creator is present [runner: 1] * "2" taskrun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:35:03 Verifying if 2 number of taskruns are present 2024/05/20 07:35:08 Verifying if the clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present 2024/05/20 07:35:08 Clustertask argocd-task-sync-and-wait is present [runner: 2] * "tkn,openshift-client" clustertasks are "present" 2024/05/20 07:35:08 Checking if clustertasks tkn,openshift-client is/are present [runner: 1] * Remove annotation "operator.tekton.dev/prune.resources" from namespace 2024/05/20 07:35:08 Removing annotation releasetest-2djvj from namespace operator.tekton.dev/prune.resources 2024/05/20 07:35:08 output: namespace/releasetest-2djvj annotated [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|----------------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/pipeline/pipelinerun-for-pruner.yaml| |2 |testdata/pruner/task/taskrun-for-pruner.yaml | 2024/05/20 07:35:09 output: pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-sfnh4 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-m8bnv created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-zdbx6 created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-2dhsf created pipelinerun.tekton.dev/echo-pipeline-run-lfh7w created 2024/05/20 07:35:09 output: taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-vvcbt created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-nlkt6 created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-xdf77 created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-ngwrc created taskrun.tekton.dev/echo-task-run-m9bvt created [runner: 1] * "7" pipelinerun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:35:09 Verifying if 7 number of pipelinerun are present 2024/05/20 07:35:13 Verifying if the clustertask tkn is present 2024/05/20 07:35:13 Clustertask tkn is present [runner: 1] * "2" taskrun(s) should be present within "120" seconds 2024/05/20 07:35:14 Verifying if 2 number of taskruns are present 2024/05/20 07:35:18 Verifying if the clustertask openshift-client is present 2024/05/20 07:35:18 Clustertask openshift-client is present [runner: 2] * Assert pipelines are "present" in "openshift" namespace 2024/05/20 07:35:23 Verifying that 27 pipelines are present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:35:23 Pipelines are present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:35:29 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-j2cbn" deleted [runner: 2] ## Disable/Enable pipeline templates: PIPELINES-15-TC03 2024/05/20 07:35:30 output: Now using project "releasetest-jlmdq" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 2] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:35:30 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched (no change) [runner: 2] * Assert pipelines are "present" in "openshift" namespace 2024/05/20 07:35:35 Verifying that 27 pipelines are present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:35:35 Pipelines are present in namespace openshift [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "false" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:35:35 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * Assert pipelines are "not present" in "openshift" namespace 2024/05/20 07:35:40 Verifying if 0 pipelines are not present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:35:40 Pipelines are present in namespace openshift [runner: 2] * Update addon config with clusterTasks as "true" communityClustertasks as "true" and pipelineTemplates as "true" and expect message "" 2024/05/20 07:35:40 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 2] * Assert pipelines are "present" in "openshift" namespace 2024/05/20 07:35:45 Verifying that 27 pipelines are present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:35:45 Pipelines are present in namespace openshift 2024/05/20 07:35:52 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-jlmdq" deleted [runner: 2] Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 352.804s Runner with PID:31075 has exited [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:36:04 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "not present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:36:04 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is not present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:36:09 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:36:09 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:36:24 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-2djvj" deleted [runner: 1] ## Verify auto prune cronjob contains single container: PIPELINES-12-TC14 2024/05/20 07:36:24 output: Now using project "releasetest-twnx2" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 1] * Update pruner config "with" keep "2" schedule "20 * * * *" resources "taskrun" and "without" keep-since "" 2024/05/20 07:36:24 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 1] * Create project "test-project-1" 2024/05/20 07:36:24 Check if project test-project-1 already exists 2024/05/20 07:36:24 Creating project test-project-1 2024/05/20 07:36:25 output: Now using project "test-project-1" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Create