#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # NAME # lab-sa1-review - grading script for RH124 comprehensive review # # SYNOPSIS # lab-sa1-review {setup|grade} # # DESCRIPTION # This script is the RH124 comprehensive review lab setup/grading # script. It should only be executed on serverX.example.com. # # CHANGELOG # * Tue Oct 28 2014 George Hacker # - added code to du grading to handle trailing / (tab-completion) # * Tue Jul 8 2014 George Hacker # - corrected a regular expression that improperly matches IP addresses # * Thu Jun 5 2014 George Hacker # - added support for ILT/VT/ROL disk device differences # * Wed Apr 23 2014 George Hacker # - fixed broken regular expressions in grading # * Mon Apr 21 2014 Rudy Kastl # - original code PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin # Initialize and set some variables MYHOST="" CMD="" DEBUG='true' RUN_AS_ROOT='true' # Source library of functions source /usr/local/bin/labtool.shlib trap on_exit EXIT # Additional functions for this shell script function print_usage { local problem_name=$(basename $0 | sed -e 's/^lab-//') cat << EOF This script controls the setup and grading of this lab. Usage: lab ${problem_name} COMMAND lab ${problem_name} -h|--help COMMAND is one of: setup - perform any setup steps for this lab on this machine grade - perform any grading steps and report on this machine EOF } function srv_exit { # call debug with msg and exit with code DEBUG=true debug "$1" exit $2 } # FIXME - this function isn't called (delete?). #function install_packages { # echo -n "Installing packages... " # yum -y install "$@" &> /dev/null # RESULT=$? # if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then # print_FAIL # echo "Error installing needed packages" # exit 132 # fi # print_PASS #} ### Setup functions for sa1 comprehensive review function setup_top { echo "Setting up the process for the top exercise." if [ ! -f /root/cpuhog ]; then base64 -d > /root/cpuhog < /dev/null || srv_exit "parted failed: $?" 151 partprobe &> /dev/null || srv_exit "partprobe failed: $?" 151 echo "Creating XFS on PARTITION ..." mkfs.xfs -f ${PART_DEV} &> /dev/null || srv_exit "mkfs failed: $?" 153 } function setup_vim { # setup vim echo "Setting up vim lab..." cat << EOF > /home/student/vimfile.txt drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Desktop drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Documents drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Downloads drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Music drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Pictures drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Public drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Templates drwxr-xr-x. 2 student student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Videos EOF } ### Grading functions for sa1 comprehensive review function grade_headtail { echo -n "Checking for correct head and tail results... " if [ ! -f /home/student/headtail.txt ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/headtail.txt file does not exist." return 1 fi (head -n 12 /usr/bin/clean-binary-files >/tmp/headtail.txt) &>/dev/null (tail -n 9 /usr/bin/clean-binary-files >>/tmp/headtail.txt) &>/dev/null diff /tmp/headtail.txt /home/student/headtail.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/headtail.txt file does not have correct content!" rm -f /tmp/headtail.txt return 1 fi rm -f /tmp/headtail.txt print_PASS } function grade_files { # FIXME echo -n "Checking for correct changelog files... " # check the directories exist if [ ! -d /home/student/syschanges ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/syschanges directory does not exist." return 1 fi if [ ! -d /home/student/syschanges/jan ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/syschanges/jan directory does not exist." return 1 fi if [ ! -d /home/student/syschanges/feb ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/syschanges/feb directory does not exist." return 1 fi if [ ! -d /home/student/syschanges/mar ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/syschanges/mar directory does not exist." return 1 fi (find /home/student/syschanges -name system_changes-machine9*.txt | grep q) &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "Changelog files for machine 9 are still present." return 1 fi (find /home/student/syschanges -name system_changes-machine10*.txt | grep q) &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "Changelog files for machine 10 are still present." return 1 fi # Set compare the pregenerated file FIXME. cat << EOF > /tmp/expectedfiles.