Jira Concepts - Issues
Jira tracks issues, which can be bugs, feature requests, or any other tasks you want to track.
Each issue has a variety of associated information including:
- the issue type
- a summary
- a description of the issue
- the project which the issue belongs to
- components within a project which are associated with this issue
- versions of the project which are affected by this issue
- versions of the project which will resolve the issue
- the environment in which it occurs
- a priority for being fixed
- an assigned developer to work on the task
- a reporter - the user who entered the issue into the system
- the current status of the issue
- a full history log of all field changes that have occurred
- a comment trail added by users
- if the issue is resolved - the resolution
Issue Types
Jira can be used to track many different types of issues. The currently defined issue types are listed below. In addition, you can add more in the administration section.
For Regular Issues
Service Request with Approvals
- For requests that require approval. Created by Jira Service Management
- Track underlying causes of incidents. Created by Jira Service Management.
- Created by Jira Service Management.
IT Help
- For general IT problems and questions. Created by Jira Service Management.
- An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.
- Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down.
Feature Request
- Feature requests from customers and/or users
- A problem that impairs or prevents the functions of the product.
- Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.
- Represents a small unit of work that is not end-user facing.
Support Patch
- A one-off patch related to a customer support case, provided by Support and not Engineering
- An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task. Includes patches submitted by community commiters.
CTS Challenge
- Indicates a possible testsuite challenge
- A container task to coordinate the tasks for a given release.
- RT355021
- For Documentation Issues
Technical Feature
- Mixed type for Feature as Story
Release tracker
- tracks major releases
- Higher level than an epic
Root Cause Analysis
- Root Cause Analysis
Ad-Hoc Task
- Expresses areas of concern for a project or program's success.
Stakeholder Request
Library Upgrade
- Upgrade of a library dependency
- A clarification needed to a specification based on community feedback
- Issue tracking a bug fix or improvement in another component
Quality Risk
- A potential bug.
Content Change
New Feature
- A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.
Technical Requirement
Support Request
- Support Request
Business Requirement
Team Improvement
Strategic Goal
- Large, strategic focus area typically defined by leadership teams to achieve organizational long-term vision.
Supply Chain Exception
- Product Security Supply Chain Security Exception
- Used for conducting internal reviews of our products and process with 3rd party auditors
- Organizational objective focused on a measurable outcome. May be in support of larger strategic goals.
Release Milestone
- Used for grouping release operations, typically to identify milestones associated with shipping a major release
Change Request
- A request for change, often with an approval step at the beginning to confirm the change.
Component Upgrade
- A task tracking an update to a bundled component or revision of component upstream of the project.
Closed Loop
- Used to track RCA work with specific custom fields defined by the QE Closed Loop Process.
- An enhancement to or refactoring of existing functionality that is not configurable by an end user (typically a change made by an internal team that affects users)
- Used to represent an interrupt request identifying a problem that must be addressed, usually from customer support
- Represents a research-related task.'
- Generic Service issue or operations request from an end user.
- Capability or a well-defined set of functionality that delivers business value. Features can include additions or changes to existing functionality. Features can easily span multiple teams, and potentially multiple releases.
PSRD Exception
Software Security Exception
- ProdSec Software Security Exception
Dev Task
- Development task
QE Task
- QE Task
Docs Task
- Docs Task
- Objectives and Key Results
- Policies are the way we interact with our work and with each other.
- Customer-impacting issue requiring coordinated response
- A large product/portfolio goal or focus area that has clear start and completion criteria
Service Request
- This issue type is created for Service Desk functions in Jira Software
- Custom Task issuetype for OCSPLAT
Support Exception
Simple Task
Next Action
BU Initiative
- This is a Business Unit Initiative a.k.a. "BUI"
- General issue to be triaged
- HSS PA tracking issue for Milestones
Build Task
For Sub-Task Issues
- The sub-task of the issue
- Same as Requirement type but for subtasks
Technical task
- A technical task.
