package org.hibernate.cfg.reveng; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.JDBCException; import org.hibernate.MappingException; import org.hibernate.cfg.JDBCBinderException; import org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect.MetaDataDialect; import org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider; import org.hibernate.exception.SQLExceptionConverter; import org.hibernate.mapping.Column; import org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey; import org.hibernate.mapping.Index; import org.hibernate.mapping.PrimaryKey; import org.hibernate.mapping.Table; import org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey; import org.hibernate.sql.Alias; import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper; public class JDBCReader { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JDBCReader.class); private final ReverseEngineeringStrategy revengStrategy; private MetaDataDialect metadataDialect; private final ConnectionProvider provider; private final SQLExceptionConverter sec; private final String defaultSchema; private final String defaultCatalog; public JDBCReader(MetaDataDialect dialect, ConnectionProvider provider, SQLExceptionConverter sec, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema, ReverseEngineeringStrategy reveng) { this.metadataDialect = dialect; this.provider = provider; this.sec = sec; this.revengStrategy = reveng; this.defaultCatalog = defaultCatalog; this.defaultSchema = defaultSchema; if(revengStrategy==null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Strategy cannot be null"); } } public List readDatabaseSchema(DatabaseCollector dbs, String catalog, String schema, ProgressListener progress) { try { ReverseEngineeringRuntimeInfo info = new ReverseEngineeringRuntimeInfo(provider, sec, dbs); getMetaDataDialect().configure(info); revengStrategy.configure(info); Set hasIndices = new HashSet(); List schemaSelectors = revengStrategy.getSchemaSelections(); List foundTables = new ArrayList(); if(schemaSelectors==null) { foundTables.addAll( processTables(dbs, new SchemaSelection(catalog, schema), hasIndices, progress) ); } else { for (Iterator iter = schemaSelectors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { SchemaSelection selection = (SchemaSelection); foundTables.addAll( processTables(dbs, selection, hasIndices, progress) ); } } Iterator tables = foundTables.iterator(); // not dbs.iterateTables() to avoid "double-read" of columns etc. while ( tables.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table); processBasicColumns(table, progress); processPrimaryKey(dbs, table); if(hasIndices.contains(table)) { processIndices(table); } } tables = foundTables.iterator(); //dbs.iterateTables(); Map oneToManyCandidates = resolveForeignKeys( dbs, tables, progress ); dbs.setOneToManyCandidates(oneToManyCandidates); return foundTables; } finally { getMetaDataDialect().close(); revengStrategy.close(); } } /** * Iterates the tables and find all the foreignkeys that refers to something that is available inside the DatabaseCollector. * @param dbs * @param progress * @param tables * @return */ private Map resolveForeignKeys(DatabaseCollector dbs, Iterator tables, ProgressListener progress) { List fks = new ArrayList(); while ( tables.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table); // Done here after the basic process of collections as we might not have touched // all referenced tables (this ensure the columns are the same instances througout the basic JDBC derived model. // after this stage it should be "ok" to divert from keeping columns in sync as it can be required if the same //column is used with different aliases in the ORM mapping. ForeignKeysInfo foreignKeys = processForeignKeys(dbs, table, progress); fks.add( foreignKeys ); } Map oneToManyCandidates = new HashMap(); for (Iterator iter = fks.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ForeignKeysInfo element = (ForeignKeysInfo); Map map = element.process( revengStrategy ); // the actual foreignkey is created here. mergeMultiMap( oneToManyCandidates, map ); } return oneToManyCandidates; } static class ForeignKeysInfo { final Map dependentTables; final Map dependentColumns; final Map referencedColumns; private final Table referencedTable; public ForeignKeysInfo(Table referencedTable, Map tables, Map columns, Map refColumns) { this.referencedTable = referencedTable; this.dependentTables = tables; this.dependentColumns = columns; this.referencedColumns = refColumns; } Map process(ReverseEngineeringStrategy revengStrategy) { Map oneToManyCandidates = new HashMap(); Iterator iterator = dependentTables.