- [WFLY-1227] - Correctly implement graceful shutdown for EE components including EJBs
- [WFLY-1260] - Remove workaround for shutting down the ModelControllerClientOperationHandlers
- [WFLY-2928] - Create test framework for testing the server core
- [WFLY-2930] - Split up test suite to allow individual components to be tested
- [WFLY-2931] - Split project into multiple repositories
- [WFLY-3486] - Make default session timeout configurable in the Undertow subsystem
- [WFLY-3768] - Implement graceful shutdown for MDB's
- [WFLY-3773] - Implement graceful shutdown for remote naming
Feature Request
- [WFLY-263] - JASPI Support for Web Services
- [WFLY-266] - Add Notification support to the domain management API
- [WFLY-305] - Implement mail inflow
- [WFLY-307] - Add ability to migrate timers between data stores
- [WFLY-320] - Allow jconsole to be launched as a modular application
- [WFLY-457] - Replace mod_cluster proxy-list attribute with list of outbound socket bindings
- [WFLY-1101] - XML format for EJB timers
- [WFLY-1172] - mechanism to load tag libraries from module
- [WFLY-1478] - Enable CORS on the server side
- [WFLY-1891] - HTTPSession sharing between wars delivered in an EAR
- [WFLY-1970] - Make mod_cluster status interval configurable
- [WFLY-2451] - Allow basic WS subsystem updates without requiring reload
- [WFLY-2741] - Single process management operation timeouts
- [WFLY-2770] - CDI Decorator should be enable on Websocket enpoint
- [WFLY-3055] - Ability to configure a prefix to the domain server launch command
- [WFLY-3058] - Expose data on actively executing management ops, with an op to cancel
- [WFLY-3102] - EJB in WAR should inherit WAR's security domain
- [WFLY-3128] - Implement CDI 1.2 bean discovery annotation changes
- [WFLY-3158] - @Model does not work
- [WFLY-3164] - Create customized Audit Logger
- [WFLY-3190] - Make it possible to use custom vault with CLI
- [WFLY-3196] - Confusing IllegalStateException: WELD-000340: A request must be associated with the context when mixing JSF/CDI
- [WFLY-3270] - Clustered support for HTTPSession sharing between wars delivered in an EAR
- [WFLY-3300] - Provide a way to change SSO session id cookie name. It is fixed to JSESSIONIDSSO now
- [WFLY-3305] - :deploy after :undeploy is broken
- [WFLY-3319] - Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 5.1.1.Final
- [WFLY-3337] - Server should limit number of workers based on available FD's
- [WFLY-3368] - Reverse proxy configuration should use outbound-socket-binding
- [WFLY-3371] - HttpManagement interface json.pretty=1 fails
- [WFLY-3387] - myfaces support : Handling PostConstruct annotations - wrong order
- [WFLY-3391] - Multipart handling broken when HttpServletRequest accessed by servlet filter
- [WFLY-3425] - missing persistence unit error unclear
- [WFLY-3482] - persistence unit should (always) be created after ClassFileTransformer is registered
- [WFLY-3485] - Refactor mod_cluster transformers and move transformations to its resources
- [WFLY-3494] - Inconsistent default values for max-entries and interval in model and XSD
- [WFLY-3497] - Allow the wildcard ejb name * to be used to set a global EJB transaction timeout
- [WFLY-3516] - New XMLNS for JSTL tags not recognized (
- [WFLY-3540] - Allow users to use web session clustering w/out batching
- [WFLY-3552] - Updated implementation of StrictMaxPool
- [WFLY-3581] - Remove EE Concurrency mandatory dependency on Transaction subsystem
- [WFLY-3607] - jsr356: OnError always called on page reload
- [WFLY-3614] - enhance patch command to display applied patch's description
- [WFLY-3648] - Improve logging in unhandled websocket exceptions
- [WFLY-3666] - component upgrade to Hibernate Validator 5.1.2.Final
- [WFLY-3672] - Add configuration to enable PeerNameResolvingHandler
- [WFLY-3674] - In non-transactional entity manager invocation, add extension to defer entity detach until persistence context is closed
- [WFLY-3697] - Custom http handlers support
- [WFLY-3704] - WebSocket Sessions must be manually closed
- [WFLY-3720] - Run clustering tests with ip_ttl=0
- [WFLY-794] - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: rmi:// thrown when creating MBeanServerConnection
- [WFLY-817] - Statefull session beans are not (always) properly destroyed/disposed
- [WFLY-827] - NullPointer @
- [WFLY-838] - Can't get implementing classname for JSR77 MBean
- [WFLY-915] - welcome content contains redhat properitary branding elements
- [WFLY-951] - It is not possible to enable AtomicActionExpiryScanner in EAP 6.x
- [WFLY-958] - There's no way to enforce security on an in-vm connection
- [WFLY-998] - run-as does not work for Servlet.init()
- [WFLY-1513] - remove operation on JMS queue/topic doesn't remove the destination but just unbinds from JNDI
- [WFLY-1948] - JMXPropertyEditorsTestCase fails on Solaris SPARC
- [WFLY-2551] - AS7.2 - JMX Datasource pool & jdbc statistics dissapear if you enable validation
- [WFLY-2608] - MDB not receiving messages from JMS queue.
