package org.TEST import java.beans.PropertyEditor; import java.beans.PropertyEditorManager; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.ConnectionEvent; import javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener; import javax.sql.XAConnection; import javax.sql.XADataSource; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import com.arjuna.ats.jta.recovery.XAResourceRecovery; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * This is an enhanced version of JBossTM's AppServerJDBCXARecovery implementation. * The only thing this implementation does differently is it becomes tolerant of * the times when the data source is not yet deployed. * * This provides recovery for compliant JDBC drivers accessed via datasources deployed in JBossAS 4.2 * It is not meant to be db driver specific. * * This code is based on JDBCXARecovery, which expects JNDI to contain an XADataSource implementation. * In JBossAS, the object created in JNDI when a -ds.xml file containing element is used, * does not implement the XADataSource interface. We therefore use this modified code to pull the * datasource configuration information from the app server's JMX and instantiate an XADataSource from * which it can then create an XAConnection. * * To use this class, add an XAResourceRecovery entry in the jta section of jbossjta-properties.xml * for each datasource for which you need recovery, ensuring the value ends with ; * i.e. the same value as is in the -ds.xml jndi-name element. * You also need the XARecoveryModule enabled and appropriate values for nodeIdentifier and xaRecoveryNode set. * See the JBossTS recovery guide if you are unclear on how the recovery system works. * * Note: This implementation expects to run inside the app server JVM. It probably won't work * if you configure the recovery manager to run as a separate process. (JMX can be accessed remotely, * but it would need code changes to the lookup function and some classpath additions). * * * ... * * * * */ public class AppServerJDBCXARecovery implements XAResourceRecovery { // implementation based on com.arjuna.ats.internal.jdbc.recovery.JDBCXARecovery public AppServerJDBCXARecovery() throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("AppServerJDBCXARecovery"); } _hasMoreResources = false; _connectionEventListener = new LocalConnectionEventListener(); } /** * The recovery module will have chopped off this class name already. The * parameter should specify a jndi name for the datasource. */ public boolean initialise(String parameter) throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.initialise(" + parameter + ")"); } if (parameter == null) return false; // don't create the datasource yet, we'll do it lazily. Just keep its id. _dataSourceId = parameter; return true; } public synchronized XAResource getXAResource() throws SQLException { createConnection(); if (_connection == null) { throw new SQLException("The data source named [" + _dataSourceId + "] is not deployed."); } return _connection.getXAResource(); } public boolean hasMoreResources() { if (_dataSource == null) try { createDataSource(); } catch (SQLException sqlException) { return false; } if (_dataSource != null) { _hasMoreResources = !_hasMoreResources; return _hasMoreResources; } else return false; } /** * Lookup the XADataSource in JNDI. */ private final void createDataSource() throws SQLException { try { if (_dataSource == null) { // This is where we do JBossAS specific magic. Use the JMX to fetch the name of the XADataSource class // and its config params so that we don't have to duplicate the information in the -ds.xml file. // TODO: can we make this flexible enough to handle remote app server processes, so that // we can run the recovery manager out of process? The server addr would need to be on a per // jndiname basis, as we may be doing recovery for a whole cluster. We would need AS // jmx classes (and the db drivers naturally) on the recovery manager classpath. InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); MBeanServerConnection server = (MBeanServerConnection) context.lookup("jmx/invoker/RMIAdaptor"); ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName("jboss.jca:name=" + _dataSourceId + ",service=ManagedConnectionFactory"); String className = (String) server.invoke(objectName, "getManagedConnectionFactoryAttribute", new Object[] { "XADataSourceClass" }, new String[] { "java.lang.String" }); log.debug("AppServerJDBCXARecovery datasource classname = " + className); String properties = (String) server.invoke(objectName, "getManagedConnectionFactoryAttribute", new Object[] { "XADataSourceProperties" }, new String[] { "java.lang.String" }); // debug disabled due to security paranoia - it may log datasource password in cleartext. // log.debug("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.result="+properties); try { _dataSource = getXADataSource(className, properties); _supportsIsValidMethod = true; // assume it does; we'll lazily check the first time we try to connect } catch (Exception