Release Notes - Drools - Version 7.65.0.Final - HTML format


  • [DROOLS-6739] - Inaccurate alert about duplicate rule name after copying rule
  • [DROOLS-6770] - Quote Escaped add when converting guided decision table to XLS
  • [DROOLS-6772] - Impact Analysis : fails to handle global
  • [DROOLS-6797] - UnsupportedOperationException when different package rules from DRL and RF
  • [DROOLS-6800] - Fix PackageInMultipleResourcesTest to cleanup FakeDRFAssemblerService


  • [DROOLS-6736] - Add kie-server docs for container alias


  • [DROOLS-6583] - Impact Analysis: Kogito DRL syntax
  • [DROOLS-6786] - Handle the case where a class is not found in JSONMarshaller$CustomObjectDeserializer

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