- [RESTEASY-1142] - resteasy-client thrown exceptions during resteasy-jaxrs resource invocation causes IllegalStateException indigestion
- [RESTEASY-1619] - IIOImageProvider not working properly on JDK 11
- [RESTEASY-1786] - DynamicFeature should warn user when registering wrong provider type
- [RESTEASY-1806] - org.jboss.resteasy.test.xxe.SecureProcessing*Test failing when running against remote server
- [RESTEASY-1986] - SseEventOutputImpl should not log and throw
- [RESTEASY-2026] - Priority override is not taken into account when registering ContextResolver
- [RESTEASY-2053] - JDK11 illegal reflective access testsuite warnings
- [RESTEASY-2055] - javadoc generation failures
- [RESTEASY-2061] - Duplicates classes found in jaxb-api:jar:2.3.1 and jboss-jaxb-api_2.3_spec:jar:1.0.0.Final
- [RESTEASY-2063] - StreamingOutputProvider, ByteArrayProvider, FileRangeWriter not annotated with @Provider
- [RESTEASY-2066] - Tests regressions with latest WildFly after upgrade to wildfly-core 7.0.0.Alpha5
- [RESTEASY-2083] - SseBroadcasterImpl.notifyOnCloseListeners removes wrong sink from outputQueue
- [RESTEASY-2097] - ClientResponse.getEntity() and ClientResponse.bufferEntity() do not completely follow the spec
- [RESTEASY-2105] - org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.*Param annotations don't work with both proxy and MP REST client
- [RESTEASY-2106] - JsonBindingProvider swallows original exception
- [RESTEASY-2109] - GraalVM native image cannot be generated
- [RESTEASY-2121] - Different versions of Spring - 4.2.5.RELEASE vs. 4.3.20.RELEASE
- [RESTEASY-2128] - javadoc: error - The code being documented uses modules but the packages defined in https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/ are in the unnamed module.
- [RESTEASY-2130] - I18nTestMessages_XYZ.java are not executed - bad name pattern
- [RESTEASY-2148] - Add the ability to disable Filename encoding in Content-Disposition
- [RESTEASY-1884] - Consider to get rid of additional surefire executions in resteasy testsuite
- [RESTEASY-1974] - Fix checkstyle errors in RESTEasy
- [RESTEASY-2064] - Prepare test for yasson/issues/152
- [RESTEASY-2077] - Cleanup of ignored tests
- [RESTEASY-2078] - Upgrade netty4 to 4.1.31.Final
- [RESTEASY-2081] - Prepare test for application packaging when Application subclass is not present
- [RESTEASY-2082] - Extend ApplicationTest to test getSingletons()
- [RESTEASY-2094] - Use WF15 in travis testing
- [RESTEASY-2114] - Update versions of com.fasterxml.classmate and com.fasterxml.jackson
- [RESTEASY-2116] - Versions upgrade to sync with WF or to use latest minor/micro - round 1
- [RESTEASY-2117] - Versions upgrade to sync with WF or to use latest minor/micro - round 2
- [RESTEASY-2118] - Remove unused redhat-xerces profiles
- [RESTEASY-2123] - Versions upgrade to sync with WF or to use latest minor/micro - round 3
- [RESTEASY-2124] - microprofile-tck cleanup + move to wildfly-microprofile-config-smallrye
- [RESTEASY-2155] - resteasy-jsapi: ignore charset when checking the content type
- [RESTEASY-2162] - Release 3.6.3.Final
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-2119] - Upgrade Java Servlet API from 3.1 to 4.0
- [RESTEASY-2120] - Upgrade Common Annotations API from 1.2 to 1.3
- [RESTEASY-2126] - Upgrade json-patch
- [RESTEASY-2095] - Only fetch Application classes and singletons once
- [RESTEASY-2111] - Expose client invocation from ClientRequestContextImpl
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