00:03:16.188,00:03:19.188 Sam Padgett: Compute pool here refers to a KCP Location? 00:04:09.872,00:04:12.872 Dash Copeland: i like compute tub better 00:08:00.740,00:08:03.740 Dash Copeland: so its not useable until part of a compute pool/tub? 00:09:22.452,00:09:25.452 Andy Braren: Not usable as a place for App Studio apps or other things to land until the cluster is part of a Compute Workspace/Pool 00:24:00.687,00:24:03.687 Stefan Schimanski: Cell API https://github.com/kcp-dev/kcp/blob/main/pkg/apis/workload/v1alpha1/synctarget_types.go#L82 tl/dr: if all cell labels match, workloads can be moved because networking and stroage are connected. By default (which will be empty cell map), the scheduler will not attempt to move workloads. So you can add GKE or Azure clusters without thinking about network or storage, and they won't be broken from the start. 00:26:10.402,00:26:13.402 Dash Copeland: i may have missed it, but what does the workspace detail page look like? 00:27:28.820,00:27:31.820 Andy Braren: Brie's Service Preview design for the Workspace Details https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sfi0bzZocbUArrx3pLyNsVWY_WPSCZDXRXOlx3ceo5w/edit# 00:29:14.336,00:29:17.336 Catherine Robson: Nice job with this collaboration for the workspaces placement design 00:29:53.088,00:29:56.088 Stefan Schimanski: root root:users:ab:de:andy root:redhat:engineering:kcp 00:29:58.665,00:30:01.665 Dash Copeland: why would there be a conflict with adding two services to a workspace? 00:31:22.285,00:31:25.285 Parag Dave: Do we have an outline of the capabilities and benefits of the workspace hierarchy model? 00:32:52.975,00:32:55.975 Brian Cook: chroot! 00:33:06.950,00:33:09.950 Parag Dave: :) 00:36:08.815,00:36:11.815 Andy Braren: User Workspace = "My Drive" in Google Drive kinda? 00:36:19.259,00:36:22.259 Andy Braren: Org Workspaces = "Shared Drives" in GDrive 00:36:37.385,00:36:40.385 Chris Sams: Parag: I think a few benefits for hierarchical workspaces are natural points for quota and billing roll up. 00:37:31.101,00:37:34.101 Parag Dave: It would be great to have an outline for that - what is the problem, the capabilities, and benefits 00:39:00.692,00:39:03.692 Brian Cook: will we be able to easily move a sub-workspace from a user workspace to a tenant workspace? 00:43:07.687,00:43:10.687 Chris Sams: Brian, that's an important question that's even broader than user->tenant movement. If workspace hierarchy reflects some other hierarchy (like company org structures), can it continue to do that when what it's modeling changes? e.g. (a re-org) 00:43:25.823,00:43:28.823 Parag Dave: Happy to help work together to define the problem, capabilities, and benefits of workspaces. 00:45:32.548,00:45:35.548 Ran Elimelech: Sounds like the "Onboarding" story is next for workspaces 00:46:13.213,00:46:16.213 Brian Cook: have we already started thinking about tenant-admins 00:46:21.186,00:46:24.186 Andy Goldstein: yes 00:46:30.744,00:46:33.744 Catherine Robson: @Rob, @Parag, @Brian - I think we want to define what sort of levels of workspaces we want to expose in service preview also. What's the minimum we should establish for our first release? 00:46:58.626,00:47:01.626 Kendra Marchant: Keith Walsh 00:47:38.077,00:47:41.077 Brian Cook: for hacbs mvp we were going to hardcode the location of 'tenant resources' but for our service preview with real customers we need actual tenant workspaces. we need to walk up the tree to find the tenant hacbs config 00:47:57.788,00:48:00.788 Andy Braren: @Parag et al. There is a VERY rough ADR outlining use cases for various facets of "App Cloud" - we could potentially use that as a place to capture & brainstorm cross-service needs, benefits, etc. of the workspace model. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nvf6l8ndRebNvA9IYPqC6MAYAC4hAz6vOI3d0j-C0mA/edit# 00:48:24.784,00:48:27.784 Kevin Hatchoua: I don't think we are there yet @Ran 00:48:26.071,00:48:29.071 Kathryn Dixon: if service uses workspaces then workspaces 00:48:27.355,00:48:30.355 Andy Braren: Someday :) 00:49:14.095,00:49:17.095 Kathryn Dixon: 2025 workspaces for all! 00:50:00.146,00:50:03.146 Andy Braren: Not by Summit!? 😉 (jk) 00:50:16.302,00:50:19.302 Jessica Forrester: see its not me bringing up GCP Projects this time :P 00:50:22.002,00:50:25.002 Rob Szumski: :) 00:51:05.613,00:51:08.613 Brian Cook: will we have multi-org> 00:51:15.574,00:51:18.574 Parag Dave: For App Studio SP in October, we had the requirement of 1 user 1 workspace only. Pretty simple. Then we wanted to grow into adding team members to a workspace, with roles of workspace owner or workspace member (Abigail and Alex personas respectively). Then, we wanted to expand to another role "workspace creator" that would allow the person to create child workspaces in that one workspace. When environments are added to a workspace, they will choose from locations allocated to the workspace. 00:51:43.736,00:51:46.736 Andy Braren: Ran's mockup included org switching, and enabling a service in a workspace, similar 👍 00:51:59.273,00:52:02.273 Andy Braren: (org workspace switching) - wording is getting rough 00:53:25.165,00:53:28.165 Parag Dave: Have not figured out how to best allocate locations to child workspaces from the ones allocated to the parent workspace. 00:53:43.281,00:53:46.281 Andy Braren: Stefan's Catalog may be related for the service discovery piece 00:55:17.874,00:55:20.874 Parag Dave: Basically, balance things like ease, security, compliance, and cost implications 00:55:53.500,00:55:56.500 Catherine Robson: +1 00:56:05.267,00:56:08.267 Ran Elimelech: Thank you! 00:56:06.817,00:56:09.817 Dash Copeland: yeah!