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine1-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine2-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine3-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine4-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine5-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine6-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine7-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/feb/system_changes-machine8-month_feb.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine1-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine2-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine3-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine4-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine5-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine6-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine7-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/jan/system_changes-machine8-month_jan.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine1-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine2-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine3-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine4-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine5-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine6-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine7-month_mar.txt /home/student/syschanges/mar/system_changes-machine8-month_mar.txt EOF (ls -1R /home/student/syschanges/*/*.txt >/tmp/presentfiles.txt) &>/dev/null diff /tmp/expectedfiles.txt /tmp/presentfiles.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF The expected changelog files in the /home/student/syschanges folder are not present or not sorted into the correct folder. EOF rm -f /tmp/expectedfiles.txt /tmp/presentfiles.txt &>/dev/null return 1 fi rm -f /tmp/expectedfiles.txt /tmp/presentfiles.txt &>/dev/null print_PASS } function grade_man { echo -n "Checking for correct man page research... " if [ ! -f /home/student/lscolor.txt ]; then print_FAIL echo "The text file /home/student/lscolor.txt does not exist." return 1 fi grep '\-\-color=never' /home/student/lscolor.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "/home/student/lscolor.txt does not contain the correct ls option." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_vim { echo -n "Checking for correct vim editing... " cat << EOF > /tmp/vimgrade.txt drwxr-xr-x. 2 student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Desktop drwxr-xr-x. 2 student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Downloads drwxr-xr-x. 2 student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Music drwxr-xr-x. 2 student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Public drwxr-xr-x. 2 student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Templates drwxr-xr-x. 2 student 6 Apr 9 17:36 Videos EOF diff /home/student/longlisting.txt /tmp/vimgrade.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "/home/student/longlisting.txt has not been edited correctly." rm -f /tmp/vimgrade.txt &>/dev/null return 1 fi rm -f /tmp/vimgrade.txt &>/dev/null print_PASS } function grade_users { echo -n "Checking for correct user setup... " grep 'PASS_MAX_DAYS.*60' /etc/login.defs &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF The default settings do not force newly created users to change passwords every 60 days. EOF return 1 fi grep 'instructors:x:30000.*' /etc/group &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The instructors group does not exist with GID 30000." return 1 fi for USER in gorwell rbradbury dadams; do grep "$USER:x:.*" /etc/passwd &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The user $USER has not been created." return 1 fi done for USER in gorwell rbradbury dadams; do grep "instructors:x:30000.*$USER.*" /etc/group &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The user $USER is not in the instructors group." return 1 fi done for USER in gorwell rbradbury dadams; do PRIMARYGROUP=$(id -g $USER) grep $USER /etc/passwd | grep "$USER:x:.*:$PRIMARYGROUP:" &>/dev/null if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The user $USER is not in the primary group $USER." return 1 fi done for USER in gorwell rbradbury dadams; do NEWPASS="firstpw" FULLHASH=$(grep "^$USER:" /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f 2) SALT=$(grep "^$USER:" /etc/shadow | cut -d'$' -f3) PERLCOMMAND="print crypt(\"${NEWPASS}\", \"\\\$6\\\$${SALT}\");" NEWHASH=$(perl -e "${PERLCOMMAND}") if [ "${FULLHASH}" != "${NEWHASH}" ]; then print_FAIL echo "The password for user $USER is not set to ${NEWPASS}" return 1 fi done for USER in gorwell rbradbury dadams; do YEAR=$(LANG=C date +%y -d "+60 days") MONTH=$(LANG=C date +%b -d "+60 days") DAY=$(LANG=C date +%d -d "+60 days") (LANG=C chage -l $USER | grep 'Account expires' | grep "$MONTH.*$DAY.