JBoss Fuse 6.2 build 102 JBossFuse:karaf@root> info Karaf Karaf version 2.4.0.redhat-620103 Karaf home /home/jludvice/apps/fuse/jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-102 Karaf base /home/jludvice/apps/fuse/jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-102 OSGi Framework org.apache.felix.framework - 4.4.1 JVM Java Virtual Machine OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM version 24.75-b04 Version 1.7.0_75 Vendor Oracle Corporation Pid 4362 Uptime 56 minutes Total compile time 1 minute Threads Live threads 155 Daemon threads 130 Peak 163 Total started 1247 Memory Current heap size 395,979 kbytes Maximum heap size 520,192 kbytes Committed heap size 520,192 kbytes Pending objects 0 Garbage collector Name = 'PS Scavenge', Collections = 1423, Time = 15.205 seconds Garbage collector Name = 'PS MarkSweep', Collections = 3, Time = 1.565 seconds Classes Current classes loaded 25,936 Total classes loaded 38,365 Total classes unloaded 12,429 Operating system Name Linux version 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 Architecture amd64 Processors 2 build 102 seems broken, it prints NullPointerException during startup 100+ times: ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator$BundleScriptEngineResolver.getScriptNames(Activator.java:211) at org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator$BundleScriptEngineResolver.getScriptNames(Activator.java:207) at org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator$BundleScriptEngineResolver.access$000(Activator.java:188) at org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator.getAvailableScriptNames(Activator.java:115) at org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator.updateAvailableScriptLanguages(Activator.java:135) at org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator.addingBundle(Activator.java:93) at org.apache.camel.impl.osgi.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(BundleTracker.java:431) at org.apache.camel.impl.osgi.tracker.AbstractTracked.trackAdding(AbstractTracked.java:261) at org.apache.camel.impl.osgi.tracker.AbstractTracked.track(AbstractTracked.java:234) at org.apache.camel.impl.osgi.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.bundleChanged(BundleTracker.java:407) at org.apache.felix.framework.util.EventDispatcher.invokeBundleListenerCallback(EventDispatcher.java:869) at org.apache.felix.framework.util.EventDispatcher.fireEventImmediately(EventDispatcher.java:790) at org.apache.felix.framework.util.EventDispatcher.fireBundleEvent(EventDispatcher.java:515) at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.fireBundleEvent(Felix.java:4429) at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(Felix.java:2100) at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(Felix.java:1299) at org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkStartLevelImpl.run(FrameworkStartLevelImpl.java:304) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting test with: Fuse connection parameters: {username='admin', password='admin', host='localhost', port='8101'} these features will be skipped: [fabric-ldap-jaas] -----Found features: 514. Will be tested in following order:-------- 1/514: Feature "cxf-specs" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 2/514: Feature "cxf-jaxb" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 3/514: Feature "cxf-abdera" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 4/514: Feature "wss4j" (2.0.3) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 5/514: Feature "cxf-core" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 6/514: Feature "cxf-wsdl" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 7/514: Feature "cxf-ws-policy" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 8/514: Feature "cxf-ws-addr" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 9/514: Feature "cxf-ws-rm" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 10/514: Feature "cxf-ws-mex" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 11/514: Feature "cxf-ws-security" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 12/514: Feature "cxf-rt-security" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 13/514: Feature "cxf-http" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 14/514: Feature "cxf-http-jetty" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 15/514: Feature "cxf-http-async" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 16/514: Feature "cxf-http-netty-client" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 17/514: Feature "cxf-http-netty-server" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 18/514: Feature "cxf-bindings-soap" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 19/514: Feature "cxf-jaxws" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 20/514: Feature "cxf-jaxrs" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 21/514: Feature "cxf-rs-security-xml" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 22/514: Feature "cxf-rs-security-sso-saml" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 23/514: Feature "cxf-rs-security-cors" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 24/514: Feature "cxf-rs-security-oauth" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 25/514: Feature "cxf-rs-security-jose" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 26/514: Feature "cxf-rs-security-oauth2" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 27/514: Feature "cxf-databinding-aegis" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 28/514: Feature "cxf-databinding-jibx" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 29/514: Feature "cxf-databinding-jaxb" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently installed from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 30/514: Feature "cxf-databinding-xmlbeans" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 31/514: Feature "cxf-features-clustering" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 32/514: Feature "cxf-bindings-corba" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 33/514: Feature "cxf-bindings-coloc" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 34/514: Feature "cxf-bindings-object" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 35/514: Feature "cxf-transports-local" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 36/514: Feature "cxf-transports-jms" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 37/514: Feature "cxf-transports-udp" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 38/514: Feature "cxf-transports-websocket-client" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 39/514: Feature "cxf-transports-websocket-server" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 40/514: Feature "cxf-javascript" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 41/514: Feature "cxf-frontend-javascript" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 42/514: Feature "cxf-xjc-runtime" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 43/514: Feature "cxf-tools" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 44/514: Feature "cxf" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 45/514: Feature "cxf-sts" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 46/514: Feature "cxf-wsn-api" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 47/514: Feature "cxf-wsn" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 48/514: Feature "cxf-ws-discovery-api" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 49/514: Feature "cxf-ws-discovery" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 50/514: Feature "cxf-bean-validation-core" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 51/514: Feature "cxf-bean-validation" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 52/514: Feature "cxf-bean-validation-java6" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 53/514: Feature "cxf-management-web" (3.0.2.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from cxf-3.0.2.redhat-620103 54/514: Feature "activemq-client" (5.11.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from activemq-core-5.11.0.redhat-620103 55/514: Feature "activemq" (5.11.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from activemq-core-5.11.0.redhat-620103 56/514: Feature "patch" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from patch-1.2.0.redhat-102 57/514: Feature "camel-sap" (6.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from camel-sap-6.2.0.redhat-102 58/514: Feature "hawtio-core" (1.4.redhat-103) currently installed from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 59/514: Feature "hawtio" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 60/514: Feature "hawtio-offline" (1.4.redhat-103) currently installed from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 61/514: Feature "hawtio-maven-indexer" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 62/514: Feature "hawtio-karaf-git" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 63/514: Feature "hawtio-git" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 64/514: Feature "hawtio-dev-mode" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 65/514: Feature "hawtio-simple-example" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 66/514: Feature "hawtio-irc-example" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 67/514: Feature "hawtio-social-example" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 68/514: Feature "hawtio-karaf-terminal" (1.4.redhat-103) currently installed from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 69/514: Feature "hawtio-redhat-fuse-branding" (1.4.redhat-103) currently installed from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 70/514: Feature "hawtio-redhat-amq-branding" (1.4.redhat-103) currently installed from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 71/514: Feature "hawtio-fabric8-branding" (1.4.redhat-103) currently uninstalled from hawtio-1.4.redhat-103 72/514: Feature "jclouds-guice" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 73/514: Feature "jclouds" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 74/514: Feature "jclouds-blobstore" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 75/514: Feature "jclouds-compute" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 76/514: Feature "jclouds-management" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 77/514: Feature "jclouds-api-filesystem" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 78/514: Feature "jclouds-api-elasticstack" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 79/514: Feature "jclouds-api-vcloud" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 80/514: Feature "jclouds-api-byon" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 81/514: Feature "jclouds-api-swift" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 82/514: Feature "jclouds-api-openstack-nova" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 83/514: Feature "jclouds-api-openstack-keystone" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 84/514: Feature "jclouds-api-openstack-cinder" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 85/514: Feature "jclouds-api-s3" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 86/514: Feature "jclouds-api-sqs" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 87/514: Feature "jclouds-api-ec2" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 88/514: Feature "jclouds-api-cloudstack" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 89/514: Feature "jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 90/514: Feature "jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 91/514: Feature "jclouds-api-chef" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 92/514: Feature "jclouds-api-sts" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 93/514: Feature "jclouds-api-route53" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 94/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-cloudwatch" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 95/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-ec2" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 96/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-route53" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 97/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-s3" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 98/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-sqs" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 99/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-sts" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 100/514: Feature "jclouds-azureblob" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 101/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudfiles-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 102/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudfiles-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 103/514: Feature "jclouds-dynect" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 104/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 105/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 106/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudserver-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 107/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudserver-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 108/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 109/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 110/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 111/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 112/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 113/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 114/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 115/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 116/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 117/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 118/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 119/514: Feature "jclouds-gogrid" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 120/514: Feature "jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 121/514: Feature "jclouds-glesys" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 122/514: Feature "jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 123/514: Feature "jclouds-hpcloud-compute" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 124/514: Feature "jclouds-openhosting-east1" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 125/514: Feature "jclouds-serverlove-z1-man" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 126/514: Feature "jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 127/514: Feature "jclouds-softlayer" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 128/514: Feature "jclouds-digitalocean" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 129/514: Feature "jclouds-services" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 130/514: Feature "jclouds-commands" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 131/514: Feature "jclouds-chef" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 132/514: Feature "jclouds-url-handler" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 133/514: Feature "service-security" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 134/514: Feature "karaf-framework" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 135/514: Feature "aries-proxy" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 136/514: Feature "aries-blueprint" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 137/514: Feature "features" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 138/514: Feature "admin" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 139/514: Feature "diagnostic" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 140/514: Feature "shell" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 141/514: Feature "deployer" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 142/514: Feature "wrapper" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 143/514: Feature "service-wrapper" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 144/514: Feature "obr" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 145/514: Feature "config" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 146/514: Feature "jetty" (8.1.15.v20140411) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 147/514: Feature "http" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 148/514: Feature "http-whiteboard" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 149/514: Feature "war" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 150/514: Feature "kar" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 151/514: Feature "jaas" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 152/514: Feature "ssh" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 153/514: Feature "management" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 154/514: Feature "eventadmin" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 155/514: Feature "jasypt-encryption" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 156/514: Feature "blueprint-web" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 157/514: Feature "scr" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 158/514: Feature "wrap" (0.0.0) currently uninstalled from karaf-2.4.0.redhat-620103 159/514: Feature "pax-jetty" (8.1.16.v20140903) currently installed from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 160/514: Feature "pax-tomcat" ( currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 161/514: Feature "pax-http" (3.2.0) currently installed from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 162/514: Feature "pax-http-whiteboard" (3.2.0) currently installed from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 163/514: Feature "pax-war" (3.2.0) currently installed from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 164/514: Feature "esb-commands" (6.