Release Notes - Teiid - Version 12.2 - HTML format


  • [TEIID-5669] - Templatize the Teiid name
  • [TEIID-5696] - Misc. PG issues to support lo functionality
  • [TEIID-5711] - isolate references to JEE concerns, such as jca


  • [TEIID-5545] - Odata V4 Batch processing does not work as teiid/olingo rejects "Accept: multipart/mixed" request header
  • [TEIID-5672] - Support nanosecond precision for MySQL version > 5.6
  • [TEIID-5686] - NPE in MergeJoinStrategy when using joins with a particular limit value
  • [TEIID-5687] - Oracle comparison with binding of nchar with non-ascii chars is not correct
  • [TEIID-5690] - getVDBs in domain mode is returning the VDBs of one server
  • [TEIID-5691] - Odata cross join with sibling expand will typically error
  • [TEIID-5693] - Ordering by two expressions results in the wrong odata query
  • [TEIID-5698] - Textagg is using xmltable name escaping
  • [TEIID-5700] - Dependent join back-off max ndv set to independent ndv estimate
  • [TEIID-5707] - Must pushdown correlated subquery without from fails
  • [TEIID-5709] - Consistent character handling beyond bmp
  • [TEIID-5712] - Hidden metadata is inconsistent over pg
  • [TEIID-5713] - Safesforce-41 translator errors
  • [TEIID-5714] - Can't push cross source function
  • [TEIID-5717] - Timestamp fields fetch error with Cassandra
  • [TEIID-5720] - PSQL client fails to report the metadata
  • [TEIID-5721] - Subquery join - Planning error. Could not find symbol
  • [TEIID-5724] - Issues with Informix Date/Time types
  • [TEIID-5726] - java.lang.NullPointerException when calling a stored procedure via Teiid
  • [TEIID-5728] - JSON production functions JSONOBJECT and JSONARRAY_AGG producing CLOBs
  • [TEIID-5730] - DDLStringVisitor writes the Namesspaces outside the Database scope
  • [TEIID-5734] - Planning errors with masking due to unaliased column references
  • [TEIID-5737] - should let the system/env properties override the client properties
  • [TEIID-5739] - Procedure does not get executed (without error) when comment and variable declaration are present


  • [TEIID-5677] - Remove commons lang3 from olingo server
  • [TEIID-5678] - loopback improvements
  • [TEIID-5708] - Secure maven access for all repositories in the Teiid organization
  • [TEIID-5735] - Update Olingo library to 4.6.0

Quality Risk

  • [TEIID-5592] - Update or deprecate teiid-quickstarts
  • [TEIID-5619] - Provide tables representing admin information
  • [TEIID-5648] - More consistency in how metadata is hidden or not
  • [TEIID-5675] - Fail, rather than ignore the apply option for OData
  • [TEIID-5679] - Better odata exception handling
  • [TEIID-5685] - Allow for binding non-ascii strings as varchar
  • [TEIID-5692] - Scaling float/double to bigdecimal/numeric is not always necessary
  • [TEIID-5694] - Create a sub-module for geo functions
  • [TEIID-5697] - Create a sub-module for xml functionality
  • [TEIID-5699] - Remove the engine/runtime dependency on vfs
  • [TEIID-5715] - Option to not allow hidden schema objects to be accessible
  • [TEIID-5718] - Provide a flag to disable alter statements
  • [TEIID-5732] - Change default tls support to 1.2
  • [TEIID-5733] - usage of the combined jdbc jar brings in it's dependencies


  • [TEIID-5500] - Improve OData performance
  • [TEIID-5683] - Push or use limit information before dependent join processing
  • [TEIID-5684] - Show Latest Deployed Date of VDB in metadata tables
  • [TEIID-5695] - Add OpenAPI 3.0 metadata over OData
  • [TEIID-5719] - Allow unqualified temporary table names to contain .
  • [TEIID-5725] - Please improve documentation on definition of stored procedures, virtual functions and virtual procedures

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