* "JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 supports the MicroProfile REST client 1.4.x that builds on JAX-RS 2.1 client APIs" -> "JBoss EAP XP 3.0.0 supports the MicroProfile REST client 2.0 that builds on JAX-RS 2.1.6 client APIs" * Use the MicroProfile REST client to avail the following capabilities: I suggest adding at the end bullet point "* Access Server Sent Events (SSE)" * annotating one of the resource method parameters with the annotation @HeaderValue -> annotating one of the resource method parameters with the annotation @HeaderParam * I don't understand the following paragraph. ClientHeadersFactory doesn't have anything to do with injection. I would just omit it. The following are the rules for instantiating the ClientHeadersFactory interface: * A ClientHeadersFactory instance invoked in the context of a JAX-RS request can support injection of fields and methods annotated with @Context. * A ClientHeadersFactory instance that is managed by CDI must use the appropriate CDI-managed instance. It must also support the @Inject injection. * Update the URL associated with "ClientHeadersFactory Javadoc" to: https://download.eclipse.org/microprofile/microprofile-rest-client-2.0/apidocs/org/eclipse/microprofile/rest/client/ext/ClientHeadersFactory.html * "You can also supply the information externally with the following system variable:" -> "You can also use MicroProfile Config to supply the information externally:" * "For example, the following command indicates" -> "For example, the following property indicates" * It would be reasonable to add a paragraph after "com.bluemonkeydiamond.TestDatabase/mp-rest/url=https://localhost:8080/webapp" like A number of other properties can be supplied to CDI injected clients. For example, com.mycompany.remoteServices.MyServiceClient/mp-rest/providers: A comma separated list of fully-qualified provider classnames to include in the client, the equivalent of the register method or the @RegisterProvider annotation. See the MicroProfile REST Client specification (https://download.eclipse.org/microprofile/microprofile-rest-client-2.0/microprofile-rest-client-spec-2.0.html) for more information. * The RESTEasy User Guide now includes a section that briefly enumerates the new features in MicroProfile REST Client 2.0: https://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.15.1.Final/userguide/html/MicroProfile_Rest_Client.html#d4e3758 . You might want to borrow it.