e) { _dataSource = null; log.error("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.createDataSource got exception during getXADataSource call: " + e.toString(), e); throw new SQLException(e.toString()); } } } catch (MBeanException mbe) { if (mbe.getTargetException() instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) { // this is an expected condition when the data source is not yet deployed // just ignore this for now, the next time around, we try again to see if its deployed yet return; } log.error("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.createDataSource got exception " + mbe.toString(), mbe); throw new SQLException(mbe.toString()); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.createDataSource got exception " + ex.toString(), ex); throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.createDataSource got exception " + e.toString(), e); throw new SQLException(e.toString()); } } /** * Create the XAConnection from the XADataSource. */ private final void createConnection() throws SQLException { try { if (_dataSource == null) { createDataSource(); // if we still don't have it, its because the data source isn't deployed yet if (_dataSource == null) { return; } } Boolean isConnectionValid; try { if (_connection != null && _supportsIsValidMethod) { Connection connection = _connection.getConnection(); Method method = connection.getClass().getMethod("isValid", Integer.class); isConnectionValid = (Boolean) method.invoke(connection, Integer.valueOf(5)); } else { isConnectionValid = Boolean.FALSE; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { isConnectionValid = Boolean.FALSE; _supportsIsValidMethod = false;"XA datasource does not support isValid method - connection will always be recreated"); } catch (Throwable t) { isConnectionValid = Boolean.FALSE; log.debug("XA connection is invalid - will recreate a new one. Cause: " + t); } if (!isConnectionValid.booleanValue()) { if (_connection != null) { try { _connection.close(); // just attempt to clean up anything that we can } catch (Throwable t) { } } _connection = _dataSource.getXAConnection(); _connection.addConnectionEventListener(_connectionEventListener); log.debug("Created new XAConnection"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.createConnection got exception " + ex.toString(), ex); throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("AppServerJDBCXARecovery.createConnection got exception " + e.toString(), e); throw new SQLException(e.toString()); } } private class LocalConnectionEventListener implements ConnectionEventListener { public void connectionErrorOccurred(ConnectionEvent connectionEvent) { _connection.removeConnectionEventListener(_connectionEventListener); _connection = null; } public void connectionClosed(ConnectionEvent connectionEvent) { _connection.removeConnectionEventListener(_connectionEventListener); _connection = null; } } // borrowed from org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnectionFactory // in which the equivalent functionality is protected not public :-( private XADataSource getXADataSource(String xaDataSourceClassname, String propertiesString) throws Exception { // Map any \ to \\ propertiesString = propertiesString.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); Properties properties = new Properties(); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(propertiesString.getBytes()); properties.load(is); Class clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(xaDataSourceClassname); XADataSource xads = (XADataSource) clazz.newInstance(); Class[] NOCLASSES = new Class[] {}; for (Iterator i = properties.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String name = (String); String value = properties.getProperty(name); //This is a bad solution. On the other hand the only known example // of a setter with no getter is for Oracle with password. //Anyway, each xadatasource implementation should get its //own subclass of this that explicitly sets the //properties individually. Class type = null; try { Method getter = clazz.getMethod("get" + name, NOCLASSES); type = getter.getReturnType(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { type = String.class; try { //HACK for now until we can rethink the XADataSourceProperties variable and pass type information Method getter = clazz.getMethod("is" + name, NOCLASSES); type = getter.getReturnType(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { type = String.class; } } Method setter = clazz.getMethod("set" + name, new Class[] { type }); PropertyEditor editor = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(type); editor.setAsText(value); setter.invoke(xads, new Object[] { editor.getValue() }); } return xads; } private boolean _supportsIsValidMethod; private XAConnection _connection; private XADataSource _dataSource; private LocalConnectionEventListener _connectionEventListener; private boolean _hasMoreResources; private String _dataSourceId; private Logger log = org.jboss.logging.Logger.getLogger(AppServerJDBCXARecovery.class); }