Release Notes - WildFly - Version 26.1.1.Final - HTML format


  • [WFLY-15998] - Session context returns wrong caller principal
  • [WFLY-16256] - Tracer Instance Leak in WildFlyClientTracingRegistrarProvider
  • [WFLY-16284] - Undertow - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.xnio.channels.Channels
  • [WFLY-16300] - Intermittent failures in StopFromDifferentNodeTestCase
  • [WFLY-16358] - It is not possible to set ssl-context for mod_cluster proxy
  • [WFLY-16371] - HotRodStore prone to false cache misses

Component Upgrade


  • [WFLY-16298] - Improve performance related to TimerServiceImpl#scheduledTimerFutures
  • [WFLY-16309] - Create H2 database server with -tcpAllowOthers option in tests

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