/* * Generated by XDoclet - Do not edit! */ package org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice; /** * Service endpoint interface for NotificationService. * Web service to handle sending of notifications. Note that all methods use a parameter class because Document/Literal web services can only have a single parameter in Axis based implementations. This seems to be a bug with axis as the wscompile tool creates a wrapper class to hold parameters anyway. (Note that all doc/literal web services must have a single root node i.e. the document must be valid XML in its own right) */ public interface NotificationServiceEndpoint extends java.rmi.Remote { /** * Business method */ public void sendNotificationForDocument( org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.parameters.NotificationForDocument notification ) throws org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.exceptions.WebServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * Business method */ public void sendNotificationForTask( org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.parameters.NotificationForTask notification ) throws org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.exceptions.WebServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * Business method */ public void sendNotificationForDocumentByUser( org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.parameters.NotificationForDocumentByUser notification ) throws org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.exceptions.WebServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * Business method */ public void sendNotificationForTaskByUser( org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.parameters.NotificationForTaskByUser notification ) throws org.iarc.ebusiness.webservice.exceptions.WebServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException; }