map[istio:[{Name:istio/templates/htpasswd-secret.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 data: auth: "" rawPassword: "" kind: Secret metadata: name: htpasswd namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio type: Opaque } {Name:istio/templates/configmap.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio data: mesh: |- # Set the following variable to true to disable policy checks by the Mixer. # Note that metrics will still be reported to the Mixer. disablePolicyChecks: true # Set enableTracing to false to disable request tracing. enableTracing: true # Set accessLogFile to empty string to disable access log. accessLogFile: "" # If accessLogEncoding is TEXT, value will be used directly as the log format # example: "[%START_TIME%] %REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)% %PROTOCOL%\n" # If AccessLogEncoding is JSON, value will be parsed as map[string]string # example: '{"start_time": "%START_TIME%", "req_method": "%REQ(:METHOD)%"}' # Leave empty to use default log format accessLogFormat: "" # Set accessLogEncoding to JSON or TEXT to configure sidecar access log accessLogEncoding: 'TEXT' mixerCheckServer: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9091 mixerReportServer: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9091 # policyCheckFailOpen allows traffic in cases when the mixer policy service cannot be reached. # Default is false which means the traffic is denied when the client is unable to connect to Mixer. policyCheckFailOpen: false # Let Pilot give ingresses the public IP of the Istio ingressgateway ingressService: istio-ingressgateway # Default connect timeout for dynamic clusters generated by Pilot and returned via XDS connectTimeout: 10s # DNS refresh rate for Envoy clusters of type STRICT_DNS dnsRefreshRate: 300s # Unix Domain Socket through which envoy communicates with NodeAgent SDS to get # key/cert for mTLS. Use secret-mount files instead of SDS if set to empty. sdsUdsPath: # This flag is used by secret discovery service(SDS). # If set to true(prerequisite:, Istio will inject volumes mount # for k8s service account JWT, so that K8s API server mounts k8s service account JWT to envoy container, which # will be used to generate key/cert eventually. This isn't supported for non-k8s case. enableSdsTokenMount: false # This flag is used by secret discovery service(SDS). # If set to true, envoy will fetch normal k8s service account JWT from '/var/run/secrets/' # ( # and pass to sds server, which will be used to request key/cert eventually. # this flag is ignored if enableSdsTokenMount is set. # This isn't supported for non-k8s case. sdsUseK8sSaJwt: false # The trust domain corresponds to the trust root of a system. # Refer to trustDomain: # Set the default behavior of the sidecar for handling outbound traffic from the application: # ALLOW_ANY - outbound traffic to unknown destinations will be allowed, in case there are no # services or ServiceEntries for the destination port # REGISTRY_ONLY - restrict outbound traffic to services defined in the service registry as well # as those defined through ServiceEntries outboundTrafficPolicy: mode: ALLOW_ANY localityLbSetting: {} # The namespace to treat as the administrative root namespace for istio # configuration. rootNamespace: istio-system configSources: - address: istio-galley.istio-system.svc:9901 defaultConfig: # # TCP connection timeout between Envoy & the application, and between Envoys. Used for static clusters # defined in Envoy's configuration file connectTimeout: 10s # ### ADVANCED SETTINGS ############# # Where should envoy's configuration be stored in the istio-proxy container configPath: "/etc/istio/proxy" binaryPath: "/usr/local/bin/envoy" # The pseudo service name used for Envoy. serviceCluster: istio-proxy # These settings that determine how long an old Envoy # process should be kept alive after an occasional reload. drainDuration: 45s parentShutdownDuration: 1m0s # # The mode used to redirect inbound connections to Envoy. This setting # has no effect on outbound traffic: iptables REDIRECT is always used for # outbound connections. # If "REDIRECT", use iptables REDIRECT to NAT and redirect to Envoy. # The "REDIRECT" mode loses source addresses during redirection. # If "TPROXY", use iptables TPROXY to redirect to Envoy. # The "TPROXY" mode preserves both the source and destination IP # addresses and ports, so that they can be used for advanced filtering # and manipulation. # The "TPROXY" mode also configures the sidecar to run with the # CAP_NET_ADMIN capability, which is required to use TPROXY. #interceptionMode: REDIRECT # # Port where Envoy listens (on local host) for admin commands # You can exec into the istio-proxy container in a pod and # curl the admin port (curl http://localhost:15000/) to obtain # diagnostic information from Envoy. See # # for more details proxyAdminPort: 15000 # # Set concurrency to a specific number to control the number of Proxy worker threads. # If set to 0 (default), then start worker thread for each CPU thread/core. concurrency: 2 # tracing: zipkin: # Address of the Zipkin collector address: zipkin.istio-system:9411 # # Mutual TLS authentication between sidecars and istio control plane. controlPlaneAuthPolicy: NONE # # Address where istio Pilot service is running discoveryAddress: istio-pilot.istio-system:15010 # Configuration file for the mesh networks to be used by the Split Horizon EDS. meshNetworks: |- networks: {} } {Name:istio/templates/sidecar-injector-configmap.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector data: config: |- policy: disabled template: |- annotations: istio-cni rewriteAppHTTPProbe: false containers: - name: istio-proxy image: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` "" ]] ports: - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - sidecar - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --configPath - [[ .ProxyConfig.ConfigPath ]] - --binaryPath - [[ .ProxyConfig.BinaryPath ]] - --serviceCluster [[ if ne "" (index .ObjectMeta.Labels "app") -]] - [[ index .ObjectMeta.Labels "app" ]].$(POD_NAMESPACE) [[ else -]] - [[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Name "istio-proxy" ]].[[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace "default" ]] [[ end -]] - --drainDuration - [[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.DrainDuration ]] - --parentShutdownDuration - [[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.ParentShutdownDuration ]] - --discoveryAddress - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.DiscoveryAddress ]] - --zipkinAddress - [[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetZipkin.GetAddress ]] - --connectTimeout - [[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.ConnectTimeout ]] - --proxyAdminPort - [[ .ProxyConfig.ProxyAdminPort ]] [[ if gt .ProxyConfig.Concurrency 0 -]] - --concurrency - [[ .ProxyConfig.Concurrency ]] [[ end -]] - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.ControlPlaneAuthPolicy ]] [[- if (ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ) "0") ]] - --statusPort - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ]] - --applicationPorts - "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` (applicationPorts .Spec.Containers) ]]" [[- end ]] env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: ISTIO_META_INTERCEPTION_MODE value: [[ or (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations "") .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode.String ]] [[ if .ObjectMeta.Annotations ]] - name: ISTIO_METAJSON_ANNOTATIONS value: | [[ toJSON .ObjectMeta.Annotations ]] [[ end ]] [[ if .ObjectMeta.Labels ]] - name: ISTIO_METAJSON_LABELS value: | [[ toJSON .ObjectMeta.Labels ]] [[ end ]] [[- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: ISTIO_BOOTSTRAP_OVERRIDE value: "/etc/istio/custom-bootstrap/custom_bootstrap.json" [[- end ]] imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent [[ if (ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ) "0") ]] readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz/ready port: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ]] initialDelaySeconds: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 1 ]] periodSeconds: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 2 ]] failureThreshold: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 30 ]] [[ end -]]securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true [[ if eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) "TPROXY" -]] capabilities: add: - NET_ADMIN runAsGroup: 1337 [[ else -]] capabilities: drop: - KILL - SETUID - SETGID - MKNOD [[- end ]] resources: [[ if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]] requests: [[ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]] cpu: "[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]" [[ end ]] [[ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]] memory: "[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]" [[ end ]] [[ else -]] limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi [[ end -]] volumeMounts: [[- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - mountPath: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap name: custom-bootstrap-volume [[- end ]] - mountPath: /etc/istio/proxy name: istio-envoy - mountPath: /etc/certs/ name: istio-certs readOnly: true [[- if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]] [[ range $index, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: "[[ $index ]]" [[ toYaml $value | indent 4 ]] [[ end ]] [[- end ]] volumes: [[- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: custom-bootstrap-volume configMap: name: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` `` ]] [[- end ]] - emptyDir: medium: Memory name: istio-envoy - name: istio-certs secret: optional: true [[ if eq .Spec.ServiceAccountName "" -]] secretName: istio.default [[ else -]] secretName: [[ printf "istio.%s" .Spec.ServiceAccountName ]] [[ end -]] [[- if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]] [[ range $index, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: "[[ $index ]]" [[ toYaml $value | indent 2 ]] [[ end ]] [[ end ]] } {Name:istio/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-mesh namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: "": "istio-system" egress: - to: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: "": "istio-system" --- # this will work for all routes into the mesh namespace, but not on ocp 3.11 apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-ingress-router namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: ingress } {Name:istio/templates/NOTES.txt Content:Thank you for installing istio. Your release is named istio. To get started running application with Istio, execute the following steps: 1. Label namespace that application object will be deployed to by the following command (take default namespace as an example) $ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled $ kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection 2. Deploy your applications $ kubectl apply -f .yaml For more information on running Istio, visit: } {Name:istio/templates/endpoints.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/templates/ Content: } {Name:istio/templates/service.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/galley:[{Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-galley-configuration namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley data: validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml: |- apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-galley labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitpilot" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - httpapispecs - httpapispecbindings - quotaspecs - quotaspecbindings - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - destinationrules - envoyfilters - gateways - serviceentries - sidecars - virtualservices - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" failurePolicy: Fail - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitmixer" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - rules - attributemanifests - circonuses - deniers - fluentds - kubernetesenvs - listcheckers - memquotas - noops - opas - prometheuses - rbacs - solarwindses - stackdrivers - cloudwatches - dogstatsds - statsds - stdios - apikeys - authorizations - checknothings # - kuberneteses - listentries - logentries - metrics - quotas - reportnothings - tracespans failurePolicy: Fail } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-galley-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-galley-istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] # istio mixer CRD watcher resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions","apps"] resources: ["deployments"] resourceNames: ["istio-galley"] verbs: ["get"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods", "services", "endpoints"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["ingresses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["deployments/finalizers"] resourceNames: ["istio-galley"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/meshclusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-galley-mesh-istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["nodes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/meshclusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: istio-galley-mesh-istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-galley-mesh-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-galley-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-galley-admin-role-binding-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-galley-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-galley-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley spec: ports: - port: 443 targetPort: webhook name: https-validation - port: 15014 name: http-monitoring - port: 9901 name: grpc-mcp selector: istio: galley } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/deployment.yaml Content:apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 template: metadata: labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: galley annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-galley-service-account containers: - name: galley image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: webhook containerPort: 8443 - containerPort: 15014 - containerPort: 9901 command: - /usr/local/bin/galley - server - --meshConfigFile=/etc/mesh-config/mesh - --livenessProbeInterval=1s - --livenessProbePath=/tmp/healthliveness - --readinessProbePath=/tmp/healthready - --readinessProbeInterval=1s - --deployment-namespace=istio-system - --insecure=true - --deployment-namespace - istio-system - --webhook-name - istio-galley-istio-system - --memberRollName=default - --manageWebhookConfig=false - --validation-webhook-config-file - /etc/config/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml - --monitoringPort=15014 - --validation-port=8443 - --log_output_level=default:info volumeMounts: - name: certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: config mountPath: /etc/config readOnly: true - name: mesh-config mountPath: /etc/mesh-config readOnly: true livenessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/local/bin/galley - probe - --probe-path=/tmp/healthliveness - --interval=10s initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/local/bin/galley - probe - --probe-path=/tmp/healthready - --interval=10s initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumes: - name: certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-galley-service-account - name: config configMap: name: istio-galley-configuration - name: mesh-config configMap: name: istio affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: istio: galley ingress: - ports: port: webhook } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: galley maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml.tpl Content: } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-galley-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley annotations: "": keep webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitpilot" caBundle: "" namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - istio-system rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - httpapispecs - httpapispecbindings - quotaspecs - quotaspecbindings - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - destinationrules - envoyfilters - gateways - serviceentries - sidecars - virtualservices failurePolicy: Fail - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitmixer" caBundle: "" namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - istio-system rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - rules - attributemanifests - circonuses - deniers - fluentds - kubernetesenvs - listcheckers - memquotas - noops - opas - prometheuses - rbacs - solarwindses - stackdrivers - cloudwatches - dogstatsds - statsds - stdios - apikeys - authorizations - checknothings # - kuberneteses - listentries - logentries - metrics - quotas - reportnothings - tracespans failurePolicy: Fail }] istio/charts/gateways:[{Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-egressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-egressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-egressgateway-istio-system labels: app: egressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["virtualservices", "destinationrules", "gateways"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "update"] --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-istio-system labels: app: ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["virtualservices", "destinationrules", "gateways"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "update"] --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/role.