- [WFLY-2669] - ConcurrentModificationException releasing JSF factories
- [WFLY-2789] - Remote client transaction timeout values are overwrote by hardcoded values
- [WFLY-2837] - "UT015005: Error invoking method requestDestroyed on listener class ..." on clean shutdown with session draining
- [WFLY-2964] - Missing i18n
- [WFLY-2999] - AJP connector request body stream is wrong mixed
- [WFLY-3022] - Make LogStoreResource's 'type' attribute read-only
- [WFLY-3040] - Missing modules
- [WFLY-3080] - Cygwin still error "JBAS015232"
- [WFLY-3090] - Administrative cancellation of management ops results in closed connections
- [WFLY-3091] - Cancellation of management ops does not properly propagate to server update tasks
- [WFLY-3104] - datasource created with console cannot be enabled
- [WFLY-3123] - Update Java EE APIs
- [WFLY-3138] - the cli exits after java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when I type a couple of specific commands.
- [WFLY-3144] - Session replication doesn't work as expected
- [WFLY-3180] - OOMs are still possible when using clustered web sessions/SFSBs w/passivation
- [WFLY-3255] - IllegalArgumentException occurs while accessing the handler information via JMX MBean?
- [WFLY-3260] - Fix WSTestCase
- [WFLY-3269] - XML parsing mandating the 'force' attribute on username-to-dn even though it has a default value.
- [WFLY-3280] - Thread locking problem when app server is going to shutdown
- [WFLY-3286] - AuditLogFieldsOfLogTestCase sometimes fails on OpenJDK due to AssertionError: [] expected:<1> but was:<0>
- [WFLY-3304] - RemoteDomainConnectionService.fetchDomainWideConfiguration() isn't properly implemented
- [WFLY-3310] - NavigationHandler initialization is not thread-safe
- [WFLY-3326] - IllegalArgumentException since upgrade to Weld 2.2.0.SP1
- [WFLY-3329] - EJBs with same Java class name not intercepted by CDI interceptors
- [WFLY-3338] - @Inject'ed JMSContext is not thread-safe
- [WFLY-3341] - fails on IBMJDK due to 'JPS executable not found'
- [WFLY-3343] - may produce confusing error messages
- [WFLY-3345] - Compilation error in clustering/web/infinispan w/ JDK 8u20 and Windows
- [WFLY-3347] - the recovery manager service is starting before the CMRResourceAdd is being processed
- [WFLY-3359] - Transferring an operation attachments to slaves may lead to an OOM
- [WFLY-3360] - NPE when the host-controller registration gets interrupted
- [WFLY-3361] - IBM JDK's XSL transformer behavior causes invalid config XMLs in some cases
- [WFLY-3365] - ClassLoader leak in org.jboss.el.cache.FactoryFinderCache
- [WFLY-3370] - 'max-redelivery-delay' is missing from the messaging schema
- [WFLY-3375] - The HornetQ address settings are not properly inherited
- [WFLY-3377] - Infinispan cache container statistics configuration does not propagate to caches
- [WFLY-3381] - Possible race between remote process' receipt of a cancellation request and its receipt of the initial request
- [WFLY-3382] - JDBC batch repository does not survive a reload operation
- [WFLY-3385] - when using jsp:include the jsp:param being encoded at the included jsp
- [WFLY-3394] - IBM JDK exclude profile in testsuite/integration/secman/pom.xml is not needed
- [WFLY-3396] - NPE in TimerResourceDefinition
- [WFLY-3400] - NullPointerException in JAASIdentityManagerImpl
- [WFLY-3401] - EJB StatefulTimeoutTestCase fails occasionally in CI environment
- [WFLY-3402] - Patch upload in console does not work
- [WFLY-3414] - moduleAlias should be optional in jboss-deployment-structure.xml
- [WFLY-3418] - deployed applications are not distributed to host controller(s)
- [WFLY-3421] - Rehashing on view change can result in premature session/ejb expiration
- [WFLY-3422] - VFSResourceLoader is creating too many code sources
- [WFLY-3423] - EJB timer create table code fails on postgresql
- [WFLY-3430] - Recurring Timers are called concurrently
- [WFLY-3435] - jboss-as-infinispan_1_X.xsd schema has incorrect default value for flush-lock-timeout in write-behind
- [WFLY-3439] - Websockets not working
- [WFLY-3448] - Session ID change with sub-directories using "/" context (virtual host)
- [WFLY-3456] - Can not call method with generic type parameter with null value
- [WFLY-3460] - Async servlet: HttpServletResponse.sendError() throws UT000048 if error page set
