OCM_ENV=$API_HOST SET_ENVIRONMENT="1" OC_HOST=$(oc whoami --show-server) CLUSTER_ID=$(cat "${SHARED_DIR}/cluster-id") CLUSTER_NAME=$(cat "${SHARED_DIR}/cluster-name") OCM_TOKEN=$(cat /var/run/secrets/ci.openshift.io/cluster-profile/ocm-token) ROBOT_EXTRA_ARGS="-i $TEST_MARKER -e AutomationBug -e Resources-GPU -e Resources-2GPUS" RUN_SCRIPT_ARGS="--skip-oclogin true --set-urls-variables true --test-artifact-dir ${ARTIFACT_DIR}/results" export OCM_ENV export SET_ENVIRONMENT export OC_HOST export CLUSTER_NAME export OCM_TOKEN export ROBOT_EXTRA_ARGS export RUN_SCRIPT_ARGS export CLUSTER_ID mkdir "$ARTIFACT_DIR/results" # running RHODS testsuite ./ods_ci/build/run.sh RUN SCRIPT ARGS: --skip-oclogin true --set-urls-variables true --test-artifact-dir /logs/artifacts/results ROBOT EXTRA ARGS: -i Smoke -e AutomationBug -e Resources-GPU -e Resources-2GPUS SET TEST ENVIRONMENT: 1 -- USE OCM to install IDPs: 1 -----| SET_ENVIRONMENT option is enabled. ODS-CI is going to configure the test environment for you..|----- ---> Performing log in OCM ocm envirnment: stage Stage) validating user_config.json user_config.json found! Starting json validation.. --> Going through requested users configuration validating prefix: htp-user- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base validating prefix: htp-basic-user- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base --> Going through requested users configuration validating prefix: ldap-op- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base validating prefix: ldap-usr- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base validating prefix: ldap-noaccess- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base validating prefix: ldap-special --> suffix type: custom Stage) Looking for LDAP and HTPASSWD already present in the cluster... ---- | Installing the required IDPs | ---- host: https://api.rhods-582f.9q1b.s1.devshift.org:6443 Stage) Setting HTPASSWD Identity provider --> Generating users based on requested configuration elaborating prefix: htp-user- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base elaborating prefix: htp-basic-user- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base --> Configuring HTP IDP and users Cluster name is rhods-582f Configuring IDP for cluster 'rhods-582f' Error: Failed to add IDP to cluster 'rhods-582f': status is 500, identifier is '500', code is 'CLUSTERS-MGMT-500' and operation identifier is 'bab90145-36e2-436a-a7a6-301b505294cb' Added 'cluster-admins' user 'htp-user-ODpLfGhiVosRkaWwFTPS' to cluster 'rhods-582f' ----> Performing log in with newly created HTP user ----> Performing log in the cluster using oc CLI command Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 1 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 2 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 3 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 4 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 5 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 6 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). Login failed (401 Unauthorized) Verify you have provided the correct credentials. Login failed 7 times. Trying again in 30 seconds (max 7 times). ---> Adding additional HTP users, if needed per requested configuration jq: error (at :42): Cannot iterate over null (null) Adding password for user htp-basic-user-xodUvTjyDqVwWmIHfbYi1 Adding password for user htp-basic-user-xodUvTjyDqVwWmIHfbYi2 error: exactly one NAME is required, got 0 See 'oc create secret generic -h' for help and examples Stage) Setting LDAP Identity provider --> Generating users based on requested configuration elaborating prefix: ldap-op- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base elaborating prefix: ldap-usr- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base elaborating prefix: ldap-noaccess- --> suffix type: incremental_with_rand_base elaborating prefix: ldap-special --> suffix type: custom --> configuring LDAP server and users namespace/openldap created secret/openldap created service/openldap created deployment.apps/openldap created { "kind": "IdentityProvider", "type": "LDAPIdentityProvider", "href": "/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/270mvk0d7gjm7id3pq0ebd1l9bka9osl/identity_providers/270oejq15h1382sh28f0ipffc2kd1s1o", "id": "270oejq15h1382sh28f0ipffc2kd1s1o", "name": "ldap-provider-qe", "mapping_method": "claim", "ldap": { "attributes": { "id": [ "dn" ], "name": [ "cn" ], "preferred_username": [ "uid" ] }, "bind_dn": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org", "insecure": true, "url": "ldap://openldap.openldap.svc.cluster.local:1389/dc=example,dc=org?uid" } } Stage) Configure RHODS test user groups group.user.openshift.io/rhods-admins created group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users created group.user.openshift.io/rhods-noaccess created Error from server (AlreadyExists): groups.user.openshift.io "dedicated-admins" already exists rhods-admins dedicated-admins group.user.openshift.io/rhods-admins added: "ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj1" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-admins added: "ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj2" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-admins added: "ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj3" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-admins added: "ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj4" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-admins added: "ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj5" Added 'dedicated-admins' user 'ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj1' to cluster 'rhods-582f' Added 'dedicated-admins' user 'ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj2' to cluster 'rhods-582f' Added 'dedicated-admins' user 'ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj3' to cluster 'rhods-582f' Added 'dedicated-admins' user 'ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj4' to cluster 'rhods-582f' Added 'dedicated-admins' user 'ldap-op-HNyqTSQKdrpFBXnoVzcj5' to cluster 'rhods-582f' rhods-users group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-usr-KiQBytcPJdfSjrpGTaqC1" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-usr-KiQBytcPJdfSjrpGTaqC2" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-usr-KiQBytcPJdfSjrpGTaqC3" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-usr-KiQBytcPJdfSjrpGTaqC4" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-usr-KiQBytcPJdfSjrpGTaqC5" rhods-noaccess group.user.openshift.io/rhods-noaccess added: "ldap-noaccess-sohORQYeNKBFvPdqcagJ1" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-noaccess added: "ldap-noaccess-sohORQYeNKBFvPdqcagJ2" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-noaccess added: "ldap-noaccess-sohORQYeNKBFvPdqcagJ3" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-noaccess added: "ldap-noaccess-sohORQYeNKBFvPdqcagJ4" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-noaccess added: "ldap-noaccess-sohORQYeNKBFvPdqcagJ5" rhods-users group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special." group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special^" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special$" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special*" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special?" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special(" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special)" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special[" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special]" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special{" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special}" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special|" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special@" group.user.openshift.io/rhods-users added: "ldap-special;" Stage) Sleeping 180sec to wait for IDPs to become available -----| ODS-CI is starting the tests run...|----- ods_ci/test-variables.yml INFO: getting RHODS URLs from the cluster as per --set-urls-variables OCP Console URL set to: https://console-openshift-console.apps.rhods-582f.9q1b.s1.devshift.org RHODS Dashboard URL set to: https://rhods-dashboard-redhat-ods-applications.apps.rhods-582f.9q1b.s1.devshift.org RHODS API Server URL set to: https://api.rhods-582f.9q1b.s1.devshift.org:6443 RHODS Prometheus URL set to: https://prometheus-redhat-ods-monitoring.apps.rhods-582f.9q1b.s1.devshift.org INFO: we found a yq executable skipping OC login as per parameter --skip-oclogin ============================================================================== Tests ============================================================================== Tests.Deploy ============================================================================== Tests.Deploy.Installation ============================================================================== 2023-10-21 13:45:50,127 - RPA.core.certificates - INFO - Truststore not in use, HTTPS traffic validated against `certifi` package. (requires Python 3.10.12 and 'pip' 23.2.1 at minimum) Tests.Deploy.Installation.Post Install :: Post install test cases that main... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify RHODS Display Name and Version :: Verify consistent rhods d... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify RHODS Notebooks Network Policies :: Verifies that the netwo... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] Executing keyword 'Wait Until Page Contains' failed: Text 'Log in with OpenShift' did not appear in 15 seconds. | FAIL | This command requires htp-user-ODpLfGhiVosRkaWwFTPS to be connected to the cluster (oc login ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify All The Pods Are Using Image Digest Instead Of Tags :: Veri... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Deploy.Installation.Post Install :: Post install test cases ... | FAIL | 3 tests, 2 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Deploy.Installation | FAIL | 3 tests, 2 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Deploy | FAIL | 3 tests, 2 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Metrics ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Metrics.Metrics :: Test suite testing ODS Metrics ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Test Existence of Prometheus Alerting Rules :: Verifies the promet... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test Existence of Prometheus Recording Rules :: Verifies the prome... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Monitor And Manage.Metrics.Metrics :: Test suite testing ODS... | PASS | 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Metrics.Billing Metrics :: Test suite testing ODS ... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify OpenShift Monitoring Results Are Correct When Running Undef... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | FAIL | Element with locator 'link:htpasswd' not found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test Billing Metric (Notebook Cpu Usage) On OpenShift Monitoring :... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] Executing keyword 'Wait Until Page Contains' failed: Text 'Log in with OpenShift' did not appear in 15 seconds. [ WARN ] Executing keyword 'Wait Until Page Contains' failed: Text 'Cloning...' did not appear in 5 seconds. [ WARN ] Executing keyword 'Wait Until Page Contains' failed: Text 'Successfully cloned' did not appear in 1 minute. [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | FAIL | This command requires htp-user-ODpLfGhiVosRkaWwFTPS to be connected to the cluster (oc login ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Monitor And Manage.Metrics.Billing Metrics :: Test suite tes... | FAIL | 2 tests, 0 passed, 2 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Metrics | FAIL | 4 tests, 2 passed, 2 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Alerts ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Alerts.Alerts :: RHODS monitoring alerts test suite ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify All Alerts Severity :: Verifies that all alerts have the ex... