Release Notes - RESTEasy - Version 3.0.24.Final - Text format

Feature Request

  • [RESTEASY-1599] - Ability to customize client engine
  • [RESTEASY-1662] - Enable String marshalling forString based @*Param into char primitive or char wrapper


  • [RESTEASY-1544] - Resteasy-Netty4 Exception when expecting 100-Continue
  • [RESTEASY-1621] - Incorrect warning logs because of "multiple endpoints"
  • [RESTEASY-1656] - PathParamInjector handles multiple PathSegments incorrectly [Part 2]
  • [RESTEASY-1659] - HttpServletResponseHeaders adds headers on putAll(), but should replace them
  • [RESTEASY-1669] - httpContext in ApacheHttpClient4Executor is not thread safe and causes NPEs
  • [RESTEASY-1670] - DataSourceProvider doesn't clean tmp file if inputstream is not read
  • [RESTEASY-1684] - "Arguments must not be null" when sending a null JSON object with ResteasyWebTarget
  • [RESTEASY-1685] - Resteasy client throws WebApplicationException when ClientRequestFilter is used
  • [RESTEASY-1686] - Media type negotiation unexpected behavior
  • [RESTEASY-1691] - MDBInjectionTest doesn't work with IPv6
  • [RESTEASY-1692] - ResourceInfoInjectionTest freeze with Undertow 1.4.18.Final


Component Upgrade


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