project "test-project-2" 2024/05/20 07:36:25 Check if project test-project-2 already exists 2024/05/20 07:36:25 Creating project test-project-2 2024/05/20 07:36:25 output: Now using project "test-project-2" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Sleep for "10" seconds 2024/05/20 07:36:25 Sleeping for 10 seconds [runner: 1] * Assert pruner cronjob(s) in namespace "target namespace" contains "1" number of container(s) 2024/05/20 07:36:35 Verifying if the cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner in namespace openshift-pipelines contains 1 number of containers 2024/05/20 07:36:35 1 containers found in the cronjob spec [runner: 1] * Delete project "test-project-1" 2024/05/20 07:36:35 Deleting project test-project-1 2024/05/20 07:36:42 output: project.project.openshift.io "test-project-1" deleted [runner: 1] * Delete project "test-project-2" 2024/05/20 07:36:42 Deleting project test-project-2 2024/05/20 07:36:49 output: project.project.openshift.io "test-project-2" deleted [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:36:49 Removing pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:36:55 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-twnx2" deleted [runner: 1] ## Verify that the operator is up and running after deleting namespace with pruner annotation: PIPELINES-12-TC15 2024/05/20 07:36:55 output: Now using project "releasetest-bd29t" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname [runner: 1] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 1] * Verify ServiceAccount "pipeline" exist 2024/05/20 07:36:55 Verify SA "pipeline" is created in namespace "releasetest-bd29t" [runner: 1] * Remove auto pruner configuration from config CR 2024/05/20 07:37:00 Removing pruner configuration from config CR [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "not present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:37:00 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is not present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:05 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:05 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|---------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/namespaces/namespace-one.yaml| 2024/05/20 07:37:05 output: namespace/namespace-one created [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:37:05 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:10 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:10 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * Delete project "namespace-one" 2024/05/20 07:37:10 Deleting project namespace-one 2024/05/20 07:37:17 output: project.project.openshift.io "namespace-one" deleted [runner: 1] * Sleep for "5" seconds 2024/05/20 07:37:17 Sleeping for 5 seconds [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "not present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:37:22 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is not present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:27 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:27 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * Validate Operator should be installed [runner: 1] * Create |S.NO|resource_dir | |----|---------------------------------------------| |1 |testdata/pruner/namespaces/namespace-two.yaml| 2024/05/20 07:37:27 output: namespace/namespace-two created [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:37:27 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:32 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:32 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines [runner: 1] * Delete project "namespace-two" 2024/05/20 07:37:32 Deleting project namespace-two 2024/05/20 07:37:38 output: project.project.openshift.io "namespace-two" deleted [runner: 1] * Sleep for "5" seconds 2024/05/20 07:37:38 Sleeping for 5 seconds [runner: 1] * Assert if cronjob with prefix "tekton-resource-pruner" is "not present" in target namespace 2024/05/20 07:37:43 Verifying if the cronjob tekton-resource-pruner is not present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:48 Verifying if cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:48 Cronjob with prefix tekton-resource-pruner is present in namespace openshift-pipelines 2024/05/20 07:37:54 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-bd29t" deleted 2024/05/20 07:37:54 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched [runner: 1] Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 478.502s Runner with PID:30622 has exited Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.37.55/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.37.55 Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Specifications: 2 executed 2 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 8 executed 8 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 7m58.555s gauge run specs/operator/rbac.spec log-level : [debug] tags : [sanity] verbose : [true] env will be loaded from default directory 'env' 'gauge_environment' set to 'default' Created gauge_screenshots_dir at /tmp/release-tests/.gauge/screenshots Plugin go is already installed. Plugin html-report is already installed. Plugin xml-report is already installed. Parsing started. Started concepts parsing. 