- [KOGITO-7245] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Instruct how to have different endpoint configuration profiles for OpenAPI calls
- [KOGITO-7260] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Defining an input schema for Workflows
- [KOGITO-7268] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Consuming and producing events on Knative Eventing
- [KOGITO-7270] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Getting familiar with our tooling
- [KOGITO-7280] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Building Workflow Images locally with KN CLI
- [KOGITO-7289] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Event correlation with workflows
- [KOGITO-7292] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Handling events on workflows
- [KOGITO-7302] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] Persistence with PostgresSQL databases
- [KOGITO-7637] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] SW configuration properties guide
- [KOGITO-7681] - [Docs Review][KOGITO-7610] - Adding downstream content to upstream
- [KOGITO-7688] - [Docs Review][KSW-Guides] - Restructure the guides to fit downstream structure
- [KOGITO-7771] - [Docs Review] Update the docs to add an instruction to users to configure earlyaccess repo
- [KOGITO-7561] - Restructure KSW Guides to OpenShift Docs Guidelines
- [KOGITO-8059] - QE serverless logic tasks for third iteration of the tooling
Feature Request
- [KOGITO-7538] - gRPC enum behaviour
- [KOGITO-7612] - Implement gRPC streaming scenarios
- [KOGITO-7635] - Create assembly for data-index-service-inmemory
- [KOGITO-6344] - data-index crash - Graphql "List" issue
- [KOGITO-7330] - DataIndex crashes on start if process included multi-instance process
- [KOGITO-7461] - The current thread cannot be blocked exception with kafka start event and rest task
- [KOGITO-7618] - llegalAccessError: failed to access class org.kie.kogito.quarkus.conf.KogitoPersistenceRuntimeConfig$PersistenceType
- [KOGITO-7625] - Failed to start application (with profile prod): java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.jbpm.process.core.context.exception.ExceptionScope.<init>()
- [KOGITO-7642] - Invalid size for id and correlation_id fields in DDL scripts kogito-ddl
- [KOGITO-7677] - JUnitException: @BeforeEach method 'private void org.kie.kogito.process.impl.AbstractProcessInstanceTest.setup()' must not be private.
- [KOGITO-7685] - Kogito Builder cannot build from assets with Quarkus
- [KOGITO-7690] - InvalidSchemaException when registered a proto which has only one variable in the message
- [KOGITO-7694] - [KSW Guides] KN CLI generates project with different name and extensions than other options
- [KOGITO-7708] - A few missing references and attributes are missing from the guides
- [KOGITO-7712] - Kogito's getById API returning null values for Enum fields
- [KOGITO-7716] - quarkus-test-kafka-companion not available in Quarkus 2.7
- [KOGITO-7761] - Kogito SW Guides latest version are pointing to main branch
- [KOGITO-6760] - Integrating a custom Kogito service with Apache Kafka
- [KOGITO-6998] - [KSW-Guides] Instruct how to have different endpoint configuration profiles for OpenAPI calls
- [KOGITO-7267] - [KSW-Guides] Consuming and producing events on Knative Eventing
- [KOGITO-7269] - [KSW-Guides] Getting familiar with our tooling
- [KOGITO-7277] - [KSW-Guides] Building Workflow Images locally with KN CLI
- [KOGITO-7288] - [KSW-Guides] Event correlation with workflows
- [KOGITO-7290] - [KSW-Guides] Handling events on workflows
- [KOGITO-7299] - [KSW-Guides] Displaying workflow runtime data in serverless dashboards
- [KOGITO-7301] - [KSW-Guides] Persistence with PostgresSQL databases
- [KOGITO-7309] - [KSW-Guides] Integration tests with PostgreSQL
- [KOGITO-7611] - Remove test-utils from the SW examples and replace by Dev Services
- [KOGITO-7636] - [KSW-Guides] SW configuration properties guide
- [KOGITO-7860] - Fix the `stock-portfolio-service` name
- [KOGITO-7430] - [SW] Make kogito sw examples independent from parent pom
- [KOGITO-7610] - [KSW-Guides] - Add How-To use RHBQ and Kogito productized artifacts
- [KOGITO-7614] - Remove test and integration test modules from kogito-bom
- [KOGITO-7620] - Improve events consumption thread pools configs
- [KOGITO-7687] - [KSW-Guides] - Restructure the guides to fit downstream structure
- [KOGITO-7698] - Avoid warning for kogito.addon.messaging.incoming.defaultName
- [KOGITO-7744] - Move ENABLE_RH_MAVEN_REPO from maven module to prod module
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