Release Notes - Debezium - Version 1.9.2.Final - HTML format


  • [DBZ-3848] - Connector throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • [DBZ-4762] - Document no relevant tables should be in the SYS or SYSTEM tablespaces.
  • [DBZ-5006] - Unable to mine Oracle source table which have "/" in table names
  • [DBZ-5033] - SQL Server in multi-partition mode fails if a new database is added to an existing configuration
  • [DBZ-5037] - Debezium Server tarball 1.9.1 does not work
  • [DBZ-5054] - Mysql tests start before MySQL DB constainer is running
  • [DBZ-5058] - Debezium server configuration properties not rendered correctly


  • [DBZ-5005] - adjust LogMiner batch size based on comparison with currently used batch size

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