- [WFLY-3465] - Using Infinispan eviction manager can cause ConcurrentModificationException during web session access
- [WFLY-3468] - Managed server shutdown unexpectedly when timeout during connection request to HC
- [WFLY-3472] - JBOSS_HOME is not available in domain.conf
- [WFLY-3474] - NPE in HttpServletResponse.getHeaders
- [WFLY-3477] - For LDAP referrals we also need the option to the use referral connection for the group search for group to principal
- [WFLY-3478] - subnet-match is completely broken
- [WFLY-3479] - Inconsistencies in int/long in XSD and default values in Infinispan subsystem
- [WFLY-3487] - JNDI lookups should be executed in a clean access control context
- [WFLY-3490] - Websocket onClosed not called on idle timeout
- [WFLY-3493] - Messaging subsystem allows you to remove a destination even though it has an attached client
- [WFLY-3499] - POA_QUEUE_MAX is limited to 200 in EAP 5 a value of 500 was possible
- [WFLY-3507] - REGRESSION: JSP servlet cannot be mapped to different extensions
- [WFLY-3508] - exits with status code 0 when password complexity fails
- [WFLY-3514] - JASPIAuthenticationMechanism#authenticate installs secureResponse handler twice or more
- [WFLY-3517] - DeploymentMountProvider leaks thread pools
- [WFLY-3523] - welcome-file problem with servlet filter
- [WFLY-3530] - Upgrade Weld to 2.2.2.Final
- [WFLY-3533] - Some web/ejb externalizers are not loading properly
- [WFLY-3534] - Transaction is not being shared by different operations within the same thread
- [WFLY-3537] - Cookie “Expires” attribute points to a date in the past when Max-Age == 30 days
- [WFLY-3539] - Remove default JMS connection factory from EE default bindings subsystem configurations without JMS
- [WFLY-3541] - RemoteDomainConnectionService should not shut down the provided executor
- [WFLY-3543] - Definition of error pages in WEB-INF
- [WFLY-3554] - ejb-jar.xml interceptor-binding does not accept "*"
- [WFLY-3556] - Timer persistence and restore
- [WFLY-3566] - JMXSubsystemRemove is unsafe
- [WFLY-3568] - Not possible to use wrapped injectionTarget for some EE components
- [WFLY-3570] - I get NullPointerException when using ManagedScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate
- [WFLY-3578] - jboss-cli.bat always exits with return code 0 even after a cli failure
- [WFLY-3587] - Security domains without "infinispan" cache requires Infinispan
- [WFLY-3593] - Empty username login attempt with BASIC authentication throws Exception and blocks gui
- [WFLY-3610] - BeanValidationCdiIntegrationTestCase fails on non-English system
- [WFLY-3621] - Invalid behavior of FormAuthUnitTestCase testPostDataFormAuth causing it to pass even when it should fail
- [WFLY-3626] - JAASIdentityManagerImpl reauthenticates on verify(), CallerPrincipal mapping bug
- [WFLY-3627] - Unable to inject the intercepted bean to an interceptor of a session bean
- [WFLY-3652] - Network connection leak
- [WFLY-3662] - CLI: non-batchable commands appearing in control flow statements executed regardless of condition
- [WFLY-3691] - AuditProvider mentions "[Success]" even if username/password is invalid
- [WFLY-3695] - Distributed web session expiration ScheduledExecutorService leaks threads on undeploy
- [WFLY-3702] - RetryInvoker needs to be aware of transaction status
- [WFLY-3711] - Topology updates of EJBClient ClusterContexts not being processed correctly after failover
- [WFLY-3715] - Async servlets cause lock timeouts for distributable sessions
- [WFLY-3719] - Missing <uri> in the tld files causes NullPointerException during deployment on WildFly
- [WFLY-3722] - IOException: Broken pipe thrown when using RichFaces with Atmosphere 2.2.0
- [WFLY-3727] - Race condition during channel create vs start causing NPE on channel startup
- [WFLY-3732] - RaOperationUtil cannot handle unusual address formats
- [WFLY-3733] - ChannelInstanceResourceDefinition doesn't expose non-primitive fields and any of @ManagedAttribute methods
- [WFLY-3738] - Secured JavaEE appclient hangs on invalid login
- [WFLY-3744] - ServletContext.getContextPath() for ROOT.war should be "", not "/"
- [WFLY-3751] - JGroups UNICAST protocol cannot be used due to IAE
- [WFLY-3758] - Unable to run JSF applications deployed to "/"
- [WFLY-3765] - Runtime modifications in static files of exploded WARs of exploded EARs aren't reflected.
