Import Assets Lab

In the previous lab, you created the greeting decision logic for the customer-greeting project. In this lab, you create the decision logic to display the salutation (or person’s title):


As you can see in the definition diagram, to choose the correct salutation (or title) for the customer greeting, information about the customer is required, such as gender and marital status. In this lab, you import all of the appropriate assets from the existing GitHub repository^.

  • Import data objects into an existing project

  • Import decision tables into an existing project

  • Import test scenarios into an existing project

  • Deploy a tested project to Decision Server

  • Test the deployed project using a web application

  • Successful completion of the Create Project Lab

  • Successful login to Decision Central

  • A Determine Greeting decision table in the customer-greeting project

1. Download Existing Assets

In this section, you download the GitHub repository to an accessible directory in the file system.

  1. Navigate to the GitHub repository^.

  2. From the Clone or download menu on the GitHub web page, click Download ZIP:

  3. Using your favorite file system navigation tool, locate the downloaded ZIP file and unzip it to a directory in your file system.

    • From this point forward, this location is referred to as $PROJECT_HOME.

2. Import Customer Data Object

  1. In Decision Central, click Create New Asset and select Uploaded file:

  2. Name the uploaded file Customer, and in the file selection field navigate to the file under the $PROJECT_HOME/customer-greeting/src/main/java/com/myteam/customer_greeting directory, then click Ok:

  3. Dismiss the confirmation message by clicking Ok.

    • After the import process, expect the Customer data object to display:

  4. Examine the contents of the Customer data object, by selecting each of the fields and noting the displayed values.

  5. Close the data object by clicking the x in the upper right of the page.

3. Import Determine Salutation Decision Table

  1. In Decision Central, click Create New Asset and select Uploaded file:

  2. In the Create new Uploaded file dialog, name the file Determine Salutation and in Please select a file to upload, navigate to the Determine Salutation.gdst file under the $PROJECT_HOME/customer-greeting/src/main/resources/com/myteam/customer_greeting/ directory, and click Ok:

    • After the import process, expect the Determine Salutation decision table to display.

  3. Examine the contents of the Determine Salutation decision table:

  4. Close the decision table.

4. Import Test Scenarios and Test

  1. Using the same method, repeat the steps to import the following scenarios:

    • Married Female Mrs.scenario

    • Married Male Mr.scenario

    • Single Female Ms.scenario

    • Single Male Mr.scenario

  2. After importing each scenario, run the test and examine the reported results.