Feature Request
- [WELD-2258] - Allow to affect the ordering when iterating over javax.enterprise.inject.Instance
- [WELD-2404] - Investigate why InjectionTarget created for a MDB does not support @AroundConstruct and @AroundInvoke interception
- [WELD-2426] - Weld SE API - create convenient methods to specify SE-specific properties
- [WELD-2427] - WeldInstance - consider adding a select() method which accepts java.lang.reflect.Type
- [WELD-2414] - Interceptor for generic method with generic implementation is not invoked
- [WELD-2421] - weld-osgi-bundle has missing export for org.jboss.weld.proxy
- [WELD-2425] - Correct the way Weld chooses proxy packages for signed classes
- [WELD-2430] - EJB no-interface view, non-public method behaviour
- [WELD-2432] - Probe request results in NPE if a bean class which not an alternative/interceptor/decorator is annotated with javax.annotation.Priority
- [WELD-2434] - Jetty integration documentation incorrect
- [WELD-2429] - Ensure that RI beans behave correctly even if initializeAfterBeanDiscovery() is not called
- [WELD-2431] - Remove Probe demo link from docs
- [WELD-2436] - Move InterceptorMethodHandler.INTERCEPTOR_BINDINGS_KEY to API
- [WELD-2440] - Document WeldEvent and WeldInstance
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