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify No Alerts Are Firing Except For DeadManSnitch :: Verifies t... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Monitor And Manage.Alerts.Alerts :: RHODS monitoring alerts ... | PASS | 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage.Alerts | PASS | 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Monitor And Manage | FAIL | 6 tests, 4 passed, 2 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify RHODS Explore Section Contains Only Expected ISVs :: It ver... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify CSS Style Of Getting Started Descriptions :: Verifies the C... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard | PASS | 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Settings :: Tests features in ODS Dashboa... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify That Administrators Can Access "Cluster Settings" :: Verifi... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Settings :: Tests features in OD... | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Projects ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Projects.Ods Dashboard Projects :: Suite ... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify Data Science Projects Page Is Accessible :: Verifies "Data ... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Access Jupyter Launcher From DS Project Page :: Ve... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify Workbench Images Have Multiple Versions :: Verifies that wo... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Create A Data Science Project :: Verifies users ca... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Create And Start A Workbench With Existent PV Stor... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Create And Start A Workbench Adding A New PV Stora... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Stop A Workbench :: Verifies users can stop a runn... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Launch A Workbench :: Verifies users can launch/op... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] Executing keyword 'Wait Until Page Contains' failed: Text 'Log in with OpenShift' did not appear in 15 seconds. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Delete A Workbench :: Verifies users can delete a ... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify User Can Delete A Data Science Project :: Verifies users ca... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] No Modals on the screen right now.. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Projects.Ods Dashboard Projects ... | PASS | 10 tests, 10 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Projects.Ods Dashboard Projects Permissio... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) Verify User Can Access Permission Tab In Their Owned DS Project ::... | PASS | The Test is executed as part of Suite Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Projects.Ods Dashboard Projects ... | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Ods Dashboard Projects | PASS | 11 tests, 11 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Model Serving ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Model Serving.Model Serving ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) Verify Model Serving Installation :: Verifies that the core compon... | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify Openvino_IR Model Via UI :: Test the deployment of an openv... | FAIL | Keyword 'Page Should Contain Element' failed after retrying for 2 minutes. The last error was: Page should have contained element '//div[.="test-model "]/../../td[@data-label="Status"]//span[contains(@class,"pf-c-icon__content")][contains(@class,"pf-m-success")]' but did not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test Inference Without Token Authentication :: Test the inference ... | FAIL | comparison between expected and actual failed, [['exception thrown during comparison'], ['expected', {'model_name': 'test-model__isvc-8655dc7979', 'model_version': '1', 'outputs': [{'name': 'Func/StatefulPartitionedCall/output/_13:0', 'datatype': 'FP32', 'shape': [1, 1], 'data': [0.99999994]}]}], ['received', {'code': 13, 'message': "Failed to pull model from storage due to error: unable to list objects in bucket 'ods-ci-s3': InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.\n\tstatus code: 403, request id: 4EDMXRCYR4CQNHR6, host id: 7k+aBaBKVQWigiswSylV5iAgW/IbnJNYkTZ7hx2jNhiTUaKCO5iLuvJf1ER2SKNXbZkCDQDBtZE="}], ['threshold', 1e-05], ['exception', KeyError('model_name')]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model not deployed, skipping deletion step during teardown Tests.Ods Dashboard.Model Serving.Model Serving | FAIL | 3 tests, 1 passed, 2 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Model Serving | FAIL | 3 tests, 1 passed, 2 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Data Science Pipelines ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Data Science Pipelines.Data-Science-Pipelines-Ui :: Sui... ============================================================================== Installing OpenShift Pipelines operator: pipelines-1.11 (AWS 4.13 Self-Managed: False) Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "openshift-pipelines-operator" not found Verify User Can Create, Run and Delete A DS Pipeline From DS Proje... | FAIL | Parent suite setup failed: Error installing OpenShift Pipelines operator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ods Dashboard.Data Science Pipelines.Data-Science-Pipelines-... | FAIL | Suite setup failed: Error installing OpenShift Pipelines operator Also suite teardown failed: Variable '${PROJECTS_TO_DELETE}' not found. 