Crash seems to be related to endianness, it is crashing when executing this snippet: Here is a trace of wasm functions as well as memory load/stores at runtime on s390, being executed by V8: ``` 3: *wasm-function[112] "_ZN97_$LT$header_append_filter..HeaderAppendRootContext$u20$as$u20$proxy_wasm..traits..RootContext$GT$12on_configure17hb096d7d7897669caE" { 4: *wasm-function[155] "_ZN10proxy_wasm9hostcalls17get_configuration17h9a61b6e0a4b4b5c2E" { turbofan func: 155+0x18 store to 0000000001048288 val: i32:0 / 00000000 turbofan func: 155+0x1f store to 0000000001048292 val: i32:0 / 00000000 5: *wasm-function[461] "malloc" { 6: *wasm-function[125] "__rust_alloc" { 7: *wasm-function[326] "__rdl_alloc" { 8: *wasm-function[307] "_ZN8dlmalloc17Dlmalloc$LT$A$GT$6malloc17h25d3e8a45fd7c029E" { 9: *wasm-function[308] "_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc17Dlmalloc$LT$A$GT$6malloc17h817d0bdbe748994dE" { 10: *wasm-function[341] "_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8align_up17h1071ebba4314c5a2E" { 10: } -> 16 10: *wasm-function[341] "_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8align_up17h1071ebba4314c5a2E" { 10: } -> 80 turbofan func: 308+0x345 load from 0000000001064048 val: i32:0 / 00000000 turbofan func: 308+0x366 load from 0000000001064448 val: i32:0 / 00000000 turbofan func: 308+0x376 load from 0000000001064052 val: i32:0 / 00000000 turbofan func: 308+0x6b4 load from 0000000001064448 val: i32:0 / 00000000 turbofan func: 308+0x6c4 load from 0000000001064452 val: i32:65392 / 0000ff70 turbofan func: 308+0x11f6 store to 0000000001064452 val: i32:65312 / 0000ff20 turbofan func: 308+0x1201 load from 0000000001064460 val: i32:1114216 / 00110068 10: *wasm-function[357] "_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc5Chunk11plus_offset17h7aa5253a4344ed9aE" { 10: } -> 1114296 turbofan func: 308+0x1214 store to 0000000001064460 val: i32:1114296 / 001100b8 turbofan func: 308+0x1222 store to 0000000001114300 val: i32:65313 / 0000ff21 10: *wasm-function[354] "_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc5Chunk34set_size_and_pinuse_of_inuse_chunk17hf4d697bb61df28bcE" { turbofan func: 354+0x8 store to 0000000001114220 val: i32:83 / 00000053 10: } 10: *wasm-function[359] "_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc5Chunk6to_mem17he3242996ca597cecE" { 10: } -> 1114224 9: } -> 1114224 8: } -> 1114224 7: } -> 1114224 6: } -> 1114224 5: } -> 1114224 turbofan func: 155+0x3b load from 0000000001048288 val: i32:1879052544 / 70001100 ``` Wasm is LE enforced. V8 is hardcoded to reverse the bytes with every Wasm load/store operation done on BE machines. Note the last line above is loading the value `1114224` in reverse which becomes `70001100` in hexadecimal. Same line on x64 looks like this which loads the value correctly (`00110070` in hexadecimal) ``` turbofan func: 155+0x3b load from 0000000001048288 val: i32:1114224 / 00110070 ``` This shows the original value being loaded by s390 was not stored in LE enforced order and probably was stored in machine BE order. I disassembled the generated wasm binary file created by I noticed the hostcall function being executed under `...wasm9hostcalls17get_configuration...` is `proxy_get_configuration`: ``` 00d158: 10 83 80 80 80 00 | call 3 ``` This function isn't defined in this wasm module, a quick googling shows it's implemented by Rust SDK ? If so then the value might be being written to memory in native machine order and being reversed at runtime by V8 which will corrupt it.