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fuse-6.2.0.redhat-102 165/514: Feature "saaj" (1.3.21_1) currently uninstalled from fuse-6.2.0.redhat-102 166/514: Feature "pax-url-classpath" (0.0.0) currently installed from fuse-6.2.0.redhat-102 167/514: Feature "jclouds-guice" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 168/514: Feature "jclouds" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 169/514: Feature "jclouds-blobstore" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 170/514: Feature "jclouds-compute" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 171/514: Feature "jclouds-management" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 172/514: Feature "jclouds-api-filesystem" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 173/514: Feature "jclouds-api-elasticstack" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 174/514: Feature "jclouds-api-vcloud" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 175/514: Feature "jclouds-api-byon" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 176/514: Feature "jclouds-api-swift" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 177/514: Feature "jclouds-api-openstack-nova" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 178/514: Feature "jclouds-api-openstack-keystone" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 179/514: Feature "jclouds-api-openstack-cinder" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 180/514: Feature "jclouds-api-s3" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 181/514: Feature "jclouds-api-sqs" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 182/514: Feature "jclouds-api-ec2" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 183/514: Feature "jclouds-api-cloudstack" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 184/514: Feature "jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 185/514: Feature "jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 186/514: Feature "jclouds-api-chef" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 187/514: Feature "jclouds-api-sts" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 188/514: Feature "jclouds-api-route53" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 189/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-cloudwatch" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 190/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-ec2" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 191/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-route53" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 192/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-s3" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 193/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-sqs" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 194/514: Feature "jclouds-aws-sts" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 195/514: Feature "jclouds-azureblob" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 196/514: Feature "jclouds-bluelock-vcloud-zone01" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 197/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudfiles-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 198/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudfiles-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 199/514: Feature "jclouds-dynect" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 200/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 201/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 202/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudonestorage" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 203/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudserver-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 204/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudserver-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 205/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 206/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 207/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 208/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 209/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 210/514: Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 211/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudsigma-zrh" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 212/514: Feature "jclouds-cloudsigma-lvs" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 213/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 214/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 215/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 216/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 217/514: Feature "jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 218/514: Feature "jclouds-gogrid" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 219/514: Feature "jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 220/514: Feature "jclouds-greenhousedata-element-vcloud" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 221/514: Feature "jclouds-glesys" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 222/514: Feature "jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 223/514: Feature "jclouds-hpcloud-compute" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 224/514: Feature "jclouds-ninefold-storage" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 225/514: Feature "jclouds-ninefold-compute" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 226/514: Feature "jclouds-openhosting-east1" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 227/514: Feature "jclouds-serverlove-z1-man" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 228/514: Feature "jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 229/514: Feature "jclouds-softlayer" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 230/514: Feature "jclouds-digitalocean" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 231/514: Feature "jclouds-services" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 232/514: Feature "jclouds-commands" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 233/514: Feature "jclouds-chef" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 234/514: Feature "jclouds-url-handler" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 235/514: Feature "spring-dm" (1.2.1) currently installed from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 236/514: Feature "spring-dm-web" (1.2.1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 237/514: Feature "spring" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently installed from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 238/514: Feature "spring-aspects" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 239/514: Feature "spring-instrument" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 240/514: Feature "spring-jdbc" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 241/514: Feature "spring-jms" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently installed from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 242/514: Feature "spring-struts" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 243/514: Feature "spring-test" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently installed from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 244/514: Feature "spring-orm" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 245/514: Feature "spring-oxm" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 246/514: Feature "spring-tx" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently installed from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 247/514: Feature "spring-web" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 248/514: Feature "spring-web-portlet" (3.2.12.RELEASE_1) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 249/514: Feature "spring-security" (3.1.4.RELEASE) currently uninstalled from spring-2.4.0.redhat-620103 250/514: Feature "support-karaf" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from support-1.2.0.redhat-102 251/514: Feature "support" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from support-1.2.0.redhat-102 252/514: Feature "karaf" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 253/514: Feature "jsr-311" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 254/514: Feature "fabric-zookeeper" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 255/514: Feature "fabric-configadmin" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 256/514: Feature "fabric-agent" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 257/514: Feature "fabric-agent-commands" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 258/514: Feature "fabric-archetype-commands" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 259/514: Feature "fabric-project-deployer" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 260/514: Feature "fabric-web" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 261/514: Feature "fabric-maven-proxy" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 262/514: Feature "fabric" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 263/514: Feature "fabric-core" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 264/514: Feature "fabric-boot-commands" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 265/514: Feature "fabric-commands" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 266/514: Feature "fabric-zookeeper-commands" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 267/514: Feature "fabric-dosgi" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 268/514: Feature "fabric-camel" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 269/514: Feature "fabric-camel-autotest" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 270/514: Feature "fabric-cxf" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 271/514: Feature "fabric-cxf-registry" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 272/514: Feature "mq-fabric" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 273/514: Feature "mq-fabric-http-discovery" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 274/514: Feature "mq-fabric-camel" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 275/514: Feature "camel-amq" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 276/514: Feature "activemq-camel" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 277/514: Feature "fabric-groovy" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 278/514: Feature "fabric-groups" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 279/514: Feature "fabric-jaas" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 280/514: Feature "fabric-ssh" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 281/514: Feature "fabric-jclouds" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 282/514: Feature "insight-kibana" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 283/514: Feature "insight-eshead" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 284/514: Feature "insight-log" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 285/514: Feature "insight-metrics" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 286/514: Feature "insight-elasticsearch" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 287/514: Feature "insight-elasticsearch-log-storage" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 288/514: Feature "insight-elasticsearch-metrics-storage" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 289/514: Feature "insight-camel" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 290/514: Feature "fabric-ldap-apacheds" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 291/514: Feature "fabric-ldap-jaas" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 292/514: Feature "fabric-git" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 293/514: Feature "fabric-git-server" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 294/514: Feature "fabric-redirect" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 295/514: Feature "fabric-rest" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 296/514: Feature "fabric-hawtio" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 297/514: Feature "fabric-hawtio-swagger" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 298/514: Feature "fabric-dynamic-jaxb" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 299/514: Feature "fabric-openshift" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 300/514: Feature "fabric-autoscale" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 301/514: Feature "fabric-vertx" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 302/514: Feature "jolokia" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 303/514: Feature "gateway-core" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 304/514: Feature "gateway-fabric" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 305/514: Feature "swagger" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently installed from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 306/514: Feature "pax-cdi" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 307/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.1" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 308/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.2" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 309/514: Feature "pax-cdi-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 310/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.1-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 311/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.2-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 312/514: Feature "pax-cdi-web" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 313/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.1-web" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 314/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.2-web" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 315/514: Feature "pax-cdi-web-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 316/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.1-web-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 317/514: Feature "pax-cdi-1.2-web-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 318/514: Feature "deltaspike-core" (1.2.1) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 319/514: Feature "deltaspike-jpa" (1.2.1) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 320/514: Feature "deltaspike-partial-bean" (1.2.1) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 321/514: Feature "deltaspike-data" (1.2.1) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 322/514: Feature "xml-specs-api" (2.4.0) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 323/514: Feature "camel" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 324/514: Feature "camel-core" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 325/514: Feature "camel-catalog" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 326/514: Feature "camel-spring" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 