1 test, 0 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard.Data Science Pipelines | FAIL | 1 test, 0 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ods Dashboard | FAIL | 18 tests, 15 passed, 3 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Jupyterhub ============================================================================== Tests.Jupyterhub.Base-User-Shutdown-Test :: Test Case that verifies a base ... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify Base User Can Stop A Running Server :: Verifies that a base... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) [ ERROR ] Pods not found in search | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Jupyterhub.Base-User-Shutdown-Test :: Test Case that verifie... | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Jupyterhub.Multiple-Image-Tags :: Test Suite for the multiple noteboo... ============================================================================== Verify All OOTB Images Have Version Dropdowns :: Verifies all imag... Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Jupyterhub.Multiple-Image-Tags :: Test Suite for the multipl... | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Jupyterhub.Special-User-Testing ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Test Special Usernames [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Jupyterhub.Special-User-Testing | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Jupyterhub.Test ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Logged Into OpenShift [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can Launch Jupyterhub | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can Login To Jupyterhub | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can Spawn Notebook [ WARN ] Executing keyword 'Wait Until Page Contains' failed: Text 'Log in with OpenShift' did not appear in 15 seconds. | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Jupyterhub.Test | FAIL | Suite teardown failed: Several failures occurred: 1) This command requires htp-user-ODpLfGhiVosRkaWwFTPS to be connected to the cluster (oc login ...) 2) Element 'xpath://li[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' jp-DirListing-item ')]' did not disappear in 30 seconds. 3) '"lost+found minimal-nb-image-test Untitled1.ipynb Untitled2.ipynb Untitled.ipynb"' does not match '""' 4 tests, 0 passed, 4 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Jupyterhub | FAIL | 7 tests, 3 passed, 4 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Must Gather ============================================================================== Tests.Must Gather.Test-Must-Gather-Logs ============================================================================== Verify that the must-gather image provides RHODS logs and info | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Must Gather.Test-Must-Gather-Logs | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Must Gather | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Anaconda Commercial Edition ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Anaconda Commercial Edition.Anaconda Commercial Edition :: Te... ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify Anaconda Professional Is Available In RHODS Dashboard Explo... [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ai Apps.Anaconda Commercial Edition.Anaconda Commercial Edit... | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Anaconda Commercial Edition | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Ibm Watson Studio ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Ibm Watson Studio.Ibm Watson Studio ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify IBM Watson Studio Is Available In RHODS Dashboard Explore Page [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ai Apps.Ibm Watson Studio.Ibm Watson Studio | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Ibm Watson Studio | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Intel Aikit ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Intel Aikit.Intel Aikit ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify Intel AIKIT Is Available In RHODS Dashboard Explore Page [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ai Apps.Intel Aikit.Intel Aikit | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Intel Aikit | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Rhoam ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Rhoam.Rhoam ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify RHOAM Is Available In RHODS Dashboard Explore Page [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ai Apps.Rhoam.Rhoam | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Rhoam | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Openvino ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Openvino.Openvino ============================================================================== Prometheus is running in the namespace: redhat-ods-monitoring Verify OpenVino Is Available In RHODS Dashboard Explore Page [ WARN ] Exception managing chrome: Permission denied (os error 13) | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests.Ai Apps.Openvino.Openvino | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps.Openvino | PASS | 1 test, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests.Ai Apps | PASS | 5 tests, 5 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Tests | FAIL | 40 tests, 30 passed, 10 failed ============================================================================== Output: /logs/artifacts/results/ods-ci-2023-10-21-13-45-dHUds346Fa/output.xml XUnit: /logs/artifacts/results/ods-ci-2023-10-21-13-45-dHUds346Fa/xunit_test_result.xml Log: /logs/artifacts/results/ods-ci-2023-10-21-13-45-dHUds346Fa/log.html Report: /logs/artifacts/results/ods-ci-2023-10-21-13-45-dHUds346Fa/test_report.html 10