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String fkName = (String) entry.getKey(); Table fkTable = (Table) entry.getValue(); List columns = (List) dependentColumns.get(fkName); List refColumns = (List) referencedColumns.get(fkName); String className = revengStrategy.tableToClassName(TableIdentifier.create(referencedTable) ); ForeignKey key = fkTable.createForeignKey(fkName, columns, className, refColumns); key.setReferencedTable(referencedTable); addToMultiMap(oneToManyCandidates, className, key); } // map return oneToManyCandidates; } } protected ForeignKeysInfo processForeignKeys(DatabaseCollector dbs, Table referencedTable, ProgressListener progress) throws JDBCBinderException { // foreign key name to list of columns Map dependentColumns = new HashMap(); // foreign key name to Table Map dependentTables = new HashMap(); Map referencedColumns = new HashMap(); short bogusFkName = 0; // first get all the relationships dictated by the database schema Iterator exportedKeyIterator = null; log.debug("Calling getExportedKeys on " + referencedTable); progress.startSubTask("Finding exported foreignkeys on " + referencedTable.getName()); try { Map exportedKeyRs = null; exportedKeyIterator = getMetaDataDialect().getExportedKeys(getCatalogForDBLookup(referencedTable.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(referencedTable.getSchema()), referencedTable.getName() ); try { while (exportedKeyIterator.hasNext() ) { exportedKeyRs = (Map); String fkCatalog = getCatalogForModel((String) exportedKeyRs.get("FKTABLE_CAT")); String fkSchema = getSchemaForModel((String) exportedKeyRs.get("FKTABLE_SCHEM")); String fkTableName = (String) exportedKeyRs.get("FKTABLE_NAME"); String fkColumnName = (String) exportedKeyRs.get("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); String pkColumnName = (String) exportedKeyRs.get("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); String fkName = (String) exportedKeyRs.get("FK_NAME"); short keySeq = ((Short)exportedKeyRs.get("KEY_SEQ")).shortValue(); Table fkTable = dbs.getTable(fkSchema, fkCatalog, fkTableName); if(fkTable==null) { // filter out stuff we don't have tables for! log.debug("Foreign key " + fkName + " references unknown or filtered table " + Table.qualify(fkCatalog, fkSchema, fkTableName) ); continue; } else { log.debug("Foreign key " + fkName); } // TODO: if there is a relation to a column which is not a pk // then handle it as a property-ref if (keySeq == 0) { bogusFkName++; } if (fkName == null) { // somehow reuse hibernates name generator ? fkName = Short.toString(bogusFkName); } //Table fkTable = mappings.addTable(fkSchema, fkCatalog, fkTableName, null, false); List depColumns = (List) dependentColumns.get(fkName); if (depColumns == null) { depColumns = new ArrayList(); dependentColumns.put(fkName,depColumns); dependentTables.put(fkName, fkTable); } else { Object previousTable = dependentTables.get(fkName); if(fkTable != previousTable) { throw new JDBCBinderException("Foreign key name (" + fkName + ") mapped to different tables! previous: " + previousTable + " current:" + fkTable); } } Column column = new Column(fkColumnName); Column existingColumn = fkTable.getColumn(column); column = existingColumn==null ? column : existingColumn; depColumns.add(column); List primColumns = (List) referencedColumns.get(fkName); if (primColumns == null) { primColumns = new ArrayList(); referencedColumns.put(fkName,primColumns); } Column refColumn = new Column(pkColumnName); existingColumn = referencedTable.getColumn(refColumn); refColumn = existingColumn==null?refColumn:existingColumn; primColumns.add(refColumn); } } finally { try { if(exportedKeyIterator!=null) { getMetaDataDialect().close(exportedKeyIterator); } } catch(JDBCException se) { log.warn("Exception while closing result set for foreign key meta data",se); } } } catch(JDBCException se) { //throw sec.convert(se, "Exception while reading foreign keys for " + referencedTable, null); log.warn("Exception while reading foreign keys for " + referencedTable + " [" + se.toString() + "]", se); // sybase (and possibly others has issues with exportedkeys) see HBX-411 // we continue after this to allow user provided keys to be added. } List userForeignKeys = revengStrategy.getForeignKeys(TableIdentifier.create(referencedTable)); if(userForeignKeys!=null) { Iterator iterator = userForeignKeys.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { ForeignKey element = (ForeignKey); if(!equalTable(referencedTable, element.getReferencedTable() ) ) { log.debug("Referenced table " + element.getReferencedTable().getName() + " is not " + referencedTable + ". Ignoring userdefined foreign key " + element ); continue; // skip non related foreign keys } String userfkName = element.getName(); Table userfkTable = element.getTable(); List userColumns = element.getColumns(); List userrefColumns = element.getReferencedColumns(); Table deptable = (Table) dependentTables.get(userfkName); if(deptable!