Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-166] - Runtime WADL generation
- [RESTEASY-715] - Add prefix support for @QueryParam
- [RESTEASY-1172] - Properties from javax.ws.rs.core.Application.getProperties are not registered
- [RESTEASY-1182] - DataSourceProvider produces FileNotFoundException upon second call of getInputStream()
- [RESTEASY-1202] - Incompatibility with Jackson 2.6.0
- [RESTEASY-1212] - SpringBeanProcessor didn't find methods in super-class any more
- [RESTEASY-1241] - Spring integration (for Spring Boot) is broken
- [RESTEASY-1257] - [GUICE] Any generic class bound with @Provider not registered
- [RESTEASY-1151] - upgrade jackson to 2.4.2
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