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-sds namespace: istio-system rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/clusterrolebindings.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-egressgateway-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: egressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-egressgateway-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-egressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-ingressgateway-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/rolebindings.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-sds namespace: istio-system roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: istio-ingressgateway-sds subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/istio-ingressgateway-route.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: to: kind: Service name: istio-ingressgateway port: targetPort: 8080 } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/service.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-egressgateway namespace: istio-system annotations: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway spec: type: ClusterIP selector: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway ports: - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 8080 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8443 - name: tls port: 15443 targetPort: 15443 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system annotations: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: type: ClusterIP selector: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway ports: - name: status-port port: 15020 targetPort: 15020 - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 80 - name: https port: 443 - name: tls port: 15443 targetPort: 15443 --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/deployment.yaml Content: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-egressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-egressgateway-service-account containers: - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: http2 containerPort: 8080 - name: https containerPort: 8443 - name: tls containerPort: 15443 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - router - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --log_output_level=default:info - --drainDuration - '45s' #drainDuration - --parentShutdownDuration - '1m0s' #parentShutdownDuration - --connectTimeout - '10s' #connectTimeout - --serviceCluster - istio-egressgateway - --zipkinAddress - zipkin:9411 - --proxyAdminPort - "15000" - --statusPort - "15020" - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE - --discoveryAddress - istio-pilot:15010 readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 30 httpGet: path: /healthz/ready port: 15020 scheme: HTTP initialDelaySeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 2 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP - name: HOST_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE value: sni-dnat volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: egressgateway-certs mountPath: "/etc/istio/egressgateway-certs" readOnly: true - name: egressgateway-ca-certs mountPath: "/etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs" readOnly: true volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-egressgateway-service-account optional: true - name: egressgateway-certs secret: secretName: "istio-egressgateway-certs" optional: true - name: egressgateway-ca-certs secret: secretName: "istio-egressgateway-ca-certs" optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-ingressgateway-service-account containers: - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: status-port containerPort: 15020 - name: http2 containerPort: 80 - name: https containerPort: 443 - name: tls containerPort: 15443 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - router - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --log_output_level=default:info - --drainDuration - '45s' #drainDuration - --parentShutdownDuration - '1m0s' #parentShutdownDuration - --connectTimeout - '10s' #connectTimeout - --serviceCluster - istio-ingressgateway - --zipkinAddress - zipkin:9411 - --proxyAdminPort - "15000" - --statusPort - "15020" - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE - --discoveryAddress - istio-pilot:15010 readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 30 httpGet: path: /healthz/ready port: 15020 scheme: HTTP initialDelaySeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 2 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 1024Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP 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matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: app: ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: istio: ingressgateway ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: {} } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-egressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway --- apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/autoscale.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-deployment.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-role.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-rolebinding.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-serviceaccount.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/preconfigured.yaml Content: }] 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When idle or low traffic, this chart will be blank. The curve for istio-proxy refers to the services sidecars only. \n- **vCPU:** vCPU utilization by Istio components, not normalized.\n- **Memory:** memory footprint for the components. Telemetry and policy are normalized by 1k rps, and no data is shown when there is no traffic. For ingress and istio-proxy, the data is per instance. \n- **Bytes transferred/ sec:** shows the number of bytes flowing through each Istio component.", "gridPos": { "h": 4, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 18 }, "id": 11, "links": [], "mode": "markdown", "title": "Istio Performance Dashboard Readme", "type": "text" } ], "schemaVersion": 16, "style": "dark", "tags": [], "templating": { "list": [] }, "time": { "from": "now-5m", "to": "now" }, "timepicker": { "refresh_intervals": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d" ], "time_options": [ "5m", "15m", "1h", "6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d" ] }, "timezone": "", "title": "Istio Performance Dashboard", "version": 4 } ' --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-service-dashboard namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: grafana data: istio-service-dashboard.json: '{ "annotations": { "list": [ { "builtIn": 1, "datasource": "-- Grafana --", "enable": true, "hide": true, "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)", "name": "Annotations & Alerts", "type": "dashboard" } ] }, "editable": false, "gnetId": null, "graphTooltip": 0, "iteration": 1536442501501, "links": [], "panels": [ { "content": "
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Mixer Overview

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Adapters and Config

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Individual Adapters

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Deployed Versions

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"refresh_intervals": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d" ], "time_options": [ "5m", "15m", "1h", "6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d" ] }, "timezone": "browser", "title": "Istio Pilot Dashboard", "version": 4 } ' --- } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-grafana namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: grafana data: datasources.yaml: | apiVersion: 1 datasources: - access: proxy editable: true isDefault: true jsonData: timeInterval: 5s name: Prometheus orgId: 1 type: prometheus url: http://prometheus:9090 dashboardproviders.yaml: | apiVersion: 1 providers: - disableDeletion: false folder: istio name: istio options: path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio orgId: 1 type: file } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: grafana namespace: istio-system annotations: '{"kind":"OAuthRedirectReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"Route","name":"grafana"}}' labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/ingress.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: grafana namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: spec: to: kind: Service name: grafana tls: termination: reencrypt } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: grafana namespace: istio-system annotations: "grafana-tls" labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: type: ClusterIP ports: - port: 3000 targetPort: 3001 protocol: TCP name: http selector: app: grafana } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/deployment.yaml Content:apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: grafana namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: grafana containers: # OAuth proxy - name: grafana-proxy image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 3001 name: https protocol: TCP readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 tcpSocket: port: https timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/tls/private name: secret-grafana-tls - mountPath: /etc/proxy/htpasswd name: secret-htpasswd args: - -provider=openshift - -https-address=:3001 - -http-address= - -email-domain=* - -upstream=http://localhost:3000 - -htpasswd-file=/etc/proxy/htpasswd/auth - -display-htpasswd-form=false - '-openshift-sar={"namespace": "istio-system", "resource": "pods", "verb": "get"}' - -client-secret-file=/var/run/secrets/ - -openshift-service-account=grafana - -cookie-secret=SECRET - -tls-cert=/etc/tls/private/tls.crt - -tls-key=/etc/tls/private/tls.key - -openshift-ca=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem - -openshift-ca=/var/run/secrets/ - name: grafana image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 3000 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /login port: 3000 env: - name: GRAFANA_PORT value: "3000" - name: GF_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED value: "false" - name: GF_AUTH_PROXY_ENABLED value: "true" - name: GF_AUTH_PROXY_AUTO_SIGN_UP value: "true" - name: GF_AUTH_PROXY_WHITELIST value:,::1 - name: GF_AUTH_PROXY_HEADERS value: Email:X-Forwarded-Email - name: GF_AUTH_PROXY_HEADER_NAME value: X-Forwarded-User - name: GF_USERS_AUTO_ASSIGN_ORG_ROLE value: Admin - name: GF_PATHS_DATA value: /data/grafana resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumeMounts: - name: data mountPath: /data/grafana - name: dashboards-istio-galley-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/galley-dashboard.json" subPath: galley-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: dashboards-istio-istio-mesh-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/istio-mesh-dashboard.json" subPath: istio-mesh-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: dashboards-istio-istio-performance-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/istio-performance-dashboard.json" subPath: istio-performance-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: dashboards-istio-istio-service-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/istio-service-dashboard.json" subPath: istio-service-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: dashboards-istio-istio-workload-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/istio-workload-dashboard.json" subPath: istio-workload-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: dashboards-istio-mixer-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/mixer-dashboard.json" subPath: mixer-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: dashboards-istio-pilot-dashboard mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/istio/pilot-dashboard.json" subPath: pilot-dashboard.json readOnly: true - name: config mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/datasources.yaml" subPath: datasources.yaml - name: config mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/dashboardproviders.yaml" subPath: dashboardproviders.yaml affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x volumes: # OAuth proxy - name: secret-grafana-tls secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: grafana-tls - name: secret-htpasswd secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: htpasswd - name: config configMap: name: istio-grafana - name: data emptyDir: {} - name: dashboards-istio-galley-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-galley-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-mesh-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-mesh-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-performance-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-performance-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-service-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-service-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-workload-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-workload-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-mixer-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-mixer-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-pilot-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-pilot-dashboard } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:# This is to support routes on ocp 3.11 installs apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-grafana-ingress namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: grafana ingress: - ports: port: 3001 } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/grafana-ports-mtls.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: Policy metadata: name: grafana-ports-mtls-disabled namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: targets: - name: grafana ports: - number: 3000 } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/pvc.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/tests/test-grafana-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/kiali:[{Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/secret.yaml Content: # this is like the old demo secret enabled by .Values.createDemoSecret apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: kiali namespace: istio-system labels: app: kiali chart: kiali heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio data: username: YWRtaW4= passphrase: YWRtaW4= } {Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/kiali-cr.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: Kiali metadata: name: kiali namespace: istio-system spec: installation_tag: "Kiali [istio-system]" istio_namespace: "istio-system" auth: strategy: "login" deployment: accessible_namespaces: - "istio-system" image_name: "" image_pull_policy: "IfNotPresent" image_version: "1.0.0" ingress_enabled: true namespace: "istio-system" secret_name: "kiali" version_label: "1.0.0" view_only_mode: false external_services: grafana: auth: ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/" type: "basic" use_kiali_token: false username: "internal" password: "" enabled: true in_cluster_url: "https://grafana.istio-system.svc:3000" url: "" prometheus: auth: ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/" type: "basic" use_kiali_token: false username: "internal" password: "" url: "https://prometheus.istio-system.svc:9090" tracing: auth: ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/" type: "basic" use_kiali_token: false username: "internal" password: "" enabled: true namespace: "istio-system" service : "" url: "" server: web_root: "/kiali" } {Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:# This is to support routes on ocp 3.11 installs apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-kiali-ingress namespace: istio-system labels: app: kiali chart: kiali heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: kiali ingress: - ports: port: 20001 } {Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/tests/test-kiali-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/mixer:[{Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-mixer-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-mixer-istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] # istio CRD watcher resources: ["*"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps", "endpoints", "pods", "services", "namespaces", "secrets", "replicationcontrollers"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions", "apps"] resources: ["replicasets"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-mixer-admin-role-binding-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-mixer-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-mixer-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/service.