- [WFLY-3774] - CDI bean with StereoType is not injectable in implicit bean archive
- [WFLY-3779] - IllegalAccessException when a built-in normal-scoped bean defines a package-private no-arg constructor
- [WFLY-3784] - JMX remoting-connector dependency error
- [WFLY-3795] - NPE when adding Mail service
- [WFLY-3798] - undertow.xml contains wrong WildFly version
- [WFLY-3800] - Upgrade weld-core-impl to 2.2.4.Final
- [WFLY-3803] - Missing -jandex.jar libs with build using feature-pack
- [WFLY-3806] - org.jboss.metadata main needs to be restored
- [WFLY-3808] - PartitionPlan.getThreads() returning zero value causes batch job not be started
- [WFLY-3812] - Package-private access doesn't work since Weld 2.2.4
- [WFLY-3814] - Hostname in krb5.conf domain_realm section must not contain square brackets
- [WFLY-3819] - Fix PicketLink authentication workflow in SAML2KerberosAuthenticationTestCase
- [WFLY-3820] - Unable to invoke @PreDestroy annotated methods on
- [WFLY-3823] - Memory leak with EJB Timer service
- [WFLY-3831] - Securing EJB comunitication via SSL is failed
- [WFLY-3847] - AS7BindingRegistry does not respect the SPI contract
- [WFLY-3856] - ERROR: XNIO001007: A channel event listener threw an exception
- [WFLY-4147] - WildFly full feature pack references unresolved artifact
- [WFLY-4230] - Module org.infinispan.client.hotrod references non-existing module
- [WFLY-4354] - EJBs can't inherit a JDK8 default method
- [WFLY-575] - Remove WriteAttributeHandlers
- [WFLY-1242] - Use JBoss Logging for resource adapter LogWriter
- [WFLY-2864] - Update all loggers for new WildFly name and isolate by module
- [WFLY-2943] - Add version 3.0.0 of the domain management schema
- [WFLY-3010] - After authenticating using jaas in the security realms need to pull groups from the Subject
- [WFLY-3024] - Remove OperationContext.readModelForUpdate() or fix impl to not create resources
- [WFLY-3041] - Add additional packages to the sun.jdk that are expected to be available by JDBC drivers using Kerberos
- [WFLY-3081] - Redirect Forward port web subsystem1.6 xsd and parser from EAP 6.3
- [WFLY-3084] - make statistics-enabled for pool and jdbc stats in DataSources model attribute
- [WFLY-3141] - Change the ModuleMap to map Kerberos to the new JBoss Negotiation KerberosLoginModule
- [WFLY-3186] - Upgrade to Weld 2.2
- [WFLY-3244] - Porting of IJ 1.2 features
- [WFLY-3344] - Forward Port Schema Changes from WildFly 8 to WildFly 9
- [WFLY-3349] - Pull cosmetic schema changes from EAP to WildFly
- [WFLY-3358] - Mixed domain testing must use vanilla distributions
- [WFLY-3440] - Move Java EE API Deps out of JavaEEDependencyProcessor and into subsystem DUPS
- [WFLY-3480] - Bump logging subsystem schema from 2.0 to 3.0
- [WFLY-3495] - /subsystem=transactions/log-store=log-store type attribute should be read-only
- [WFLY-3520] - Remove maven from the source repo
- [WFLY-3531] - JPA persistence unit services should start completly before sub-deployments reach the next deployment phase
- [WFLY-3562] - Remove requirement for maintaining subsystem-test KnownVersions
- [WFLY-3575] - Parameterize subsystem version in xsite/jgroups testsuite xslt stylesheet
- [WFLY-3585] - Switch principal store from internal infinispan classes to custom concurrent LRU
- [WFLY-3601] - Upgrade Weld to 2.2.3.Final
- [WFLY-3788] - Upgrade org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient to 4.3.2
- [WFLY-3837] - Add tests for @RolesAllowed use if bean class has superclasses