327/514: Feature "camel-blueprint" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 328/514: Feature "camel-ahc" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 329/514: Feature "camel-ahc-ws" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 330/514: Feature "camel-amqp" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 331/514: Feature "camel-apns" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 332/514: Feature "camel-atmosphere-websocket" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 333/514: Feature "camel-atom" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 334/514: Feature "camel-avro" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 335/514: Feature "camel-aws" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 336/514: Feature "camel-bam" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 337/514: Feature "camel-base64" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 338/514: Feature "camel-bean-validator" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 339/514: Feature "camel-beanio" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 340/514: Feature "camel-beanstalk" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 341/514: Feature "camel-barcode" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 342/514: Feature "camel-bindy" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 343/514: Feature "camel-box" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 344/514: Feature "camel-cache" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 345/514: Feature "camel-cassandraql" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 346/514: Feature "camel-castor" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 347/514: Feature "camel-chunk" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 348/514: Feature "camel-cmis" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 349/514: Feature "camel-cometd" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 350/514: Feature "camel-context" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 351/514: Feature "camel-couchdb" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 352/514: Feature "camel-crypto" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 353/514: Feature "camel-csv" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 354/514: Feature "camel-cxf" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 355/514: Feature "camel-disruptor" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 356/514: Feature "camel-dns" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 357/514: Feature "camel-dozer" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 358/514: Feature "camel-dropbox" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 359/514: Feature "camel-elasticsearch" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 360/514: Feature "camel-eventadmin" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 361/514: Feature "camel-exec" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 362/514: Feature "camel-facebook" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 363/514: Feature "camel-flatpack" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 364/514: Feature "camel-fop" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 365/514: Feature "camel-freemarker" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 366/514: Feature "camel-ftp" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 367/514: Feature "camel-gae" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 368/514: Feature "camel-ganglia" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 369/514: Feature "camel-geocoder" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 370/514: Feature "camel-github" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 371/514: Feature "camel-google-calendar" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 372/514: Feature "camel-google-drive" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 373/514: Feature "camel-google-mail" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 374/514: Feature "camel-groovy" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 375/514: Feature "camel-gson" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 376/514: Feature "camel-guava-eventbus" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 377/514: Feature "camel-guice" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 378/514: Feature "camel-hawtdb" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 379/514: Feature "camel-hazelcast" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 380/514: Feature "camel-hbase" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 381/514: Feature "camel-hdfs" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 382/514: Feature "camel-hdfs2" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 383/514: Feature "camel-hipchat" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 384/514: Feature "camel-hl7" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 385/514: Feature "camel-http" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 386/514: Feature "camel-http4" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 387/514: Feature "camel-ibatis" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 388/514: Feature "camel-ical" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 389/514: Feature "camel-irc" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 390/514: Feature "camel-jackson" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 391/514: Feature "camel-jasypt" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 392/514: Feature "camel-jaxb" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 393/514: Feature "camel-jclouds" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 394/514: Feature "camel-jcr" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 395/514: Feature "camel-jdbc" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 396/514: Feature "camel-jetty" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 397/514: Feature "camel-jetty9" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 398/514: Feature "camel-jgroups" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 399/514: Feature "camel-jibx" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 400/514: Feature "camel-jing" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 401/514: Feature "camel-jms" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 402/514: Feature "camel-jmx" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 403/514: Feature "camel-josql" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 404/514: Feature "camel-jpa" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 405/514: Feature "camel-jsch" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 406/514: Feature "camel-jsonpath" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 407/514: Feature "camel-jt400" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 408/514: Feature "camel-juel" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 409/514: Feature "camel-jxpath" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 410/514: Feature "camel-kafka" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 411/514: Feature "camel-kestrel" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 412/514: Feature "camel-krati" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 413/514: Feature "camel-ldap" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 414/514: Feature "camel-linkedin" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 415/514: Feature "camel-leveldb" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 416/514: Feature "camel-lucene" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 417/514: Feature "camel-mail" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 418/514: Feature "camel-metrics" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 419/514: Feature "camel-mina" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 420/514: Feature "camel-mina2" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 421/514: Feature "camel-mongodb" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 422/514: Feature "camel-mqtt" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 423/514: Feature "camel-msv" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 424/514: Feature "camel-mustache" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 425/514: Feature "camel-mvel" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 426/514: Feature "camel-mybatis" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 427/514: Feature "camel-nagios" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 428/514: Feature "camel-netty" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 429/514: Feature "camel-netty-http" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 430/514: Feature "camel-netty4" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 431/514: Feature "camel-netty4-http" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 432/514: Feature "camel-ognl" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 433/514: Feature "camel-olingo2" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 434/514: Feature "camel-openshift" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 435/514: Feature "camel-paxlogging" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 436/514: Feature "camel-pgevent" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 437/514: Feature "camel-printer" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 438/514: Feature "camel-protobuf" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 439/514: Feature "camel-quartz" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 440/514: Feature "camel-quartz2" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 441/514: Feature "camel-quickfix" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 442/514: Feature "camel-rabbitmq" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 443/514: Feature "camel-restlet" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 444/514: Feature "camel-rmi" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 445/514: Feature "camel-routebox" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 446/514: Feature "camel-rss" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 447/514: Feature "camel-ruby" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 448/514: Feature "camel-rx" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 449/514: Feature "camel-sap-netweaver" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 450/514: Feature "camel-salesforce" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 451/514: Feature "camel-saxon" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 452/514: Feature "camel-scala" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 453/514: Feature "camel-schematron" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 454/514: Feature "camel-scr" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 455/514: Feature "camel-script-jruby" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 456/514: Feature "camel-script-javascript" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 457/514: Feature "camel-script-groovy" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 458/514: Feature "camel-script" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 459/514: Feature "camel-servlet" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 460/514: Feature "camel-servletlistener" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 461/514: Feature "camel-shiro" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 462/514: Feature "camel-sip" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 463/514: Feature "camel-sjms" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 464/514: Feature "camel-smpp" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 465/514: Feature "camel-snmp" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 466/514: Feature "camel-soap" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 467/514: Feature "camel-solr" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 468/514: Feature "camel-spark-rest" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 469/514: Feature "camel-splunk" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 470/514: Feature "camel-spring-batch" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 471/514: Feature "camel-spring-integration" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 472/514: Feature "camel-spring-javaconfig" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently installed from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 473/514: Feature "camel-spring-ldap" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 474/514: Feature "camel-spring-redis" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 475/514: Feature "camel-spring-security" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 476/514: Feature "camel-spring-ws" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 477/514: Feature "camel-sql" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 478/514: Feature "camel-ssh" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 479/514: Feature "camel-stax" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 480/514: Feature "camel-stream" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 481/514: Feature "camel-stomp" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 482/514: Feature "camel-string-template" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 483/514: Feature "camel-swagger" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 484/514: Feature "camel-syslog" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 485/514: Feature "camel-tagsoup" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 486/514: Feature "camel-test" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 487/514: Feature "camel-test-spring" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 488/514: Feature "camel-twitter" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 489/514: Feature "camel-univocity-parsers" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 490/514: Feature "camel-urlrewrite" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 491/514: Feature "camel-vertx" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 492/514: Feature "camel-velocity" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 493/514: Feature "camel-weather" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 494/514: Feature "camel-websocket" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 495/514: Feature "camel-xmlbeans" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 496/514: Feature "camel-xmljson" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 497/514: Feature "camel-xmlrpc" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 498/514: Feature "camel-xmlsecurity" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 499/514: Feature "camel-xmpp" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 500/514: Feature "camel-xstream" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 501/514: Feature "camel-yammer" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 502/514: Feature "camel-zipfile" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 503/514: Feature "camel-zookeeper" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 504/514: Feature "transaction" (1.1.1) currently installed from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 505/514: Feature "connector" (3.1.1) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 506/514: Feature "jpa" (1.0.2) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 507/514: Feature "hibernate" (4.3.6.Final) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 508/514: Feature "hibernate-envers" (4.3.6.Final) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 509/514: Feature "hibernate-validator" (5.0.3.Final) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 510/514: Feature "jndi" (1.0.0) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 511/514: Feature "jdbc" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 512/514: Feature "jms" (2.4.