=null) { // foreign key already defined!? throw new MappingException("Foreign key " + userfkName + " already defined in the database!"); } deptable = dbs.getTable(userfkTable.getSchema(), userfkTable.getCatalog(), userfkTable.getName() ); if(deptable==null) { // filter out stuff we don't have tables for! log.debug("User defined foreign key " + userfkName + " references unknown or filtered table " + TableIdentifier.create(userfkTable) ); continue; } dependentTables.put(userfkName, deptable); List depColumns = new ArrayList(userColumns.size() ); Iterator colIterator = userColumns.iterator(); while(colIterator.hasNext() ) { Column jdbcColumn = (Column); Column column = new Column(jdbcColumn.getName() ); Column existingColumn = deptable.getColumn(column); column = existingColumn==null ? column : existingColumn; depColumns.add(column); } List refColumns = new ArrayList(userrefColumns.size() ); colIterator = userrefColumns.iterator(); while(colIterator.hasNext() ) { Column jdbcColumn = (Column); Column column = new Column(jdbcColumn.getName() ); Column existingColumn = referencedTable.getColumn(column); column = existingColumn==null ? column : existingColumn; refColumns.add(column); } referencedColumns.put(userfkName, refColumns ); dependentColumns.put(userfkName, depColumns ); } } return new ForeignKeysInfo(referencedTable, dependentTables, dependentColumns, referencedColumns); } /** * @param dbs * @param catalog * @param schema * @param table * @param primaryKeys * @return * @throws SQLException */ private void processPrimaryKey(DatabaseCollector dbs, Table table) { List columns = new ArrayList(); PrimaryKey key = null; Iterator primaryKeyIterator = null; try { Map primaryKeyRs = null; primaryKeyIterator = getMetaDataDialect().getPrimaryKeys(getCatalogForDBLookup(table.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(table.getSchema()), table.getName() ); while (primaryKeyIterator.hasNext() ) { primaryKeyRs = (Map); /*String ownCatalog = primaryKeyRs.getString("TABLE_CAT"); String ownSchema = primaryKeyRs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"); String ownTable = primaryKeyRs.getString("TABLE_NAME");*/ String columnName = (String) primaryKeyRs.get("COLUMN_NAME"); short seq = ((Short)primaryKeyRs.get("KEY_SEQ")).shortValue(); String name = (String) primaryKeyRs.get("PK_NAME"); if(key==null) { key = new PrimaryKey(); key.setName(name); key.setTable(table); if(table.getPrimaryKey()!=null) { throw new JDBCBinderException(table + " already has a primary key!"); //TODO: ignore ? } table.setPrimaryKey(key); } else { if(!(name==key.getName() ) && name!=null && !name.equals(key.getName() ) ) { throw new JDBCBinderException("Duplicate names found for primarykey. Existing name: " + key.getName() + " JDBC name: " + name + " on table " + table); } } columns.add(new Object[] { new Short(seq), columnName}); } } finally { if (primaryKeyIterator!=null) { try { getMetaDataDialect().close(primaryKeyIterator); } catch(JDBCException se) { log.warn("Exception when closing resultset for reading primary key information",se); } } } // sort the columns accoring to the key_seq. Collections.sort(columns,new Comparator() { public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj); } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Short left = (Short) ( (Object[]) o1)[0]; Short right = (Short) ( (Object[]) o2)[0]; return left.compareTo(right); } public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } }); List t = new ArrayList(columns.size()); Iterator cols = columns.iterator(); while (cols.hasNext() ) { Object[] element = (Object[]); t.add(element[1]); } columns = t; if(key==null) { log.warn("The JDBC driver didn't report any primary key columns in " + table.getName() + ". Asking rev.eng. strategy" ); List userPrimaryKey = revengStrategy.getPrimaryKeyColumnNames(TableIdentifier.create(table)); if(userPrimaryKey!=null && !userPrimaryKey.isEmpty()) { key = new PrimaryKey(); key.setName(new Alias(15, "PK").toAliasString( table.getName())); key.setTable(table); if(table.getPrimaryKey()!=null) { throw new JDBCBinderException(table + " already has a primary key!"); //TODO: ignore ? } table.setPrimaryKey(key); columns = new ArrayList(userPrimaryKey); } else { log.warn("Rev.eng. strategy did not report any primary key columns for " + table.getName()); } } Iterator suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName = getMetaDataDialect().getSuggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName( getCatalogForDBLookup(table.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(table.getSchema()), table.getName() ); try { if(suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName.hasNext()) { Map m = (Map); String suggestion = (String) m.get( "HIBERNATE_STRATEGY" ); if(suggestion!