Feature Request
- [WFLY-13003] - Support the SameSite cookie attribute
- [WFLY-13162] - ConcurrentModificationException in WildFlyJobXmlResolver
- [WFLY-13264] - [19.0.x] Messages are being added to topic even if there are no subscribers
- [WFLY-13268] - MP Fault Tolerance quickstart cannot resolve dependencies with wildfly-microprofile BOM
- [WFLY-13271] - Some of the quickstarts do not use the correct WildFly version
- [WFLY-13304] - JwtActivationProcessor throws NPE when LoginConfig#realmName not declared
- [WFLY-13308] - wildfly-ejb-client-bom version incorrectly managed by wildfly parent
- [WFLY-13316] - MicroProfile OpenTracing integration requires scope request
- [WFLY-13333] - OpenAPI endpoint returns empty file if schema definition contains non ASCII character
- [WFLY-13334] - MP Opentracing tests are not passing with a Security Manager
- [WFLY-13405] - Update CommonDeploymentService in release.
- [WFLY-13318] - Add a "Smoke" JWT test case to use as a basis for further tests.
- [WFLY-13394] - Release org.jboss.universe.producer:wildfly-producers:1.1.3.Final
Component Upgrade
- [WFLY-12870] - Upgrade JBoss JSF API from 3.0.0.SP01 to 3.0.0.SP02
- [WFLY-13255] - Upgrade to Apache WSS4j 2.2.5
- [WFLY-13272] - Upgrade widfly-maven-plugin to 2.0.2.Final
- [WFLY-13288] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.3.9.SP08
- [WFLY-13326] - Upgrade RESTEasy to 3.11.2.Final
- [WFLY-13342] - Upgrade netty from 4.1.45.Final to 4.1.48 (resolves CVE-2020-11612)
- [WFLY-13380] - Upgrade dom4j from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
- [WFLY-13414] - Upgrade WildFly Core 11.1.1.Final
- [WFLY-13258] - Some MP Quickstarts use commons-logging
- [WFLY-13398] - MicroProfile OpenAPI Quickstart README.adoc missing attributes
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