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 513/514: Feature "weld" (2.1.1.Final) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 514/514: Feature "application-without-isolation" (1.0.0) currently uninstalled from karaf-enterprise-2.4.0.redhat-620103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature 1/514 - cxf-specs is installed. skipping feature 2/514 - cxf-jaxb will be tested feature cxf-jaxb installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-jaxb uninstall result: true feature 3/514 - cxf-abdera will be tested feature cxf-abdera installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-abdera uninstall result: true feature 4/514 - wss4j will be tested feature wss4j installed. Trying to uninstall wss4j uninstall result: true feature 5/514 - cxf-core is installed. skipping feature 6/514 - cxf-wsdl is installed. skipping feature 7/514 - cxf-ws-policy will be tested feature cxf-ws-policy installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-policy uninstall result: true feature 8/514 - cxf-ws-addr will be tested feature cxf-ws-addr installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-addr uninstall result: true feature 9/514 - cxf-ws-rm will be tested feature cxf-ws-rm installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-rm uninstall result: true feature 10/514 - cxf-ws-mex will be tested feature cxf-ws-mex installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-mex uninstall result: true feature 11/514 - cxf-ws-security will be tested feature cxf-ws-security installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-security uninstall result: true feature 12/514 - cxf-rt-security will be tested feature cxf-rt-security installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rt-security uninstall result: true feature 13/514 - cxf-http is installed. skipping feature 14/514 - cxf-http-jetty is installed. skipping feature 15/514 - cxf-http-async will be tested feature cxf-http-async installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-http-async uninstall result: true feature 16/514 - cxf-http-netty-client will be tested feature cxf-http-netty-client installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-http-netty-client uninstall result: true feature 17/514 - cxf-http-netty-server will be tested feature cxf-http-netty-server installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-http-netty-server uninstall result: true feature 18/514 - cxf-bindings-soap is installed. skipping feature 19/514 - cxf-jaxws is installed. skipping feature 20/514 - cxf-jaxrs is installed. skipping feature 21/514 - cxf-rs-security-xml will be tested feature cxf-rs-security-xml installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rs-security-xml uninstall result: true feature 22/514 - cxf-rs-security-sso-saml will be tested feature cxf-rs-security-sso-saml installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rs-security-sso-saml uninstall result: true feature 23/514 - cxf-rs-security-cors will be tested feature cxf-rs-security-cors installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rs-security-cors uninstall result: true feature 24/514 - cxf-rs-security-oauth will be tested feature cxf-rs-security-oauth installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rs-security-oauth uninstall result: true feature 25/514 - cxf-rs-security-jose will be tested feature cxf-rs-security-jose installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rs-security-jose uninstall result: true feature 26/514 - cxf-rs-security-oauth2 will be tested feature cxf-rs-security-oauth2 installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-rs-security-oauth2 uninstall result: true feature 27/514 - cxf-databinding-aegis will be tested feature cxf-databinding-aegis installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-databinding-aegis uninstall result: true feature 28/514 - cxf-databinding-jibx will be tested feature cxf-databinding-jibx installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-databinding-jibx uninstall result: true feature 29/514 - cxf-databinding-jaxb is installed. skipping feature 30/514 - cxf-databinding-xmlbeans will be tested feature cxf-databinding-xmlbeans installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-databinding-xmlbeans uninstall result: true feature 31/514 - cxf-features-clustering will be tested feature cxf-features-clustering installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-features-clustering uninstall result: true feature 32/514 - cxf-bindings-corba will be tested feature cxf-bindings-corba installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-bindings-corba uninstall result: true feature 33/514 - cxf-bindings-coloc will be tested feature cxf-bindings-coloc installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-bindings-coloc uninstall result: true feature 34/514 - cxf-bindings-object will be tested feature cxf-bindings-object installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-bindings-object uninstall result: true feature 35/514 - cxf-transports-local will be tested feature cxf-transports-local installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-transports-local uninstall result: true feature 36/514 - cxf-transports-jms will be tested feature cxf-transports-jms installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-transports-jms uninstall result: true feature 37/514 - cxf-transports-udp will be tested feature cxf-transports-udp installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-transports-udp uninstall result: true feature 38/514 - cxf-transports-websocket-client will be tested feature cxf-transports-websocket-client installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-transports-websocket-client uninstall result: true feature 39/514 - cxf-transports-websocket-server will be tested feature cxf-transports-websocket-server installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-transports-websocket-server uninstall result: true feature 40/514 - cxf-javascript will be tested feature cxf-javascript installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-javascript uninstall result: true feature 41/514 - cxf-frontend-javascript will be tested feature cxf-frontend-javascript installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-frontend-javascript uninstall result: true feature 42/514 - cxf-xjc-runtime will be tested feature cxf-xjc-runtime installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-xjc-runtime uninstall result: true feature 43/514 - cxf-tools will be tested feature cxf-tools installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-tools uninstall result: true feature 44/514 - cxf will be tested feature cxf installed. Trying to uninstall cxf uninstall result: true feature 45/514 - cxf-sts will be tested feature cxf-sts installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-sts uninstall result: true feature 46/514 - cxf-wsn-api will be tested feature cxf-wsn-api installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-wsn-api uninstall result: true feature 47/514 - cxf-wsn will be tested feature cxf-wsn installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-wsn uninstall result: true feature 48/514 - cxf-ws-discovery-api will be tested feature cxf-ws-discovery-api installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-discovery-api uninstall result: true feature 49/514 - cxf-ws-discovery will be tested feature cxf-ws-discovery installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-ws-discovery uninstall result: true feature 50/514 - cxf-bean-validation-core will be tested feature cxf-bean-validation-core installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-bean-validation-core uninstall result: true feature 51/514 - cxf-bean-validation will be tested feature cxf-bean-validation installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-bean-validation uninstall result: true feature 52/514 - cxf-bean-validation-java6 will be tested feature cxf-bean-validation-java6 installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-bean-validation-java6 uninstall result: true feature 53/514 - cxf-management-web will be tested feature cxf-management-web installed. Trying to uninstall cxf-management-web uninstall result: true feature 54/514 - activemq-client is installed. skipping feature 55/514 - activemq is installed. skipping feature 56/514 - patch is installed. skipping feature 57/514 - camel-sap will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-sap" (6.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from camel-sap-6.2.0.redhat-102 failed for reason: Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.jco.ext)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.jco)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.idoc)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.jco.server)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.idoc.jco)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component  feature 58/514 - hawtio-core is installed. skipping feature 59/514 - hawtio will be tested feature hawtio installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio uninstall result: true feature 60/514 - hawtio-offline is installed. skipping feature 61/514 - hawtio-maven-indexer will be tested feature hawtio-maven-indexer installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-maven-indexer uninstall result: true feature 62/514 - hawtio-karaf-git will be tested feature hawtio-karaf-git installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-karaf-git uninstall result: true feature 63/514 - hawtio-git will be tested feature hawtio-git installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-git uninstall result: true feature 64/514 - hawtio-dev-mode will be tested feature hawtio-dev-mode installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-dev-mode uninstall result: true feature 65/514 - hawtio-simple-example will be tested feature hawtio-simple-example installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-simple-example uninstall result: true feature 66/514 - hawtio-irc-example will be tested feature hawtio-irc-example installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-irc-example uninstall result: true feature 67/514 - hawtio-social-example will be tested feature hawtio-social-example installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-social-example uninstall result: true feature 68/514 - hawtio-karaf-terminal is installed. skipping feature 69/514 - hawtio-redhat-fuse-branding is installed. skipping feature 70/514 - hawtio-redhat-amq-branding is installed. skipping feature 71/514 - hawtio-fabric8-branding will be tested feature hawtio-fabric8-branding installed. Trying to uninstall hawtio-fabric8-branding uninstall result: true feature 72/514 - jclouds-guice will be tested feature jclouds-guice installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-guice uninstall result: true feature 73/514 - jclouds will be tested feature jclouds installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds uninstall result: true feature 74/514 - jclouds-blobstore will be tested feature jclouds-blobstore installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-blobstore uninstall result: true feature 75/514 - jclouds-compute will be tested feature jclouds-compute installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-compute uninstall result: true feature 76/514 - jclouds-management will be tested feature jclouds-management installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-management uninstall result: true feature 77/514 - jclouds-api-filesystem will be tested feature jclouds-api-filesystem installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-filesystem uninstall result: true feature 78/514 - jclouds-api-elasticstack will be tested feature jclouds-api-elasticstack installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-elasticstack uninstall result: true feature 79/514 - jclouds-api-vcloud will be tested feature jclouds-api-vcloud installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-vcloud uninstall result: true feature 80/514 - jclouds-api-byon will be tested feature jclouds-api-byon installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-byon uninstall result: true feature 81/514 - jclouds-api-swift will be tested feature jclouds-api-swift installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-swift uninstall result: true feature 82/514 - jclouds-api-openstack-nova will be tested feature jclouds-api-openstack-nova installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-openstack-nova uninstall result: true feature 83/514 - jclouds-api-openstack-keystone will be tested feature jclouds-api-openstack-keystone installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-openstack-keystone uninstall result: true feature 84/514 - jclouds-api-openstack-cinder will be tested feature jclouds-api-openstack-cinder installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-openstack-cinder uninstall result: true feature 85/514 - jclouds-api-s3 will be tested feature jclouds-api-s3 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-s3 uninstall result: true feature 86/514 - jclouds-api-sqs will be tested feature jclouds-api-sqs installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-sqs uninstall result: true feature 87/514 - jclouds-api-ec2 will be tested feature jclouds-api-ec2 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-ec2 uninstall result: true feature 88/514 - jclouds-api-cloudstack will be tested feature jclouds-api-cloudstack installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-cloudstack uninstall result: true feature 89/514 - jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity will be tested feature jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity uninstall result: true feature 90/514 - jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns will be tested feature jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns uninstall result: true feature 91/514 - jclouds-api-chef will be tested feature jclouds-api-chef installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-chef uninstall result: true feature 92/514 - jclouds-api-sts will be tested feature jclouds-api-sts installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-sts uninstall result: true feature 93/514 - jclouds-api-route53 will be tested feature jclouds-api-route53 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-route53 uninstall result: true feature 94/514 - jclouds-aws-cloudwatch will be tested feature jclouds-aws-cloudwatch installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-cloudwatch uninstall result: true feature 95/514 - jclouds-aws-ec2 will be tested feature jclouds-aws-ec2 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-ec2 uninstall result: true feature 96/514 - jclouds-aws-route53 will be tested feature jclouds-aws-route53 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-route53 uninstall result: true feature 97/514 - jclouds-aws-s3 will be tested feature jclouds-aws-s3 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-s3 uninstall result: true feature 98/514 - jclouds-aws-sqs will be tested feature jclouds-aws-sqs installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-sqs uninstall result: true feature 99/514 - jclouds-aws-sts will be tested feature jclouds-aws-sts installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-sts uninstall result: true feature 100/514 - jclouds-azureblob will be tested feature jclouds-azureblob installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-azureblob uninstall result: true feature 101/514 - jclouds-cloudfiles-uk will be tested feature jclouds-cloudfiles-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudfiles-uk uninstall result: true feature 102/514 - jclouds-cloudfiles-us will be tested feature jclouds-cloudfiles-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudfiles-us uninstall result: true feature 103/514 - jclouds-dynect will be tested feature jclouds-dynect installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-dynect uninstall result: true feature 104/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us will be tested installation of feature Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 failed for reason: Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [474]: Unable to resolve 474.0: missing requirement [474.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 473.0: missing requirement [473.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  feature 105/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk will be tested installation of feature Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 failed for reason: Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [477]: Unable to resolve 477.0: missing requirement [477.