================ changes of 'libpango-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 5 Changed (261 filtered out), 49 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 49 Added functions: [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_baseline_shift_new(int)' {pango_attr_baseline_shift_new} [A] 'function void pango_attr_break(const char*, int, PangoAttrList*, int, PangoLogAttr*, int)' {pango_attr_break} [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_font_scale_new(PangoFontScale)' {pango_attr_font_scale_new} [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_line_height_new(double)' {pango_attr_line_height_new} [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_line_height_new_absolute(int)' {pango_attr_line_height_new_absolute} [A] 'function PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_from_string(const char*)' {pango_attr_list_from_string} [A] 'function char* pango_attr_list_to_string(PangoAttrList*)' {pango_attr_list_to_string} [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_sentence_new()' {pango_attr_sentence_new} [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_text_transform_new(PangoTextTransform)' {pango_attr_text_transform_new} [A] 'function PangoAttribute* pango_attr_word_new()' {pango_attr_word_new} [A] 'function PangoAttrColor* pango_attribute_as_color(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_color} [A] 'function PangoAttrFloat* pango_attribute_as_float(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_float} [A] 'function PangoAttrFontDesc* pango_attribute_as_font_desc(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_font_desc} [A] 'function PangoAttrFontFeatures* pango_attribute_as_font_features(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_font_features} [A] 'function PangoAttrInt* pango_attribute_as_int(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_int} [A] 'function PangoAttrLanguage* pango_attribute_as_language(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_language} [A] 'function PangoAttrShape* pango_attribute_as_shape(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_shape} [A] 'function PangoAttrSize* pango_attribute_as_size(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_size} [A] 'function PangoAttrString* pango_attribute_as_string(PangoAttribute*)' {pango_attribute_as_string} [A] 'function GType pango_baseline_shift_get_type()' {pango_baseline_shift_get_type} [A] 'function PangoFont* pango_font_deserialize(PangoContext*, GBytes*, GError**)' {pango_font_deserialize} [A] 'function PangoLanguage** pango_font_get_languages(PangoFont*)' {pango_font_get_languages} [A] 'function GType pango_font_scale_get_type()' {pango_font_scale_get_type} [A] 'function GBytes* pango_font_serialize(PangoFont*)' {pango_font_serialize} [A] 'function void pango_glyph_string_index_to_x_full(PangoGlyphString*, const char*, int, PangoAnalysis*, PangoLogAttr*, int, gboolean, int*)' {pango_glyph_string_index_to_x_full} [A] 'function PangoLayout* pango_layout_deserialize(PangoContext*, GBytes*, PangoLayoutDeserializeFlags, GError**)' {pango_layout_deserialize} [A] 'function GType pango_layout_deserialize_error_get_type()' {pango_layout_deserialize_error_get_type} [A] 'function GQuark pango_layout_deserialize_error_quark()' {pango_layout_deserialize_error_quark} [A] 'function GType pango_layout_deserialize_flags_get_type()' {pango_layout_deserialize_flags_get_type} [A] 'function void pango_layout_get_caret_pos(PangoLayout*, int, PangoRectangle*, PangoRectangle*)' {pango_layout_get_caret_pos} [A] 'function gboolean pango_layout_get_justify_last_line(PangoLayout*)' {pango_layout_get_justify_last_line} [A] 'function int pango_layout_iter_get_run_baseline(PangoLayoutIter*)' {pango_layout_iter_get_run_baseline} [A] 'function int pango_layout_line_get_length(PangoLayoutLine*)' {pango_layout_line_get_length} [A] 'function PangoDirection pango_layout_line_get_resolved_direction(PangoLayoutLine*)' {pango_layout_line_get_resolved_direction} [A] 'function int pango_layout_line_get_start_index(PangoLayoutLine*)' {pango_layout_line_get_start_index} [A] 'function gboolean pango_layout_line_is_paragraph_start(PangoLayoutLine*)' {pango_layout_line_is_paragraph_start} [A] 'function GBytes* pango_layout_serialize(PangoLayout*, PangoLayoutSerializeFlags)' {pango_layout_serialize} [A] 'function GType pango_layout_serialize_flags_get_type()' {pango_layout_serialize_flags_get_type} [A] 'function void pango_layout_set_justify_last_line(PangoLayout*, gboolean)' {pango_layout_set_justify_last_line} [A] 'function gboolean pango_layout_write_to_file(PangoLayout*, PangoLayoutSerializeFlags, const char*, GError**)' {pango_layout_write_to_file} [A] 'function double pango_matrix_get_slant_ratio(const PangoMatrix*)' {pango_matrix_get_slant_ratio} [A] 'function void pango_shape_item(PangoItem*, const char*, int, PangoLogAttr*, PangoGlyphString*, PangoShapeFlags)' {pango_shape_item} [A] 'function PangoTabArray* pango_tab_array_from_string(const char*)' {pango_tab_array_from_string} [A] 'function gunichar pango_tab_array_get_decimal_point(PangoTabArray*, int)' {pango_tab_array_get_decimal_point} [A] 'function void pango_tab_array_set_decimal_point(PangoTabArray*, int, gunichar)' {pango_tab_array_set_decimal_point} [A] 'function void pango_tab_array_set_positions_in_pixels(PangoTabArray*, gboolean)' {pango_tab_array_set_positions_in_pixels} [A] 'function void