created Waiting for Jaeger operator installation jaeger-operator-7c88967fd8-szhsc 2/2 Running 0 31s created Waiting for Kiali operator installation kiali-operator-76d69d4658-b4wcb 1/1 Running 0 33s created Waiting for Istio operator installation NAME DISPLAY VERSION REPLACES PHASE jaeger-operator.v1.36.0-2 Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform 1.36.0-2 jaeger-operator.v1.34.1-5 Succeeded kiali-operator.v1.48.2 Kiali Operator 1.48.2 kiali-operator.v1.48.1 Succeeded servicemeshoperator.v2.2.2 Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh 2.2.2-0 servicemeshoperator.v2.2.1 Succeeded istio-operator-5cd65d796c-tvjcm 1/1 Running 0 31s Now using project "istio-system" on server "". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node created created NAME READY STATUS PROFILES VERSION AGE basic 10/10 ComponentsReady ["default"] 2.2.2 3m8s Now using project "istio-system21" on server "". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node created created NAME READY STATUS PROFILES VERSION AGE basic 10/10 ComponentsReady ["default"] 2.1.5 3m11s Now using project "istio-system20" on server "". You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try: oc new-app rails-postgresql-example to build a new example application in Ruby. Or use kubectl to deploy a simple Kubernetes application: kubectl create deployment hello-node created created NAME READY STATUS PROFILES VERSION AGE basic 9/9 ComponentsReady ["default"] 2.0.11 3m11s created created Waiting up to 40 minutes for all cluster operators to start...openshift-apiserver is Degraded..authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded..authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded.authentication is Degraded. All cluster operators started. configured Kiali operator installed. kiali-operator-76d69d4658-ppl5r 1/1 Running 0 9m59s configured NAME DISPLAY VERSION REPLACES PHASE jaeger-operator.v1.36.0-2 Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform 1.36.0-2 jaeger-operator.v1.34.1-5 Succeeded kiali-operator.v1.48.3 Kiali Operator 1.48.3 kiali-operator.v1.48.2 Succeeded servicemeshoperator.v2.2.2 Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh 2.2.2-0 servicemeshoperator.v2.2.1 Succeeded NAME READY STATUS PROFILES VERSION AGE basic 10/10 ComponentsReady ["default"] 2.2.2 29m NAME READY STATUS PROFILES VERSION AGE basic 10/10 ComponentsReady ["default"] 2.1.5 25m NAME READY STATUS PROFILES VERSION AGE basic 9/9 ComponentsReady ["default"] 2.0.11 21m Client Version: 4.8.5 Server Version: 4.6.56 Kubernetes Version: v1.19.16+6175753