Release Notes - Debezium - Version 2.7.0.Beta2 - HTML format


  • [DBZ-7785] - Create REST extension tests and infrastructure
  • [DBZ-7823] - Introduce ROW_ID for OpenLogReplicator changes

Feature Request

  • [DBZ-7917] - Read-only incremental snapshots for PostgreSQL
  • [DBZ-7925] - Support truncation of byte arrays


  • [DBZ-7079] - Oracle property does not support length zero
  • [DBZ-7767] - Debezium Server cannot pass empty string to Kafka config
  • [DBZ-7813] - Unable To Exclude Column Using Configuration
  • [DBZ-7831] - Oracle connector failed to work when the table name contains single quote
  • [DBZ-7926] - Incorrect documentation for CE type
  • [DBZ-7931] - DDL statement couldn't be parsed
  • [DBZ-7933] - SQL Server default value resolution for TIME data types causes precision loss
  • [DBZ-7934] - Incorrect name of JMX Exporter k8s service
  • [DBZ-7935] - OlrNetworkClient does not disconnect when error occurs
  • [DBZ-7938] - Multiple ARRAY types in single table causing error
  • [DBZ-7982] - Nighly connect image emits egrep warning
  • [DBZ-7985] - System tests in the Operator module contain wrong images


  • [DBZ-7128] - Drop support for PostgreSQL 10 and 11
  • [DBZ-7936] - Test SqlServerConnectorIT#shouldStopRetriableRestartsAtConfiguredMaximumDuringStreaming is failing
  • [DBZ-7937] - Add exception details when engine fails to commit offset


  • [DBZ-7640] - Allow skipping of table row count in snapshot phase
  • [DBZ-7801] - Add heartbeat action query to SQL Server

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