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 476.0: missing requirement [476.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  feature 106/514 - jclouds-cloudserver-uk will be tested feature jclouds-cloudserver-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudserver-uk uninstall result: true feature 107/514 - jclouds-cloudserver-us will be tested feature jclouds-cloudserver-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudserver-us uninstall result: true feature 108/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us uninstall result: true feature 109/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk uninstall result: true feature 110/514 - jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us uninstall result: true feature 111/514 - jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk uninstall result: true feature 112/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us uninstall result: true feature 113/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk uninstall result: true feature 114/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b uninstall result: true feature 115/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p uninstall result: true feature 116/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p uninstall result: true feature 117/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p uninstall result: true feature 118/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p uninstall result: true feature 119/514 - jclouds-gogrid will be tested feature jclouds-gogrid installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-gogrid uninstall result: true feature 120/514 - jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1 will be tested feature jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1 uninstall result: true feature 121/514 - jclouds-glesys will be tested feature jclouds-glesys installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-glesys uninstall result: true feature 122/514 - jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage will be tested feature jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage uninstall result: true feature 123/514 - jclouds-hpcloud-compute will be tested feature jclouds-hpcloud-compute installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-hpcloud-compute uninstall result: true feature 124/514 - jclouds-openhosting-east1 will be tested feature jclouds-openhosting-east1 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-openhosting-east1 uninstall result: true feature 125/514 - jclouds-serverlove-z1-man will be tested feature jclouds-serverlove-z1-man installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-serverlove-z1-man uninstall result: true feature 126/514 - jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my will be tested feature jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my uninstall result: true feature 127/514 - jclouds-softlayer will be tested feature jclouds-softlayer installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-softlayer uninstall result: true feature 128/514 - jclouds-digitalocean will be tested feature jclouds-digitalocean installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-digitalocean uninstall result: true feature 129/514 - jclouds-services will be tested feature jclouds-services installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-services uninstall result: true feature 130/514 - jclouds-commands will be tested feature jclouds-commands installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-commands uninstall result: true feature 131/514 - jclouds-chef will be tested feature jclouds-chef installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-chef uninstall result: true feature 132/514 - jclouds-url-handler will be tested feature jclouds-url-handler installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-url-handler uninstall result: true feature 133/514 - service-security will be tested feature service-security installed. Trying to uninstall service-security uninstall result: true feature 134/514 - karaf-framework will be tested feature karaf-framework installed. Trying to uninstall karaf-framework uninstall result: true feature 135/514 - aries-proxy is installed. skipping feature 136/514 - aries-blueprint is installed. skipping feature 137/514 - features will be tested feature features installed. Trying to uninstall features uninstall result: true feature 138/514 - admin will be tested feature admin installed. Trying to uninstall admin uninstall result: true feature 139/514 - diagnostic will be tested feature diagnostic installed. Trying to uninstall diagnostic uninstall result: true feature 140/514 - shell is installed. skipping feature 141/514 - deployer will be tested feature deployer installed. Trying to uninstall deployer uninstall result: true feature 142/514 - wrapper will be tested feature wrapper installed. Trying to uninstall wrapper uninstall result: true feature 143/514 - service-wrapper will be tested feature service-wrapper installed. Trying to uninstall service-wrapper uninstall result: true feature 144/514 - obr will be tested feature obr installed. Trying to uninstall obr uninstall result: true feature 145/514 - config is installed. skipping feature 146/514 - jetty is installed. skipping feature 147/514 - http is installed. skipping feature 148/514 - http-whiteboard is installed. skipping feature 149/514 - war is installed. skipping feature 150/514 - kar will be tested feature kar installed. Trying to uninstall kar uninstall result: true feature 151/514 - jaas is installed. skipping feature 152/514 - ssh will be tested feature ssh installed. Trying to uninstall ssh uninstall result: true feature 153/514 - management is installed. skipping feature 154/514 - eventadmin will be tested feature eventadmin installed. Trying to uninstall eventadmin uninstall result: true feature 155/514 - jasypt-encryption is installed. skipping feature 156/514 - blueprint-web will be tested feature blueprint-web installed. Trying to uninstall blueprint-web uninstall result: true feature 157/514 - scr is installed. skipping feature 158/514 - wrap will be tested feature wrap installed. Trying to uninstall wrap uninstall result: true feature 159/514 - pax-jetty is installed. skipping feature 160/514 - pax-tomcat will be tested installation of feature Feature "pax-tomcat" ( currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 failed for reason: ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.ext.tomcat/catalina/ in feature(s) pax-tomcat- Unresolved constraint in bundle org.apache.geronimo.ext.tomcat.catalina [573]: Unable to resolve 573.0: missing requirement [573.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.persistence)(version>=1.1.0))  feature 161/514 - pax-http is installed. skipping feature 162/514 - pax-http-whiteboard is installed. skipping feature 163/514 - pax-war is installed. skipping feature 164/514 - esb-commands will be tested feature esb-commands installed. Trying to uninstall esb-commands uninstall result: true feature 165/514 - saaj will be tested feature saaj installed. Trying to uninstall saaj uninstall result: true feature 166/514 - pax-url-classpath is installed. skipping feature 167/514 - jclouds-guice will be tested feature jclouds-guice installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-guice uninstall result: true feature 168/514 - jclouds will be tested feature jclouds installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds uninstall result: true feature 169/514 - jclouds-blobstore will be tested feature jclouds-blobstore installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-blobstore uninstall result: true feature 170/514 - jclouds-compute will be tested feature jclouds-compute installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-compute uninstall result: true feature 171/514 - jclouds-management will be tested feature jclouds-management installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-management uninstall result: true feature 172/514 - jclouds-api-filesystem will be tested feature jclouds-api-filesystem installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-filesystem uninstall result: true feature 173/514 - jclouds-api-elasticstack will be tested feature jclouds-api-elasticstack installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-elasticstack uninstall result: true feature 174/514 - jclouds-api-vcloud will be tested feature jclouds-api-vcloud installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-vcloud uninstall result: true feature 175/514 - jclouds-api-byon will be tested feature jclouds-api-byon installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-byon uninstall result: true feature 176/514 - jclouds-api-swift will be tested feature jclouds-api-swift installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-swift uninstall result: true feature 177/514 - jclouds-api-openstack-nova will be tested feature jclouds-api-openstack-nova installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-openstack-nova uninstall result: true feature 178/514 - jclouds-api-openstack-keystone will be tested feature jclouds-api-openstack-keystone installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-openstack-keystone uninstall result: true feature 179/514 - jclouds-api-openstack-cinder will be tested feature jclouds-api-openstack-cinder installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-openstack-cinder uninstall result: true feature 180/514 - jclouds-api-s3 will be tested feature jclouds-api-s3 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-s3 uninstall result: true feature 181/514 - jclouds-api-sqs will be tested feature jclouds-api-sqs installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-sqs uninstall result: true feature 182/514 - jclouds-api-ec2 will be tested feature jclouds-api-ec2 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-ec2 uninstall result: true feature 183/514 - jclouds-api-cloudstack will be tested feature jclouds-api-cloudstack installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-cloudstack uninstall result: true feature 184/514 - jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity will be tested feature jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-rackspace-cloudidentity uninstall result: true feature 185/514 - jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns will be tested feature jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-rackspace-clouddns uninstall result: true feature 186/514 - jclouds-api-chef will be tested feature jclouds-api-chef installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-chef uninstall result: true feature 187/514 - jclouds-api-sts will be tested feature jclouds-api-sts installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-sts uninstall result: true feature 188/514 - jclouds-api-route53 will be tested feature jclouds-api-route53 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-api-route53 uninstall result: true feature 189/514 - jclouds-aws-cloudwatch will be tested feature jclouds-aws-cloudwatch installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-cloudwatch uninstall result: true feature 190/514 - jclouds-aws-ec2 will be tested feature jclouds-aws-ec2 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-ec2 uninstall result: true feature 191/514 - jclouds-aws-route53 will be tested feature jclouds-aws-route53 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-route53 uninstall result: true feature 192/514 - jclouds-aws-s3 will be tested feature jclouds-aws-s3 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-s3 uninstall result: true feature 193/514 - jclouds-aws-sqs will be tested feature jclouds-aws-sqs installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-sqs uninstall result: true feature 194/514 - jclouds-aws-sts will be tested feature jclouds-aws-sts installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-aws-sts uninstall result: true feature 195/514 - jclouds-azureblob will be tested feature jclouds-azureblob installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-azureblob uninstall result: true feature 196/514 - jclouds-bluelock-vcloud-zone01 will be tested feature jclouds-bluelock-vcloud-zone01 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-bluelock-vcloud-zone01 uninstall result: true feature 197/514 - jclouds-cloudfiles-uk will be tested feature jclouds-cloudfiles-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudfiles-uk uninstall result: true feature 198/514 - jclouds-cloudfiles-us will be tested feature jclouds-cloudfiles-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudfiles-us uninstall result: true feature 199/514 - jclouds-dynect will be tested feature jclouds-dynect installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-dynect uninstall result: true feature 200/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us will be tested installation of feature Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 failed for reason: Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [598]: Unable to resolve 598.0: missing requirement [598.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 597.0: missing requirement [597.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  feature 201/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk will be tested installation of feature Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 failed for reason: Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [601]: Unable to resolve 601.0: missing requirement [601.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 600.0: missing requirement [600.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  feature 202/514 - jclouds-cloudonestorage will be tested feature jclouds-cloudonestorage installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudonestorage uninstall result: true feature 203/514 - jclouds-cloudserver-uk will be tested feature jclouds-cloudserver-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudserver-uk uninstall result: true feature 204/514 - jclouds-cloudserver-us will be tested feature jclouds-cloudserver-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudserver-us uninstall result: true feature 205/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-us uninstall result: true feature 206/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudservers-uk uninstall result: true feature 207/514 - jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-us uninstall result: true feature 208/514 - jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk uninstall result: true feature 209/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us uninstall result: true feature 210/514 - jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk will be tested feature jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk uninstall result: true feature 211/514 - jclouds-cloudsigma-zrh will be tested feature jclouds-cloudsigma-zrh installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudsigma-zrh uninstall result: true feature 212/514 - jclouds-cloudsigma-lvs will be tested feature jclouds-cloudsigma-lvs installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-cloudsigma-lvs uninstall result: true feature 213/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-lon-b uninstall result: true feature 214/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-lon-p uninstall result: true feature 215/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-sat-p uninstall result: true feature 216/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-lax-p uninstall result: true feature 217/514 - jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p will be tested feature jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-elastichosts-tor-p uninstall result: true feature 218/514 - jclouds-gogrid will be tested feature jclouds-gogrid installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-gogrid uninstall result: true feature 219/514 - jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1 will be tested feature jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-go2cloud-jhb1 uninstall result: true feature 220/514 - jclouds-greenhousedata-element-vcloud will be tested feature jclouds-greenhousedata-element-vcloud installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-greenhousedata-element-vcloud