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system annotations: "*" labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: ports: - name: grpc-mixer port: 9091 - name: grpc-mixer-mtls port: 15004 - name: http-monitoring port: 15014 selector: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system annotations: "*" labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: ports: - name: grpc-mixer port: 9091 - name: grpc-mixer-mtls port: 15004 - name: http-monitoring port: 15014 - name: prometheus port: 42422 selector: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry --- } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/deployment.yaml Content: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 selector: matchLabels: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy template: metadata: labels: app: policy chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-mixer-service-account volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-mixer-service-account optional: true - name: uds-socket emptyDir: {} - name: policy-adapter-secret secret: secretName: policy-adapter-secret optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x containers: - name: mixer image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 15014 - containerPort: 42422 args: - --memberRollName=default - --memberRollNamespace=istio-system - --monitoringPort=15014 - --address - unix:///sock/mixer.socket - --log_output_level=default:info - --configStoreURL=mcp://istio-galley.istio-system.svc:9901 - --configDefaultNamespace=istio-system - --useAdapterCRDs=true - --trace_zipkin_url=http://zipkin:9411/api/v1/spans env: - name: GODEBUG value: "" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "6" resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /version port: 15014 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 9091 - containerPort: 15004 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --serviceCluster - istio-policy - --templateFile - /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_policy.yaml.tmpl - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP resources: limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock - name: policy-adapter-secret mountPath: /var/run/secrets/ readOnly: true --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 selector: matchLabels: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry template: metadata: labels: app: telemetry chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-mixer-service-account volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-mixer-service-account optional: true - name: uds-socket emptyDir: {} - name: telemetry-adapter-secret secret: secretName: telemetry-adapter-secret optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x containers: - name: mixer image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 15014 - containerPort: 42422 args: - --memberRollName=default - --memberRollNamespace=istio-system - --monitoringPort=15014 - --address - unix:///sock/mixer.socket - --log_output_level=default:info - --configStoreURL=mcp://istio-galley.istio-system.svc:9901 - --configDefaultNamespace=istio-system - --useAdapterCRDs=true - --trace_zipkin_url=http://zipkin:9411/api/v1/spans - --averageLatencyThreshold - 100ms - --loadsheddingMode - enforce env: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: GODEBUG value: "" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "6" resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 4G requests: cpu: 100m memory: 1G volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: telemetry-adapter-secret mountPath: /var/run/secrets/ readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /version port: 15014 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 9091 - containerPort: 15004 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --serviceCluster - istio-telemetry - --templateFile - /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_telemetry.yaml.tmpl - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP resources: limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock --- } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system labels: app: policy chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio version: 1.1.0 istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: policy maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy --- apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system labels: app: telemetry chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio version: 1.1.0 istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: telemetry maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry --- } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/autoscale.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/config.yaml Content: apiVersion: "" kind: attributemanifest metadata: name: istioproxy namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: attributes: origin.ip: valueType: IP_ADDRESS origin.uid: valueType: STRING origin.user: valueType: STRING request.headers: valueType: STRING_MAP valueType: STRING valueType: STRING request.method: valueType: STRING request.path: valueType: STRING request.url_path: valueType: STRING request.query_params: valueType: STRING_MAP request.reason: valueType: STRING request.referer: valueType: STRING request.scheme: valueType: STRING request.total_size: valueType: INT64 request.size: valueType: INT64 request.time: valueType: TIMESTAMP request.useragent: valueType: STRING response.code: valueType: INT64 response.duration: valueType: DURATION response.headers: valueType: STRING_MAP response.total_size: valueType: INT64 response.size: valueType: INT64 response.time: valueType: TIMESTAMP response.grpc_status: valueType: STRING response.grpc_message: valueType: STRING source.uid: valueType: STRING source.user: # DEPRECATED valueType: STRING source.principal: valueType: STRING destination.uid: valueType: STRING destination.principal: valueType: STRING destination.port: valueType: INT64 connection.event: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING connection.received.bytes: valueType: INT64 connection.received.bytes_total: valueType: INT64 connection.sent.bytes: valueType: INT64 connection.sent.bytes_total: valueType: INT64 connection.duration: valueType: DURATION connection.mtls: valueType: BOOL connection.requested_server_name: valueType: STRING context.protocol: valueType: STRING context.proxy_error_code: valueType: STRING context.timestamp: valueType: TIMESTAMP context.time: valueType: TIMESTAMP # Deprecated, kept for compatibility context.reporter.local: valueType: BOOL context.reporter.kind: valueType: STRING context.reporter.uid: valueType: STRING api.service: valueType: STRING api.version: valueType: STRING api.operation: valueType: STRING api.protocol: valueType: STRING request.auth.principal: valueType: STRING request.auth.audiences: valueType: STRING request.auth.presenter: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING_MAP request.auth.raw_claims: valueType: STRING request.api_key: valueType: STRING rbac.permissive.response_code: valueType: STRING rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id: valueType: STRING check.error_code: valueType: INT64 check.error_message: valueType: STRING check.cache_hit: valueType: BOOL quota.cache_hit: valueType: BOOL --- apiVersion: "" kind: attributemanifest metadata: name: kubernetes namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: attributes: source.ip: valueType: IP_ADDRESS source.labels: valueType: STRING_MAP source.metadata: valueType: STRING_MAP valueType: STRING source.namespace: valueType: STRING source.owner: valueType: STRING source.serviceAccount: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING source.workload.uid: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING source.workload.namespace: valueType: STRING destination.ip: valueType: IP_ADDRESS destination.labels: valueType: STRING_MAP destination.metadata: valueType: STRING_MAP destination.owner: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.namespace: valueType: STRING destination.service.uid: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.service.namespace: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.serviceAccount: valueType: STRING destination.workload.uid: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.workload.namespace: valueType: STRING --- --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: requestcount namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: "1" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: requestduration namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: response.duration | "0ms" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: requestsize namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: request.size | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: responsesize namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: response.size | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpbytesent namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: connection.sent.bytes | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpbytereceived namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: connection.received.bytes | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpconnectionsopened namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: "1" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpconnectionsclosed namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: "1" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: handler metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: compiledAdapter: prometheus params: metricsExpirationPolicy: metricsExpiryDuration: "10m" metrics: - name: requests_total instance_name: requestcount.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy - name: request_duration_seconds instance_name: requestduration.metric.istio-system kind: DISTRIBUTION label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy buckets: explicit_buckets: bounds: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10] - name: request_bytes instance_name: requestsize.metric.istio-system kind: DISTRIBUTION label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy buckets: exponentialBuckets: numFiniteBuckets: 8 scale: 1 growthFactor: 10 - name: response_bytes instance_name: responsesize.metric.istio-system kind: DISTRIBUTION label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy buckets: exponentialBuckets: numFiniteBuckets: 8 scale: 1 growthFactor: 10 - name: tcp_sent_bytes_total instance_name: tcpbytesent.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags - name: tcp_received_bytes_total instance_name: tcpbytereceived.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags - name: tcp_connections_opened_total instance_name: tcpconnectionsopened.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags - name: tcp_connections_closed_total instance_name: tcpconnectionsclosed.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promhttp namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: (context.protocol == "http" || context.protocol == "grpc") && (match((request.useragent | "-"), "kube-probe*") == false) && (match((request.useragent | "-"), "Prometheus*") == false) actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - requestcount.metric - requestduration.metric - requestsize.metric - responsesize.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promtcp namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - tcpbytesent.metric - tcpbytereceived.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promtcpconnectionopen namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" && ((connection.event | "na") == "open") actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - tcpconnectionsopened.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promtcpconnectionclosed namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" && ((connection.event | "na") == "close") actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - tcpconnectionsclosed.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: handler metadata: name: kubernetesenv namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: compiledAdapter: kubernetesenv params: # when running from mixer root, use the following config after adding a # symbolic link to a kubernetes config file via: # # $ ln -s ~/.kube/config mixer/adapter/kubernetes/kubeconfig # # kubeconfig_path: "mixer/adapter/kubernetes/kubeconfig" --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: kubeattrgenrulerule namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: actions: - handler: kubernetesenv instances: - attributes.kubernetes --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: tcpkubeattrgenrulerule namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" actions: - handler: kubernetesenv instances: - attributes.kubernetes --- apiVersion: "" kind: kubernetes metadata: name: attributes namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: # Pass the required attribute data to the adapter source_uid: source.uid | "" source_ip: source.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr destination_uid: destination.uid | "" destination_port: destination.port | 0 attribute_bindings: # Fill the new attributes from the adapter produced output. # $out refers to an instance of OutputTemplate message source.ip: $out.source_pod_ip | ip("") source.uid: $out.source_pod_uid | "unknown" source.labels: $out.source_labels | emptyStringMap() $out.source_pod_name | "unknown" source.namespace: $out.source_namespace | "default" source.owner: $out.source_owner | "unknown" source.serviceAccount: $out.source_service_account_name | "unknown" source.workload.uid: $out.source_workload_uid | "unknown" $out.source_workload_name | "unknown" source.workload.namespace: $out.source_workload_namespace | "unknown" destination.ip: $out.destination_pod_ip | ip("") destination.uid: $out.destination_pod_uid | "unknown" destination.labels: $out.destination_labels | emptyStringMap() $out.destination_pod_name | "unknown" $out.destination_container_name | "unknown" destination.namespace: $out.destination_namespace | "default" destination.owner: $out.destination_owner | "unknown" destination.serviceAccount: $out.destination_service_account_name | "unknown" destination.workload.uid: $out.destination_workload_uid | "unknown" $out.destination_workload_name | "unknown" destination.workload.namespace: $out.destination_workload_namespace | "unknown" --- # Configuration needed by Mixer. # Mixer cluster is delivered via CDS # Specify mixer cluster settings apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: host: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: http2MaxRequests: 10000 maxRequestsPerConnection: 10000 --- apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: host: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: http2MaxRequests: 10000 maxRequestsPerConnection: 10000 --- }] istio/charts/pilot:[{Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-pilot-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-pilot-istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["ingresses", "ingresses/status"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["endpoints", "pods", "services", "namespaces", "secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-pilot-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-pilot-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-pilot-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-pilot namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot spec: ports: - port: 15010 name: grpc-xds # direct - port: 15011 name: https-xds # mTLS - port: 8080 name: http-legacy-discovery # direct - port: 15014 name: http-monitoring selector: istio: pilot } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/deployment.yaml Content:apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-pilot namespace: istio-system # TODO: default template doesn't have this, which one is right ? labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot annotations: checksum/config-volume: f8da08b6b8c170dde721efd680270b2901e750d4aa186ebb6c22bef5b78a43f9 spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 selector: matchLabels: istio: pilot template: metadata: labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: pilot annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-pilot-service-account containers: - name: discovery image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - "discovery" - --memberRollName=default - --podLocalitySource=pod - --monitoringAddr=:15014 - --log_output_level=default:info - --domain - cluster.local - --secureGrpcAddr - "" - --keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge - "30m" ports: - containerPort: 8080 - containerPort: 15010 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /ready port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: GODEBUG value: "" - name: PILOT_PUSH_THROTTLE value: "100" - name: PILOT_TRACE_SAMPLING value: "100" - name: PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY value: "1" resources: requests: cpu: 500m memory: 2048Mi volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/istio/config - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 15003 - containerPort: 15005 - containerPort: 15007 - containerPort: 15011 args: - proxy - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --serviceCluster - istio-pilot - --templateFile - /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_pilot.yaml.tmpl - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP resources: limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: name: istio - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-pilot-service-account optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-pilot namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: pilot maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/autoscale.