Targets Occurrences of 'pendo' in Directory /home/dtaylor/repos/uhc-portal/src/components/ with mask '*.tsx, *.ts, *.jsx, *.js' Found Occurrences (52 usages found) Unclassified (52 usages found) src/components/clusters/CreateClusterPage (5 usages found) LocalTab.jsx (5 usages found) 20 import { trackPendo } from '../../../common/helpers'; 22 const pendoID = window.location.pathname; 63 pendoID={pendoID} 66 93 onClick={() => trackPendo('OCP-Download-OfficialDocumentation', pendoID)} src/components/clusters/CreateROSAPage/CreateROSAWelcome (2 usages found) CreateROSAWelcome.jsx (2 usages found) 52 const pendoID = window.location.pathname; 153 pendoID={pendoID} src/components/clusters/CreateROSAPage/CreateROSAWizard/AccountsRolesScreen/AssociateAWSAccountModal (1 usage found) AuthenticateScreen.jsx (1 usage found) 39 pendoID={{}} src/components/clusters/install/instructions (3 usages found) OCPInstructions.jsx (3 usages found) 31 const pendoID = window.location.pathname; 58 pendoID={pendoID} 71 pendoID={pendoID} src/components/clusters/install/instructions/components (23 usages found) CLISection.jsx (3 usages found) 11 token, pendoID, channel, isBMIPI = false, 23 pendoID={pendoID} 46 pendoID: PropTypes.string, DownloadButton.jsx (6 usages found) 7 import { trackPendo } from '../../../../../common/helpers'; 21 const pendoEvents = { 46 pendoID, 51 const event = name || pendoEvents[tool]; 65 trackPendo(event, pendoID); 75 pendoID: PropTypes.string, DownloadsAndPullSecretSection.jsx (6 usages found) 26 pendoID, 64 pendoID={pendoID} 78 86 pendoID={pendoID} 98 pendoID={pendoID} 116 pendoID: PropTypes.string, GetStarted.jsx (4 usages found) 15 import { trackPendo } from '../../../../../common/helpers'; 18 docURL, pendoID, cloudProviderID, customizations, isBMIPI, 60 onClick={() => trackPendo('OCP-Download-OfficialDocumentation', pendoID)} 109 pendoID: PropTypes.string, PullSecretSection.jsx (4 usages found) 10 function PullSecretSection({ token, pendoID, text }) { 17 18 26 pendoID: PropTypes.string, src/components/clusters/install/instructions/components/DownloadAndOSSelection (3 usages found) DownloadAndOSSelection.jsx (3 usages found) 63 pendoID, 76 { pendoID }); 99 pendoID: PropTypes.string, src/components/clusters/install/instructions/components/RHCOSSection (7 usages found) RHCOSDownloadAndSelect.jsx (3 usages found) 31 pendoID, 47 pendoID={pendoID} 80 pendoID: PropTypes.string, RHCOSSection.jsx (4 usages found) 16 pendoID, 40 pendoID={pendoID} 53 pendoID={pendoID} 102 pendoID: PropTypes.string, src/components/downloads (8 usages found) CopyPullSecret.jsx (4 usages found) 11 import { trackPendo } from '../../common/helpers'; 35 token, text, variant, pendoID, 54 onClick={() => trackPendo('OCP-Copy-PullSecret', pendoID)} 77 pendoID: PropTypes.string, DownloadPullSecret.jsx (4 usages found) 9 import { trackPendo } from '../../common/helpers'; 11 function DownloadPullSecret({ token, pendoID, text }) { 16