uninstall result: true feature 221/514 - jclouds-glesys will be tested feature jclouds-glesys installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-glesys uninstall result: true feature 222/514 - jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage will be tested feature jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-hpcloud-objectstorage uninstall result: true feature 223/514 - jclouds-hpcloud-compute will be tested feature jclouds-hpcloud-compute installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-hpcloud-compute uninstall result: true feature 224/514 - jclouds-ninefold-storage will be tested feature jclouds-ninefold-storage installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-ninefold-storage uninstall result: true feature 225/514 - jclouds-ninefold-compute will be tested feature jclouds-ninefold-compute installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-ninefold-compute uninstall result: true feature 226/514 - jclouds-openhosting-east1 will be tested feature jclouds-openhosting-east1 installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-openhosting-east1 uninstall result: true feature 227/514 - jclouds-serverlove-z1-man will be tested feature jclouds-serverlove-z1-man installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-serverlove-z1-man uninstall result: true feature 228/514 - jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my will be tested feature jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-skalicloud-sdg-my uninstall result: true feature 229/514 - jclouds-softlayer will be tested feature jclouds-softlayer installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-softlayer uninstall result: true feature 230/514 - jclouds-digitalocean will be tested feature jclouds-digitalocean installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-digitalocean uninstall result: true feature 231/514 - jclouds-services will be tested feature jclouds-services installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-services uninstall result: true feature 232/514 - jclouds-commands will be tested feature jclouds-commands installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-commands uninstall result: true feature 233/514 - jclouds-chef will be tested feature jclouds-chef installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-chef uninstall result: true feature 234/514 - jclouds-url-handler will be tested feature jclouds-url-handler installed. Trying to uninstall jclouds-url-handler uninstall result: true feature 235/514 - spring-dm is installed. skipping feature 236/514 - spring-dm-web will be tested feature spring-dm-web installed. Trying to uninstall spring-dm-web uninstall result: true feature 237/514 - spring is installed. skipping feature 238/514 - spring-aspects will be tested feature spring-aspects installed. Trying to uninstall spring-aspects uninstall result: true feature 239/514 - spring-instrument will be tested feature spring-instrument installed. Trying to uninstall spring-instrument uninstall result: true feature 240/514 - spring-jdbc will be tested feature spring-jdbc installed. Trying to uninstall spring-jdbc uninstall result: true feature 241/514 - spring-jms is installed. skipping feature 242/514 - spring-struts will be tested feature spring-struts installed. Trying to uninstall spring-struts uninstall result: true feature 243/514 - spring-test is installed. skipping feature 244/514 - spring-orm will be tested feature spring-orm installed. Trying to uninstall spring-orm uninstall result: true feature 245/514 - spring-oxm will be tested feature spring-oxm installed. Trying to uninstall spring-oxm uninstall result: true feature 246/514 - spring-tx is installed. skipping feature 247/514 - spring-web will be tested feature spring-web installed. Trying to uninstall spring-web uninstall result: true feature 248/514 - spring-web-portlet will be tested feature spring-web-portlet installed. Trying to uninstall spring-web-portlet uninstall result: true feature 249/514 - spring-security will be tested feature spring-security installed. Trying to uninstall spring-security uninstall result: true feature 250/514 - support-karaf is installed. skipping feature 251/514 - support is installed. skipping feature 252/514 - karaf is installed. skipping feature 253/514 - jsr-311 is installed. skipping feature 254/514 - fabric-zookeeper is installed. skipping feature 255/514 - fabric-configadmin will be tested feature fabric-configadmin installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-configadmin uninstall result: true feature 256/514 - fabric-agent is installed. skipping feature 257/514 - fabric-agent-commands will be tested feature fabric-agent-commands installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-agent-commands uninstall result: true feature 258/514 - fabric-archetype-commands will be tested feature fabric-archetype-commands installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-archetype-commands uninstall result: true feature 259/514 - fabric-project-deployer is installed. skipping feature 260/514 - fabric-web will be tested feature fabric-web installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-web uninstall result: true feature 261/514 - fabric-maven-proxy is installed. skipping feature 262/514 - fabric is installed. skipping feature 263/514 - fabric-core is installed. skipping feature 264/514 - fabric-boot-commands is installed. skipping feature 265/514 - fabric-commands is installed. skipping feature 266/514 - fabric-zookeeper-commands will be tested feature fabric-zookeeper-commands installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-zookeeper-commands uninstall result: true feature 267/514 - fabric-dosgi will be tested feature fabric-dosgi installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-dosgi uninstall result: true feature 268/514 - fabric-camel will be tested feature fabric-camel installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-camel uninstall result: true feature 269/514 - fabric-camel-autotest will be tested feature fabric-camel-autotest installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-camel-autotest uninstall result: true feature 270/514 - fabric-cxf is installed. skipping feature 271/514 - fabric-cxf-registry is installed. skipping feature 272/514 - mq-fabric is installed. skipping feature 273/514 - mq-fabric-http-discovery will be tested feature mq-fabric-http-discovery installed. Trying to uninstall mq-fabric-http-discovery uninstall result: true feature 274/514 - mq-fabric-camel will be tested feature mq-fabric-camel installed. Trying to uninstall mq-fabric-camel uninstall result: true feature 275/514 - camel-amq is installed. skipping feature 276/514 - activemq-camel will be tested feature activemq-camel installed. Trying to uninstall activemq-camel uninstall result: true feature 277/514 - fabric-groovy will be tested feature fabric-groovy installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-groovy uninstall result: true feature 278/514 - fabric-groups is installed. skipping feature 279/514 - fabric-jaas is installed. skipping feature 280/514 - fabric-ssh will be tested feature fabric-ssh installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-ssh uninstall result: true feature 281/514 - fabric-jclouds will be tested installation of feature Feature "fabric-jclouds" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 failed for reason: Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- service:(service=io.fabric8.api.ZooKeeperClusterService) Fabric8 :: Core Agent JClouds service:(service=org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework) Fabric8 :: Core Agent JClouds service:(service=io.fabric8.api.FabricService) Fabric8 :: Core Agent JClouds  feature 282/514 - insight-kibana will be tested feature insight-kibana installed. Trying to uninstall insight-kibana uninstall result: true feature 283/514 - insight-eshead will be tested feature insight-eshead installed. Trying to uninstall insight-eshead uninstall result: true feature 284/514 - insight-log will be tested feature insight-log installed. Trying to uninstall insight-log uninstall result: true feature 285/514 - insight-metrics will be tested feature insight-metrics installed. Trying to uninstall insight-metrics uninstall result: true feature 286/514 - insight-elasticsearch will be tested feature insight-elasticsearch installed. Trying to uninstall insight-elasticsearch uninstall result: true feature 287/514 - insight-elasticsearch-log-storage will be tested feature insight-elasticsearch-log-storage installed. Trying to uninstall insight-elasticsearch-log-storage uninstall result: true feature 288/514 - insight-elasticsearch-metrics-storage will be tested feature insight-elasticsearch-metrics-storage installed. Trying to uninstall insight-elasticsearch-metrics-storage uninstall result: true feature 289/514 - insight-camel will be tested feature insight-camel installed. Trying to uninstall insight-camel uninstall result: true feature 290/514 - fabric-ldap-apacheds will be tested feature fabric-ldap-apacheds installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-ldap-apacheds uninstall result: true feature is on blacklist and won't be tested: fabric-ldap-jaas feature 292/514 - fabric-git is installed. skipping feature 293/514 - fabric-git-server is installed. skipping feature 294/514 - fabric-redirect is installed. skipping feature 295/514 - fabric-rest is installed. skipping feature 296/514 - fabric-hawtio will be tested feature fabric-hawtio installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-hawtio uninstall result: true feature 297/514 - fabric-hawtio-swagger will be tested feature fabric-hawtio-swagger installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-hawtio-swagger uninstall result: true feature 298/514 - fabric-dynamic-jaxb will be tested feature fabric-dynamic-jaxb installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-dynamic-jaxb uninstall result: true feature 299/514 - fabric-openshift will be tested feature fabric-openshift installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-openshift uninstall result: true feature 300/514 - fabric-autoscale will be tested feature fabric-autoscale installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-autoscale uninstall result: true feature 301/514 - fabric-vertx will be tested feature fabric-vertx installed. Trying to uninstall fabric-vertx uninstall result: true feature 302/514 - jolokia will be tested feature jolokia installed. Trying to uninstall jolokia uninstall result: true feature 303/514 - gateway-core will be tested feature gateway-core installed. Trying to uninstall gateway-core uninstall result: true feature 304/514 - gateway-fabric will be tested feature gateway-fabric installed. Trying to uninstall gateway-fabric uninstall result: true feature 305/514 - swagger is installed. skipping feature 306/514 - pax-cdi will be tested feature pax-cdi installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi uninstall result: true feature 307/514 - pax-cdi-1.1 will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.1 installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.1 uninstall result: true feature 308/514 - pax-cdi-1.2 will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.2 installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.2 uninstall result: true feature 309/514 - pax-cdi-weld will be tested feature pax-cdi-weld installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-weld uninstall result: true feature 310/514 - pax-cdi-1.1-weld will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.1-weld installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.1-weld uninstall result: true feature 311/514 - pax-cdi-1.2-weld will be tested installation of feature Feature "pax-cdi-1.2-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 failed for reason: ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.cdi/pax-cdi-weld/0.11.0 in feature(s) pax-cdi-1.2-weld-0.11.0, pax-cdi-weld-0.11.0, pax-cdi-1.1-weld-0.11.0: Uses constraint violation. Unable to resolve bundle revision org.ops4j.pax.cdi.weld [795.0] because it is exposed to package 'javax.enterprise.inject.spi' from bundle revisions org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec [779.0] and javax.enterprise.cdi-api [791.0] via two dependency chains. Chain 1: org.ops4j.pax.cdi.weld [795.0] import: (osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi) | export: osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec [779.0] Chain 2: org.ops4j.pax.cdi.weld [795.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi)(version>=1.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi; uses:=javax.enterprise.inject.spi org.jboss.weld.osgi-bundle [790.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi)(version>=1.1.0)) | export: osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi javax.enterprise.cdi-api [791.0]  feature 312/514 - pax-cdi-web will be tested feature pax-cdi-web installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-web uninstall result: true feature 313/514 - pax-cdi-1.1-web will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.1-web installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.1-web uninstall result: true feature 314/514 - pax-cdi-1.2-web will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.2-web installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.2-web uninstall result: true feature 315/514 - pax-cdi-web-weld will be tested feature pax-cdi-web-weld installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-web-weld uninstall result: true feature 316/514 - pax-cdi-1.1-web-weld will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.1-web-weld installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.1-web-weld uninstall result: true feature 317/514 - pax-cdi-1.2-web-weld will be tested feature pax-cdi-1.2-web-weld installed. Trying to uninstall pax-cdi-1.2-web-weld uninstall result: true feature 318/514 - deltaspike-core will be tested feature deltaspike-core installed. Trying to uninstall deltaspike-core uninstall result: true feature 319/514 - deltaspike-jpa will be tested feature deltaspike-jpa installed. Trying to uninstall deltaspike-jpa uninstall result: true feature 320/514 - deltaspike-partial-bean will be tested feature deltaspike-partial-bean installed. Trying to uninstall deltaspike-partial-bean uninstall result: true feature 321/514 - deltaspike-data will be tested feature deltaspike-data installed. Trying to uninstall deltaspike-data uninstall result: true feature 322/514 - xml-specs-api is installed. skipping feature 323/514 - camel is installed. skipping feature 324/514 - camel-core is installed. skipping feature 325/514 - camel-catalog will be tested feature camel-catalog installed. Trying to uninstall camel-catalog uninstall result: true feature 326/514 - camel-spring is installed. skipping feature 327/514 - camel-blueprint is installed. skipping feature 328/514 - camel-ahc will be tested feature camel-ahc installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ahc uninstall result: true feature 329/514 - camel-ahc-ws will be tested feature camel-ahc-ws installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ahc-ws uninstall result: true feature 330/514 - camel-amqp will be tested feature camel-amqp installed. Trying to uninstall camel-amqp uninstall result: true feature 331/514 - camel-apns will be tested feature camel-apns installed. Trying to uninstall camel-apns uninstall result: true feature 332/514 - camel-atmosphere-websocket will be tested feature camel-atmosphere-websocket installed. Trying to uninstall camel-atmosphere-websocket uninstall result: true feature 333/514 - camel-atom will be tested feature camel-atom installed. Trying to uninstall camel-atom uninstall result: true feature 334/514 - camel-avro will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-avro" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.xerial.snappy/snappy-java/ in feature(s) camel-avro-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hdfs2-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hbase-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Activator start error in bundle org.xerial.snappy.snappy-java [846].  