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/meshexpansion.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/prometheus:[{Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio data: prometheus.yml: |- global: scrape_interval: 15s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'istio-mesh' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-telemetry;prometheus # Scrape config for envoy stats - job_name: 'envoy-stats' metrics_path: /stats/prometheus kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name] action: keep regex: '.*-envoy-prom' - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:15090 target_label: __address__ - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] action: replace target_label: pod_name metric_relabel_configs: # Exclude some of the envoy metrics that have massive cardinality # This list may need to be pruned further moving forward, as informed # by performance and scalability testing. - source_labels: [ cluster_name ] regex: '(outbound|inbound|prometheus_stats).*' action: drop - source_labels: [ tcp_prefix ] regex: '(outbound|inbound|prometheus_stats).*' action: drop - source_labels: [ listener_address ] regex: '(.+)' action: drop - source_labels: [ http_conn_manager_listener_prefix ] regex: '(.+)' action: drop - source_labels: [ http_conn_manager_prefix ] regex: '(.+)' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_tls.*' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_tcp_downstream.*' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_http_(stats|admin).*' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_cluster_(lb|retry|bind|internal|max|original).*' action: drop - job_name: 'istio-policy' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-policy;http-monitoring - job_name: 'istio-telemetry' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-telemetry;http-monitoring - job_name: 'pilot' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-pilot;http-monitoring - job_name: 'galley' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-galley;http-monitoring - job_name: 'citadel' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-citadel;http-monitoring # scrape config for API servers # config removed # scrape config for nodes (kubelet) # config removed # Scrape config for Kubelet cAdvisor. # # This is required for Kubernetes 1.7.3 and later, where cAdvisor metrics # (those whose names begin with 'container_') have been removed from the # Kubelet metrics endpoint. This job scrapes the cAdvisor endpoint to # retrieve those metrics. # # In Kubernetes 1.7.0-1.7.2, these metrics are only exposed on the cAdvisor # HTTP endpoint; use "replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}:4194/proxy/metrics" # in that case (and ensure cAdvisor's HTTP server hasn't been disabled with # the --cadvisor-port=0 Kubelet flag). # # This job is not necessary and should be removed in Kubernetes 1.6 and # earlier versions, or it will cause the metrics to be scraped twice. # config removed # scrape config for service endpoints. - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme] action: replace target_label: __scheme__ regex: (https?) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace target_label: __address__ regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:$2 - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: kubernetes_namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name] action: replace target_label: kubernetes_name - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: # If first two labels are present, pod should be scraped by the istio-secure job. - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true # Keep target if there's no sidecar or if is explicitly set to "http" - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme] action: keep regex: ((;.*)|(.*;http)) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_istio_mtls] action: drop regex: (true) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:$2 target_label: __address__ - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] action: replace target_label: pod_name - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods-istio-secure' scheme: https tls_config: ca_file: /etc/istio-certs/root-cert.pem cert_file: /etc/istio-certs/cert-chain.pem key_file: /etc/istio-certs/key.pem insecure_skip_verify: true # prometheus does not support secure naming. kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true # sidecar status annotation is added by sidecar injector and # istio_workload_mtls_ability can be specifically placed on a pod to indicate its ability to receive mtls traffic. - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_istio_mtls] action: keep regex: (([^;]+);([^;]*))|(([^;]*);(true)) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme] action: drop regex: (http) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__address__] # Only keep address that is host:port action: keep # otherwise an extra target with ':443' is added for https scheme regex: ([^:]+):(\d+) - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:$2 target_label: __address__ - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] action: replace target_label: pod_name } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: prometheus annotations: '{"kind":"OAuthRedirectReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"Route","name":"prometheus"}}' namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: prometheus-istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: - services - endpoints - pods verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: - configmaps verbs: ["get"] - nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"] verbs: ["get"] } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/clusterrolebindings.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: prometheus-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: prometheus-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: prometheus namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/ingress.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: spec: to: kind: Service name: prometheus tls: termination: reencrypt } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system annotations: 'true' "prometheus-tls" labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: selector: app: prometheus ports: - name: http-prometheus protocol: TCP port: 9090 targetPort: 3001 } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/deployment.yaml Content:# TODO: the original template has service account, roles, etc apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: prometheus template: metadata: labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: prometheus serviceAccountName: prometheus containers: # OAuth proxy - name: prometheus-proxy image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 3001 name: https protocol: TCP readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 tcpSocket: port: https timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/tls/private name: secret-prometheus-tls - mountPath: /etc/proxy/htpasswd name: secret-htpasswd args: - -provider=openshift - -https-address=:3001 - -http-address= - -email-domain=* - -upstream=http://localhost:9090 - -htpasswd-file=/etc/proxy/htpasswd/auth - -display-htpasswd-form=false - '-openshift-sar={"namespace": "istio-system", "resource": "pods", "verb": "get"}' - -client-secret-file=/var/run/secrets/ - -openshift-service-account=prometheus - -cookie-secret=SECRET - -tls-cert=/etc/tls/private/tls.crt - -tls-key=/etc/tls/private/tls.key - -openshift-ca=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem - -openshift-ca=/var/run/secrets/ - name: prometheus image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - '--storage.tsdb.retention=6h' - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus' - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml' ports: - containerPort: 9090 name: http livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /-/healthy port: 9090 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /-/ready port: 9090 resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/prometheus - mountPath: /etc/istio-certs name: istio-certs volumes: # OAuth proxy - name: secret-prometheus-tls secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: prometheus-tls - name: secret-htpasswd secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: htpasswd - name: config-volume configMap: name: prometheus - name: istio-certs secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: istio.default affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:# This is to support routes on ocp 3.11 installs apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-prometheus-ingress namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: prometheus ingress: - ports: port: 3001 } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/tests/test-prometheus-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/security:[{Name:istio/charts/security/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-citadel-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-citadel-istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["create", "get", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["create", "get", "watch", "list", "update", "delete"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["serviceaccounts", "services"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/meshclusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-citadel-mesh-istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["tokenreviews"] verbs: ["create"] } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/meshclusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: istio-citadel-mesh-istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-citadel-mesh-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-citadel-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-citadel-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-citadel-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-citadel-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: # we use the normal name here (e.g. 'prometheus') # as grafana is configured to use this as a data source name: istio-citadel namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: citadel spec: ports: - name: grpc-citadel port: 8060 targetPort: 8060 protocol: TCP - name: http-monitoring port: 15014 selector: istio: citadel } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/deployment.yaml Content:# istio CA watching all namespaces apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-citadel namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: citadel spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 template: metadata: labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: citadel annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-citadel-service-account containers: - name: citadel image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - --append-dns-names=true - --grpc-port=8060 - --grpc-hostname=citadel - --citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system - --custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system - --monitoring-port=15014 - --self-signed-ca=true - --member-roll-name=default livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /version port: 15014 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 resources: requests: cpu: 10m affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/enable-mesh-permissive.yaml Content: # Authentication policy to enable permissive mode for all services (that have sidecar) in the mesh. apiVersion: "" kind: "ServiceMeshPolicy" metadata: name: "default" namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: peers: - mtls: mode: PERMISSIVE } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/enable-mesh-mtls.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/meshexpansion.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/tests/test-citadel-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook:[{Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-sidecar-webhook-configuration namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector data: mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml: |- apiVersion: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system path: "/inject" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: [ "CREATE" ] apiGroups: [""] apiVersions: ["v1"] resources: ["pods"] failurePolicy: Fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: DoesNotExist - key: operator: DoesNotExist } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions","apps"] resources: ["deployments"] resourceNames: 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{"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8411553,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:218","msg":"Completed ServiceMeshControlPlane reconcilation"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8522325,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/controller.go:149","msg":"Completed ServiceMeshControlPlane processing","Request.Namespace":"istio-system","Request.Name":"basic-install"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.852318,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/controller.go:147","msg":"Processing ServiceMeshControlPlane","Request.Namespace":"istio-system","Request.Name":"basic-install"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8525214,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/controller.go:223","msg":"Reconciling ServiceMeshControlPlane","Request.Namespace":"istio-system","Request.Name":"basic-install"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8525443,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:304","msg":"updating servicemeshcontrolplane with templates"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8525548,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:307","msg":"No template provided. Using default"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8525643,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:279","msg":"processing smcp template default"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8530095,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:279","msg":"processing smcp template base"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8536117,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:311","msg":"finished updating ServiceMeshControlPlane: {Template:default NetworkType: Istio:map[galley:map[image:galley-rhel8] gateways:map[istio-egressgateway:map[autoscaleEnabled:false enabled:true] istio-ingressgateway:map[autoscaleEnabled:false enabled:true ior_enabled:false ior_image:istio-ior-rhel8 ports:[map[name:status-port port:15020 targetPort:15020] map[name:http2 port:80 targetPort:80] map[name:https port:443] map[name:tls port:15443 targetPort:15443]] type:ClusterIP]] global:map[ multitenant:true oauthproxy:map[ image:ose-oauth-proxy imagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent tag:4.1] proxy:map[autoInject:disabled dnsRefreshRate:300s image:proxyv2-rhel8 resources:map[limits:map[cpu:501m memory:128Mi] requests:map[cpu:100m memory:128Mi]]] proxy_init:map[image:proxy-init-rhel8] tag:latest-qe] grafana:map[enabled:true image:grafana-rhel8 ingress:map[enabled:true] service:map[annotations:map[]]] istio_cni:map[enabled:true] kiali:map[dashboard:map[passphrase:admin user:admin viewOnlyMode:false] enabled:true ingress:map[enabled:true] tag:1.0.0] mixer:map[env:map[GODEBUG:] image:mixer-rhel8 policy:map[autoscaleEnabled:false] telemetry:map[autoscaleEnabled:false resources:map[limits:map[cpu:500m memory:4G] requests:map[cpu:100m memory:1G]]]] pilot:map[autoscaleEnabled:false env:map[GODEBUG:] image:pilot-rhel8 traceSampling:100] prometheus:map[image:prometheus-rhel8 ingress:map[enabled:true] service:map[annotations:map[]]] security:map[image:citadel-rhel8] sidecarInjectorWebhook:map[enableNamespacesByDefault:true image:sidecar-injector-rhel8] tracing:map[enabled:false ingress:map[enabled:true] jaeger:map[elasticsearch:map[ image:elasticsearch tag:5.6.10] tag:1.13.1 template:all-in-one]]] ThreeScale:map[ tag:1.0.0]}"} {"level":"info","ts":1565379983.8536575,"logger":"controller_servicemeshcontrolplane","caller":"controlplane/reconciler.go:358","msg":"rendering helm charts"} 2019/08/09 19:46:23 warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for image (map[repository:grafana/grafana tag:6.0.2]) Bavery renderings2: map[istio:[{Name:istio/templates/htpasswd-secret.