Release Notes - Debezium - Version 0.9.3.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [DBZ-1082] - Add support for partial recovery from lost slot in postgres


  • [DBZ-1161] - Postgresql Snapshot with a table that has > 8192records hangs
  • [DBZ-1162] - HStores fail to Snapshot properly
  • [DBZ-1166] - NullPointerException When there are multiple tables in different schemas in the whitelist
  • [DBZ-1167] - Cannot set via docker entrypoint
  • [DBZ-1170] - Missing Oracle OCI library is not reported as error
  • [DBZ-1174] - RecordsStreamProducer forgets to convert commitTime from nanoseconds to microseconds
  • [DBZ-1177] - MongoDB Connector doesn't fail on invalid hosts configuration
  • [DBZ-1179] - Handle NPE errors when trying to create history topic against confluent cloud
  • [DBZ-1181] - The Postgres wal2json streaming and non-streaming decoders do not process empty events
  • [DBZ-1184] - Can't continue after snapshot is done
  • [DBZ-1185] - ParsingException for SERIAL keyword
  • [DBZ-1186] - STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES config cannot be parsed
  • [DBZ-1188] - MySQL Connector generates false alarm for empty password


  • [DBZ-1039] - Ensure no brace-less if() blocks are used in the code base
  • [DBZ-1192] - Align Oracle DDL parser code to use the same structure as MySQL


  • [DBZ-1169] - Support Outbox SMT as part of Debezium core

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