pango_tab_array_sort(PangoTabArray*)' {pango_tab_array_sort} [A] 'function char* pango_tab_array_to_string(PangoTabArray*)' {pango_tab_array_to_string} [A] 'function GType pango_text_transform_get_type()' {pango_text_transform_get_type} 5 functions with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'function void pango_break(const gchar*, gint, PangoAnalysis*, PangoLogAttr*, int)' at break.c:2212:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 4 of type 'PangoLogAttr*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoLogAttr' at pango-types.h:32:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoLogAttr' at pango-break.h:79:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 3 data member insertions: 'guint break_inserts_hyphen', at offset 13 (in bits) at pango-break.h:98:1 'guint break_removes_preceding', at offset 14 (in bits) at pango-break.h:99:1 'guint reserved', at offset 15 (in bits) at pango-break.h:101:1 [C] 'function void pango_fontset_simple_append(PangoFontsetSimple*, PangoFont*)' at pango-fontset-simple.c:163:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'PangoFontsetSimple*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoFontsetSimple' at pango-fontset-simple.h:46:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoFontsetSimple' at pango-fontset.c:219:1 changed: type size changed from 384 to 320 (in bits) 1 data member deletion: 'GPtrArray* coverages', at offset 256 (in bits) at pango-fontset.c:224:1 1 data member change: 'PangoLanguage* language' offset changed from 320 to 256 (in bits) (by -64 bits) [C] 'function GSList* pango_glyph_item_apply_attrs(PangoGlyphItem*, const char*, PangoAttrList*)' at pango-glyph-item.c:593:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'PangoGlyphItem*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphItem' at pango-glyph-item.h:50:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphItem' at pango-glyph-item.h:46:1 changed: type size changed from 128 to 256 (in bits) 3 data member insertions: 'int y_offset', at offset 128 (in bits) at pango-glyph-item.h:56:1 'int start_x_offset', at offset 160 (in bits) at pango-glyph-item.h:57:1 'int end_x_offset', at offset 192 (in bits) at pango-glyph-item.h:58:1 1 data member changes (1 filtered): type of 'PangoGlyphString* glyphs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:34:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:122:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'PangoGlyphInfo* glyphs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:33:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:101:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'PangoGlyphVisAttr attr' changed: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphVisAttr' at pango-glyph.h:85:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'guint is_color', at offset 1 (in bits) at pango-glyph.h:106:1 [C] 'function void pango_layout_context_changed(PangoLayout*)' at pango-layout.c:1503:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'PangoLayout*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoLayout' at pango-layout.h:32:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoLayout' at pango-layout-private.h:29:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 2 data member insertions: 'guint justify_last_line', at offset 833 (in bits) at pango-layout-private.h:61:1 'gunichar decimal', at offset 1216 (in bits) at pango-layout-private.h:77:1 9 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'PangoTabArray* tabs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoTabArray' at pango-tabs.h:29:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoTabArray' at pango-tabs.c:47:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'PangoTab* tabs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoTab' at pango-tabs.c:28:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoTab' at pango-tabs.c:29:1 changed: type size changed from 64 to 96 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'gunichar decimal_point', at offset 64 (in bits) at pango-tabs.c:34:1 no data member changes (2 filtered); 'guint alignment' offset changed from 833 to 834 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'guint single_paragraph' offset changed from 835 to 836 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'guint auto_dir' offset changed from 836 to 837 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'guint wrap' offset changed from 837 to 838 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'guint is_wrapped' offset changed from 839 to 840 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'guint ellipsize' offset changed from 840 to 841 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'guint is_ellipsized' offset changed from 842 to 843 (in bits) (by +1 bits) 'int copy_end' offset changed from 1216 to 1248 (in bits) (by +32 bits) [C] 'function PangoLayoutIter* pango_layout_get_iter(PangoLayout*)' at pango-layout.c:7190:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: return type changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoLayoutIter' at pango-layout.h:478:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoLayoutIter' at pango-layout-private.h:97:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'int end_x_offset', at offset 544 (in bits) at pango-layout-private.h:121:1 8 data member changes (3 filtered): 'gboolean ltr' offset changed from 544 to 576 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int