*$YEAR") &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The $USER account does not expire in 60 days." return 1 fi done (LANG=C chage -l gorwell | grep "Maximum number.*:.*10.*") &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The gorwell account does not need to change password every 10 days." return 1 fi for USER in gorwell rbradbury dadams; do (LANG=C chage -l $USER | grep "Password expires" | grep "password must be changed") &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF The user $USER does not need to change the account password on next log in. EOF return 1 fi done print_PASS } function grade_shareddir { echo -n "Checking for correct shared directory... " if [ ! -d /home/instructors ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/instructors directory does not exist." return 1 fi if [ $(stat -c %G /home/instructors) != "instructors" ]; then print_FAIL echo "/home/instructors does not have correct group ownership." return 1 fi if [ $(stat -c %a /home/instructors) -ne 2774 ]; then print_FAIL echo "/home/instructors does not have correct permissions." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_top { echo -n "Checking for correct top lab... " (ps cax | grep cpuhog) &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The process in question is still running." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_services { echo -n "Checking for correct service setup... " # check if cups service is still running systemctl is-active cups &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The cups service is still running." return 1 fi systemctl is-enabled cups &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The cups service is still configured to start at system boot." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_ssh { echo -n "Checking for correct ssh setup... " # FIXME #• User student on desktopX can login with a SSH public key to the student account on # serverX #• Disable ssh login for the root user and password-based SSH authentication on serverX. #• Verify that user root is not allowed to login to serverX by using ssh, while user student can # login with the private key. #FIXME: can not check for password: Create three new users: gorwell, rbradbury, and dadams, with a password of firstpw. # (LANG=C /usr/bin/expect -c 'spawn ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no dadams@localhost ; expect "*?assword:*" ; send -- "firstpw\r" ; expect eof') if [ ! -f /home/student/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then print_FAIL echo "There was no ssh key generated for user student." return 1 fi ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /home/student/.ssh/id_rsa student@desktop$X.example.com 'hostname'&>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF Key based authentication as user student on the server to the student account on the desktop machine does not work. Did you copy the ssh pubkey? EOF return 1 fi grep '^PermitRootLogin.*no$' /etc/ssh/sshd_config &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "Root log in is still permitted with ssh on the server machine." return 1 fi grep '^PasswordAuthentication.*no$' /etc/ssh/sshd_config &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "Password authentication is still allowed with ssh on the server machine." return 1 fi #FIXME: Test if sshd was restarted? print_PASS } function grade_tz { echo -n "Checking for correct time and date settings... " #timedatectl | grep 'NTP enabled: no' &>/dev/null #RESULT=$? #if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then # print_FAIL # echo "The server machine still synchronizes to ntp." # return 1 #fi timedatectl | grep 'America/Nassau' &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The timezone was not adjusted correctly." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_journal { echo -n "Checking for correct journalctl command... " if [ ! -f /home/student/systemdreview.txt ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /home/student/systemdreview.txt file does not exist." return 1 fi grep -- '--since.*9:05:00' /home/student/systemdreview.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The starting time of the journald query is not correct" return 1 fi grep -- '--until.*9:15:00' /home/student/systemdreview.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The ending time of the journald query is not correct" return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_rsyslogd { echo -n "Checking for correct rsyslogd settings... " if [ ! -f /etc/rsyslog.d/auth-errors.conf ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /etc/rsyslog.d/auth-errors.conf file does not exist." return 1 fi grep 'authpriv.alert.