# cat /var/log/convert2rhel/convert2rhel-pre-conversion.txt (ERROR) SUBSCRIBE_SYSTEM::SYSTEM_NOT_REGISTERED - Not registered with RHSM Description: This system must be registered with rhsm in order to get access to the RHEL rpms. In this case, the system was not already registered and no credentials were given to convert2rhel to register it. Diagnosis: [No further information given] Remediation: You may either register this system via subscription-manager before running convert2rhel or give convert2rhel credentials to do that for you. The credentials convert2rhel would need are either activation_key and organization or username and password. You can set these in a config file and then pass the file to convert2rhel with the --config-file option. (SKIP) ENSURE_KERNEL_MODULES_COMPATIBILITY::SKIP - Skipped action Description: Skipped because SUBSCRIBE_SYSTEM was not successful Diagnosis: [No further information given] Remediation: [No further information given] (SKIP) VALIDATE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_TRANSACTION::SKIP - Skipped action Description: Skipped because ENSURE_KERNEL_MODULES_COMPATIBILITY and SUBSCRIBE_SYSTEM were not successful Diagnosis: [No further information given] Remediation: [No further information given] (WARNING) LIST_THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGES::THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE_DETECTED_MESSAGE - Third party packages detected Description: Third party packages will not be replaced during the conversion. Diagnosis: Only packages signed by CentOS Linux are to be replaced. Red Hat support won't be provided for the following third party packages: convert2rhel-1.4.1-2.20230914171923250936.main.1.g2b75603.el7.noarch Remediation: [No further information given] (WARNING) PACKAGE_UPDATES::PACKAGE_NOT_UP_TO_DATE_MESSAGE - Outdated packages detected Description: Please refer to the diagnosis for further information Diagnosis: The system has 1 package(s) not updated based on the enabled system repositories. List of packages to update: convert2rhel. Not updating the packages may cause the conversion to fail. Consider updating the packages before proceeding with the conversion. Remediation: [No further information given] (INFO) REMOVE_REPOSITORY_FILES_PACKAGES::REPOSITORY_FILE_PACKAGES_REMOVED - Repository file packages removed Description: Repository file packages that were removed Diagnosis: The following packages were removed: centos-release-7-9.2009.1.el7.centos.x86_64 Remediation: [No further information given] (INFO) REMOVE_EXCLUDED_PACKAGES::EXCLUDED_PACKAGES_REMOVED - Excluded packages removed Description: Excluded packages that have been removed Diagnosis: The following packages were removed: Remediation: [No further information given] (INFO) DBUS_IS_RUNNING::DBUS_IS_RUNNING_CHECK_SKIP - Skipping the dbus is running check Description: Skipping the check because we have been asked not to subscribe this system to RHSM. Diagnosis: [No further information given] Remediation: [No further information given] (INFO) CUSTOM_REPOSITORIES_ARE_VALID::CUSTOM_REPOSITORIES_ARE_VALID_CHECK_SKIP - Skipping the custom repos are valid check Description: Skipping the check of repositories due to the use of RHSM for the conversion. Diagnosis: [No further information given] Remediation: [No further information given]