Story Bug
- A defect that needs to be fixed before Story can be "Done"
QE Sub-task
- The sub-task of the issue used to track related QE work
Docs Sub-task
- The sub-task of the issue used to track related documentation work
Dev Sub-task
- The sub-task of the issue used to track related development work
Simple Sub-task
Component Upgrade Subtask
- A subtask tracking an update to a bundled component
Priority Levels
An issue has a priority level which indicates its importance. The currently defined priorities are listed below. In addition, you can add more priority levels in the administration section.
- To be worked above all other priorities. This term is chosen when the severity of the issue is very high, has no workaround, or the effort for the change is comparatively low. Issues that may be very publicly visible and could generate significant media attention may also drive a higher priority.
- Drop everything and do this! This task or feature is preventing progress with no workaround, and needs immediate attention.
- To be worked on immediately following BLOCKER issues.
Must Have
- Required for next release. Launch blocker.
- To be worked after higher priority work items are addressed. When the severity is high and the effort to change it is low to moderate, this term is chosen. Issues in this category likely have an existing workaround but implementation or execution may be non-trivial.
Should Have
- To be worked after urgent and high priorities are resolved. This term is chosen when the severity of an issue is relatively close to the level of effort to fix it. The existence of an easily implemented workaround can also lead to this priority level instead of a higher priority.
- Relatively important task or feature strongly desired but not required for next release. Can wait for subsequent release if absolutely necessary.
- To be worked after urgent, high, and medium priorities are resolved. This term is chosen when the severity of the issue is low, or the complexity or effort to correct it may be higher, relatively speaking. For low priority issues, known workarounds exist or are not needed due to the trivial effort needed to address the issue.
- Minor task or feature which has no urgency or impact on basic functionality or progress, and is easily worked around. Nice to have.
Could Have
- Cosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned text.
- The request should be considered desirable but is not an immediate necessity.
Won't Have
- Priority not specified.
- The priority has not been specified or not yet evaluated by the team.
Status Categories
Helps identify where an issue is in its lifecycle.
Issues move from To Do to In Progress when work starts on them, and later move to Done when all work is complete.
- Done
Represents anything for which work has been completed
- In Progress
Represents anything in the process of being worked on
- No Category
A category is yet to be set for this status
- To Do
Represents anything new
Issue Statuses
Each issue has a status, which indicates the stage of the issue. In the default workflow, issues start as being Open, progressing to In Progress, Resolved and then Closed. Other workflows may have other status transitions.
- New
- Initial creation status. Implies nothing yet and should be very short lived; also can be a Bugzilla status.
- Backlog
- Work has been reviewed as in-scope for the team. Implies receipt of the work, but not necessarily commitment.
- Refinement
- Work is being scoped and discussed (To Do status category; see also Draft)
- To Do
- The team is planning to do this work and it has a priority set
- Planning
- Collaborative work to understand what needs to be done, and confirm understanding with stakeholders.
- Analysis
- The process of gathering requirements, defining scope, and identifying dependencies.
- Stakeholder review
- Stakeholders are reviewing a proposed solution before the team commits to execution
- Tasking and Estimation
- Breaking down larger pieces of work (e.g. Epics) into consumable tasks (i.e. can be taken into a Sprint) and estimating those
- Waiting
- The work is waiting for an external team or other factor to take an action. This status is appropriate for waiting on 3rd parties outside of Red Hat too.
- Draft
- Work is being scoped and discussed (In Progress status category; see also Refinement). Typically used in workflows where the creation and approval of the draft document is the point of the workflow.
- Exploration
- Gathering resources and studying information to gain the knowledge necessary to complete the work. This may also include creating prototypes and experimenting. (used in Projects that track training work)
- Pull Request
- A pull (or merge) request is waiting to be reviewed upstream
- In progress - Upstream
- Work has started in the upstream community
- Review - Upstream
- Work has completed and is under review in the upstream community
- Release Pending - Upstream
- Red Hat engineering team is waiting on an upstream release in order to continue work on this issue.
- In Progress
- Work has started
- Build In Progress
- Work has started on a productization related activity, which may come after development work (In Progress).
- Code Review
- Code changes are under review by the team
- Peer Review
- Dev Complete
- Development has completed and now awaits validation
- Testing
- Changes are being tested. This status is recommended to be used when "Review" is already used elsewhere in the workflow or not appropriate for some reason.