*/var/log/auth-errors' /etc/rsyslog.d/auth-errors.conf &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF The /etc/rsyslog.d/auth-errors.conf configuration file does not have the correct entry. EOF return 1 fi logger -p authpriv.alert "Grading check" &>/dev/null # grep will fail if the file doesn't exist or the message isn't matched. grep '.*Grading check' /var/log/auth-errors &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF The /etc/rsyslog.d/auth-errors.conf configuration file seems to have the correct entry, but the messages still do not appear in /var/log/auth-errors. Did you restart rsyslog? EOF return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_network { echo -n "Checking for correct network settings... " if ! (nmcli con show |grep review) &>/dev/null ; then print_FAIL echo "The network connection review does not exist." return 1 fi (nmcli con show review |grep ipv4.addresses |grep "ip *= *172\.25\.[[:digit:]]*\.11") &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The first ip address is not correct." return 1 fi (nmcli con show review |grep ipv4.dns |grep '') &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The DNS name server is incorrect." return 1 fi # RL: We cannot check this without a conditional: different in ROL v. ILT/VT # (nmcli con show review |grep ipv4.addresses |grep "ip *= *172\.25\.[[:digit:]]*\.11/24") &>/dev/null # RESULT=$? # if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then # print_FAIL # echo "The correct network prefix for the first ip address has not been set." # return 1 # fi (nmcli con show review |grep connection.autoconnect |grep yes) &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The review network device is not configured to start on boot." return 1 fi (nmcli con show "System eth0" |grep connection.autoconnect |grep no) &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The eth0 network device is configured to start on boot." return 1 fi (nmcli con show review |grep ipv4.addresses |grep "ip *= *10\.0\.[[:digit:]]*\.1") &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The second ip address has not been set." return 1 fi (nmcli con show review |grep ipv4.addresses |grep "ip *= *10\.0\.[[:digit:]]*\.1/24") &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The correct network prefix for the second ip address has not been set." return 1 fi grep "10\.0\.[[:digit:]]*\.1.*myhost" /etc/hosts &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /etc/hosts file is not configured correctly." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_rsync { echo -n "Checking for correct rsync backup... " if [ ! -d /configbackup ]; then print_FAIL echo "The target directory /configbackup does not exist." return 1 fi rsync -avn /etc /configbackup &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "Directory was not rsynced properly." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_tarcompress { echo -n "Checking for correct compressed archive... " if [ ! -f /root/configuration-backup-server.tar.gz ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /root/configuration-backup-server.tar.gz archive does not exist." return 1 fi (tar tf /root/configuration-backup-server.tar.gz | grep etc) &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The archive content is not correct." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_scp { echo -n "Checking for correct secure copied file... " if [ ! -f /home/student/scpfile.txt ]; then print_FAIL echo "The file /home/student/scpfile.txt does not exist." return 1 fi grep 'desktop[[:digit:]]*\.example\.com' /home/student/scpfile.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The content of /home/student/scpfile.txt is not correct." return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_tarextract { echo -n "Checking for correct extracted content... " if [ ! -d /tmp/configcompare/ ]; then print_FAIL echo "The target directory, /tmp/configbackup, does not exist" return 1 fi if [ ! -d /tmp/configcompare/*/etc ]; then print_FAIL echo "The archive was not extracted into the target directory" return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_yumrepo { echo -n "Checking for correct yum repo setup... " if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/localupdates.repo ]; then print_FAIL echo "The repo file /etc/yum.repos.d/localupdates.repo does not exist" return 1 fi grep 'baseurl.*=.