Component Upgrade
- [WFLY-1006] - Upgrade XOM to 1.2.10
- [WFLY-2776] - Upgrade to JBossWS 4.3.0.Beta1
- [WFLY-2889] - Upgrade to JBossWS 4.3.0.Beta2
- [WFLY-3086] - Upgrade to JBossWS 4.3.0.CR2
- [WFLY-3121] - Upgrade to JBossWS 4.3.0.Final
- [WFLY-3143] - Upgrade to JBoss Negotiation 2.3.0.Beta1
- [WFLY-3182] - Upgrade to JBoss Negotiation 2.3.0.CR1
- [WFLY-3249] - Upgrade to JBoss Negotiation 2.3.0.Final
- [WFLY-3317] - Upgrade Weld to 2.2.0.SP2
- [WFLY-3354] - Upgrade Aesh to 0.33.12
- [WFLY-3356] - IronJacamar 1.2.0.Beta2
- [WFLY-3357] - Upgrade to JBoss NEgotiation 2.3.1.Final
- [WFLY-3372] - Upgrade JAXB to 2.2.7
- [WFLY-3399] - Upgrade to JBoss Negotiation 2.3.2.Final
- [WFLY-3403] - Upgrade to PicketBox 4.0.21.Beta3
- [WFLY-3427] - Upgrade Narayana to 5.0.2.Final
- [WFLY-3437] - Upgrade HAL to 2.2.8.Final
- [WFLY-3441] - Upgrade to JBoss Negotiation 2.3.3.Final
- [WFLY-3484] - Update JSF based on Mojarra 2.2.7
- [WFLY-3609] - Upgrade JBoss EL 3.0 API to 1.0.4.Final
- [WFLY-3629] - Upgrade Generic JMS RA to 1.0.6.Final
- [WFLY-3641] - Upgrade httpcomponents to 4.2.6
- [WFLY-3658] - Upgrade HornetQ to 2.4.3.Final
- [WFLY-3728] - Upgrade JGroups to 3.4.5.Final
- [WFLY-3735] - Update JSF based on Mojarra 2.2.8
- [WFLY-3743] - Upgrade to JBoss Negotiation 2.3.4.Final
- [WFLY-3746] - Upgrade JavaMail from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
- [WFLY-3750] - Upgrade to Apache CXF 2.7.12
- [WFLY-3777] - Upgrade mod_cluster to 1.3.1.Alpha2
- [WFLY-3790] - Upgrade to JBossWS 5.0.0.Beta1, Apache CXF 3.0.1, Apache WSS4J 2.0.1, Apache Santuario 2.0.1
- [WFLY-4381] - Update JBeret to 1.1.0.Beta1
- [WFLY-2764] - clean up use of deprecated description in messaging subsystem
- [WFLY-2879] - Remove duplicated code from test cases where custom modules are needed
- [WFLY-2968] - Allow configuration of default IOR settings in jacorb subsystem
- [WFLY-2994] - Improve messaging connector param resources
- [WFLY-3169] - Add local JMX notifications for management resources
- [WFLY-3175] - Create non-clustered implementations of org.wildfly.clustering.api services
- [WFLY-3284] - Update add-user to support non-interactive mode without a console without being silent
- [WFLY-3301] - JPA subsystem should check explicitely for java:comp/DefaultDataSource
- [WFLY-3366] - Include version number in resteasy-spring jar
- [WFLY-3373] - Add support to startup parameters in init.d scripts
- [WFLY-3392] - Make the test suite more robust for DomainDeployWithRuntimeNameTestCase
- [WFLY-3447] - Support vaulted attribute in MDB activation config property
- [WFLY-3475] - Support vaulted properties for JMSContext annotation
- [WFLY-3496] - Support vaulted properties for JMS definition annotation
- [WFLY-3535] - Implicitly add org.apache.cxf module to deployments with JAX-WS endpoints
- [WFLY-3551] - Bean Validation Subsystem
- [WFLY-3613] - Domain management API does not expose JTS orphans from the transaction object store
- [WFLY-3656] - use chained transformers for messaging subsystem
- [WFLY-3675] - Remove mod_cluster ContextHost and Proxy classes and use resolveModelAttribute() instead
- [WFLY-3692] - Update testsuite xslt scripts to be version independent
- [WFLY-3717] - TldParsingDeploymentProcessor.parseTLD does not attach root cause
- [WFLY-3754] - EJB StatefulSessionComponentInstance methodMap includes final Object methods
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