=null) { dbs.addSuggestedIdentifierStrategy( table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName(), suggestion ); } } } finally { if(suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName!=null) { try { getMetaDataDialect().close(suggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName); } catch(JDBCException se) { log.warn("Exception while closing iterator for suggested primary key strategy name",se); } } } if(key!=null) { cols = columns.iterator(); while (cols.hasNext() ) { String name = (String); // should get column from table if it already exists! Column col = getColumn(table, name); key.addColumn(col); } log.debug("primary key for " + table + " -> " + key); } } private boolean safeEquals(Object value, Object tf) { if(value==tf) return true; if(value==null) return false; return value.equals(tf); } private Collection processTables(DatabaseCollector dbs, SchemaSelection schemaSelection, Set hasIndices, ProgressListener progress) { Map tableRs = null; Iterator tableIterator = null; List tables = new ArrayList(); boolean multiSchema = false; // TODO: the code below detects if the reveng is multischema'ed, but not used for anything yet. should be used to remove schema/catalog info from output if only one schema/catalog used. try { progress.startSubTask("Finding tables in " + schemaSelection); tableIterator = getMetaDataDialect().getTables(StringHelper.replace(schemaSelection.getMatchCatalog(),".*", "%"), StringHelper.replace(schemaSelection.getMatchSchema(),".*", "%"), StringHelper.replace(schemaSelection.getMatchTable(),".*", "%")); String[] lastQualifier = null; String[] foundQualifier = new String[2]; while (tableIterator.hasNext() ) { tableRs = (Map); String tableName = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_NAME"); String schemaName = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_SCHEM"); String catalogName = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_CAT"); TableIdentifier ti = new TableIdentifier(catalogName, schemaName, tableName); if(revengStrategy.excludeTable(ti) ) { log.debug("Table " + ti + " excluded by strategy"); continue; } if(!multiSchema) { foundQualifier[0] = catalogName; foundQualifier[1] = schemaName; if(lastQualifier==null) { lastQualifier=new String[2]; lastQualifier[0] = foundQualifier[0]; lastQualifier[1] = foundQualifier[1]; } if((!safeEquals(lastQualifier[0],foundQualifier[0])) || (!safeEquals(lastQualifier[1],foundQualifier[1]))) { multiSchema = true; } } tables.add(new HashMap(tableRs)); } } finally { try { if (tableIterator!=null) getMetaDataDialect().close(tableIterator); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } List processedTables = new ArrayList(); tableIterator = tables.iterator(); while (tableIterator.hasNext() ) { tableRs = (Map); String tableName = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_NAME"); String schemaName = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_SCHEM"); String catalogName = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_CAT"); /*TableIdentifier ti = new TableIdentifier(catalogName, schemaName, tableName); if(revengStrategy.excludeTable(ti) ) { log.debug("Table " + ti + " excluded by strategy"); continue; }*/ String comment = (String) tableRs.get("REMARKS"); String tableType = (String) tableRs.get("TABLE_TYPE"); if(dbs.getTable(schemaName, catalogName, tableName)!=null) { log.debug("Ignoring " + tableName + " since it has already been processed"); continue; } else { if ( ("TABLE".equalsIgnoreCase(tableType) || "VIEW".equalsIgnoreCase(tableType) /*|| "SYNONYM".equals(tableType) */) ) { //|| // ("SYNONYM".equals(tableType) && isOracle() ) ) { // only on oracle ? TODO: HBX-218 // it's a regular table or a synonym // ensure schema and catalogname is truly empty (especially mysql returns null schema, "" catalog) if(schemaName!=null && schemaName.trim().length()==0) { schemaName = null; } if(catalogName!=null && catalogName.trim().length()==0) { catalogName=null; } log.debug("Adding table " + tableName + " of type " + tableType); progress.startSubTask("Found " + tableName); Table table = dbs.addTable(quote(getSchemaForModel(schemaName)), getCatalogForModel(catalogName), quote(tableName)); table.setComment(comment); if(tableType.equals("TABLE")) { hasIndices.add(table); } processedTables.add( table ); } else { log.debug("Ignoring table " + tableName + " of type " + tableType); } } } return processedTables; } private void processBasicColumns(Table table, ProgressListener progress) { // get the columns String qualify = Table.qualify(table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName() ); Iterator columnIterator = null; try { Map columnRs = null; log.debug("Finding columns for " + qualify ); progress.startSubTask("Finding columns for " + qualify); columnIterator = getMetaDataDialect().getColumns(getCatalogForDBLookup(table.