[-jboss-as - the path to your JBoss Enterprise Application Server. |-- bin - contains start scripts and run.jar |-- client - client jars |-- common/lib - static jars shared across server configuration |-- docs - schemas/dtds, examples |-- lib - core bootstrap jars |   lib/endorsed - added to the server JVM java.endorsed.dirs path `-- server - server configuration/profile directories. See Section 3.2 for details of the server profiles included in this release. [-seam - the path to JBoss SEAM application framework |-- bootstrap |-- build |-- examples - examples demonstrating uses of SEAM's features |-- extras |-- lib - library directory |-- seam-gen - command-line utility used to generate simple skeletal SEAM code to get your project started |-- ui - [-resteasy - a Technology Preview of RESTEasy - a portable implementation of JSR-311 JAX-RS Specification |-- embedded-lib |-- lib |-- resteasy-jaxrs.war