Release Notes - WildFly - Version 28.0.1.Final - HTML format


  • [WFLY-17016] - todo-backend QS has outdated Readme instructions
  • [WFLY-17921] - Add missing org.jboss.vfs to RESTEasy Spring deployments
  • [WFLY-17947] - todo-backend Readme OpenShift instructions results in a non-functional QS app
  • [WFLY-17960] - LRA causes a failure in the ContextPropagationTestCase
  • [WFLY-18002] - ExpirationMetaData.isExpired() test does not conform to logic in LocalScheduler
  • [WFLY-18011] - Add java.base/ package to recommended client side JPMS settings
  • [WFLY-18012] - The JaxrsIntegrationProcessor should not attempt to get the RESTEasy configuration when not a REST deployment.


  • [WFLY-17949] - Improve quickstart CI with provisioned-server, openshift and bootable jar profiles

Component Upgrade

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