Release Notes - WildFly Core - Version 15.0.0.Beta1 - HTML format


  • [WFCORE-4583] - Add SecretKey manipulation operations to the credential-store resource
  • [WFCORE-4584] - Include the new wildfly-elytron-encryption module

Feature Request

  • [WFCORE-4291] - Restore legacy (not "graceful") startup mode
  • [WFCORE-4360] - Support encrypted expression resolution using a CredentialStore
  • [WFCORE-5261] - Ability to specify a configuration file for env variables where the location can also be configurable.


  • [WFCORE-4516] - Documentation says server-identities expressions should resolve to Base64 values, but only resolving to plain text works.
  • [WFCORE-5216] - EAP Pod fails to start when env JBOSS_MODULEPATH=${JBOSS_HOME}/modules:${HOME} is set
  • [WFCORE-5248] - TCCL should be set to logging custom-handler module
  • [WFCORE-5256] - Server does not resolve console-enabled attribute expression in http management interface
  • [WFCORE-5265] - The Elytron subsystem is missing rejecting transformer tests for EAP 7.3
  • [WFCORE-5268] - Web services support was added to version 9 of the model but is being accepted against older schemas.
  • [WFCORE-5269] - case-principal-tranformer ended up in version 12 of the model but is parsed against version 7 of the schema


  • [WFCORE-5225] - Bump the elytron subsystem management model and schema to the next version
  • [WFCORE-5246] - Bump the kernel management API version to 16.0.0 and the xsd to 16.0
  • [WFCORE-5292] - Remove Java EE References from the i18n strings

Component Upgrade


  • [WFCORE-2687] - Expose the current step operation's name and parameters via the OperationContext
  • [WFCORE-5252] - Log WARN if wildfly.config.url is set on the server.

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