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 data: auth: "" rawPassword: "" kind: Secret metadata: name: htpasswd namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio type: Opaque } {Name:istio/templates/configmap.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio data: mesh: |- # Set the following variable to true to disable policy checks by the Mixer. # Note that metrics will still be reported to the Mixer. disablePolicyChecks: true # Set enableTracing to false to disable request tracing. enableTracing: true # Set accessLogFile to empty string to disable access log. accessLogFile: "" # If accessLogEncoding is TEXT, value will be used directly as the log format # example: "[%START_TIME%] %REQ(:METHOD)% %REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)% %PROTOCOL%\n" # If AccessLogEncoding is JSON, value will be parsed as map[string]string # example: '{"start_time": "%START_TIME%", "req_method": "%REQ(:METHOD)%"}' # Leave empty to use default log format accessLogFormat: "" # Set accessLogEncoding to JSON or TEXT to configure sidecar access log accessLogEncoding: 'TEXT' mixerCheckServer: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9091 mixerReportServer: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9091 # policyCheckFailOpen allows traffic in cases when the mixer policy service cannot be reached. # Default is false which means the traffic is denied when the client is unable to connect to Mixer. policyCheckFailOpen: false # Let Pilot give ingresses the public IP of the Istio ingressgateway ingressService: istio-ingressgateway # Default connect timeout for dynamic clusters generated by Pilot and returned via XDS connectTimeout: 10s # DNS refresh rate for Envoy clusters of type STRICT_DNS dnsRefreshRate: 300s # Unix Domain Socket through which envoy communicates with NodeAgent SDS to get # key/cert for mTLS. Use secret-mount files instead of SDS if set to empty. sdsUdsPath: # This flag is used by secret discovery service(SDS). # If set to true(prerequisite:, Istio will inject volumes mount # for k8s service account JWT, so that K8s API server mounts k8s service account JWT to envoy container, which # will be used to generate key/cert eventually. This isn't supported for non-k8s case. enableSdsTokenMount: false # This flag is used by secret discovery service(SDS). # If set to true, envoy will fetch normal k8s service account JWT from '/var/run/secrets/' # ( # and pass to sds server, which will be used to request key/cert eventually. # this flag is ignored if enableSdsTokenMount is set. # This isn't supported for non-k8s case. sdsUseK8sSaJwt: false # The trust domain corresponds to the trust root of a system. # Refer to trustDomain: # Set the default behavior of the sidecar for handling outbound traffic from the application: # ALLOW_ANY - outbound traffic to unknown destinations will be allowed, in case there are no # services or ServiceEntries for the destination port # REGISTRY_ONLY - restrict outbound traffic to services defined in the service registry as well # as those defined through ServiceEntries outboundTrafficPolicy: mode: ALLOW_ANY localityLbSetting: {} # The namespace to treat as the administrative root namespace for istio # configuration. rootNamespace: istio-system configSources: - address: istio-galley.istio-system.svc:9901 defaultConfig: # # TCP connection timeout between Envoy & the application, and between Envoys. Used for static clusters # defined in Envoy's configuration file connectTimeout: 10s # ### ADVANCED SETTINGS ############# # Where should envoy's configuration be stored in the istio-proxy container configPath: "/etc/istio/proxy" binaryPath: "/usr/local/bin/envoy" # The pseudo service name used for Envoy. serviceCluster: istio-proxy # These settings that determine how long an old Envoy # process should be kept alive after an occasional reload. drainDuration: 45s parentShutdownDuration: 1m0s # # The mode used to redirect inbound connections to Envoy. This setting # has no effect on outbound traffic: iptables REDIRECT is always used for # outbound connections. # If "REDIRECT", use iptables REDIRECT to NAT and redirect to Envoy. # The "REDIRECT" mode loses source addresses during redirection. # If "TPROXY", use iptables TPROXY to redirect to Envoy. # The "TPROXY" mode preserves both the source and destination IP # addresses and ports, so that they can be used for advanced filtering # and manipulation. # The "TPROXY" mode also configures the sidecar to run with the # CAP_NET_ADMIN capability, which is required to use TPROXY. #interceptionMode: REDIRECT # # Port where Envoy listens (on local host) for admin commands # You can exec into the istio-proxy container in a pod and # curl the admin port (curl http://localhost:15000/) to obtain # diagnostic information from Envoy. See # # for more details proxyAdminPort: 15000 # # Set concurrency to a specific number to control the number of Proxy worker threads. # If set to 0 (default), then start worker thread for each CPU thread/core. concurrency: 2 # tracing: zipkin: # Address of the Zipkin collector address: zipkin.istio-system:9411 # # Mutual TLS authentication between sidecars and istio control plane. controlPlaneAuthPolicy: NONE # # Address where istio Pilot service is running discoveryAddress: istio-pilot.istio-system:15010 # Configuration file for the mesh networks to be used by the Split Horizon EDS. meshNetworks: |- networks: {} } {Name:istio/templates/sidecar-injector-configmap.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector data: config: |- policy: disabled template: |- annotations: istio-cni rewriteAppHTTPProbe: false containers: - name: istio-proxy image: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` "" ]] ports: - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - sidecar - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --configPath - [[ .ProxyConfig.ConfigPath ]] - --binaryPath - [[ .ProxyConfig.BinaryPath ]] - --serviceCluster [[ if ne "" (index .ObjectMeta.Labels "app") -]] - [[ index .ObjectMeta.Labels "app" ]].$(POD_NAMESPACE) [[ else -]] - [[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Name "istio-proxy" ]].[[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace "default" ]] [[ end -]] - --drainDuration - [[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.DrainDuration ]] - --parentShutdownDuration - [[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.ParentShutdownDuration ]] - --discoveryAddress - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.DiscoveryAddress ]] - --zipkinAddress - [[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetZipkin.GetAddress ]] - --connectTimeout - [[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.ConnectTimeout ]] - --proxyAdminPort - [[ .ProxyConfig.ProxyAdminPort ]] [[ if gt .ProxyConfig.Concurrency 0 -]] - --concurrency - [[ .ProxyConfig.Concurrency ]] [[ end -]] - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.ControlPlaneAuthPolicy ]] [[- if (ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ) "0") ]] - --statusPort - [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ]] - --applicationPorts - "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` (applicationPorts .Spec.Containers) ]]" [[- end ]] env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: ISTIO_META_INTERCEPTION_MODE value: [[ or (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations "") .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode.String ]] [[ if .ObjectMeta.Annotations ]] - name: ISTIO_METAJSON_ANNOTATIONS value: | [[ toJSON .ObjectMeta.Annotations ]] [[ end ]] [[ if .ObjectMeta.Labels ]] - name: ISTIO_METAJSON_LABELS value: | [[ toJSON .ObjectMeta.Labels ]] [[ end ]] [[- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: ISTIO_BOOTSTRAP_OVERRIDE value: "/etc/istio/custom-bootstrap/custom_bootstrap.json" [[- end ]] imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent [[ if (ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ) "0") ]] readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz/ready port: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 15020 ]] initialDelaySeconds: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 1 ]] periodSeconds: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 2 ]] failureThreshold: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` 30 ]] [[ end -]]securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true [[ if eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) "TPROXY" -]] capabilities: add: - NET_ADMIN runAsGroup: 1337 [[ else -]] capabilities: drop: - KILL - SETUID - SETGID - MKNOD [[- end ]] resources: [[ if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]] requests: [[ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]] cpu: "[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]" [[ end ]] [[ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]] memory: "[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]" [[ end ]] [[ else -]] limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi [[ end -]] volumeMounts: [[- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - mountPath: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap name: custom-bootstrap-volume [[- end ]] - mountPath: /etc/istio/proxy name: istio-envoy - mountPath: /etc/certs/ name: istio-certs readOnly: true [[- if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]] [[ range $index, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: "[[ $index ]]" [[ toYaml $value | indent 4 ]] [[ end ]] [[- end ]] volumes: [[- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: custom-bootstrap-volume configMap: name: [[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` `` ]] [[- end ]] - emptyDir: medium: Memory name: istio-envoy - name: istio-certs secret: optional: true [[ if eq .Spec.ServiceAccountName "" -]] secretName: istio.default [[ else -]] secretName: [[ printf "istio.%s" .Spec.ServiceAccountName ]] [[ end -]] [[- if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]] [[ range $index, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) ]] - name: "[[ $index ]]" [[ toYaml $value | indent 2 ]] [[ end ]] [[ end ]] } {Name:istio/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-mesh namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: "": "istio-system" egress: - to: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: "": "istio-system" --- # this will work for all routes into the mesh namespace, but not on ocp 3.11 apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-ingress-router namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio chart: istio heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: ingress } {Name:istio/templates/NOTES.txt Content:Thank you for installing istio. Your release is named istio. To get started running application with Istio, execute the following steps: 1. Label namespace that application object will be deployed to by the following command (take default namespace as an example) $ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled $ kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection 2. Deploy your applications $ kubectl apply -f .yaml For more information on running Istio, visit: } {Name:istio/templates/endpoints.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/templates/ Content: } {Name:istio/templates/service.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/galley:[{Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-galley-configuration namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley data: validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml: |- apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-galley labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitpilot" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - httpapispecs - httpapispecbindings - quotaspecs - quotaspecbindings - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - destinationrules - envoyfilters - gateways - serviceentries - sidecars - virtualservices - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" failurePolicy: Fail - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitmixer" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - rules - attributemanifests - circonuses - deniers - fluentds - kubernetesenvs - listcheckers - memquotas - noops - opas - prometheuses - rbacs - solarwindses - stackdrivers - cloudwatches - dogstatsds - statsds - stdios - apikeys - authorizations - checknothings # - kuberneteses - listentries - logentries - metrics - quotas - reportnothings - tracespans failurePolicy: Fail } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-galley-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-galley-istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] # istio mixer CRD watcher resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions","apps"] resources: ["deployments"] resourceNames: ["istio-galley"] verbs: ["get"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods", "services", "endpoints"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["ingresses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["deployments/finalizers"] resourceNames: ["istio-galley"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/meshclusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-galley-mesh-istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["nodes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/meshclusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: istio-galley-mesh-istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-galley-mesh-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-galley-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-galley-admin-role-binding-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-galley-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-galley-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley spec: ports: - port: 443 targetPort: webhook name: https-validation - port: 15014 name: http-monitoring - port: 9901 name: grpc-mcp selector: istio: galley } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/deployment.yaml Content:apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 template: metadata: labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: galley annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-galley-service-account containers: - name: galley image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: webhook containerPort: 8443 - containerPort: 15014 - containerPort: 9901 command: - /usr/local/bin/galley - server - --meshConfigFile=/etc/mesh-config/mesh - --livenessProbeInterval=1s - --livenessProbePath=/tmp/healthliveness - --readinessProbePath=/tmp/healthready - --readinessProbeInterval=1s - --deployment-namespace=istio-system - --insecure=true - --deployment-namespace - istio-system - --webhook-name - istio-galley-istio-system - --memberRollName=default - --manageWebhookConfig=false - --validation-webhook-config-file - /etc/config/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml - --monitoringPort=15014 - --validation-port=8443 - --log_output_level=default:info volumeMounts: - name: certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: config mountPath: /etc/config readOnly: true - name: mesh-config mountPath: /etc/mesh-config readOnly: true livenessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/local/bin/galley - probe - --probe-path=/tmp/healthliveness - --interval=10s initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/local/bin/galley - probe - --probe-path=/tmp/healthready - --interval=10s initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumes: - name: certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-galley-service-account - name: config configMap: name: istio-galley-configuration - name: mesh-config configMap: name: istio affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: istio: galley ingress: - ports: port: webhook } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: galley maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml.tpl Content: } {Name:istio/charts/galley/templates/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-galley-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: galley chart: galley heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: galley annotations: "": keep webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitpilot" caBundle: "" namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - istio-system rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - httpapispecs - httpapispecbindings - quotaspecs - quotaspecbindings - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - "*" - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - "*" resources: - destinationrules - envoyfilters - gateways - serviceentries - sidecars - virtualservices failurePolicy: Fail - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-galley namespace: istio-system path: "/admitmixer" caBundle: "" namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - istio-system rules: - operations: - CREATE - UPDATE apiGroups: - apiVersions: - v1alpha2 resources: - rules - attributemanifests - circonuses - deniers - fluentds - kubernetesenvs - listcheckers - memquotas - noops - opas - prometheuses - rbacs - solarwindses - stackdrivers - cloudwatches - dogstatsds - statsds - stdios - apikeys - authorizations - checknothings # - kuberneteses - listentries - logentries - metrics - quotas - reportnothings - tracespans failurePolicy: Fail }] istio/charts/gateways:[{Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-egressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-egressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-egressgateway-istio-system labels: app: egressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["virtualservices", "destinationrules", "gateways"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "update"] --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-istio-system labels: app: ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["virtualservices", "destinationrules", "gateways"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "update"] --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/role.