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(table.getSchema()), table.getName(), null); //dumpHeader(columnRs); while (columnIterator.hasNext() ) { //dumpRow(columnRs); columnRs = (Map); String tableName = (String) columnRs.get("TABLE_NAME"); int sqlType = ((Integer)columnRs.get("DATA_TYPE")).intValue(); //String sqlTypeName = (String) columnRs.get("TYPE_NAME"); String columnName = (String) columnRs.get("COLUMN_NAME"); String comment = (String) columnRs.get("REMARKS"); TableIdentifier ti = TableIdentifier.create(table); if(revengStrategy.excludeColumn(ti, columnName)) { log.debug("Column " + ti + "." + columnName + " excluded by strategy"); continue; } if(!tableName.equals(table.getName())) { log.debug("Table name " + tableName + " does not match requested " + table.getName() + ". Ignoring column " + columnName + " since it either is invalid or a duplicate" ); continue; } //String columnDefaultValue = columnRs.getString("COLUMN_DEF"); TODO: only read if have a way to avoid issues with clobs/lobs and similar int dbNullability = ((Integer)columnRs.get("NULLABLE")).intValue(); boolean isNullable = true; switch (dbNullability) { case DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable: case DatabaseMetaData.columnNullableUnknown: isNullable = true; break; case DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls: isNullable = false; break; default: isNullable = true; } int size = ((Integer)columnRs.get("COLUMN_SIZE")).intValue(); int decimalDigits = ((Integer)columnRs.get("DECIMAL_DIGITS")).intValue(); Column column = new Column(); column.setName(quote(columnName)); Column existing = table.getColumn(column); if(existing!=null) { // TODO: should we just pick it up and fill it up with whatever we get from the db instead ? throw new JDBCBinderException(column + " already exists in " + qualify); } //TODO: column.setSqlType(sqlTypeName); //this does not work 'cos the precision/scale/length are not retured in TYPE_NAME //column.setSqlType(sqlTypeName); column.setComment(comment); column.setSqlTypeCode(new Integer(sqlType) ); if(intBounds(size) ) { if(JDBCToHibernateTypeHelper.typeHasLength(sqlType) ) { column.setLength(size); } if(JDBCToHibernateTypeHelper.typeHasScaleAndPrecision(sqlType) ) { column.setPrecision(size); } } if(intBounds(decimalDigits) ) { if(JDBCToHibernateTypeHelper.typeHasScaleAndPrecision(sqlType) ) { column.setScale(decimalDigits); } } column.setNullable(isNullable); // columnDefaultValue is useless for Hibernate // isIndexed (available via Indexes) // unique - detected when getting indexes // isPk - detected when finding primary keys table.addColumn(column); } } finally { if(columnIterator!=null) { try { getMetaDataDialect().close(columnIterator); } catch(JDBCException se) { log.warn("Exception while closing iterator for column meta data",se); } } } } private String quote(String columnName) { if(columnName==null) return columnName; if(getMetaDataDialect().needQuote(columnName)) { if(columnName.length()>1 && columnName.charAt(0)=='`' && columnName.charAt(columnName.length()-1)=='`') { return columnName; // avoid double quoting } return "`" + columnName + "`"; } else { return columnName; } } private MetaDataDialect getMetaDataDialect() { return metadataDialect; } /** * @param size * @return */ private boolean intBounds(int size) { return size>=0 && size!=Integer.MAX_VALUE; } private void processIndices(Table table) { Map indexes = new HashMap(); // indexname (String) -> Index Map uniquekeys = new HashMap(); // name (String) -> UniqueKey Map uniqueColumns = new HashMap(); // Column -> List Iterator indexIterator = null; try { Map indexRs = null; indexIterator = getMetaDataDialect().getIndexInfo(getCatalogForDBLookup(table.getCatalog()), getSchemaForDBLookup(table.getSchema()), table.getName()); while (indexIterator.hasNext() ) { indexRs = (Map); String indexName = (String) indexRs.get("INDEX_NAME"); String columnName = (String) indexRs.get("COLUMN_NAME"); boolean unique = !