Feature Request
- [AESH-168] - Filelister should support home (~/) and *
- [AESH-175] - AeshConsole should provide a way to specify current working directory
- [AESH-179] - Export command
- [AESH-169] - Search do not work in ViMode
- [AESH-170] - CommandValidator should not be called if any option with overrideRequires is set
- [AESH-172] - History is not displayed correctly
- [AESH-167] - Rewrite input parser
- [AESH-171] - Aesh should be able to resolve file paths correctly
- [AESH-173] - Æsh need some matrix eye candy!
- [AESH-174] - Provide a api to programatically execute commands
- [AESH-176] - AeshCompletor need a provider similar to Commands
- [AESH-177] - Converter needs a provider
- [AESH-178] - Validator needs a provider
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