*http://content.example.com/rhel7.0/x86_64/errata' /etc/yum.repos.d/localupdates.repo &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The baseurl in the /etc/yum.repos.d/localupdates.repo is not correct" return 1 fi print_PASS } # If there is ever an interest in grading a package update, see the # function in lab-software that shows how to grade package updates function grade_packages { echo -n "Checking for correct set of packages... " rpm -q xsane-gimp &> /dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The xsane-gimp package is not installed." return 1 fi rpm -q rht-system &> /dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The rht-system package is not installed." return 1 fi rpm -q wvdial &> /dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The wvdial package is still installed." return 1 fi # check if more than one kernel is installed RESULT=$(rpm -q kernel | wc -l) if [ "${RESULT}" -eq 1 ]; then print_FAIL cat << EOF There is only one kernel package installed. Did you install the update kernel package? EOF return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_du { echo -n "Checking for correct disk usage report... " # Check and handle trailing slash (tab-completion). if [ ! -f /home/student/dureport.txt ]; then print_FAIL echo "The disk usage report does not exist" return 1 elif grep -q '/$' /home/student/dureport.txt ; then (du /usr/share/fonts/ >/tmp/dureport.txt) &>/dev/null else (du /usr/share/fonts >/tmp/dureport.txt) &>/dev/null fi diff /tmp/dureport.txt /home/student/dureport.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The disk usage report is not correct." rm -f /tmp/dureport.txt &>/dev/null return 1 fi rm -f /tmp/dureport.txt &>/dev/null print_PASS } function grade_mount { echo -n "Checking for correct mount... " if [ ! -d /mnt/datadump ]; then print_FAIL echo "The /mnt/datadump mount point does not exist" return 1 fi grep '/mnt/datadump' /proc/mounts &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The disk is not mounted on /mnt/datadump" return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_ln { echo -n "Checking for correct softlink... " find /root -type l -name '*data*' |grep mydataspace &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The softlink /root/mydataspace does not exist" return 1 fi print_PASS } function grade_find { echo -n "Checking for correct find command... " if [ ! -f /home/student/find.txt ]; then print_FAIL echo "The file /home/student/find.txt does not exist" return 1 fi grep '^find / ' /home/student/find.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The find command does not search in the correct directory" return 1 fi grep '\-type l' /home/student/find.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The find command does not look for the correct file type" return 1 fi grep "\-name.*\*data\*.*" /home/student/find.txt &>/dev/null RESULT=$? if [ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]; then print_FAIL echo "The find command does not look for the correct filename" return 1 fi print_PASS } ### End of grading functions for sa1 comprehensive review function lab_setup { VMNAME=$1 case $VMNAME in desktop) print_FAIL && echo "The setup script needs to be run on server" ;; server) setup_top setup_fs setup_vim ;; *) # Should never get here, but what the hey.... print_FAIL && echo "The setup script needs to be run on server" ;; esac } function lab_grade { VMNAME=$1 case $VMNAME in server) FAIL=0 grade_headtail || FAIL=1 grade_files || FAIL=1 grade_man || FAIL=1 grade_vim || FAIL=1 grade_users || FAIL=1 grade_shareddir || FAIL=1 grade_top || FAIL=1 grade_services || FAIL=1 grade_ssh || FAIL=1 grade_tz || FAIL=1 grade_journal || FAIL=1 grade_rsyslogd || FAIL=1 grade_network || FAIL=1 grade_rsync || FAIL=1 grade_tarcompress || FAIL=1 grade_scp || FAIL=1 grade_tarextract || FAIL=1 grade_yumrepo || FAIL=1 grade_packages || FAIL=1 grade_du || FAIL=1 grade_mount || FAIL=1 grade_ln || FAIL=1 grade_find || FAIL=1 echo echo -n "Overall result: " if [ ${FAIL} -eq 0 ]; then print_PASS echo "Congratulations! You've passed all tests." else print_FAIL echo "Please check your work and try again." fi ;; desktop) print_FAIL && echo "The grade script needs to be run on server" ;; *) # Should never get here, but what the hey.... print_FAIL && echo "The grade script needs to be run on server" ;; esac } # Main area # Check if to be run as root (must do this first) if [[ "${RUN_AS_ROOT}" == 'true' ]] && [[ "${EUID}" -gt "0" ]] ; then if [[ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]] ; then ${SUDO:-sudo} $0 "$@" exit else # Fail out if not running as root check_root fi fi # Process command line # Parse input case $1 in setup|grade) CMD=$1 ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; *) echo Bad option $1 print_usage exit 1 ;; esac # Validation [ -z "$CMD" ] && debug "Missing command" && print_usage && exit 1 # Get local system information get_X # Branch based on short (without number) hostname case $MYHOST in desktop|server) lab_$CMD $MYHOST ;; *) debug "Bad or missing hostname - $MYHOST" debug "This command needs to be run on desktop or server" exit 3 ;; esac