feature 335/514 - camel-aws will be tested feature camel-aws installed. Trying to uninstall camel-aws uninstall result: true feature 336/514 - camel-bam will be tested feature camel-bam installed. Trying to uninstall camel-bam uninstall result: true feature 337/514 - camel-base64 will be tested feature camel-base64 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-base64 uninstall result: true feature 338/514 - camel-bean-validator will be tested feature camel-bean-validator installed. Trying to uninstall camel-bean-validator uninstall result: true feature 339/514 - camel-beanio will be tested feature camel-beanio installed. Trying to uninstall camel-beanio uninstall result: true feature 340/514 - camel-beanstalk will be tested feature camel-beanstalk installed. Trying to uninstall camel-beanstalk uninstall result: true feature 341/514 - camel-barcode will be tested feature camel-barcode installed. Trying to uninstall camel-barcode uninstall result: true feature 342/514 - camel-bindy is installed. skipping feature 343/514 - camel-box will be tested feature camel-box installed. Trying to uninstall camel-box uninstall result: true feature 344/514 - camel-cache will be tested feature camel-cache installed. Trying to uninstall camel-cache uninstall result: true feature 345/514 - camel-cassandraql will be tested feature camel-cassandraql installed. Trying to uninstall camel-cassandraql uninstall result: true feature 346/514 - camel-castor will be tested feature camel-castor installed. Trying to uninstall camel-castor uninstall result: true feature 347/514 - camel-chunk will be tested feature camel-chunk installed. Trying to uninstall camel-chunk uninstall result: true feature 348/514 - camel-cmis will be tested feature camel-cmis installed. Trying to uninstall camel-cmis uninstall result: true feature 349/514 - camel-cometd will be tested feature camel-cometd installed. Trying to uninstall camel-cometd uninstall result: true feature 350/514 - camel-context will be tested feature camel-context installed. Trying to uninstall camel-context uninstall result: true feature 351/514 - camel-couchdb will be tested feature camel-couchdb installed. Trying to uninstall camel-couchdb uninstall result: true feature 352/514 - camel-crypto will be tested feature camel-crypto installed. Trying to uninstall camel-crypto uninstall result: true feature 353/514 - camel-csv is installed. skipping feature 354/514 - camel-cxf is installed. skipping feature 355/514 - camel-disruptor will be tested feature camel-disruptor installed. Trying to uninstall camel-disruptor uninstall result: true feature 356/514 - camel-dns will be tested feature camel-dns installed. Trying to uninstall camel-dns uninstall result: true feature 357/514 - camel-dozer will be tested feature camel-dozer installed. Trying to uninstall camel-dozer uninstall result: true feature 358/514 - camel-dropbox will be tested feature camel-dropbox installed. Trying to uninstall camel-dropbox uninstall result: true feature 359/514 - camel-elasticsearch will be tested feature camel-elasticsearch installed. Trying to uninstall camel-elasticsearch uninstall result: true feature 360/514 - camel-eventadmin will be tested feature camel-eventadmin installed. Trying to uninstall camel-eventadmin uninstall result: true feature 361/514 - camel-exec is installed. skipping feature 362/514 - camel-facebook will be tested feature camel-facebook installed. Trying to uninstall camel-facebook uninstall result: true feature 363/514 - camel-flatpack will be tested feature camel-flatpack installed. Trying to uninstall camel-flatpack uninstall result: true feature 364/514 - camel-fop will be tested feature camel-fop installed. Trying to uninstall camel-fop uninstall result: true feature 365/514 - camel-freemarker will be tested feature camel-freemarker installed. Trying to uninstall camel-freemarker uninstall result: true feature 366/514 - camel-ftp is installed. skipping feature 367/514 - camel-gae will be tested feature camel-gae installed. Trying to uninstall camel-gae uninstall result: true feature 368/514 - camel-ganglia will be tested feature camel-ganglia installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ganglia uninstall result: true feature 369/514 - camel-geocoder will be tested feature camel-geocoder installed. Trying to uninstall camel-geocoder uninstall result: true feature 370/514 - camel-github will be tested feature camel-github installed. Trying to uninstall camel-github uninstall result: true feature 371/514 - camel-google-calendar will be tested feature camel-google-calendar installed. Trying to uninstall camel-google-calendar uninstall result: true feature 372/514 - camel-google-drive will be tested feature camel-google-drive installed. Trying to uninstall camel-google-drive uninstall result: true feature 373/514 - camel-google-mail will be tested feature camel-google-mail installed. Trying to uninstall camel-google-mail uninstall result: true feature 374/514 - camel-groovy will be tested feature camel-groovy installed. Trying to uninstall camel-groovy uninstall result: true feature 375/514 - camel-gson will be tested feature camel-gson installed. Trying to uninstall camel-gson uninstall result: true feature 376/514 - camel-guava-eventbus will be tested feature camel-guava-eventbus installed. Trying to uninstall camel-guava-eventbus uninstall result: true feature 377/514 - camel-guice will be tested feature camel-guice installed. Trying to uninstall camel-guice uninstall result: true feature 378/514 - camel-hawtdb will be tested feature camel-hawtdb installed. Trying to uninstall camel-hawtdb uninstall result: true feature 379/514 - camel-hazelcast will be tested feature camel-hazelcast installed. Trying to uninstall camel-hazelcast uninstall result: true feature 380/514 - camel-hbase will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-hbase" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.xerial.snappy/snappy-java/ in feature(s) camel-avro-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hdfs2-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hbase-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Activator start error in bundle org.xerial.snappy.snappy-java [1000].  feature 381/514 - camel-hdfs will be tested feature camel-hdfs installed. Trying to uninstall camel-hdfs uninstall result: true feature 382/514 - camel-hdfs2 will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-hdfs2" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.xerial.snappy/snappy-java/ in feature(s) camel-avro-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hdfs2-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hbase-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Activator start error in bundle org.xerial.snappy.snappy-java [1046].  feature 383/514 - camel-hipchat will be tested feature camel-hipchat installed. Trying to uninstall camel-hipchat uninstall result: true feature 384/514 - camel-hl7 will be tested feature camel-hl7 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-hl7 uninstall result: true feature 385/514 - camel-http is installed. skipping feature 386/514 - camel-http4 will be tested feature camel-http4 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-http4 uninstall result: true feature 387/514 - camel-ibatis will be tested feature camel-ibatis installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ibatis uninstall result: true feature 388/514 - camel-ical will be tested feature camel-ical installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ical uninstall result: true feature 389/514 - camel-irc will be tested feature camel-irc installed. Trying to uninstall camel-irc uninstall result: true feature 390/514 - camel-jackson will be tested feature camel-jackson installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jackson uninstall result: true feature 391/514 - camel-jasypt is installed. skipping feature 392/514 - camel-jaxb is installed. skipping feature 393/514 - camel-jclouds will be tested feature camel-jclouds installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jclouds uninstall result: true feature 394/514 - camel-jcr will be tested feature camel-jcr installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jcr uninstall result: true feature 395/514 - camel-jdbc is installed. skipping feature 396/514 - camel-jetty is installed. skipping feature 397/514 - camel-jetty9 will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-jetty9" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.api)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9 package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.util)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9  feature 398/514 - camel-jgroups will be tested feature camel-jgroups installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jgroups uninstall result: true feature 399/514 - camel-jibx will be tested feature camel-jibx installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jibx uninstall result: true feature 400/514 - camel-jing will be tested feature camel-jing installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jing uninstall result: true feature 401/514 - camel-jms is installed. skipping feature 402/514 - camel-jmx is installed. skipping feature 403/514 - camel-josql will be tested feature camel-josql installed. Trying to uninstall camel-josql uninstall result: true feature 404/514 - camel-jpa will be tested feature camel-jpa installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jpa uninstall result: true feature 405/514 - camel-jsch will be tested feature camel-jsch installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jsch uninstall result: true feature 406/514 - camel-jsonpath will be tested feature camel-jsonpath installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jsonpath uninstall result: true feature 407/514 - camel-jt400 will be tested feature camel-jt400 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jt400 uninstall result: true feature 408/514 - camel-juel will be tested feature camel-juel installed. Trying to uninstall camel-juel uninstall result: true feature 409/514 - camel-jxpath will be tested feature camel-jxpath installed. Trying to uninstall camel-jxpath uninstall result: true feature 410/514 - camel-kafka will be tested feature camel-kafka installed. Trying to uninstall camel-kafka uninstall result: true feature 411/514 - camel-kestrel will be tested feature camel-kestrel installed. Trying to uninstall camel-kestrel uninstall result: true feature 412/514 - camel-krati will be tested feature camel-krati installed. Trying to uninstall camel-krati uninstall result: true feature 413/514 - camel-ldap will be tested feature camel-ldap installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ldap uninstall result: true feature 414/514 - camel-linkedin will be tested feature camel-linkedin installed. Trying to uninstall camel-linkedin uninstall result: true feature 415/514 - camel-leveldb will be tested feature camel-leveldb installed. Trying to uninstall camel-leveldb uninstall result: true feature 416/514 - camel-lucene will be tested feature camel-lucene installed. Trying to uninstall camel-lucene uninstall result: true feature 417/514 - camel-mail is installed. skipping feature 418/514 - camel-metrics will be tested feature camel-metrics installed. Trying to uninstall camel-metrics uninstall result: true feature 419/514 - camel-mina will be tested feature camel-mina installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mina uninstall result: true feature 420/514 - camel-mina2 will be tested feature camel-mina2 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mina2 uninstall result: true feature 421/514 - camel-mongodb will be tested feature camel-mongodb installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mongodb uninstall result: true feature 422/514 - camel-mqtt will be tested feature camel-mqtt installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mqtt uninstall result: true feature 423/514 - camel-msv will be tested feature camel-msv installed. Trying to uninstall camel-msv uninstall result: true feature 424/514 - camel-mustache will be tested feature camel-mustache installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mustache uninstall result: true feature 425/514 - camel-mvel will be tested feature camel-mvel installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mvel uninstall result: true feature 426/514 - camel-mybatis will be tested feature camel-mybatis installed. Trying to uninstall camel-mybatis uninstall result: true feature 427/514 - camel-nagios will be tested feature camel-nagios installed. Trying to uninstall camel-nagios uninstall result: true feature 428/514 - camel-netty will be tested feature camel-netty installed. Trying to uninstall camel-netty uninstall result: true feature 429/514 - camel-netty-http will be tested feature camel-netty-http installed. Trying to uninstall camel-netty-http uninstall result: true feature 430/514 - camel-netty4 will be tested feature camel-netty4 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-netty4 uninstall result: true feature 431/514 - camel-netty4-http will be tested feature camel-netty4-http installed. Trying to uninstall camel-netty4-http uninstall result: true feature 432/514 - camel-ognl is installed. skipping feature 433/514 - camel-olingo2 will be tested feature camel-olingo2 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-olingo2 uninstall result: true feature 434/514 - camel-openshift will be tested feature camel-openshift installed. Trying to uninstall camel-openshift uninstall result: true feature 435/514 - camel-paxlogging is installed. skipping feature 436/514 - camel-pgevent will be tested feature camel-pgevent installed. Trying to uninstall camel-pgevent uninstall result: true feature 437/514 - camel-printer will be tested feature camel-printer installed. Trying to uninstall camel-printer uninstall result: true feature 438/514 - camel-protobuf will be tested feature camel-protobuf installed. Trying to uninstall camel-protobuf uninstall result: true feature 439/514 - camel-quartz will be tested feature camel-quartz installed. Trying to uninstall camel-quartz uninstall result: true feature 440/514 - camel-quartz2 will be tested feature camel-quartz2 installed. Trying to uninstall camel-quartz2 uninstall result: true feature 441/514 - camel-quickfix will be tested feature camel-quickfix installed. Trying to uninstall camel-quickfix uninstall result: true feature 442/514 - camel-rabbitmq will be tested feature camel-rabbitmq installed. Trying to uninstall camel-rabbitmq uninstall result: true feature 443/514 - camel-restlet will be tested feature camel-restlet installed. Trying to uninstall camel-restlet uninstall result: true feature 444/514 - camel-rmi is installed. skipping feature 445/514 - camel-routebox is installed. skipping feature 446/514 - camel-rss will be tested feature camel-rss installed. Trying to uninstall camel-rss uninstall result: true feature 447/514 - camel-ruby will be tested feature camel-ruby installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ruby uninstall result: true feature 448/514 - camel-rx will be tested feature camel-rx installed. Trying to uninstall camel-rx uninstall result: true feature 449/514 - camel-sap-netweaver will be tested feature camel-sap-netweaver installed. Trying to uninstall camel-sap-netweaver uninstall result: true feature 450/514 - camel-salesforce will be tested feature camel-salesforce installed. Trying to uninstall camel-salesforce uninstall result: true feature 451/514 - camel-saxon is installed. skipping feature 452/514 - camel-scala will be tested feature camel-scala installed. Trying to uninstall camel-scala uninstall result: true feature 453/514 - camel-schematron will be tested feature camel-schematron installed. Trying to uninstall camel-schematron uninstall result: true feature 454/514 - camel-scr will be tested feature camel-scr installed. Trying to uninstall camel-scr uninstall result: true feature 455/514 - camel-script-jruby will be tested feature camel-script-jruby installed. Trying to uninstall camel-script-jruby uninstall result: true feature 456/514 - camel-script-javascript will be tested feature camel-script-javascript installed. Trying to uninstall camel-script-javascript uninstall result: true feature 457/514 - camel-script-groovy will be tested feature camel-script-groovy installed. Trying to uninstall camel-script-groovy uninstall result: true