cluster_x' offset changed from 576 to 608 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int cluster_width' offset changed from 608 to 640 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int cluster_start' offset changed from 640 to 672 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int next_cluster_glyph' offset changed from 672 to 704 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int cluster_num_chars' offset changed from 704 to 736 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int character_position' offset changed from 736 to 768 (in bits) (by +32 bits) 'int layout_width' offset changed from 768 to 800 (in bits) (by +32 bits) ================ end of changes of 'libpango-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== ================ changes of 'libpangoft2-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 1 Changed (3 filtered out), 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 1 function with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'function void pango_fc_font_kern_glyphs(PangoFcFont*, PangoGlyphString*)' at pangofc-font.c:721:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'PangoGlyphString*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:34:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:122:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'PangoGlyphInfo* glyphs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:33:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:101:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'PangoGlyphVisAttr attr' changed: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphVisAttr' at pango-glyph.h:85:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'guint is_color', at offset 1 (in bits) at pango-glyph.h:106:1 ================ end of changes of 'libpangoft2-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== ================ changes of 'libpangocairo-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 2 Changed (3 filtered out), 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 2 functions with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'function void pango_cairo_glyph_string_path(cairo_t*, PangoFont*, PangoGlyphString*)' at pangocairo-render.c:1188:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 3 of type 'PangoGlyphString*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:34:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:122:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'PangoGlyphInfo* glyphs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:33:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:101:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'PangoGlyphVisAttr attr' changed: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphVisAttr' at pango-glyph.h:85:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'guint is_color', at offset 1 (in bits) at pango-glyph.h:106:1 [C] 'function void pango_cairo_show_glyph_item(cairo_t*, const char*, PangoGlyphItem*)' at pangocairo-render.c:1087:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 3 of type 'PangoGlyphItem*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphItem' at pango-glyph-item.h:50:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphItem' at pango-glyph-item.h:46:1 changed: type size changed from 128 to 256 (in bits) 3 data member insertions: 'int y_offset', at offset 128 (in bits) at pango-glyph-item.h:56:1 'int start_x_offset', at offset 160 (in bits) at pango-glyph-item.h:57:1 'int end_x_offset', at offset 192 (in bits) at pango-glyph-item.h:58:1 no data member changes (2 filtered); ================ end of changes of 'libpangocairo-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== ================ changes of 'pango-view'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added function Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable Function symbols changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Added function symbol not referenced by debug info Variable symbols changes summary: 0 Removed, 1 Added variable symbol not referenced by debug info 1 Added variable symbol not referenced by debug info: [A] g_utf8_skip ================ end of changes of 'pango-view'=============== ================ changes of 'libpangoxft-1.0.so.0.4800.7'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 1 Changed (2 filtered out), 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 1 function with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'function void pango_xft_picture_render(Display*, Picture, Picture, PangoFont*, PangoGlyphString*, gint, gint)' at pangoxft-render.c:871:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 5 of type 'PangoGlyphString*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:34:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphString' at pango-glyph.h:122:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'PangoGlyphInfo* glyphs' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:33:1: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphInfo' at pango-glyph.h:101:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'PangoGlyphVisAttr attr' changed: underlying type 'struct _PangoGlyphVisAttr' at pango-glyph.h:85:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'guint is_color', at offset 1 (in bits) at pango-glyph.h:106:1 ================ end of changes of 'libpangoxft-1.0.so.0.4800.7'===============