ProjectNode + Relational Node ID:0 + Output Columns: 0: infectionid (long) 1: linkid (long) 2: linkcultureid (integer) 3: responsibleculture (byte) 4: culturealternative (string) 5: sampleinsertts (timestamp) 6: specimennumber (string) 7: culturenumber (integer) 8: culturename (string) 9: quotation (string) 10: material (string) 11: sampletime (timestamp) 12: abgram_culturenumber (integer) 13: antibiogrampart (string) 14: resisttype (string) 15: antibiogramculturenr (integer) 16: antibiogramspecimennr (string) 17: antibiogramsampleinsertts (timestamp) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 256 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 0 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 45 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 0 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 46 5: Node Blocks: 45 + Cost Estimates:Estimated Node Cardinality: 53185.15 + Child 0: JoinNode + Relational Node ID:1 + Output Columns: 0: infectionid (long) 1: id (long) 2: linkcultureid (integer) 3: responsibleculture (byte) 4: culturealternative (string) 5: sampleinsertts (timestamp) 6: specimennumber (string) 7: culturenumber (integer) 8: culturename (string) 9: quotation (string) 10: material (string) 11: sampletime (timestamp) 12: culturenumber (integer) 13: antibiogrampart (string) 14: resisttype (string) 15: antibiogramculturenr (integer) 16: antibiogramspecimennr (string) 17: antibiogramsampleinsertts (timestamp) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 256 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 0 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 45 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 0 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 46 5: Node Blocks: 45 + Cost Estimates:Estimated Node Cardinality: 53185.15 + Child 0: JoinNode + Relational Node ID:2 + Output Columns: 0: culturenr (integer) 1: culturespecimennr (string) 2: culturesampleinsertts (timestamp) 3: infectionid (long) 4: id (long) 5: linkcultureid (integer) 6: responsibleculture (byte) 7: culturealternative (string) 8: antibiogramculturenr (integer) 9: antibiogramspecimennr (string) 10: antibiogramsampleinsertts (timestamp) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 12791 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 12 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 18 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 3629 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 49 5: Node Blocks: 24 + Cost Estimates:Estimated Node Cardinality: 9388.227 + Child 0: ProjectNode + Relational Node ID:3 + Output Columns: 0: patientid (integer) 1: expr (string) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 8047 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 4 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 5 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 96 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 8 5: Node Blocks: 0 + Child 0: AccessNode + Relational Node ID:4 + Output Columns:patientid (integer) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 8047 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 1 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 1 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 93 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 4 5: Node Blocks: 0 + Cost Estimates:Estimated Node Cardinality: 8047.0 + Query:SELECT #tmp_admissions.patientid FROM #tmp_admissions + Model Name:__TEMP__ + Select Columns: 0: adm.patientid 1: convert(adm.patientid, string) + Child 1: AccessNode + Relational Node ID:5 + Output Columns: 0: admissionid (string) 1: culturenr (integer) 2: culturespecimennr (string) 3: culturesampleinsertts (timestamp) 4: infectionid (long) 5: id (long) 6: linkcultureid (integer) 7: responsibleculture (byte) 8: culturealternative (string) 9: antibiogramculturenr (integer) 10: antibiogramspecimennr (string) 11: antibiogramsampleinsertts (timestamp) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 14080 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 0 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 1 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 0 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 80 5: Node Blocks: 25 + Cost Estimates:Estimated Node Cardinality: 10953.902 + Query:SELECT g_0.admissionid AS c_0, g_1.culturenr AS c_1, g_1.culturespecimennr AS c_2, g_1.culturesampleinsertts AS c_3, g_0.infectionid AS c_4, AS c_5, g_1.linkcultureid AS c_6, g_1.responsibleculture AS c_7, g_1.culturealternative AS c_8, g_1.antibiogramculturenr AS c_9, g_1.antibiogramspecimennr AS c_10, g_1.antibiogramsampleinsertts AS c_11 FROM cosara2.cos2_links AS g_0, cosara2.cos2_link_culture AS g_1 WHERE g_1.linkid = ORDER BY c_0 + Model Name:cosara2 + Join Strategy:ENHANCED SORT JOIN RAN AS SORT MERGE (SORT/ALREADY_SORTED) + Join Type:INNER JOIN + Join Criteria:convert(adm.patientid, string)=l.admissionid + Child 1: AccessNode + Relational Node ID:6 + Output Columns: 0: culturenumber (integer) 1: specimennumber (string) 2: sampleinsertts (timestamp) 3: culturename (string) 4: quotation (string) 5: material (string) 6: sampletime (timestamp) 7: culturenumber (integer) 8: antibiogrampart (string) 9: resisttype (string) + Statistics: 0: Node Output Rows: 12800 1: Node Next Batch Process Time: 0 2: Node Cumulative Next Batch Process Time: 6 3: Node Cumulative Process Time: 0 4: Node Next Batch Calls: 103 5: Node Blocks: 53 + Cost Estimates:Estimated Node Cardinality: 301224.2 + Query:SELECT g_0.culturenumber AS c_0, g_0.specimennumber AS c_1, g_0.sampleinsertts AS c_2, g_0.culturename AS c_3, g_0.quotation AS c_4, g_1.material AS c_5, g_1.sampletime AS c_6, g_2.culturenumber AS c_7, g_2.antibiogrampart AS c_8, g_2.resisttype AS c_9 FROM (cosara2.cos2_lab_culture AS g_0 LEFT OUTER JOIN cosara2.cos2_lab_sample AS g_1 ON g_1.inserttime = g_0.sampleinsertts AND g_1.specimennumber = g_0.specimennumber) LEFT OUTER JOIN cosara2.cos2_antibiogramresistences AS g_2 ON g_2.specimennumber = g_0.specimennumber AND g_2.culturenumber = g_0.culturenumber AND g_2.sampleinsertts = g_0.sampleinsertts ORDER BY c_0, c_1, c_2 + Model Name:cosara2 + Join Strategy:ENHANCED SORT JOIN RAN AS SORT MERGE (SORT/ALREADY_SORTED) + Join Type:LEFT OUTER JOIN + Join Criteria: 0: lc.culturenr=cl.culturenumber 1: lc.culturespecimennr=cl.specimennumber 2: lc.culturesampleinsertts=cl.sampleinsertts + Select Columns: 0: l.infectionid 1: AS linkid 2: lc.linkcultureid 3: lc.responsibleculture 4: lc.culturealternative 5: cl.sampleinsertts 6: cl.specimennumber 7: cl.culturenumber 8: cl.culturename 9: cl.quotation 10: ls.material 11: ls.sampletime 12: abr.culturenumber AS abgram_culturenumber 13: abr.antibiogrampart 14: abr.resisttype 15: lc.antibiogramculturenr 16: lc.antibiogramspecimennr 17: lc.antibiogramsampleinsertts + Data Bytes Sent:7365 + Planning Time:2