Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-1006] - Netty and Netty4 never respond in case of unhandled exception
- [RESTEASY-180] - Review scope for dependencies in pom
- [RESTEASY-1043] - ClientProtocolException resulting from HttpClient connection handling bug HTTPCLIENT-1340
- [RESTEASY-1081] - When using StreamingOutput, the Resource freezes until it's done and no other users can call it
- [RESTEASY-1113] - HttpHeaders.getAcceptableMediaTypes() doesn't comply with JAX-RS 2.0 spec
- [RESTEASY-1117] - UriBuilder.fromUri does not accept colons in relative paths
- [RESTEASY-1127] - OAuthUtils readMessage removes duplicate Parameter values
- [RESTEASY-1149] - NettyJaxrsServer Unable to find contextual data of type: javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
- [RESTEASY-1150] - Wrong ContentType on JSAPI Servlet
- [RESTEASY-1161] - When using a sub-resource locator method that returns a CDI managed sub-resource class, bean validation occurs twice on the constrained methods contained in that sub-resource class.
- [RESTEASY-1168] - Jackson2JsonpInterceptor does not render closing bracket
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