Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.21.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-5963] - [SW] Jobs Addon based in Messaging / Kafka
  • [KOGITO-6970] - Add support for OAuth2 on Quarkus OpenAPI Extension


  • [KOGITO-1905] - Issue running process-timer-quarkus on native build
  • [KOGITO-1913] - Issue running process-timer-quarkus (and springboot) with persistence enabled
  • [KOGITO-6931] - SVG addon do not work in Windows when using any quarkus version >= 2.7.0.Final
  • [KOGITO-6944] - Random test failures in Outbox examples
  • [KOGITO-6966] - IllegalStateException: Recursive update
  • [KOGITO-6976] - ProcessTest Connection refused
  • [KOGITO-6989] - Kogito should be able to generate a proper quarkus image in not writable file systems
  • [KOGITO-6999] - Kogito is not publishing event to kogito-variables-events topic
  • [KOGITO-7039] - Native build errors related to processes and jobs reported by the kogito-apps-native-tls
  • [KOGITO-7042] - Native build failing on CI due to Java heap space


  • [KOGITO-6684] - Kogito images for supporting services should no longer download the runner jar from maven repository


  • [KOGITO-6061] - Kogito operator should not control replica count
  • [KOGITO-6948] - Remove s390x arch from rhpam and kogito in kogito-oprator
  • [KOGITO-6979] - Verify if jq package needs to be installed in an image in order to work with KSW
  • [KOGITO-7083] - BDD: Update Travel Agency scenario


  • [KOGITO-6352] - Uncategorized extensions on Quarkus Platform
  • [KOGITO-6773] - [KSW] dataInputSchema should be used as the input model for KSW services
  • [KOGITO-6905] - Review persistence modules to be independent of codegen
  • [KOGITO-6945] - Support URI for constants
  • [KOGITO-7061] - Increase test coverage in kogito-jq-expression
  • [KOGITO-7087] - Increase test coverage in kogito-jsonpath-expression

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