- Review
- Work is being reviewed. This can be for multiple purposes: QE validation, engineer review, or some kind of peer review.
- Awareness
- Work has completed and been deployed, but communication and migration activities remain. Used for stories and epics where the value of the work is not realized until stakeholders actually adopt it.
- Experimenting
- Work is complete but longer-term steps are being taken to measure the intended effect
- Stakeholder Feedback
- Work has been handed over to stakeholders for feedback and/or formal acceptance of the resolution (UAT)
- Pending Approval
- A proposal has been drafted and is under review
- Approved
- A proposal has been approved and now awaits execution
- Rejection Pending
- Work will not be completed, but feedback from the stakeholder/requester is appropriate before closing the issue for good.
- Bugzilla Status
- Bugzilla Status
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Bugzilla Status
- Bugzilla Status
- Verified
- Work has been verified to have the intended effect or behavior
- Release Pending
- Work is complete but still not deployed or released to customers
- Resolved
- For teams with longer stakeholder feedback loops (multiple days before they typically respond), this status can be used to indicate the work is done and deployed, but still awaiting sign-off from the requester(s). It is different from Release Pending because the work has been deployed. This is meant for help-desk style interactions, not product development.
- Closed
- The issue is closed. See the resolution for context regarding why (for example Done, Abandoned, Duplicate, etc)
- QA In Progress
- This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the QA assignee.
- Open
- The issue is defined correctly and completely by whoever is acting as Product person
- Coding In Progress
- This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee.
- Reopened
- This issue was once resolved, but the resolution was deemed incorrect. From here issues are either marked assigned or resolved.
- Pending Upload to Patch Repository
- The completed patch is waiting to be uploaded to the patch repository.
- Triage
- Ready for QA
- Signing In Progress
- The jars attached to the JIRA are waiting to be signed by Release Engineering
- Pending Product Management Triage
- The assigned product manager needs to determine if this issue can be accepted to be scheduled for a future platform release.
- Pending Engineering Triage
- The assigned enginerring manager or engineer needs to provide engineering feedback to the product manager in order for them to decide if this should be accepted.
- Pull Request Sent
- Ready for internal review
- On Hold
- External Blocker, waiting on external action or information
- Done
- In Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Hold
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- SME Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Pending Deployment
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Rejected
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Under Test
- Deferred
- Awaiting Comment
- Ready for Test
- Issue implementation is done and prepared for testing
- Evaluation
- The developer evaluates the feature before forming the feature team
- PM Input
- The issue needs clarification from PM in order to be further analysed
- Failed QA
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Dev In Progress
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Stalled
- The issue cannot be worked upon due to unforeseen problems
- Implemented
- Change is implemented but not ready for testing yeat
- Undefined
- Work can't start as some info is missing
- Blocked
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Ready for Review
- Completed
- Needs Info
- Selected
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Invalid
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- QE Verification
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Sprint Ready
- Review in Progress
- Awaiting Release
- Ticket has gone through Definition of Done
- Released
- Development has completed, feature is currently ready for release
- Awaiting Docs
- Product Docs
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ready for Dev
- Triaged issue ready for development
- Ready for Build
- Issue is implemented and ready for build
- Ready For Release
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Queued
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Next
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Selected for Development
- Analysis in Progress
- Ready
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Plan
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ideate
- Prototype
- QA
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Measure
- Build
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- QE
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Awaiting Comment (In Dev)
- Awaiting Comment (In Test)
- Awaiting Comment (New)
- Descoped
- In Dev
- In Test
- Known Issue
- Obsolete
- Verification
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Testing in Progress
- Testing in Progress
- 0
- .1
- .2
- .3
- .4
- .5
- .6
- .7
- .8
- .9
- 1
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Triage Backlog
- In Clarification
- Planning Backlog
- In Planning
- Release Backlog
- Sprint Backlog
- In Development
- Productization Backlog
- In Productization
- Validation Backlog
- In Validation
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Validation Failed
- Inbox
- Product Backlog
- Development Next
- Validate
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Dependent On Mgmt
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Won't Fix / Obsolete
- Duplicate
- Issue already exists and is being tracked elsewhere.