feature 458/514 - camel-script is installed. skipping feature 459/514 - camel-servlet will be tested feature camel-servlet installed. Trying to uninstall camel-servlet uninstall result: true feature 460/514 - camel-servletlistener will be tested feature camel-servletlistener installed. Trying to uninstall camel-servletlistener uninstall result: true feature 461/514 - camel-shiro will be tested feature camel-shiro installed. Trying to uninstall camel-shiro uninstall result: true feature 462/514 - camel-sip will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-sip" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=javax.sip.address)) camel-sip package:(&(package=javax.sip)) camel-sip package:(&(package=javax.sip.header)) camel-sip package:(&(package=javax.sip.message)) camel-sip  feature 463/514 - camel-sjms will be tested feature camel-sjms installed. Trying to uninstall camel-sjms uninstall result: true feature 464/514 - camel-smpp will be tested feature camel-smpp installed. Trying to uninstall camel-smpp uninstall result: true feature 465/514 - camel-snmp is installed. skipping feature 466/514 - camel-soap will be tested feature camel-soap installed. Trying to uninstall camel-soap uninstall result: true feature 467/514 - camel-solr will be tested feature camel-solr installed. Trying to uninstall camel-solr uninstall result: true feature 468/514 - camel-spark-rest will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-spark-rest" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.util)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9 package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.api)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9  feature 469/514 - camel-splunk will be tested feature camel-splunk installed. Trying to uninstall camel-splunk uninstall result: true feature 470/514 - camel-spring-batch will be tested feature camel-spring-batch installed. Trying to uninstall camel-spring-batch uninstall result: true feature 471/514 - camel-spring-integration will be tested feature camel-spring-integration installed. Trying to uninstall camel-spring-integration uninstall result: true feature 472/514 - camel-spring-javaconfig is installed. skipping feature 473/514 - camel-spring-ldap will be tested installation of feature Feature "camel-spring-ldap" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 failed for reason: Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-ldap/2.0.2.RELEASE_1 in feature(s) camel-spring-ldap-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Uses constraint violation. Unable to resolve bundle revision org.springframework.data.core [1239.0] because it is exposed to package 'org.joda.time' from bundle revisions joda-time [296.0] and joda-time [188.0] via two dependency chains. Chain 1: org.springframework.data.core [1239.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time)(version>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time joda-time [296.0] Chain 2: org.springframework.data.core [1239.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.springframework.format.support)(version>=3.0.7)(!(version>=4.1.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.springframework.format.support; uses:=org.joda.time org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context [169.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time joda-time [188.0]  feature 474/514 - camel-spring-redis will be tested feature camel-spring-redis installed. Trying to uninstall camel-spring-redis uninstall result: true feature 475/514 - camel-spring-security will be tested feature camel-spring-security installed. Trying to uninstall camel-spring-security uninstall result: true feature 476/514 - camel-spring-ws will be tested feature camel-spring-ws installed. Trying to uninstall camel-spring-ws uninstall result: true feature 477/514 - camel-sql will be tested feature camel-sql installed. Trying to uninstall camel-sql uninstall result: true feature 478/514 - camel-ssh will be tested feature camel-ssh installed. Trying to uninstall camel-ssh uninstall result: true feature 479/514 - camel-stax will be tested feature camel-stax installed. Trying to uninstall camel-stax uninstall result: true feature 480/514 - camel-stream will be tested feature camel-stream installed. Trying to uninstall camel-stream uninstall result: true feature 481/514 - camel-stomp will be tested feature camel-stomp installed. Trying to uninstall camel-stomp uninstall result: true feature 482/514 - camel-string-template will be tested feature camel-string-template installed. Trying to uninstall camel-string-template uninstall result: true feature 483/514 - camel-swagger will be tested feature camel-swagger installed. Trying to uninstall camel-swagger uninstall result: true feature 484/514 - camel-syslog will be tested feature camel-syslog installed. Trying to uninstall camel-syslog uninstall result: true feature 485/514 - camel-tagsoup will be tested feature camel-tagsoup installed. Trying to uninstall camel-tagsoup uninstall result: true feature 486/514 - camel-test will be tested feature camel-test installed. Trying to uninstall camel-test uninstall result: true feature 487/514 - camel-test-spring will be tested feature camel-test-spring installed. Trying to uninstall camel-test-spring uninstall result: true feature 488/514 - camel-twitter will be tested feature camel-twitter installed. Trying to uninstall camel-twitter uninstall result: true feature 489/514 - camel-univocity-parsers will be tested feature camel-univocity-parsers installed. Trying to uninstall camel-univocity-parsers uninstall result: true feature 490/514 - camel-urlrewrite will be tested feature camel-urlrewrite installed. Trying to uninstall camel-urlrewrite uninstall result: true feature 491/514 - camel-vertx will be tested feature camel-vertx installed. Trying to uninstall camel-vertx uninstall result: true feature 492/514 - camel-velocity will be tested feature camel-velocity installed. Trying to uninstall camel-velocity uninstall result: true feature 493/514 - camel-weather will be tested feature camel-weather installed. Trying to uninstall camel-weather uninstall result: true feature 494/514 - camel-websocket will be tested feature camel-websocket installed. Trying to uninstall camel-websocket uninstall result: true feature 495/514 - camel-xmlbeans will be tested feature camel-xmlbeans installed. Trying to uninstall camel-xmlbeans uninstall result: true feature 496/514 - camel-xmljson will be tested feature camel-xmljson installed. Trying to uninstall camel-xmljson uninstall result: true feature 497/514 - camel-xmlrpc will be tested feature camel-xmlrpc installed. Trying to uninstall camel-xmlrpc uninstall result: true feature 498/514 - camel-xmlsecurity will be tested feature camel-xmlsecurity installed. Trying to uninstall camel-xmlsecurity uninstall result: true feature 499/514 - camel-xmpp will be tested feature camel-xmpp installed. Trying to uninstall camel-xmpp uninstall result: true feature 500/514 - camel-xstream will be tested feature camel-xstream installed. Trying to uninstall camel-xstream uninstall result: true feature 501/514 - camel-yammer will be tested feature camel-yammer installed. Trying to uninstall camel-yammer uninstall result: true feature 502/514 - camel-zipfile will be tested feature camel-zipfile installed. Trying to uninstall camel-zipfile uninstall result: true feature 503/514 - camel-zookeeper will be tested feature camel-zookeeper installed. Trying to uninstall camel-zookeeper uninstall result: true feature 504/514 - transaction is installed. skipping feature 505/514 - connector will be tested feature connector installed. Trying to uninstall connector uninstall result: true feature 506/514 - jpa will be tested feature jpa installed. Trying to uninstall jpa uninstall result: true feature 507/514 - hibernate will be tested feature hibernate installed. Trying to uninstall hibernate uninstall result: true feature 508/514 - hibernate-envers will be tested feature hibernate-envers installed. Trying to uninstall hibernate-envers uninstall result: true feature 509/514 - hibernate-validator will be tested feature hibernate-validator installed. Trying to uninstall hibernate-validator uninstall result: true feature 510/514 - jndi will be tested feature jndi installed. Trying to uninstall jndi uninstall result: true feature 511/514 - jdbc will be tested feature jdbc installed. Trying to uninstall jdbc uninstall result: true feature 512/514 - jms will be tested feature jms installed. Trying to uninstall jms uninstall result: true feature 513/514 - weld will be tested feature weld installed. Trying to uninstall weld uninstall result: true feature 514/514 - application-without-isolation will be tested feature application-without-isolation installed. Trying to uninstall application-without-isolation uninstall result: true test finished -------------------------------------summary-------------------------- features total: 15 features unable to install: 15 --------------------------failed features----------------------------- Feature "camel-sap" (6.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from camel-sap-6.2.0.redhat-102 => Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.jco.ext)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.jco)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.idoc)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.jco.server)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component package:(&(package=com.sap.conn.idoc.jco)) JBoss Fuse :: Components :: SAP JCO :: Camel Component  Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 => Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [474]: Unable to resolve 474.0: missing requirement [474.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 473.0: missing requirement [473.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk" (1.8.1) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.1 => Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [477]: Unable to resolve 477.0: missing requirement [477.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 476.0: missing requirement [476.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  Feature "pax-tomcat" ( currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.web-3.2.0 => ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.ext.tomcat/catalina/ in feature(s) pax-tomcat- Unresolved constraint in bundle org.apache.geronimo.ext.tomcat.catalina [573]: Unable to resolve 573.0: missing requirement [573.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.persistence)(version>=1.1.0))  Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 => Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [598]: Unable to resolve 598.0: missing requirement [598.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 597.0: missing requirement [597.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  Feature "jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk" (1.8.0) currently uninstalled from jclouds-1.8.0 => Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.jclouds.api/rackspace-cloudloadbalancers/1.8.1 in feature(s) jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk-1.8.1, jclouds-rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us-1.8.1: Unresolved constraint in bundle rackspace-cloudloadbalancers [601]: Unable to resolve 601.0: missing requirement [601.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jclouds.loadbalancer)(version>=1.8.1)) [caused by: Unable to resolve 600.0: missing requirement [600.0] osgi.wiring.host; (&(osgi.wiring.host=jclouds-core)(bundle-version>=1.3.0)(!(bundle-version>=2.0.0)))]  Feature "fabric-jclouds" (1.2.0.redhat-102) currently uninstalled from fabric-1.2.0.redhat-102 => Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- service:(service=io.fabric8.api.ZooKeeperClusterService) Fabric8 :: Core Agent JClouds service:(service=org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework) Fabric8 :: Core Agent JClouds service:(service=io.fabric8.api.FabricService) Fabric8 :: Core Agent JClouds  Feature "pax-cdi-1.2-weld" (0.11.0) currently uninstalled from org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.11.0 => ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.cdi/pax-cdi-weld/0.11.0 in feature(s) pax-cdi-1.2-weld-0.11.0, pax-cdi-weld-0.11.0, pax-cdi-1.1-weld-0.11.0: Uses constraint violation. Unable to resolve bundle revision org.ops4j.pax.cdi.weld [795.0] because it is exposed to package 'javax.enterprise.inject.spi' from bundle revisions org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec [779.0] and javax.enterprise.cdi-api [791.0] via two dependency chains. Chain 1: org.ops4j.pax.cdi.weld [795.0] import: (osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi) | export: osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec [779.0] Chain 2: org.ops4j.pax.cdi.weld [795.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi)(version>=1.0.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi; uses:=javax.enterprise.inject.spi org.jboss.weld.osgi-bundle [790.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi)(version>=1.1.0)) | export: osgi.wiring.package=javax.enterprise.inject.spi javax.enterprise.cdi-api [791.0]  Feature "camel-avro" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.xerial.snappy/snappy-java/ in feature(s) camel-avro-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hdfs2-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hbase-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Activator start error in bundle org.xerial.snappy.snappy-java [846].  Feature "camel-hbase" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.xerial.snappy/snappy-java/ in feature(s) camel-avro-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hdfs2-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hbase-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Activator start error in bundle org.xerial.snappy.snappy-java [1000].  Feature "camel-hdfs2" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.xerial.snappy/snappy-java/ in feature(s) camel-avro-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hdfs2-2.15.0.redhat-620103, camel-hbase-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Activator start error in bundle org.xerial.snappy.snappy-java [1046].  Feature "camel-jetty9" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.api)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9 package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.util)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9  Feature "camel-sip" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=javax.sip.address)) camel-sip package:(&(package=javax.sip)) camel-sip package:(&(package=javax.sip.header)) camel-sip package:(&(package=javax.sip.message)) camel-sip  Feature "camel-spark-rest" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied requirement(s): --------------------------- package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.util)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9 package:(&(package=org.eclipse.jetty.client.api)(version>=8.0.0)(!(version>=10.0.0))) camel-jetty9  Feature "camel-spring-ldap" (2.15.0.redhat-620103) currently uninstalled from camel-2.15.0.redhat-620103 => Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-ldap/2.0.2.RELEASE_1 in feature(s) camel-spring-ldap-2.15.0.redhat-620103: Uses constraint violation. Unable to resolve bundle revision org.springframework.data.core [1239.0] because it is exposed to package 'org.joda.time' from bundle revisions joda-time [296.0] and joda-time [188.0] via two dependency chains. Chain 1: org.springframework.data.core [1239.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time)(version>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time joda-time [296.0] Chain 2: org.springframework.data.core [1239.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.springframework.format.support)(version>=3.0.7)(!(version>=4.1.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.springframework.format.support; uses:=org.joda.time org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context [169.0] import: (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time)(version>=1.6.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))) | export: osgi.wiring.package=org.joda.time joda-time [188.0]  Caught CTRL+C. Going to shut down Finished: SUCCESS