Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-929] - Not possible to acces embedded multipart using rest easy MultipartInput
- [RESTEASY-950] - Update @Deprecated class javadocs
- [RESTEASY-981] - Add config option for automatic buffering
- [RESTEASY-1171] - Netty: Add hooks for Http related Handlers
- [RESTEASY-962] - SMIME signature verify+decrypt is not working
- [RESTEASY-1057] - NPE when posting javax.ws.rs.client.Entity.json(null)
- [RESTEASY-1088] - List of @XmlJavaTypeAdapter-annotated objects may not be deserialized
- [RESTEASY-1119] - Unable to find contextual data of type: javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
- [RESTEASY-1137] - Bean Validation handler throws ResteasyViolationException instead of ConstraintViolationException (or a subclass of it)
- [RESTEASY-1184] - Cannot remove property from client configuration
- [RESTEASY-1185] - Missing warning when the 2nd registration of the *class* provider is attempted
- [RESTEASY-1206] - Create a profile for EAP productization
- [RESTEASY-1210] - Add resteasy-client tests
- [RESTEASY-1074] - Missing JAXBContextFinder from Entry objects unmarshalled as part of an Atom Feed
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