Release Notes - Debezium - Version 1.9.1.Final - HTML format


  • [DBZ-4570] - Simplify and clean up system testsuite job
  • [DBZ-4879] - Getting java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01291: missing logfile while running with archive log only
  • [DBZ-4932] - Debezium uses wrong LCR format for Oracle 12.1
  • [DBZ-4936] - Oracle duplicates on connector restart
  • [DBZ-4953] - Oracle truncate causes exception
  • [DBZ-4976] - NPE caused by
  • [DBZ-4978] - Oracle connector may throw NullPointerException when stopped after an unsuccessful startup
  • [DBZ-4979] - NPE for non-table related DDLs
  • [DBZ-4980] - CTE statements aren't parsed by MySQL connector
  • [DBZ-4983] - Unsupported MySQL Charsets during Snapshotting for fields with custom converter
  • [DBZ-4989] - Outbox Transform does not allow expanded payload with additional fields in the envelope
  • [DBZ-4993] - Redis Sink - clientSetname is taking place before auth
  • [DBZ-4994] - CLOB with single quotes causes parser exception
  • [DBZ-4996] - Oracle DDL parser fails on references_clause with no column list
  • [DBZ-5003] - Can't use 'local' database through mongos
  • [DBZ-5015] - Triggering Incremental Snapshot on MongoDB connector throws json parsing error
  • [DBZ-5019] - Redis Sink - Check if client is not null before closing it


  • [DBZ-4235] - QE jenkins jobs consolidation
  • [DBZ-4558] - Create trigger job for connector jobs
  • [DBZ-4917] - Read-only incremental snapshots blog post
  • [DBZ-4961] - Update Pulsar client version used by Debezium Server
  • [DBZ-4966] - Intermittent failure of RedisStreamIT.testRedisConnectionRetry
  • [DBZ-4987] - Debezium raised an exception and the task was still running
  • [DBZ-5025] - Nexus Staging Maven plugin is incompatible with OpenJDK 17
  • [DBZ-5028] - OracleOffsetContextTest should be scoped to LogMiner only
  • [DBZ-5029] - Scope several new Oracle tests to LogMiner only


  • [DBZ-4601] - Extract component preparation from test-suite job
  • [DBZ-4948] - Making Postgres `PSQLException: This connection has been closed.` retriable

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