((Boolean)indexRs.get("NON_UNIQUE")).booleanValue(); if (columnName != null || indexName != null) { // both can be non-null with statistical indexs which we don't have any use for. if(unique) { UniqueKey key = (UniqueKey) uniquekeys.get(indexName); if (key==null) { key = new UniqueKey(); key.setName(indexName); key.setTable(table); table.addUniqueKey(key); uniquekeys.put(indexName, key); } if(indexes.containsKey(indexName) ) { throw new JDBCBinderException("UniqueKey exists also as Index! "); } Column column = getColumn(table, columnName); key.addColumn(column); if (unique && key.getColumnSpan()==1) { // make list of columns that has the chance of being unique List l = (List) uniqueColumns.get(column); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList(); uniqueColumns.put(column, l); } l.add(key); } } else { Index index = (Index) indexes.get(indexName); if(index==null) { index = new Index(); index.setName(indexName); index.setTable(table); table.addIndex(index); indexes.put(indexName, index); } if(uniquekeys.containsKey(indexName) ) { throw new JDBCBinderException("Index exists also as Unique! "); } Column column = getColumn(table, columnName); index.addColumn(column); } } else { if(DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic != ((Short)indexRs.get("TYPE")).shortValue() ) { log.warn("Index was not statistical, but no column name was found in " + indexName); } } } } catch (JDBCException t) { log.warn("Exception while trying to get indexinfo on " + Table.qualify(table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName() ) + "=" + t.getMessage() ); // Bug #604761 Oracle getIndexInfo() needs major grants And other dbs sucks too ;) // } finally { if (indexIterator != null) { try { getMetaDataDialect().close(indexIterator); } catch(JDBCException se) { log.warn("Exception while trying to close resultset for index meta data",se); } } } // mark columns that are unique TODO: multiple columns are not unique on their own. Iterator iterator = uniqueColumns.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Column col = (Column) entry.getKey(); Iterator keys = ( (List)entry.getValue() ).iterator(); while (keys.hasNext() ) { UniqueKey key = (UniqueKey); if(key.getColumnSpan()==1) { col.setUnique(true); } } } iterator = uniquekeys.entrySet().iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { // if keyset has no overlaps with primary key (table.getPrimaryKey()) // if only key matches then mark as setNaturalId(true);; } } private void mergeMultiMap(Map dest, Map src) { Iterator items = src.entrySet().iterator(); while ( items.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry element = (Map.Entry); List existing = (List) dest.get( element.getKey() ); if(existing == null) { dest.put( element.getKey(), element.getValue() ); } else { existing.addAll( (List)element.getValue() ); } } } private boolean equalTable(Table table1, Table table2) { return table1.getName().equals(table2.getName()) && ( equal(table1.getSchema(), table2.getSchema() ) && ( equal(table1.getCatalog(), table2.getCatalog() ) ) ); } private boolean equal(String str, String str2) { if(str==str2) return true; if(str!=null && str.equals(str2) ) return true; return false; } static private void addToMultiMap(Map multimap, String key, Object item) { List existing = (List) multimap.get(key); if(existing == null) { existing = new ArrayList(); multimap.put(key, existing); } existing.add(item); } private Column getColumn(Table table, String columnName) { Column column = new Column(); column.setName(quote(columnName)); Column existing = table.getColumn(column); if(existing!=null) { column = existing; } return column; } static class NoopProgressListener implements ProgressListener { public void startSubTask(String name) { // noop }; } } public List readDatabaseSchema(DatabaseCollector dbs, String catalog, String schema) { return readDatabaseSchema(dbs, catalog, schema, new NoopProgressListener()); } /** If catalog is equal to defaultCatalog then we return null so it will be null in the generated code. */ protected String getCatalogForModel(String catalog) { if(catalog==null) return null; if(catalog.equals(defaultCatalog)) return null; return catalog; } /** If catalog is equal to defaultSchema then we return null so it will be null in the generated code. */ protected String getSchemaForModel(String schema) { if(schema==null) return null; if(schema.equals(defaultSchema)) return null; return schema; } protected String getCatalogForDBLookup(String catalog) { return catalog==null?defaultCatalog:catalog; } protected String getSchemaForDBLookup(String schema) { return schema==null?defaultSchema:schema; } public Set readSequences(String sql) { Set sequences = new HashSet(); if (sql!=null) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = provider.getConnection(); Statement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); rs = statement.executeQuery(sql); while ( ) { sequences.add( rs.getString(1).toLowerCase().trim() ); } } finally { if (rs!=null) rs.close(); if (statement!=null) statement.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { sec.convert(e, "Problem while closing connection", null); } finally { if(connection!=null) try { provider.closeConnection( connection ); } catch (SQLException e) { sec.convert(e, "Problem while closing connection", null); } } } return sequences; } }