- Merged in Github
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Scheduled
- Pending
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Integration Test
- Integration Test step in workflow.
- QE Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Investigation
- Cancelled
- Under Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Won't Fix / Duplicate
- Accepted
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Under Coalfire Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Feature Complete
- Merged
- The changes have been merged into source control and if appropriate, a build will be produced to hand off to QE.
- Deployed to Quay.io
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Follow up
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- On QA
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Idea Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Research Phase
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Operations Phase
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Idea Log
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Pending Customer
- Pending Change
- Pending Vendor
- Pending Problem
- In Elaboration
- Reviewed
- Won't Do
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- New Platform
- Initial State - platform is defined as target, but nobody knows anything about the platform yet
- Manually Installed
- Someone has manually installed OCS on the platform and was successful - documented steps are attached to the task. Cost & Performance options analysed and we have a suggested instance size & disk type
- Tier 1 tested
- QE's tier 1 test has been run successfully by someone on the platform
- Tier 1 accepted
- QE has looked at the tier 1 run and has accepted its output - this is now ready to Tier 4 tested
- Tier 4 tested
- QE's tier 4 test has been run successfully by someone? on the platform
- Tier 4 accepted
- QE has looked at the Tier 4 run and has accepted its output - this is now ready to be officially released by PMs
- Preparation
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Parked
- Opened
- Active
- Discussed
- Permanent Initiatives
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Needs collaboration
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- M7
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- M8
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- M9
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- On Deck
- Tech Preview
- To Groom
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Planned
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ready For Merge
- Abandoned
- Needs Review
- Needs Peer Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Grooming
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Dropped
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- NAB Review
- RHEL Council Inbox
- RHEL Council Review
- Measuring
- Scoping
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- In Progress QE
- Active Testing
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- In QA
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- On Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Needs Activation
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Rule Signoff
- Rule Signoff
- Not Required
- Concept Review
- https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51977645
- Scoping Review
- https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51977645
- Not Approved
- Official
- Deprecated
- On_Hold
- https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51977645
- Wont Fix
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ready for QE
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- QE InProgress
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Closed by Eng
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Not a Bug
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- In Testing
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Themes
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Prioritization
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Pending Upstream/Waiting
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Release_pending
- The change will be a part of the next release.
- References
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ready to Release
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Deployed
- Duplicate Issue
- Discovery
- https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51977645
- Groomed
- A PO has accepted the work and development can begin at any time.
- Team Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Waiting for Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Duplicated
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Stalled / Blocked
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ready to pull
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Start
- The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.
- Committed
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Release
- Needs Scoping
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Waiting for Contributor
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Push Ready
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Development
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Monitoring
- The outcome is being monitored for the right behaviors.
- Removed
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Maintain
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Ready to Work
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Blocked/On Hold
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Working
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Awaiting Approval
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- PM Approved
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Stage
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Proposed
- Issues that are in Proposed state have been given a version number for a future release.
- Work In Progress
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Devel
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Routine
- routine work
- Stage Deployment
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Unconfirmed
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Defined
- Fix Internally DevOps
- These tickets can be fixed by DevOps internally
- Raise to Polarion
- These tickets will be raised to the Polarion system
- Info Needed
- Fix Internally QE
- These tickets are to be fixed by QE internally
- Polarion Defect
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Debug
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Tech Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Selected to Development
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- In Review by Sysops
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Scope
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Raised to Polarion
- These tickets are currently with polarion
- Idle waiting for clarification
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Outdated
- On Dev
- Bugzilla Status
- Product
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- DevOps InProgress
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Polarion Feature Request
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Verified Stage
- On Stage
- Project
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Ready For Verification
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- PR Opened
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Design Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Development Complete
- Requirement
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Blockers
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Blocker
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Accepted by Customer
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Not Fixing Now
- These may get fixed in the future but are very low priority at the moment
- Compliant
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Not In Scope
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Concept
- https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51977645
- Pending Release
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51977645
- Needs Attention
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Parking Lot
- Parking Lot
- Epics
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- AC Definition
- Requirements Capture
- Maintenance
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Pending Review
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Pending External
- Pending External
- Documentation
- Ongoing
- PNT0116172
- Archived
- Parallel Team (No action required)
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Discovery Review
- The state is reached when the author(s) of a proposal are ready to review the proposal with their team's management.
