- [RESTEASY-1569] - Regex with parenthesis doesn't work with resource locator
- [RESTEASY-1588] - Location header contains uppercase characters in ipv6 address on Windows
- [RESTEASY-1609] - Can't use custom ValidatorContextResolver anymore
- [RESTEASY-1620] - resteasy.add.charset property is not described in RESTEasy documentation
- [RESTEASY-1622] - Decrease log level of "lack charset" warning message
- [RESTEASY-1623] - GZIPDecodingInterceptor may be registered twice when using JAX-RS and REsteasy client on the same application
- [RESTEASY-1627] - Automatic HEAD requests breaks subsequent request(s) on resteasy-netty4 and resteasy-vertx
- [RESTEASY-1628] - Response is broken for String entities if charset is not explicitly specified, Part 2
- [RESTEASY-1626] - Upgrade Vert.x to 3.4.1
- [RESTEASY-1629] - Allow UndertowJaxrsServer to process context and initial parameters
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