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-sds namespace: istio-system rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/clusterrolebindings.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-egressgateway-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: egressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-egressgateway-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-egressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-ingressgateway-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account namespace: istio-system --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/rolebindings.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway-sds namespace: istio-system roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: istio-ingressgateway-sds subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/istio-ingressgateway-route.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: to: kind: Service name: istio-ingressgateway port: targetPort: 8080 } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/service.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-egressgateway namespace: istio-system annotations: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway spec: type: ClusterIP selector: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway ports: - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 8080 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8443 - name: tls port: 15443 targetPort: 15443 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system annotations: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: type: ClusterIP selector: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway ports: - name: status-port port: 15020 targetPort: 15020 - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 80 - name: https port: 443 - name: tls port: 15443 targetPort: 15443 --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/deployment.yaml Content: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-egressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-egressgateway-service-account containers: - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: http2 containerPort: 8080 - name: https containerPort: 8443 - name: tls containerPort: 15443 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - router - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --log_output_level=default:info - --drainDuration - '45s' #drainDuration - --parentShutdownDuration - '1m0s' #parentShutdownDuration - --connectTimeout - '10s' #connectTimeout - --serviceCluster - istio-egressgateway - --zipkinAddress - zipkin:9411 - --proxyAdminPort - "15000" - --statusPort - "15020" - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE - --discoveryAddress - istio-pilot:15010 readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 30 httpGet: path: /healthz/ready port: 15020 scheme: HTTP initialDelaySeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 2 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP - name: HOST_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE value: sni-dnat volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: egressgateway-certs mountPath: "/etc/istio/egressgateway-certs" readOnly: true - name: egressgateway-ca-certs mountPath: "/etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs" readOnly: true volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-egressgateway-service-account optional: true - name: egressgateway-certs secret: secretName: "istio-egressgateway-certs" optional: true - name: egressgateway-ca-certs secret: secretName: "istio-egressgateway-ca-certs" optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-ingressgateway-service-account containers: - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: status-port containerPort: 15020 - name: http2 containerPort: 80 - name: https containerPort: 443 - name: tls containerPort: 15443 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - router - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --log_output_level=default:info - --drainDuration - '45s' #drainDuration - --parentShutdownDuration - '1m0s' #parentShutdownDuration - --connectTimeout - '10s' #connectTimeout - --serviceCluster - istio-ingressgateway - --zipkinAddress - zipkin:9411 - --proxyAdminPort - "15000" - --statusPort - "15020" - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE - --discoveryAddress - istio-pilot:15010 readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 30 httpGet: path: /healthz/ready port: 15020 scheme: HTTP initialDelaySeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 2 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 1024Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP - name: HOST_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE value: sni-dnat volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: ingressgateway-certs mountPath: "/etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs" readOnly: true - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs mountPath: "/etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs" readOnly: true volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-ingressgateway-service-account optional: true - name: ingressgateway-certs secret: secretName: "istio-ingressgateway-certs" optional: true - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs secret: secretName: "istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs" optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: app: ingressgateway chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: istio: ingressgateway ingress: - from: - namespaceSelector: {} } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-egressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-egressgateway istio: egressgateway --- apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system labels: chart: gateways heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway --- } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/autoscale.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-deployment.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-role.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-rolebinding.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/ior-serviceaccount.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/gateways/templates/preconfigured.yaml Content: }] 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\n Need help? Join the Istio community.\n
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When idle or low traffic, this chart will be blank. The curve for istio-proxy refers to the services sidecars only. \n- **vCPU:** vCPU utilization by Istio components, not normalized.\n- **Memory:** memory footprint for the components. Telemetry and policy are normalized by 1k rps, and no data is shown when there is no traffic. For ingress and istio-proxy, the data is per instance. \n- **Bytes transferred/ sec:** shows the number of bytes flowing through each Istio component.", "gridPos": { "h": 4, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 18 }, "id": 11, "links": [], "mode": "markdown", "title": "Istio Performance Dashboard Readme", "type": "text" } ], "schemaVersion": 16, "style": "dark", "tags": [], "templating": { "list": [] }, "time": { "from": "now-5m", "to": "now" }, "timepicker": { "refresh_intervals": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d" ], "time_options": [ "5m", "15m", "1h", "6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d" ] }, "timezone": "", "title": "Istio Performance Dashboard", "version": 4 } ' --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-service-dashboard namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: grafana data: istio-service-dashboard.json: '{ "annotations": { "list": [ { "builtIn": 1, "datasource": "-- Grafana --", "enable": true, "hide": true, "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)", "name": "Annotations & Alerts", "type": "dashboard" } ] }, "editable": false, "gnetId": null, "graphTooltip": 0, "iteration": 1536442501501, "links": [], "panels": [ { "content": "
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Deployed Versions

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Resource Usage

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Mixer Overview

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Adapters and Config

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Deployed Versions

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secret-htpasswd secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: htpasswd - name: config configMap: name: istio-grafana - name: data emptyDir: {} - name: dashboards-istio-galley-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-galley-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-mesh-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-mesh-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-performance-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-performance-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-service-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-service-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-istio-workload-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-istio-workload-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-mixer-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-mixer-dashboard - name: dashboards-istio-pilot-dashboard configMap: name: istio-grafana-configuration-dashboards-pilot-dashboard } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:# This is to support routes on ocp 3.11 installs apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-grafana-ingress namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: grafana ingress: - ports: port: 3001 } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/grafana-ports-mtls.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: Policy metadata: name: grafana-ports-mtls-disabled namespace: istio-system labels: app: grafana chart: grafana heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: targets: - name: grafana ports: - number: 3000 } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/pvc.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/grafana/templates/tests/test-grafana-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/kiali:[{Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/secret.yaml Content: # this is like the old demo secret enabled by .Values.createDemoSecret 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password: "" url: "https://prometheus.istio-system.svc:9090" tracing: auth: ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/" type: "basic" use_kiali_token: false username: "internal" password: "" enabled: true namespace: "istio-system" service : "" url: "" server: web_root: "/kiali" } {Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:# This is to support routes on ocp 3.11 installs apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-kiali-ingress namespace: istio-system labels: app: kiali chart: kiali heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: kiali ingress: - ports: port: 20001 } {Name:istio/charts/kiali/templates/tests/test-kiali-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/mixer:[{Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-mixer-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-mixer-istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] # istio CRD watcher resources: ["*"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps", "endpoints", "pods", "services", "namespaces", "secrets", "replicationcontrollers"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions", "apps"] resources: ["replicasets"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content: apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-mixer-admin-role-binding-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-mixer-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-mixer-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/service.yaml Content: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system annotations: "*" labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: ports: - name: grpc-mixer port: 9091 - name: grpc-mixer-mtls port: 15004 - name: http-monitoring port: 15014 selector: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system annotations: "*" labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: ports: - name: grpc-mixer port: 9091 - name: grpc-mixer-mtls port: 15004 - name: http-monitoring port: 15014 - name: prometheus port: 42422 selector: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry --- } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/deployment.yaml Content: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 selector: matchLabels: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy template: metadata: labels: app: policy chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-mixer-service-account volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-mixer-service-account optional: true - name: uds-socket emptyDir: {} - name: policy-adapter-secret secret: secretName: policy-adapter-secret optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x containers: - name: mixer image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 15014 - containerPort: 42422 args: - --memberRollName=default - --memberRollNamespace=istio-system - --monitoringPort=15014 - --address - unix:///sock/mixer.socket - --log_output_level=default:info - --configStoreURL=mcp://istio-galley.istio-system.svc:9901 - --configDefaultNamespace=istio-system - --useAdapterCRDs=true - --trace_zipkin_url=http://zipkin:9411/api/v1/spans env: - name: GODEBUG value: "" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "6" resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /version port: 15014 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 9091 - containerPort: 15004 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --serviceCluster - istio-policy - --templateFile - /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_policy.yaml.tmpl - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP resources: limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock - name: policy-adapter-secret mountPath: /var/run/secrets/ readOnly: true --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system labels: app: istio-mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 selector: matchLabels: istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry template: metadata: labels: app: telemetry chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-mixer-service-account volumes: - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-mixer-service-account optional: true - name: uds-socket emptyDir: {} - name: telemetry-adapter-secret secret: secretName: telemetry-adapter-secret optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x containers: - name: mixer image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 15014 - containerPort: 42422 args: - --memberRollName=default - --memberRollNamespace=istio-system - --monitoringPort=15014 - --address - unix:///sock/mixer.socket - --log_output_level=default:info - --configStoreURL=mcp://istio-galley.istio-system.svc:9901 - --configDefaultNamespace=istio-system - --useAdapterCRDs=true - --trace_zipkin_url=http://zipkin:9411/api/v1/spans - --averageLatencyThreshold - 100ms - --loadsheddingMode - enforce env: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: GODEBUG value: "" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "6" resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 4G requests: cpu: 100m memory: 1G volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: telemetry-adapter-secret mountPath: /var/run/secrets/ readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /version port: 15014 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 9091 - containerPort: 15004 - containerPort: 15090 protocol: TCP name: http-envoy-prom args: - proxy - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --serviceCluster - istio-telemetry - --templateFile - /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_telemetry.yaml.tmpl - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP resources: limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: uds-socket mountPath: /sock --- } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system labels: app: policy chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio version: 1.1.0 istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: policy maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: policy --- apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system labels: app: telemetry chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio version: 1.1.0 istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: telemetry maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: mixer istio-mixer-type: telemetry --- } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/autoscale.