This will be a new wiki page for jsr-160 support Pages to update for AS6 M3: white paper on securing jmx (not sure if this needs to be addressed) There is some jsr160 support in remoting (see jmx-remoting.sar in jconsole page twiddle page shutdown page Remote bean access Which interface should I use for remote bean access ******************************* The RMIAdaptor class has been replaced by a JSR-160 implementation in AS 6.0 M3. Legacy lookup of RMIAdaptor will return a MbeanServerConnection (JBoss client must be on classpath for legacy support) RMIAdaptor class cannot be used anymore, instead use the JSR-160 MbeanServerConnection: Example (JSR-160 style) Java client access: String serverURL = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1090/jmxrmi" String username = null; String password = null; HashMap env = new HashMap(); if (username != null && password != null) { String[] creds = new String[2]; creds[0] = username; creds[1] = password; env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, creds); } JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL(serverURL); JMXConnector jmxc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, env); MbeanServerConnection server = jmxc.getMBeanServerConnection(); ******************************* How to secure the JSR-160 JMX connector: Update jbossas/server/profile/deploy/jmx-jboss-beans.xml by uncommenting the securityDomain (to use the jmx-console domain which needs to be secured separately.) Change from: To: jmx-console ***************************** JConsole use: Connect to the AS with jconsole by using JMXServiceURL as follows: jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostname:rmiRegistryPort/jmxrmi Where hostname is the AS machine name or ip address. rmiRegistryPort matches what is specified in jmx-jboss-beans.xml. For example, the following connects to AS on the local machine, using the default rmiRegistryPort. jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1090/jmxrmi ******************************** Shutdown command: The twiddle command is now using the JSR-160 connector for connecting to the AS. The following options support this change. -v : enable verbose output -s : syntax is changed (JMXServiceURL as in service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1090/jmxrmi) -o : specify hostname of the remote server -r : specify remote server rmiRegistry port number Example usage: Minimal command to shutdown AS on current (localhost) machine: ./ -S Command to shutdown on remote machine sandman: ./ -o sandman -S ************************************* Twiddle changes: The twiddle command is now using the JSR-160 connector for connecting to the AS. The following options support this change. -v : enable verbose output -s : syntax is changed (JMXServiceURL as in service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1090/jmxrmi) -o : specify hostname of the remote server -r : specify remote server rmiRegistry port number Example usage: Minimal command to get list of mbeans on current (localhost) machine: ./ serverinfo -l Command to get list of mbeans on remote machine sandman: ./ -o sandman serverinfo -l