14 concepts parsing completed. Started specifications parsing. 1 specifications parsing completed. Applying tags filter: sanity The following specifications satisfy filter criteria: specs/operator/rbac.spec Parsing completed. Starting go runner Checking updates... Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/go?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/html-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Downloading https://downloads.gauge.org/plugin/xml-report?l=go&p=go,html-report,xml-report&o=linux&a=amd64 Established connection to runner. Validation started. Validation completed. Run started Starting Html Report plugin Setting MaxRecvMsgSize = 1024 MB Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 44267 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 44267 Starting Xml Report plugin Attempting to connect to grpc server at port: 34901 Successfully made the connection with plugin with port: 34901 Initialising suite data store. # Verify RBAC Resources  ## Disable RBAC resource creation: PIPELINES-11-TC01 2024/05/20 07:38:00 output: Now using project "releasetest-f72f5" on server "https://api.ci-op-k362p8n1-c64b7.cspilp.interop.ccitredhat.com:6443". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.43 -- /agnhost serve-hostname 2024/05/20 07:38:00 Waiting for operator to be up and running.... 2024/05/20 07:38:00 Operator is up  * Validate Operator should be installed ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:38:00 enable auto creation of RBAC resources 2024/05/20 07:38:00 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched (no change)  * Update TektonConfig CR to use param with name createRbacResource and value "true" to "enable" auto creation of RBAC resources ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:38:00 Verifying that TektonConfig status is "installed" 2024/05/20 07:38:05 Verifying that service account pipeline exists 2024/05/20 07:38:10 Verifying that cluster role pipelines-scc-clusterrole exists 2024/05/20 07:38:15 Verifying that config map config-service-cabundle exists 2024/05/20 07:38:20 Verifying that config map config-trusted-cabundle exists 2024/05/20 07:38:25 Verifying that role binding openshift-pipelines-edit exists 2024/05/20 07:38:30 Verifying that role binding pipelines-scc-rolebinding exists 2024/05/20 07:38:35 Verifying that security context constraint pipelines-scc exists  * Verify RBAC resources are auto created successfully ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:38:35 disable auto creation of RBAC resources 2024/05/20 07:38:35 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched  * Update TektonConfig CR to use param with name createRbacResource and value "false" to "disable" auto creation of RBAC resources ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:38:40 Verifying that service account pipeline exists 2024/05/20 07:38:45 Verifying that cluster role pipelines-scc-clusterrole doesn't exist 2024/05/20 07:38:50 Verifying that config map config-service-cabundle doesn't exist 2024/05/20 07:38:55 Verifying that config map config-trusted-cabundle doesn't exist 2024/05/20 07:39:00 Verifying that role binding edit doesn't exist 2024/05/20 07:39:05 Verifying that role binding pipelines-scc-rolebinding doesn't exist 2024/05/20 07:39:10 Verifying that security context constraint pipelines-scc doesn't exist  * Verify RBAC resources disabled successfully ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:39:10 enable auto creation of RBAC resources 2024/05/20 07:39:11 output: tektonconfig.operator.tekton.dev/config patched  * Update TektonConfig CR to use param with name createRbacResource and value "true" to "enable" auto creation of RBAC resources ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:39:11 Verifying that TektonConfig status is "installed" 2024/05/20 07:39:16 Verifying that service account pipeline exists 2024/05/20 07:39:21 Verifying that cluster role pipelines-scc-clusterrole exists 2024/05/20 07:39:26 Verifying that config map config-service-cabundle exists 2024/05/20 07:39:31 Verifying that config map config-trusted-cabundle exists 2024/05/20 07:39:36 Verifying that role binding openshift-pipelines-edit exists 2024/05/20 07:39:41 Verifying that role binding pipelines-scc-rolebinding exists 2024/05/20 07:39:46 Verifying that security context constraint pipelines-scc exists  * Verify RBAC resources are auto created successfully ...[PASS] 2024/05/20 07:39:53 output: project.project.openshift.io "releasetest-f72f5" deleted Transformed SuiteResult to report structure Successfully generated html-report to => /logs/artifacts/html-report/2024-05-20_07.39.53/index.html Done generating HTML report using theme from /tmp/plugins/html-report/4.3.1/themes/default Successfully generated xml-report to => /logs/artifacts/xml-report/2024-05-20 07.39.53 Sending kill message to Html Report plugin. Sending kill message to Xml Report plugin. Sending kill message to runner. ok command-line-arguments 113.131s Runner with PID:32952 has exited Specifications: 1 executed 1 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Scenarios: 1 executed 1 passed 0 failed 0 skipped Total time taken: 1m53.042s Rename xml files to junit_test_*.xml