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/mixer/templates/config.yaml Content: apiVersion: "" kind: attributemanifest metadata: name: istioproxy namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: attributes: origin.ip: valueType: IP_ADDRESS origin.uid: valueType: STRING origin.user: valueType: STRING request.headers: valueType: STRING_MAP valueType: STRING valueType: STRING request.method: valueType: STRING request.path: valueType: STRING request.url_path: valueType: STRING request.query_params: valueType: STRING_MAP request.reason: valueType: STRING request.referer: valueType: STRING request.scheme: valueType: STRING request.total_size: valueType: INT64 request.size: valueType: INT64 request.time: valueType: TIMESTAMP request.useragent: valueType: STRING response.code: valueType: INT64 response.duration: valueType: DURATION response.headers: valueType: STRING_MAP response.total_size: valueType: INT64 response.size: valueType: INT64 response.time: valueType: TIMESTAMP response.grpc_status: valueType: STRING response.grpc_message: valueType: STRING source.uid: valueType: STRING source.user: # DEPRECATED valueType: STRING source.principal: valueType: STRING destination.uid: valueType: STRING destination.principal: valueType: STRING destination.port: valueType: INT64 connection.event: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING connection.received.bytes: valueType: INT64 connection.received.bytes_total: valueType: INT64 connection.sent.bytes: valueType: INT64 connection.sent.bytes_total: valueType: INT64 connection.duration: valueType: DURATION connection.mtls: valueType: BOOL connection.requested_server_name: valueType: STRING context.protocol: valueType: STRING context.proxy_error_code: valueType: STRING context.timestamp: valueType: TIMESTAMP context.time: valueType: TIMESTAMP # Deprecated, kept for compatibility context.reporter.local: valueType: BOOL context.reporter.kind: valueType: STRING context.reporter.uid: valueType: STRING api.service: valueType: STRING api.version: valueType: STRING api.operation: valueType: STRING api.protocol: valueType: STRING request.auth.principal: valueType: STRING request.auth.audiences: valueType: STRING request.auth.presenter: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING_MAP request.auth.raw_claims: valueType: STRING request.api_key: valueType: STRING rbac.permissive.response_code: valueType: STRING rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id: valueType: STRING check.error_code: valueType: INT64 check.error_message: valueType: STRING check.cache_hit: valueType: BOOL quota.cache_hit: valueType: BOOL --- apiVersion: "" kind: attributemanifest metadata: name: kubernetes namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: attributes: source.ip: valueType: IP_ADDRESS source.labels: valueType: STRING_MAP source.metadata: valueType: STRING_MAP valueType: STRING source.namespace: valueType: STRING source.owner: valueType: STRING source.serviceAccount: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING source.workload.uid: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING source.workload.namespace: valueType: STRING destination.ip: valueType: IP_ADDRESS destination.labels: valueType: STRING_MAP destination.metadata: valueType: STRING_MAP destination.owner: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.namespace: valueType: STRING destination.service.uid: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.service.namespace: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.serviceAccount: valueType: STRING destination.workload.uid: valueType: STRING valueType: STRING destination.workload.namespace: valueType: STRING --- --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: requestcount namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: "1" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: requestduration namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: response.duration | "0ms" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: requestsize namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: request.size | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: responsesize namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: response.size | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown" response_code: response.code | 200 response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" permissive_response_code: rbac.permissive.response_code | "none" permissive_response_policyid: rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id | "none" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpbytesent namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: connection.sent.bytes | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpbytereceived namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: connection.received.bytes | 0 dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpconnectionsopened namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: "1" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: metric metadata: name: tcpconnectionsclosed namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: value: "1" dimensions: reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination") source_workload: | "unknown" source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown" source_principal: source.principal | "unknown" source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown" source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_workload: | "unknown" destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown" destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown" destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown" destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown" destination_service: | "unknown" destination_service_name: | "unknown" destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown" connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none")) response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-" monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"' --- apiVersion: "" kind: handler metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: compiledAdapter: prometheus params: metricsExpirationPolicy: metricsExpiryDuration: "10m" metrics: - name: requests_total instance_name: requestcount.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy - name: request_duration_seconds instance_name: requestduration.metric.istio-system kind: DISTRIBUTION label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy buckets: explicit_buckets: bounds: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10] - name: request_bytes instance_name: requestsize.metric.istio-system kind: DISTRIBUTION label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy buckets: exponentialBuckets: numFiniteBuckets: 8 scale: 1 growthFactor: 10 - name: response_bytes instance_name: responsesize.metric.istio-system kind: DISTRIBUTION label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - request_protocol - response_code - response_flags - permissive_response_code - permissive_response_policyid - connection_security_policy buckets: exponentialBuckets: numFiniteBuckets: 8 scale: 1 growthFactor: 10 - name: tcp_sent_bytes_total instance_name: tcpbytesent.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags - name: tcp_received_bytes_total instance_name: tcpbytereceived.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags - name: tcp_connections_opened_total instance_name: tcpconnectionsopened.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags - name: tcp_connections_closed_total instance_name: tcpconnectionsclosed.metric.istio-system kind: COUNTER label_names: - reporter - source_app - source_principal - source_workload - source_workload_namespace - source_version - destination_app - destination_principal - destination_workload - destination_workload_namespace - destination_version - destination_service - destination_service_name - destination_service_namespace - connection_security_policy - response_flags --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promhttp namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: (context.protocol == "http" || context.protocol == "grpc") && (match((request.useragent | "-"), "kube-probe*") == false) && (match((request.useragent | "-"), "Prometheus*") == false) actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - requestcount.metric - requestduration.metric - requestsize.metric - responsesize.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promtcp namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - tcpbytesent.metric - tcpbytereceived.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promtcpconnectionopen namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" && ((connection.event | "na") == "open") actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - tcpconnectionsopened.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: promtcpconnectionclosed namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" && ((connection.event | "na") == "close") actions: - handler: prometheus instances: - tcpconnectionsclosed.metric --- apiVersion: "" kind: handler metadata: name: kubernetesenv namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: compiledAdapter: kubernetesenv params: # when running from mixer root, use the following config after adding a # symbolic link to a kubernetes config file via: # # $ ln -s ~/.kube/config mixer/adapter/kubernetes/kubeconfig # # kubeconfig_path: "mixer/adapter/kubernetes/kubeconfig" --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: kubeattrgenrulerule namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: actions: - handler: kubernetesenv instances: - attributes.kubernetes --- apiVersion: "" kind: rule metadata: name: tcpkubeattrgenrulerule namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: match: context.protocol == "tcp" actions: - handler: kubernetesenv instances: - attributes.kubernetes --- apiVersion: "" kind: kubernetes metadata: name: attributes namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: # Pass the required attribute data to the adapter source_uid: source.uid | "" source_ip: source.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr destination_uid: destination.uid | "" destination_port: destination.port | 0 attribute_bindings: # Fill the new attributes from the adapter produced output. # $out refers to an instance of OutputTemplate message source.ip: $out.source_pod_ip | ip("") source.uid: $out.source_pod_uid | "unknown" source.labels: $out.source_labels | emptyStringMap() $out.source_pod_name | "unknown" source.namespace: $out.source_namespace | "default" source.owner: $out.source_owner | "unknown" source.serviceAccount: $out.source_service_account_name | "unknown" source.workload.uid: $out.source_workload_uid | "unknown" $out.source_workload_name | "unknown" source.workload.namespace: $out.source_workload_namespace | "unknown" destination.ip: $out.destination_pod_ip | ip("") destination.uid: $out.destination_pod_uid | "unknown" destination.labels: $out.destination_labels | emptyStringMap() $out.destination_pod_name | "unknown" $out.destination_container_name | "unknown" destination.namespace: $out.destination_namespace | "default" destination.owner: $out.destination_owner | "unknown" destination.serviceAccount: $out.destination_service_account_name | "unknown" destination.workload.uid: $out.destination_workload_uid | "unknown" $out.destination_workload_name | "unknown" destination.workload.namespace: $out.destination_workload_namespace | "unknown" --- # Configuration needed by Mixer. # Mixer cluster is delivered via CDS # Specify mixer cluster settings apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: istio-policy namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: host: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: http2MaxRequests: 10000 maxRequestsPerConnection: 10000 --- apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: istio-telemetry namespace: istio-system labels: app: mixer chart: mixer heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: host: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: http2MaxRequests: 10000 maxRequestsPerConnection: 10000 --- }] istio/charts/pilot:[{Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-pilot-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-pilot-istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["ingresses", "ingresses/status"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["endpoints", "pods", "services", "namespaces", "secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-pilot-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-pilot-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-pilot-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-pilot namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot spec: ports: - port: 15010 name: grpc-xds # direct - port: 15011 name: https-xds # mTLS - port: 8080 name: http-legacy-discovery # direct - port: 15014 name: http-monitoring selector: istio: pilot } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/deployment.yaml Content:apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-pilot namespace: istio-system # TODO: default template doesn't have this, which one is right ? labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot annotations: checksum/config-volume: f8da08b6b8c170dde721efd680270b2901e750d4aa186ebb6c22bef5b78a43f9 spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 selector: matchLabels: istio: pilot template: metadata: labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: pilot annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-pilot-service-account containers: - name: discovery image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - "discovery" - --memberRollName=default - --podLocalitySource=pod - --monitoringAddr=:15014 - --log_output_level=default:info - --domain - cluster.local - --secureGrpcAddr - "" - --keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge - "30m" ports: - containerPort: 8080 - containerPort: 15010 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /ready port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: GODEBUG value: "" - name: PILOT_PUSH_THROTTLE value: "100" - name: PILOT_TRACE_SAMPLING value: "100" - name: PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY value: "1" resources: requests: cpu: 500m memory: 2048Mi volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/istio/config - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true - name: istio-proxy image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 15003 - containerPort: 15005 - containerPort: 15007 - containerPort: 15011 args: - proxy - --domain - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local - --serviceCluster - istio-pilot - --templateFile - /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_pilot.yaml.tmpl - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy - NONE env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: INSTANCE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.podIP resources: limits: cpu: 501m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - name: istio-certs mountPath: /etc/certs readOnly: true volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: name: istio - name: istio-certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-pilot-service-account optional: true affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/poddisruptionbudget.yaml Content: apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: istio-pilot namespace: istio-system labels: app: pilot chart: pilot heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot spec: minAvailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: pilot maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: pilot } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/autoscale.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/pilot/templates/meshexpansion.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/prometheus:[{Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio data: prometheus.yml: |- global: scrape_interval: 15s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'istio-mesh' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-telemetry;prometheus # Scrape config for envoy stats - job_name: 'envoy-stats' metrics_path: /stats/prometheus kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name] action: keep regex: '.