- [RESTEASY-1332] - Support for polymorphic sub-resource locators - "casting" client proxies
Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-852] - Add profile for productization in resteasy
- [RESTEASY-1295] - WildcardType support to org.jboss.resteasy.util.Types
- [RESTEASY-1297] - Add sublocator support to resteasy-js module
- [RESTEASY-1305] - Allow RESTEasy Spring integration under RESTEasy Spring Boot starter
- [RESTEASY-1325] - Netty server should close idle connections.
- [RESTEASY-477] - FormUrlEncodedProvider ignores charset parameter
- [RESTEASY-686] - Docs: Section 26.1. Exception Mappers needs correction
- [RESTEASY-770] - Typos in docs
- [RESTEASY-841] - No error is thrown if the same class is present in both Application.getClasses() and Application.getSingletons()
- [RESTEASY-1105] - NotSerializableException: InfinispanCache$CacheEntry
- [RESTEASY-1124] - UriInfo#getPath() is missing trailing slash
- [RESTEASY-1134] - RegisterBuiltin globbles up stack traces
- [RESTEASY-1176] - OAuth 2.0 AuthenticationServerValve fails for user passwords containing colon character
- [RESTEASY-1194] - Opposite behaviour of AsyncResponse.setTimeout with <= 0 values.
- [RESTEASY-1236] - Resteasy yaml provider - ReaderException: Failed to decode Yaml
- [RESTEASY-1237] - org/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-jaxrs-wf8/main/module.xml should not export org.apache.httpcomponents
- [RESTEASY-1240] - TestSecureProcessing tests fail if system language is not English
- [RESTEASY-1250] - Issues with moving from deprecated RestEasy client code to new implementation
- [RESTEASY-1281] - Unable to find contextual data of type: when using ReadListener
- [RESTEASY-1282] - RESTEasy should have some Provider to produce primitive types without @Produces annotation
- [RESTEASY-1284] - JAX-RS component must not be registered more than once on instances
- [RESTEASY-1293] - ResteasyClientProxy class should be deprecated
- [RESTEASY-1300] - Response code 204, when javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException is returned
- [RESTEASY-1306] - Cannot remove property from ClientWebTarget
- [RESTEASY-1307] - Resteasy uses cdi-api 1.1 (or 1.0) which is not in sync with cdi-api 1.2 used in EAP
- [RESTEASY-1308] - ContainerRequestContext setRequestUri doesn't clear previous query parameters
- [RESTEASY-1310] - ResponseObjectTest failing when using ProxyBuilder
- [RESTEASY-1311] - ResteasyProviderFactory.registerProviderInstance does not always take priority into account
- [RESTEASY-1313] - resteasy-spring declares unnecessary dependency on resteasy-jettison-provider
- [RESTEASY-1314] - Duplicate JavaMail dependency
- [RESTEASY-1318] - SSLAcceptor should add security provider only when none exists
- [RESTEASY-1322] - Resteasy processes If-Modified-Since header even when If-None-Match header is present
- [RESTEASY-1328] - NewCookieHeaderDelegate throws if NewCookie value is null
- [RESTEASY-1331] - UriInfo.getQueryParameters() should return an immutable map
- [RESTEASY-1337] - ResponseObjectTest and ProxiedSubresourceTest relies on currently cached ResteasyProviderFactory
- [RESTEASY-1345] - Instances built from org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.internal.ClientWebTarget must inherit of a snaphot of the parent configuration
- [RESTEASY-873] - Manage the dependencies versions in parent pom.
- [RESTEASY-1362] - Deprecate proprietary @Suspend annotation
- [RESTEASY-1358] - Release 3.0.17.Final
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-1333] - Upgrade Javassist to 3.20.0-GA
- [RESTEASY-1334] - JUnit Assert.assertEquals(a,b) for floating point is deprecated
- [RESTEASY-1339] - Arquillian Consistency and Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-833] - preserve manually added AtomLinks (using addLink on RESTServiceDiscovery field)
- [RESTEASY-1320] - Enhance javadoc for deprecated classes/interfaces/methods/etc
- [RESTEASY-1354] - Add resteasy-spring to distro zip file
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