- Signed Off
- Assignee
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Awaiting Acceptance
- Strategy
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Published
- Requests & Collaborations
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Up Next
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Paused
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Epic
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- Frozen
- Tasks with low priority that are not to be engaged in the near future
- QA Blocked
- Out of Scope
- Permanent
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- In Evaluation
- This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Story Approved
- Backport
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Staffing
- Resources are currently being allocated and reviewed for this work
- Acceptance Criteria
- QE has accept the change and documented acceptance criteria.
- Blocked / Stalled
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Requests On-Hold
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Assess
- Initiation
- Determine go/no-go for a work package
- Blocked External
- Customer Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Closing
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Initiation Review
- Review justification for a project
- SME/QE Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Execution
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Acceptance
- Acceptance
- Planning Review
- Planning is ready to be reviewed by stakeholders
- Preparing Release
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- This week
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Design
- Ticket Escalation Needed
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Pending Acceptance
- Non Issue
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Design and Scoping
- Project Plan
- Definition
- Implementation
- UAT Checklist
- Project Plan Review
- Cherrypicks
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Feedback
- Contingent
- NAB Inbox
- NAB Resolved
- ToDiscuss
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Ready for Implementation
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Definition in progress
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Refined
- To Define
- Defining
- To Design
- Designing
- To Develop
- Developing
- To Document
- Documenting
- To Test (QE)
- To Test For SaaS
- Testing For SaaS
- To Deploy On SaaS
- To Test For RHOAM
- Testing For RHOAM
- To Ship To RHOAM
- To Test For On-Prem
- Testing For On-Prem
- To Ship To On-Prem
- Testing (QE)
- Stakeholder Acceptance
- Sprint Resolved
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Verified QA
- Awaiting Review
- Active Project
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- In NAB
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Tradeoff
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Functional Testing
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- MR Raised
- Treasure Box
- Integration Testing
- Initative Horizon
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Initatives Ready for Devel
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Triage Documentation To Do
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Blocked / Parked
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Under StackArmor Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- inprogress
- This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee.
- Socialize
- Delayed
- To Close
- Issue should be closed manually with the required fields set.
- Waiting on Support
- Engineering is waiting for information from Support or the customer (via the support ticket). This status is used to automate notification in Zendesk for the support team.
- To Triage
- Used for independent bugs (not story bugs) to indicate the on-call devs need to evaluate the bug
- To Verify
- Work is in verification.
- Awaiting Signature
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Deployed to Stage
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- External Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- C&E
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Web Ops
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Things to do
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- D&E
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Kickoff
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- ToDo
- The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.
- Ready To Demo
- Integration
- This is the integration phase for RHEL development, once changes are part of an official build and included in the nightly compose.
- Ready To Review
- Approved/Ready
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- On Hold/Blocked
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- Not Started
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- In-Review
- This status is managed internally by Jira Software
- I Hate This
- Issues that deserve hate
- Declined
- This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import
- Waiting for support
- This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import
- Waiting for customer
- This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import
- Canceled
- This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import
- Escalated
- This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import
- Waiting for approval
- This was auto-generated by Jira Service Management during workflow import
An issue can be resolved in many ways, only one of them being "Fixed". The defined resolutions are listed below. You can add more in the administration section.
- Done
- This issue is closed, and complete.
- Won't Do
- This issue was rejected.
- Cannot Reproduce
- Used to indicate a Bug was closed because it could not be reproduced
- Can't Do
- This issue was closed because it cannot be completed.
- Duplicate
- This issue was closed because it duplicates another issue in the backlog.
- Not a Bug
- Used to indicate a Bug was closed because there was no defect
- Done-Errata
- This issue is closed and included in the Errata
- MirrorOrphan
- Indicates that a mirrored bug no longer matches the filter condition configured for the project.
- Obsolete
- This issue was closed because it is no longer relevant
- Test Pending
- This fix was released to production but testing was skipped. This resolution would primarily be used by managed service projects
- Declined
- This issue was not approved.
- Known Error
- The problem has a documented root cause and a workaround.
- Hardware failure
- Software failure