*-envoy-prom' - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:15090 target_label: __address__ - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] action: replace target_label: pod_name metric_relabel_configs: # Exclude some of the envoy metrics that have massive cardinality # This list may need to be pruned further moving forward, as informed # by performance and scalability testing. - source_labels: [ cluster_name ] regex: '(outbound|inbound|prometheus_stats).*' action: drop - source_labels: [ tcp_prefix ] regex: '(outbound|inbound|prometheus_stats).*' action: drop - source_labels: [ listener_address ] regex: '(.+)' action: drop - source_labels: [ http_conn_manager_listener_prefix ] regex: '(.+)' action: drop - source_labels: [ http_conn_manager_prefix ] regex: '(.+)' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_tls.*' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_tcp_downstream.*' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_http_(stats|admin).*' action: drop - source_labels: [ __name__ ] regex: 'envoy_cluster_(lb|retry|bind|internal|max|original).*' action: drop - job_name: 'istio-policy' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-policy;http-monitoring - job_name: 'istio-telemetry' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-telemetry;http-monitoring - job_name: 'pilot' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-pilot;http-monitoring - job_name: 'galley' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-galley;http-monitoring - job_name: 'citadel' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - istio-system relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name] action: keep regex: istio-citadel;http-monitoring # scrape config for API servers # config removed # scrape config for nodes (kubelet) # config removed # Scrape config for Kubelet cAdvisor. # # This is required for Kubernetes 1.7.3 and later, where cAdvisor metrics # (those whose names begin with 'container_') have been removed from the # Kubelet metrics endpoint. This job scrapes the cAdvisor endpoint to # retrieve those metrics. # # In Kubernetes 1.7.0-1.7.2, these metrics are only exposed on the cAdvisor # HTTP endpoint; use "replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}:4194/proxy/metrics" # in that case (and ensure cAdvisor's HTTP server hasn't been disabled with # the --cadvisor-port=0 Kubelet flag). # # This job is not necessary and should be removed in Kubernetes 1.6 and # earlier versions, or it will cause the metrics to be scraped twice. # config removed # scrape config for service endpoints. - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme] action: replace target_label: __scheme__ regex: (https?) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace target_label: __address__ regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:$2 - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: kubernetes_namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name] action: replace target_label: kubernetes_name - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: # If first two labels are present, pod should be scraped by the istio-secure job. - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true # Keep target if there's no sidecar or if is explicitly set to "http" - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme] action: keep regex: ((;.*)|(.*;http)) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_istio_mtls] action: drop regex: (true) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:$2 target_label: __address__ - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] action: replace target_label: pod_name - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods-istio-secure' scheme: https tls_config: ca_file: /etc/istio-certs/root-cert.pem cert_file: /etc/istio-certs/cert-chain.pem key_file: /etc/istio-certs/key.pem insecure_skip_verify: true # prometheus does not support secure naming. kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true # sidecar status annotation is added by sidecar injector and # istio_workload_mtls_ability can be specifically placed on a pod to indicate its ability to receive mtls traffic. - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_istio_mtls] action: keep regex: (([^;]+);([^;]*))|(([^;]*);(true)) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme] action: drop regex: (http) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__address__] # Only keep address that is host:port action: keep # otherwise an extra target with ':443' is added for https scheme regex: ([^:]+):(\d+) - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port] action: replace regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+) replacement: $1:$2 target_label: __address__ - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace] action: replace target_label: namespace - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name] action: replace target_label: pod_name } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: prometheus annotations: '{"kind":"OAuthRedirectReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"Route","name":"prometheus"}}' namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: prometheus-istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: - services - endpoints - pods verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: - configmaps verbs: ["get"] - nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"] verbs: ["get"] } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/clusterrolebindings.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: prometheus-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: prometheus-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: prometheus namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/ingress.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: Route metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: spec: to: kind: Service name: prometheus tls: termination: reencrypt } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system annotations: 'true' "prometheus-tls" labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: selector: app: prometheus ports: - name: http-prometheus protocol: TCP port: 9090 targetPort: 3001 } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/deployment.yaml Content:# TODO: the original template has service account, roles, etc apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: prometheus namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: prometheus template: metadata: labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: prometheus serviceAccountName: prometheus containers: # OAuth proxy - name: prometheus-proxy image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 3001 name: https protocol: TCP readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 tcpSocket: port: https timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/tls/private name: secret-prometheus-tls - mountPath: /etc/proxy/htpasswd name: secret-htpasswd args: - -provider=openshift - -https-address=:3001 - -http-address= - -email-domain=* - -upstream=http://localhost:9090 - -htpasswd-file=/etc/proxy/htpasswd/auth - -display-htpasswd-form=false - '-openshift-sar={"namespace": "istio-system", "resource": "pods", "verb": "get"}' - -client-secret-file=/var/run/secrets/ - -openshift-service-account=prometheus - -cookie-secret=SECRET - -tls-cert=/etc/tls/private/tls.crt - -tls-key=/etc/tls/private/tls.key - -openshift-ca=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem - -openshift-ca=/var/run/secrets/ - name: prometheus image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - '--storage.tsdb.retention=6h' - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus' - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml' ports: - containerPort: 9090 name: http livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /-/healthy port: 9090 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /-/ready port: 9090 resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/prometheus - mountPath: /etc/istio-certs name: istio-certs volumes: # OAuth proxy - name: secret-prometheus-tls secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: prometheus-tls - name: secret-htpasswd secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: htpasswd - name: config-volume configMap: name: prometheus - name: istio-certs secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: istio.default affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:# This is to support routes on ocp 3.11 installs apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-prometheus-ingress namespace: istio-system labels: app: prometheus chart: prometheus heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: prometheus ingress: - ports: port: 3001 } {Name:istio/charts/prometheus/templates/tests/test-prometheus-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/security:[{Name:istio/charts/security/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-citadel-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-citadel-istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["create", "get", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["create", "get", "watch", "list", "update", "delete"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["serviceaccounts", "services"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["servicemeshmemberrolls"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/meshclusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-citadel-mesh-istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["tokenreviews"] verbs: ["create"] } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/meshclusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: istio-citadel-mesh-istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-citadel-mesh-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-citadel-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-citadel-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-citadel-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-citadel-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: # we use the normal name here (e.g. 'prometheus') # as grafana is configured to use this as a data source name: istio-citadel namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: citadel spec: ports: - name: grpc-citadel port: 8060 targetPort: 8060 protocol: TCP - name: http-monitoring port: 15014 selector: istio: citadel } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/deployment.yaml Content:# istio CA watching all namespaces apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-citadel namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: citadel spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 template: metadata: labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: citadel annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-citadel-service-account containers: - name: citadel image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - --append-dns-names=true - --grpc-port=8060 - --grpc-hostname=citadel - --citadel-storage-namespace=istio-system - --custom-dns-names=istio-pilot-service-account.istio-system:istio-pilot.istio-system - --monitoring-port=15014 - --self-signed-ca=true - --member-roll-name=default livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /version port: 15014 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 resources: requests: cpu: 10m affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/enable-mesh-permissive.yaml Content: # Authentication policy to enable permissive mode for all services (that have sidecar) in the mesh. apiVersion: "" kind: "ServiceMeshPolicy" metadata: name: "default" namespace: istio-system labels: app: security chart: security heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio spec: peers: - mtls: mode: PERMISSIVE } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/enable-mesh-mtls.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/meshexpansion.yaml Content: } {Name:istio/charts/security/templates/tests/test-citadel-connection.yaml Content: }] istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook:[{Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/configmap.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: istio-sidecar-webhook-configuration namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector data: mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml: |- apiVersion: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system path: "/inject" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: [ "CREATE" ] apiGroups: [""] apiVersions: ["v1"] resources: ["pods"] failurePolicy: Fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: DoesNotExist - key: operator: DoesNotExist } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/serviceaccount.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector-service-account namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/clusterrole.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["extensions","apps"] resources: ["deployments"] resourceNames: ["istio-sidecar-injector"] verbs: ["get"] - apiGroups: ["extensions"] resources: ["deployments/finalizers"] resourceNames: ["istio-sidecar-injector"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create"] } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector-admin-role-binding-istio-system namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: istio-sidecar-injector-service-account namespace: istio-system } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/service.yaml Content:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector spec: ports: - port: 443 targetPort: webhook selector: istio: sidecar-injector } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/deployment.yaml Content:apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector spec: replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 0 template: metadata: labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 maistra-control-plane: istio-system release: istio istio: sidecar-injector annotations: "false" spec: serviceAccountName: istio-sidecar-injector-service-account containers: - name: sidecar-injector-webhook image: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent args: - --webhookConfigName=istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system - --caCertFile=/etc/istio/certs/root-cert.pem - --tlsCertFile=/etc/istio/certs/cert-chain.pem - --tlsKeyFile=/etc/istio/certs/key.pem - --injectConfig=/etc/istio/inject/config - --meshConfig=/etc/istio/config/mesh - --healthCheckInterval=2s - --mutating-webhook-config-file - /etc/istio/webhook/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml - --namespace=istio-system - --healthCheckFile=/tmp/health - --port=8443 - --manageWebhookConfig=false ports: - name: webhook containerPort: 8443 volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/istio/config readOnly: true - name: webhook mountPath: /etc/istio/webhook readOnly: true - name: certs mountPath: /etc/istio/certs readOnly: true - name: inject-config mountPath: /etc/istio/inject readOnly: true livenessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/local/bin/sidecar-injector - probe - --probe-path=/tmp/health - --interval=4s initialDelaySeconds: 4 periodSeconds: 4 readinessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/local/bin/sidecar-injector - probe - --probe-path=/tmp/health - --interval=4s initialDelaySeconds: 4 periodSeconds: 4 resources: requests: cpu: 10m volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: name: istio - name: webhook configMap: name: istio-sidecar-webhook-configuration - name: certs secret: secretName: istio.istio-sidecar-injector-service-account - name: inject-config configMap: name: istio-sidecar-injector items: - key: config path: config affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - ppc64le - s390x preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - amd64 - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - ppc64le - weight: 2 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - s390x } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio annotations: "": keep webhooks: - name: clientConfig: service: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system path: "/inject" caBundle: "" rules: - operations: [ "CREATE" ] apiGroups: [""] apiVersions: ["v1"] resources: ["pods"] failurePolicy: Fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - istio-system - key: operator: DoesNotExist } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/networkpolicy.yaml Content:apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system labels: app: sidecarInjectorWebhook chart: sidecarInjectorWebhook heritage: Tiller maistra-version: 1.0.0 release: istio istio: sidecar-injector annotations: "": "true" spec: podSelector: matchLabels: istio: sidecar-injector ingress: - ports: port: webhook } {Name:istio/charts/sidecarInjectorWebhook/templates/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml.tpl Content: }]]